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According to Kson she makes 700k USD a year, despite being a 3 view. Why do a bunch of phase girls live with their parents and need a second job to make ends meet? Most of them get way more views than Kson?
Is phase a black company? Is Sakana ripping them off?
who cares
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According to the archives (You) make way too many retarded catalog bait posts, despite supposedly knowing better. Why do a bunch of retards live with their parents and need /vt/ to make their lives meaningful? Most of them get more (You)s than (You)?
Are (You) a retard? Should (You) kys?
What kson says may not be true, but that doesn't mean she is struggling. I doubt it is 100k monthly her viewership tanked hard. And corpo chuubas are definitely ripped off
I am not a fan of kson. Ugly, annoying voice, glasses, raunchy sense of humor. What's the appeal? No idea. I like Tenma
Kson was awesome when she was Coco. She's boring now.
have ever thought "hey, maybe that's just her ego talking" and stop being a gullible faggot? someone who make 700k wouldn't guilt anyone for leaving her
kys numbercuck
>700k a year
Nah. That’s literal corpo or CEO salary. Doubtful.
kys 3 times
You really think Kson would do that? Just go on TV and lie?
kson's fans are adults in their 30s, mainly from japan and taiwan
phasefags are filipino dramateens
have ever thought she isn't guilt and you only think that because english bad?
Oh you tourist Coco was the #1 earner in hololive despite having mediocre ccv she had major paypigs
Bruh, glasses are versatile. Up to you on the other stuff
I wish she could eat with "your likes".
Tenma has a salaried job involving translation.
Streaming is basically a past time for her.
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>Holofags on the Holoboard confused how much vtubers make despite their company having 400 salaried employees and a massive war chest that can last a decade paid by taking half of their ~50 talent's income
>700K Yen
Lol that's poverty tier. Maybe 700k a month is semi-livable.
>vshojo is a bigger brand, probably gets much more from merch sales and sponsorships
>vshojo has bigger cuts for talents (including 100% of stream revenue IIRC)
>super established with a ton of whalea
>streams on both YT and Twitch so probably gets some double dipping from people with a twitch sub and youtube membership
>is a hag, probably is less retarded financially than many of the phase members since they are menhera zoomer girls
Yeah she's making 700,000 k yen a year not dollars. Not even gura is making this type of money
Tenma doesn't NEED a second job, she wants to retire from everything at 40.
Did you saw Kson bank statements? Gosh this vshitshow tards eat everything these fleshtube whores tell them. What’s next, the crippled donated some money or froot is the victim?
700k yen is more likely
>probably is less retarded financially
She bought a $9000 bed
that's a pretty sound investment for an insomniac whose time is very valuable
Not really. You can get $200 beds that are just as good.
Nigger she means from all sources. She gets paid to go to conventions and meet ups plus, merch sells and sponsored events. There are 3 views that can make close to 100k just from ad revenue and sponsored streams. Plus she still has her pay pigs.
>Plus she still has her pay pigs.
Anon her SC income isn't high enough anymore to get tracked on the monthly leaderboard.
Yeah I'm sure all her 3 paypigs can muster at least 100k yen a month for her, it'd be pretty sad otherwise
The op doesn't say Yen, it says USD.
Lol ksonkek trying to make his slut oshi sounds successful. Look man 2024 kson ain't making no dammed 700k dollars are a year you're smoking crack.
every source of income you posted is determined by popularity of most mundane streams, she may or may not earn that much, but she will earn significantly less couse her popularity is fading
there are alternatives to sc
because she got a ton of corporate sponsorships, has a ton of whales and gets tons of direct gifts from fans
Phase will never get corporate sponsorships, only delivered fan gifts after 2 years now and doesnt have many whales
uh all the shitposting aside, why does she need a knife for a meeting? what is her job? independent contractor sushi chef?
She is dualstreaming btw.
I guess a lot of numbermonkeys leave that out.
>Direct gifts
>Corporate sponsorship
You just know she gives vacuum blowjobs , deepthroats and swallows ever last drop.
She's going to fillet Sakana.
needed to protect herself on a japanese train probably
nah she's not in the idol industry
Cope chinkchong
All shitposting aside, kson has a bunch of revenue sources. Also Views do not translate well into money on YouTube, because CPM is usually bad. (You need consistently hit over 100k views daily to consider YouTube full time).

