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>Blops 2 Electric RySaboo



>Promise Mini series
>ME and my bean wifeRyS
>Jet tag
>BD Merch


>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs

>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread
Report all "irys" posters, numberfags, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
*sip* Ah...
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Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you're not a loser for playing those games
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collab beggars...
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I love IRyS!
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Wow who knew?
I knew there would be one
this guy and wrnxe exposed themselves as not watching streams today
she's going to despise it and set off the khive
Oh did they? I wasn’t paying attention if they said something weird
she's trying to postpone the traumadump
I have thought before about how I'd tell IRyS I have a terminal illness, but without trauma dumping. Like, I don't want her to think I disappeared because I didn't want to watch her anymore.
I want her to know it's because I'm dead and that's the only thing that could stop me from watching her.
Well i'm not gonna SC again to raise the mood I gotta pee
She would know by you not showing up anymore, retard.
maybe send a letter?
cover might filter those out though
i think it would be better to just fade out of chat over a few months
less stress and worry for her
Yeah, but there's a chance she would think, "oh, I guess he doesn't like me anymore", which would never be true.
She wouldn't notice at all if I stopped watching
How many years have you been a member? She's not stupid.
Based and same
She answers my chats so much I think she would notice..She uses mine a lot when she's reaching for words and it's really cute
she's an iphone user
Koianon, she's seen your pokemon dance animation even if she won't like or repost it.
she would just think you left
better for her than thinking you died when there's nothing she could do for you
She haven't read my messages in months... She hates me...
No wonder she sounds stupid a lot of times, she's copying you!
Good point, let me rephrase that. She does possess some modicum of intelligence even if it is not that great it's still there.
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Lucky guess
>I won’t be streaming for too long
>6 hours already
I love my wife
She was also only going to read the reds too
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Just got back from the fattest of shits (pic related). Last I knew she was speeding through SCs, so I assume he stream ended at least half an hour ago.
under 2 hours of SC reading is a fast pace
>Blue SC
You retard now I have to send a yellow for that..
Okay but IRyS hates me the most and it isn’t even close.
I'm sure I played that game on the PS3. I think it was good.
hi herfattits how things been?
trips of true
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collab beggars btfo
>will join management slop forced collabs
>won't join her fiend's collab
why the fuck is she like this
Flare invited her to collab?
I am the last stream watching SCer...
On the one hand I do like it when she joins collabs because it's very rare she does anything outside of the usual groups. But on the other hand we just had EN Reco and GTA and I'd like some solo streams with SC reading for a bit.
She doesn't want to join because it's not JP. She definitely won't join ENReco if it wasn't required.
>fiend's collab
she just explained why
watch streams
She already said all this: >>86729887
we hate fiends here
Are ye deaf? She was socially worn out.
How would you recharge IRyS's social battery?
Mori is a fiend you’re definitely right about that
I know that but they didn't apparently
Me too.
I didn't SC today, I didn't have anything interesting to say.
I actually also missed her mentioning it.
By locking her up without internet
by making her goom her brains out multiple times
i dont think she directly addressed 7 days to die did she?
Of course you fucking retards are giving (You)s to the most obvious bait possible.

Yeah, pretty much. It's why these kinds of events should be spaced out better so that the members don't feel burned out.
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Do we?
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Have you tried being interesting?
Nah, I’m still here. I wanted to send a SC to support her decision today but I’m kinda on the edge after paying my internet bills
I hope she actually do solo streams in place of skipping those box games
Not directly, but she didn't need to since its collabs in general that have worn her out, especially week long ones that we've had for the past fortnight.
>she didn't directly say no
of course the collab beggars use the homobeggars' first line of defense
Hnng, that's my Goddess.
what do ants smell like?
that's a demon not a fiend
im not a beggar im glad she's skipping this
just saying that she didn't say she wasn't joining this specific event
lemme check
7 days to die is a trash game anyway.
Actually based Jap SC
You're the fiend for not letting me have my stupid joke.
Read between the lines, that much was obvious. If she wasn't socially drained by them then maybe things would be different.

