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All Aboard Edition

A thread for everyone's favorite jumping mouse vtuber, Dooby. Keep a lookout for new activity around October 20?! Train-bound roingus enthusiasts, teamates, and gators are welcome. Like, subscribe, and follow her socials linked below to keep updated.


>Affiliated Threads

Previous station: >>86708666
>Highlight Reel
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*investigates your desert mouse*

I wouldn’t have known the date to look forward to, thanks anon
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Welcome aboard, investigator! Here's a boarding pass.
maybe /train/ could work too. Lots of ideas for a thread name.
Though it'd probably set up a bunch of "omg they run a train on her" so maybe not.
How long do you think my it'll take until she starts spamming online fps?
How long do you think it'll take until she streams less than once per week?
actually, nevermind.
/hic/ is the only good option.
Mostly because it pisses off the catalog threadshitters
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I'm not too worried about it. It's a temporary measure until the less accepting members of this community come to terms with discussing Dooby in continuity with the hololive talent she used to be.

Think of this as a safe space to discuss updates for the affiliated vtuber operating until recently as Amelia Watson because no one seems to care if that discussion is separate from the actual Watson general. I've baked this thread and kept it simple, but encourage someone else to respectfully continue it later on with whatever prefix they want (as long as it's not just /dooby/).

I miss her, teamates, and wish we'd spent more time together. But we will see our oshi again soon enough, huh?
Had to look into it to understand OP, but the moonrunes on her bio say "it's a jerboa" since that's the name of the leggy mouse! I think it's a good way to keep us investigatin', but also cute to have a nice station to meet up at no matter its name!
Original baker here. I made the first thread to prove a point but i'm impressed you not only kept up with it, but also baked another one.
I do hope that you're keeping the thread as a temporary measure until the 20th to respect awat's wishes on the matter.
/jump/ was also suggested
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doob the roingus

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The Bubbles reveal. Incredible beast.
>respect awat's wishes on the matter
The guys who think they run that thread are actually mentally ill and no uninterrupted discussion can happen there. It's been made clear not only by their screeching but by how moderation policy is enforced there at the moment. Don't really care what the terminally online awat posters think. If they keep reporting discussion of Dooby into oblivion then there's no point in trying to discuss our oshi there.
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You could tell she was super into deadlock and played a lot on her own time. So that will probably get spammed a lot until she's gets hardstuck gold
Honestly can’t wait for her to play whatever she wants whenever she wants. If it’s all Overwatch or CS or whatever she’s currently fascinated with then that’s awesome.

I remember one night a while back she ended her YouTube stream early and then I suddenly got a twitch notification that Watson was live. Played Counter-Strike unarchived there for like 3 hours.

That’s gonna be cool for Dooby. Just grooving in her game.
I don't know why this rename bothers me more than other pet renames. I'll probably get used to it.
i think they are all in here unless you're talking about a stream i missed too: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBDhSsv7g3TP2Rhr9-I8lrnQ
It won't take long to adjust. You'll be fine.
Honestly I think it's nice to have a face to the name, though. Bubbles is cute.
Also I used to have a dog named Bubba as a kid, so it was very confusing to me.
I love saying’ Bubba, but to learn his full name is Bubbles is so cute. It just feels like we’re getting the talent more genuinely now.
She called him Bubba as Sachi too, bubbles is most likely the fake name
Or Bubba has always been short for Bubbles and we are getting his full given name
Doki's dog's name is actually Doki, but she calls him DAD (Doki Amber Doge) so it's less confusing. The dog's real name doesn't matter on stream as long as it's consistent. Just embrace Bubbles. Bubba is a memory of a time long past.
>it's nice to have a face to the name
also wellington -> roswell
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Happy Jerboaween/Ameween!
nice, she will debut in time for halloween. was afraid we would miss it this year
Eeeee cuuuuute!
anyone know if peo knows about dooby yet? seems hard for an ESL to find her.
Peo is following Dooby so im sure she is aware.
Yeah. It’d be cool if she had something for Halloween. Always fun. But, ya know, if she doesn’t make it then it’s sort of whatever. I have no expectations other than occasional entertainment.
Peo is to pure for this hellworld.

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