Kson's hardcore fanbase (the ones that subscribe, buy merch, etc.) are still there. And that's where the money is.
For example look at the revenue distribution of Hololive and Nijisanji. The majority of their revenue comes from merch and events. These do not target the thousands of people that watch them, but rather only small fraction of hardcore fans.
Kson's business model is the same.

The difficult part to discuss about this, is that we cannot see the actual metrics that matter. (Which is also why /#/ is pretty pointless, when it comes to measuring financial success.)

There actually was a interesting string some months ago by kson, where she talks about different VTuber revenue streams and how there are small VTubers that probably make more than some corpos even though they do not have many views.
Retards still don't understand how much money popular streamers make especially without corpo cuts.
Please link her on the MONTHLY SC leaderboard.
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I've never really found her attractive or endearing to begin with even as Coco, (ok maybe a few times I jerked to a Coco animation) but for some reason I really want her to do JAV so I can see her hit rock bottom. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way.
You have no fucking idea how this industry works.
Fuck off newfag
>Is phase a black company?
No, it's just that having vtuber antis as your supporters doesn't pay the bills.
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Because Phase Connect is a small company, with around 30 streamers, but still can't beat HoloID or the destroyed NijiEN, they are also barely above holostars EN.

I'm sure you think they are big because of the astonishing amount of shitposter and shills from the phase connect discords that keep posting here in /vt/, but in reality they are a small no name corpo.

Just a loud minority of schizos and simps
God I hope she does porn soon. She's getting old.
Sorry bro but she has no parental issues, settle for the soft porn that nijis and phase sell.
>Asked to provide proof
>I don't have any but trust me bro.
Being small has nothing to do with it, it's because most phasecucks don't actually financially support their oshis and Sakana takes a big cut of their earnings.
I've seen Kson's ass and those porn stars might talk her into trying it.
>least obvious samfag Zhang
But, it's a big part of it, most of those views and subscribers are from Pippa, the 27 other streamers from Phase Connect are literally whos
the scenes leaderboard shows that hololive members mostly make like $5k a month after cover's take. do you think that's correct?
You don't even know English, aren't you so stupid that you don't have basic reading comprehension?
>Doesn't want to see kson get DP'd by her porn actress friends wearing strapons
Are you gay?
What are you talking about. Kiara and FWMC make 150k minimum.
She bought one once. And she roasted herself for it for months.
I'm asking you to provide proof kekson is making 700k usd a year. You're the one deflecting from the question.
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Impossible, picrel is 1 min ad every 4 mins of watching, 900 average view. Where's that number came from??
she said 100 million yen. 700k is in USD.

Gura might not actually make as much as her due to bigger cut from Hololive. Who really knows.
Where do you think that $11M Vshojo got in same year they got her is going?
She signed multiple year contract and $700k per year is her salary.
Coco is a proven brand ambassador while Phasenigs are brand risks
>You even know English, (aren't) you so stupid
Why is it that everytime somebody here accuses someone being esl it happens to be sea themselves doing it?
If that's true the private investors should immediately sue vshojo form ignoring their fiduciary duties because they're never getting that money back.
Shes not gonna do porn or gravure, shes not that confident in herself
dumb fuck she makes money from all the cons shes a guest on and events shes participated in also we all know kson has crazy mid life crisis ojisan oilers shes also in the next yakuza game for the 3rd time
kson runs 3 or more jobs herself working for sega and vshojo on top of vtubing