At least they've got their answer now though.
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Ok, but answer this
where would Sally look for the ball?
then the math checks out
I need to date Manechan
How long do you think the girls know about these events? You really think Mori just fucking asked them to do it one day before announcing it?
Manechan is sworn to chaste.
it sounds like she is a nerd
Sally will look for the ball in the box
if you answer the basket, you need to look harder
I did read between the lines, I'm not a beggar. You're being so aggressive for nothing.

If she doesn't directly say it then retards like angeling will keep wondering and begging, by saying it out loud they shut the fuck up
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i kidnapped it for attention
It's just that:
1. She's been saying recently that she's burnt out on RP and big events.
2. An RP/big event comes up immediately after.
3. ???
Put the clues together.
see >>86730488
I didn't mean you, sorry.
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>if I'm retarded nobody else has to be
Thank you brave retard
IRyS OPs my PP
Strong is an understatement. It has almost 50% of use rate in these early unofficial tournaments because for some fucking reason they made Mumei a Pot of Greed.
I imagine it went something like "Hey, I'm doing a thing (3 weeks away), wanna join?"
"You mean right after ENReco and GTA? Maybe put it off?"
"Nah, definitely pushing it when everyone's worn out."
I should tweet about IRyS more to get ego searched by her
yeah me
how do i buy holotcg stuff
the site goes to japanese when i click shop
a pot of greed that can then thin the deck even more by tutoring into more pot of greeds or more tutors
it all sold out instantly
Did mori get mogged by IRyS at something again
Wrong thread, faggot. We love IRyS here and support her when she's drained from too much social stimulation.
Was wondering when the squirmbeat would have a melty. kek this is gold
>i summon IRYS
>i have sex with her
>i end my turn
That Cheebs has been falling so long she must be approaching relativistic speeds. I feel bad for whatever she lands on.
I do agree that Mori should've delayed it for a bit but she was probably planning it for October because of the obvious connection and we don't know if the other girls would've been available to play at a later date.

