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Reaping Edition

A thread about vtubers growing to gigantic sizes (or shrinking others), and having tons of fun!

Previous: >>86167427
So, the /beeg/ news.
1. Mori have won in AZ poll, so she will get the next size animation. Kronii is already finished, just has no sound (this is why the Reaping Edition)

2. Smoc (Kaiju Vtuber) is streaming right now and is testing out her new ankle tracker. So if you love some giant feet - do check her out: https://www.twitch.tv/smoctane
Posting this early so it has proper sound.
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Her setup seems pretty decent with the building destruction.
Is this how Size VRChat is like? Never been to one.
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1 million subs
What's your favourite size for the big boobed clock?
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>this town ain't big enough for... one of us
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>most prolific Sana artist right now doesn't draw size
Shame, but still nice she gets art
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is there anyone even close to her?
In terms of size in your pic? Rookie numbers.
In terms of blantant fetish pandering? Some Vexoria clips, but not this much
Smoc just at the Earth, but what's her "canon" size? Surely she can get on the list
Mistle? She hasn't drawn Sana size art in a long time.
Neh, i ment

Close to half his posts are various Sanas and he's actively drawing her
>blantant fetish pandering

when you stream size VR rampages every single fucking day, for 3-5 hours, while receiving no money from it, it is not pandering, it is a real deal
I just used the phrase to mean obvious size fetish content.
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I check those streams whenever they're posted here and noticed she had around 100 viewers today, while last week i noticed only around 60.
Did she doble in live views over a week, or did i catch a slow stream last time?
She got raided by someone. And those raiders stayed.
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Official Vtuber height power ranking:
Miilkywayz measured in lightyears (at least over 9,5 trillion km)
Darknesss La + max height 12 billion km
Sana 1,697,840 km
Hime Hajime 26,5km
Nyanners 1,6 km
Vexoria 914m
Korone 156 m
Jira Jisaki 143 m
Elira Pendora (dragon) 14,32 m
Kiryu Coco (dragon) 7m
BasedaPoya 6m
Spite 274 cm
Nihume 248 cm
Juna Unagl 213 cm
Buffpup (werewolf) 205 cm
Makina Erina 190 cm
Kson 189 cm
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Would it not have sound if you posted it later?
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I want to be this rat's snack...
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Based ritualposter
Do you guys care about the girls being "out of character" when big?
Would you be a full meal or just a light snack?
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One gets a growth power, other gets a shrink power.
Who gets what?
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Fuwawa the evil twin gets growth of course.
Poor Mococo
I'm sure Bea will revert their powers from time to time
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In character makes the scenario hotter but I don't mind if they're slightly off
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Big enough, I guess.
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huge Mococo, getting backseated by a tiny Fuwawa on her shoulder
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Someone was posting them without the correct filename in previous threads.
That's a big rat
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Speaking of reversing.
Sana would become smol
Fauna would become Mori
Mumei would become Fauna
But wtf would revers time powers do?
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Perfectly still order
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>revers Kronii's thing is stoping time altogether
>she sits on you and decides to mess around by stoping time to make it last longer
>she's not immune to her own anti-power
>you being under her is now forever
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Damnit, now that you've proposed the idea I realize I do too
Others aren't realy size related, but i like the idea of Bae messing with Sana by switching growth and shrinking around
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I would legitimately marry Hollewdz
can i switch with kiara, op
i want to sleep
really hope that hourglass has airholes
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There you go Anon
Afraid you'll run out of time?
Truly one in a million
I like to believe she's always rodent sized and just shrinks people/cities extra small
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