tenma just has 2 jobs
I hope you know that you are dumb and stupid
And I'm the one defending Kson here. I'm the original baitposter from months ago.
Proof: The original article said 100 million yen ~ 690k USD. At the time of my baitpost I exchanged it into 700k, and it's actually 673k USD atm due to how fast the yen dropped.
700k yen in usd is 4,714.88
Why you lie?
Trying too hard
Here is the last thread that already played this topic out, filled with numbercuck seething. A repeat thread is cancer and OP should kill themselves.
Anyone that replies after this will have their mother die in her sleep tonight.
why cant you use brain.... Kson went on live TV, talked about earning 100 million yen a year, which was 700k USD at the time of the interview

It's 673k USD now just one month later because holy shit does the yen sucks
If she does, it says a lot about our society.
You could simply Google it retard or is that a foreign concept to you so long it fills the gaps in your headcanon
Post this TV interview?
this is such a weird cope, you really think out of under 1k people they barely donate but they buy merch? lmao
The yen been plummeting for about 8 months now the fuck you're talking about last month.
Kson is full of shit and so are you. If kson was making that much mikeneko would still be working there.
I am literally telling you that the income the big vtubers don't come from SC.
It's something that's been known for years just ask /#/.
And he keeps asking for SC income as proof of how much money is made.
If he doesn't know English or is retarded, what other explanation is there?
it's on TV so no archive but here's 5 different articles about it read them to your heart content
All of them referenced the 100 million yen because it's good clickbait
yeah and she is financially retarded for buying it
It's reasonable to assume her sales dropped as much as her SC and ad income. So that means she was making hundreds of billions of dollars worth of merch sales while in hololive.
oof I promised 5 articles but only posted 3 so here's 2 more