One of the Mooms picks a card directly from the deck. It's only once per duel but this kind of effect is enough to make decks insanely consistent.
they changed the berry smoothie recipe and it isn't as good anymore...
it's one of them days when her energy is nowhere to be, nowhere to be found
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look at this faggot trying to bait
>I summon Kronii who reverts time to before this happens
>have sex withIRyS and Kronii, then send Kronii back on her way
>end my turn
Turns out you just had the Larry smoothie.
fuck that's a good strat
i like both of them too
well played anon
Only the Sora&AZKi starter deck is available, though IRyS does have a card in there. Anything else you'll have to get 3rd party somewhere. Her birthday merch next year will probably include an IRyS card with the new birthday art. IRyS herself only has 4 cards in the current booster set, 2 basic cards, the mousepad art, and some extra art. Nothing too special like Suisei and Kiara's signed cards or the Pokemon styled full art cards.
>please, cum
It twitched again when she said that. You need to stop IRyS <3
>thank you so much for cumming~
That Cheesecake Factory? Me.
>ywn enjoy 2 for $25 entrees at a lame chain restaurant with IRyS
>Craving American food
>but not burgers
Burger bros...
I miss her
She will never eat a burger on-stream
A devastating blow dealt to the guy who wants the burger eating stream...
i doubt she has ever tried real American bbq.
she grew up in the west coast right?
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Nope, my fingers were in my ears. Never happened.
she grew up in the westest coast
same, I have literally never used the chat.
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IRyS doko...
i miss iwys...
What a great suggestion. I should jerk off to this again.
that explains it, they couldn't make good food to save their lives, she needs to come to the main land
I wanted to play a video game. IRyS streamed forever. As soon as IRyS stops streaming my cat comes and lays on my arm so I can't do anything. Also I should go to bed.
Life is pain.
My cat only wants me for food
you should return the favor and eat out your cat
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Same, my cat is insatiable.
just kidding, that is my wife, not my cat, we simply roleplay with one another
Nerissa has a burger eating stream.
I saw it. Nerissa is not IRyS, though.
Don’t give half a shit if it’s not IRyS. Go shill somewhere else, jailbird
>not gonna uber
>she's gonna go out and eat after the stream
that's new
I miss her… but fucking hell her food talk made me hungry again lol
I ate when she started super chats, that was when I got up. I want to eat again too now…
she wants all you can eat shabushabu she had an entire tangent about it
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is bunny a prompt again
She never said she’s going out tho. She was just yapping about chains that aren’t in JP. She’s too lazy to go out for food since she discovered uber
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Sex with IRyS
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You are replying to a schizo
>Hurry up and get off already
IRyS, cute and sexy <333
IRyS turning Mason into a sidechick/10
As she just stands there.
FPSRyS my beloved/10
cunnyRyS my eternal beloved/10
hype for the stuff she’s cooking/10
it's been years since i last saw a getto post
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a succubus sandwich
if you thought IRyS was really emotional during BO2 than wait until she sees this scene when she plays thru IW
I think she'll probably cry
What are you idiots waiting for, go buy the IRyS plush. I'd buy it solely to get the IRyS bean on top.
that's a pretty immersive scene
IW is fucking underrated.
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Good news! You can still watch it from the select few countries.
Does this site even have a North Korean Internet connection to test or is it just assuming?
hail Assad
I assumed it's just based on youtube policies.
I could try using my Syrian VPN to check if it's legit.
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i'm gonna snitch you to Mossad
It's not the VOD, I'm still technically "watching the stream" using client-side DVR feature. Until youtube pulls the plug on it.
I am now Cuban
is this real
I'm surprised that is still working, that's definitely a bug on their end, usually the streaming chunks start returning HTTP/403 Forbidden once a stream has been blocked.
So did anyone archive the stream before it got killed?
God bless anon, any chance you can give me a (you) when you got it uploaded?
funny black ops 2 would be about cubans after youtube recommended me a video about the mysterious sound weapon used on diplomats in cuba
>IRyS says she just wants to shoot things
>chooses CoD SP campaign
She should've just played D44M, honestly.
I forgot that was actually a thing. Is that what all the stuff about the numbers and "What did they do to him?" is a reference to?
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Oh no, they got 'em...
that reminds me there's a new doom game coming in 2025, there are no other game releases I'm excited about
there's no hard-boiled blood pumping bromance in Doom
I think haydoomguy is right up her alley
don't think so, that's more MKultra-y, irl the sound just gives you a life changing concussion if it doesn't kill you
>the sound
It's microwave. Some specific frequency/mode/whatever, which is being focused by human ear in a manner similar to soundwaves. Basically it microwaves your inner ear.

Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:01b7a15d577912e0eeecba62a63c7cc35ef9ddae&xt=urn:btmh:122006c45cedf92e0bf3103a933a336f0e266d2bca9c82486d7f9a26eef3f24982c2&dn=%E3%80%90CoD_%20BLACK%20OPS%20II%E3%80%91The%20Numbers%21%21%20They%20Keep%20Haunting%20Me-k4HK-78wKmo.mp4&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3A451%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker-udp.gbitt.info%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=https%3A%2F%2Ftracker.gbitt.info%3A443%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.gbitt.info%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.0x7c0.com%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopentracker.io%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fmoonburrow.club%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexplodie.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=https%3A%2F%2Ftracker.tamersunion.org%3A443%2Fannounce&tr=https%3A%2F%2Ftracker.renfei.net%3A443%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.renfei.net%3A8080%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker2.dler.org%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.tryhackx.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.dler.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.bittor.pw%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.theoks.net%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.moeking.me%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fretracker01-msk-virt.corbina.net%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fp4p.arenabg.com%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fmovies.zsw.ca%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.ipv6tracker.org%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fuploads.gamecoast.net%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.u-p.pw%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fnew-line.net%3A6969%2Fannounce&ws=https://yabai.rs/dl/%E3%80%90CoD_%20BLACK%20OPS%20II%E3%80%91The%20Numbers%21%21%20They%20Keep%20Haunting%20Me-k4HK-78wKmo.mp4
that's what I get for watching these in the background, I forgot the microwave part
No, it's just that the nature of the weapon used in those attacks was not clear at first, and sound weapons were not ruled out. Maybe you watched an early video. But there's been some investigations done since then, and it's all but confirmed now that it was some sort of focused microwave radiation.
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God bless anon
does this mean IRyS would never give bjs
yeah this was the video and he does talk about microwaves
IRyS never puts out
Oh yeah, I watched this the other day too. I hate the editing on this, too bombastic, too sensational. Reminds me of that Johnny Harris guy, he was 100% a stong influence on that channel.
I checked what else they got and apparently there a glitter "conspiracy"? What in the fuck? Why? How? It's just glitter, who gives a shit.
Really sounds like some bs zoomers though up. I feel so out of touch, so old...
you're definitely old, good editing on a video is one of the weirdest things to get mad about esl
>CIA Doesn't Want You to Know About
Yeah, that sounds like clickbait.
Here's a better source
>mainstream media gobbledigook
is this thread full of boomers
yeah, me
Whippersnappers OUT!
jwu, did IRyS say what and when her next stream will be?
Mori collab Sunday
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nude alt now
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thats a cheeb
>I hope the stream doesn't get blocked because of this
>I hope it's not copyrighted music
Damn, the auto-saves in this game are garbage.
I need her butt on my face
IRyS sweaty unsocked foot in her leather boot on a hot summers day
>Fell asleep half-way in (around Salazar's betrayal part)
>JWU and the vid is gone
It will come back, right...? Look like the other half of the stream including SC reading is pretty fun too judging by the archive
Let's stop sexualizing IRyS.
I'm allowed to sexualise my wife, everyone else can stop though.
IRyS will congratulate Kronii for her 1 million subs
With sex
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I love Promise and IRyS.
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Probably, but an anon also archived it >>86733886
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For what purpose?
Even if we all magically stopped, it wouldn't prevent her from doing it herself, intentionally or unintentionally.
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Oh, hey, it works from Syria.
Unlike IRyS' game lol.
I wonder who owns the rights to those 5 seconds of music in Syria?
>he thinks copyright laws have any weight in 3rd world countries
Some sheikh could make a lot of money if it did
IRyS should suck on my pp
>be me come from work and miss my oshi collabs
>be redirected to irys
>15 minutes into the stream my dick is rock hard
>masturbate twice to her playing black ops 2 of all thing.
Is your oshi this powerful
How is being sexually aroused to a woman is gay. Are you gay?
It took you 15 minutes, you're either gay or have penis problems.
So you're the type who start jacking off during porn intro instead of building it up for a better orgasm? Oof sucks to be you
I can go for a long time sometimes and IRyS is a Goddess.
There was no soon was there
Also she didn't breathe a word about kiara's 3d so probably not in it?
This is correct IRyS should not be lewded
splatoon soon with elfussy
Flare is sick retard
wasn't it dead?
Flare is literally dying…
I jwu...
No new content but they're gonna rerun old splatfests and big run.
so much for that
Hakos has some announcement later this month and there's speculum it might be the promise show
This would vibe with nobody actually remembering when the anniversary is
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No one cares about promise anon.
Cover does. It's one fewer anniversary 3D live to record. Lord only knows what they are doing with all that time now
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Man, I love Promise!
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Was wondering why I couldn't find a chef hat, turns out it's called a cock hat
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shitheadtomos we love promise
wait there's a new doom game next year?
Is it confirmed to be Promise live? She scheduled her anniversary at October and it might be it.
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fucking chefRyS on the counter
good image koianon
Are those cums?
Why was IRyS having a hard time decided about the yabaIRyS badge for 3 or 4 years? Her logic is that if we get it now we lose it in a year, but if we get it on year 4 we still fucking lose it in a year for year 5, it doesn't matter either way
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You did it Kronii. Congratulations on 1,000,000 cum shots!!!
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Stop sexualizing Kronii!!
>Can't sexualise IRyS
>Can't sexualise Kronii
Who can I sex?
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Flares kinda ugly lookin desu
I think she's pretty cute
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you're one to talk you fat fuck
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You sound eager ;)
vod is back
concert erased
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Cums are very versatile
>>86756769 (me)
omg her reaction is adorable i missed it
could someone post the part that got cut?
The vod change messed up all the timestamps I was looking for
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Check the uncut archive:
I'm guessing she cut this bit though:

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