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You'd figure they'd strike while the iron is hot since ID3 absolutely exceeded their expectations.
EN imploded precisely because they did that
>niji tactics
>EN imploded
And other things vshojotards tell themselves to cope.
Kobo doesn't stream often enough to steal viewership
We're talking about Hololive, not Niji.
kaela is the outlier no one in ID even comes close
>no plan past myth
>gura's success forces them to find a new gen + a vsinger because why not
>forced, 0 preparation, omega going above everyone's heads
>EN stagnates for 2 years
All of ID gained massive amounts of viewers after ID3. They all mog Kson. Imagine telling someone ID would mog kson in 2021. They'd call you insane and a chink.
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I ain't reading your fanfiction.
no argument = i win and you lose
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I don't really care only Kaela matters.
I rather not rush the hiring. Compared to EN, the ID hiring team seems to know what they are doing so I'll give them time.
I don't know, but HoloID shutting down is more likely than ID4 debuting.
Maybe the rest of ID should put in at least a third of Kaela's effort and be worth a damn
Yeah she’s an outlier because she leeches off the EN girls. She has more collabs with them than the ID girls.
Lmao, maybe Holostars EN
SEA should be banned from all Vtuber activities as the viewer and Vtuber's themselves.
i want the new debuts are shorts spammer.
we need that 10M subs chuuba
>Unprompted kson
Get the fuck outta here
their country imploded so they called it off
The reason why ID4 haven't debuted yet is because ID is in a silent crisis. they don't bring in money (not because the fans are devoted, but because indonesia's currency is extremely weak), their talents make shit decisions, and their fans are stretched out so a new gen will only cannibalize talents from older gens.
is already halfway out the door for years and they're planning to graduate together if even one of them leaves
the most washed talent in hololive for being gaudy and pro-homo
>reine and anya
doesnt care about boosting their numbers. plays the most debuff games they can think of, likely out of spite.
the best GFE voice and model and in the company but doesn't do anything with it, also likely out of spite
penetrates the sphere of mainstream ID youtubers but her audience doesn't pay
the mika melatika of hololive. she really only survived because she made more friends with EN than other IDs.

there are only 2 ways for holoID to expand into ID4 right now:
>Introduce another generation of kaelas (panders hard to english viewers that defeats the point of debuting under ID)
>Or introduce someone who could actually fill in the GFE niche (that many IDs are against since they're pro-homo and anti-GFE)
Either of these things will upset the older members and may push them to quit. Either way most indonesian fans right now would rather watch EN or JP since ID is stagnating.
>EN imploded precisely because they did that
EN also nearly imploded because they waited too long to release new members.
>the mika melatika of hololive
ok nijifag
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When they become profitable
Zeta killed her momentum homocollabing with axel, she even got shipped with him until it ended when Axel did a 180-turn to nodoka.
Man, JPs really don't care about homos.
>Zeta killed her momentum
>Somehow able to lives in Japan
zeta swore off GFE even before the homos debuted and still do now.
The chart is an argument, retard.
The chart provides a detailed breakdown of YouTube Live viewership data for various VTuber groups and independent streamers, using total watch time (総視聴時間) for September 2024. Here’s an analysis based on the information presented:

Hololive's Clear Dominance: The chart shows a much larger portion of total watch time dedicated to Hololive talents. Key figures such as Sakura Miko, Shirogane Noel, and Houshou Marine appear to individually command significant watch time. In contrast, Nijisanji's talents, though numerous, do not have any single standout performer that can rival the top Hololive members in terms of viewership. This could suggest that Nijisanji lacks breakout stars with the same level of influence or consistent drawing power as Hololive's top creators.

Independent VTubers Outperforming: The presence of a relatively large segment for independent VTubers highlights that even without agency support, some creators manage to attract more attention than many Nijisanji talents. This may raise concerns about Nijisanji's ability to effectively promote its talents, as independents with fewer resources are still pulling in significant numbers.

Lower Growth Potential: Hololive's robust share and expansion into English and Holostars indicates strategic foresight, contributing to their massive growth. In contrast, Nijisanji, despite being one of the older agencies, may appear stagnant by comparison, showing less aggressive international expansion or innovation. This might make Nijisanji seem less agile in adapting to new trends, which is crucial in an increasingly competitive environment.

Generalized Talent Pool: Hololive's clear sectioning by star power and language groups (Japanese, English, etc.) shows a well-structured talent distribution. In contrast, Nijisanji's orange block lacks similar organization, suggesting that the talents might not be as distinctly branded or promoted. This can result in a muddled identity, making it harder for audiences to connect with individual personalities.

In conclusion, Nijisanji appears to be underperforming compared to Hololive and even independent creators, which could indicate strategic weaknesses in talent promotion, international reach, and brand management. While still a significant player, it risks losing momentum in the face of Hololive's dominance and the rising popularity of independent VTubers.
>somehow unable to conjugate English verbs correctly.
KEK this is the best possible use of ChatGPT
They should massage Kaela's back for carrying the entire branch.
Isn't it cause ID3 proved ID was a shit market? Kaela makes bank, but because she's a pseudo EN. Kobo is huge amongst the indo audience, but they don't buy shit.
>Kiara 3rd highest EN supa earner, implying she's gone the Flare route of having a relatively small but extremely dedicated fanbase
>Kaela at almost double the closest ID, showing the difference getting even a small number of EN gachis makes
>The doggos at the top if you discount graduation-buff Aqua, showing the value of being able to appeal to both JP and EN without alienating either
That's a really interesting chart.

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