Of course she can lie, or made a mistake between income and revenue. But the stated amount is 100 million yen (673k USD in today rate) and honestly she isn't spending money to lose much on costs. Do ya see her holding tournaments or shitting out music/cover?
Pretty sure this current thread was made by a holofag trying to bait both ksonfags and phasefags.
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scs decrease when there are other things for fans to spend their money on. hololive nearly completely fell off of the sc list they used to dominate but you don't see anyone doomposting about the company dying. they have merch now.
Lol, even with that, there is no way for her to make 700k/y, unless she gets royalty from Ryu ga Gotoku, which is unlikely.
Why do keksonfags always imply she gets paid massive amounts of cash for appearing in the game.
She won a contest that was meant for porn stars. I highly doubt the pornstars that were featured in previous games are set for life and making millions.
That last Tenma post is all you need to know about phasetards, they don't even watch their own vtubers despite never shutting up about them.
IIRC her job involves translation, she translates at least 5 different languages but won't tell which to avoid doxxing herself.
The reason she was the top earner is that she was the only en-speaking Holo during the vtuber boom, she basically had en-market all to herself. The landscape is very different now.
why do kson antis not understand basic english
She barely spoke English
>Speaking English
She ain't fucking you or your incel smelly dick.
It's the voice that bothers me. I remember watching a vlog she did where, when she was in public talking with someone, she used her real voice for a second. I had to rewind because it sounded so different and so much better.
I consider companies a scam but tbdesu Tenma's gives 50% of her income to her mom. Couldn't find the screenshot of the stream. iirc she also accidentally leaked that her cut is 50%. Forget if it was the same stream or not.
what's with this completely nonsensical response
Lmao you think Kson makes like $5000 a year?
The zhangs are really hurt that kson is making good money.
Something that specific can only be projection
Anon, she might not make 700k this year, but last year - easily. She still makes a lot with big sponsorships like Tenga and whatnot. She is still in very high demand with various events worldwide, she does promotional sponsored streams regularly, buys very expensive gunplas all the time and does unboxing streams where you can actually see just how much stuff her fans send her among other things. Who knows she could make even more than 700k this year with the amount of new merch that comes out and stuff despite her lower CCV.
Kson does way more than just vtuber
anon, that'd require watching streams to know.
People see tenga ads in a bait thread and think she's desperate for money lolw.
kson was making probably several million a year when she was a holo, literally biggest fucking SC raker in the fucking company alongside rushia. this is very different comparing to phase girls who never ever had a peak even 1/100th as much as she was pulling as Coco. numbers don't always translate to income, rushia was never one of the top CCV girls of holo (decent at best, usually high 4view, sometimes 5 view for minecraft or something) yet made much more money than everyone else there besides coco. hell coco actually was like mid-4view even as a holo for most of her random long-ass zatsus.
retard investment is not a loan
Most vtubers have a normal day job
Why do you keep trying to single phase out for this?
This is like the third thread I’ve seen trying to push this
>Gura might not actually make as much as her due to bigger cut from Hololive.
Delusional. Even if we take 50-50 split (which is the worst case and we know it doesn't apply to most sources), the face of EN vtubing backed by the power of Hololive brand simply can not make less than a washed 3 view.
>She still makes a lot with big sponsorships like Tenga and whatnot. She is still in very high demand with various events worldwide, she does promotional sponsored streams regularly
Anon, for all of that to be generating revenue, it requires the talent to have a lot of fans. A 2-view, a 3-view and a 5-view get paid very differently when it comes to sponsorships and events.
It's really simple, the size of your fanbase is what dictates your income as a content creator, and viewership is a measure for it.
Because kson is big enough to make money from merch and sponsorships. Those to are where the real money is in streaming. superchats and subs are peanuts compared to merch. How many smallcorpos have their own nendroid? Their own Funko Pop? Their own face in a AAA game like Yakuza? Once you reach a certain size, it doesn't matter what you get from streams or even if you keep a 4view. Your real revenue makers become the silent majority fans that don't even watch streams.
Tenmas ranting about stuff like this is relateable, Kson being a dumb bitch is not.
Most of their money come from her their Taiwanese simps. She goes there like 4 times a year.
Her fanbase extends FAR beyond that of her regular viewership, anon. Everyone knows about her, many people who never watch her streams buy her merch out of respect they have for her past achievements. Kson is an established, recognizable brand in vtubing. Her streams just not for everyone, she plays literal shit games, part 648 of arc or monhun, gunpla and chatting and fleshstreams (which are getting way better views btw). She takes it very easy in her little corner. Her legacy is bigger than herself atm and it pays good.
I used to watch lots of Phase Connect and to be honest I never saw many people donating or even subbing to the channels either. Despite high viewership their fanbase aren't the kind to throw money at them. It's like Gura in Hololive, despite having the highest viewership in HoloEn she usually makes the least amount of money.

Compared to someone like Ironmouse, who in a good month could make north of a $1,000,000.00. In 1 month. Yes. She is filthy rich.
So china money? That's even lower than the yen but she's making 700k usd according to kekson fans
What, with her 90% gifted subs?
vtubers who join a corp shouldn't have to have a second job to pay the bills, if they do then it's a failure of the corp. heavenlyfather averages 500ccv a stream and he left his very cushy tech day job to do it full time on just that. so if a corpo vtuber with more than that amount can't survive then what the fuck is the benefit of being in a corp? if this is normal for phase girls then phase is a leech on them
I saw once someone sent her a pearl necklace like legit pearl with documents that comes with it, that shit a lone cost 20k$. Her gachis are rich ojisans not the otaku type
Taiwan is not China.
China's currency is the yuan and Taiwan's is the Taiwanese dollar which is superior.
this kinda reminds me of drake bell. The pedo from Drake & Josh. Before he was outed as pedo, he was a failed singer/child actor in the US.
But for some reason he's really fucking popular in Spain and always get his concert fully sold out in there.
It's easy to forget other countries exists.
Lets do the calc. She hangs around 1k ccv so lets generously assume that 70% are diehard Kson fans who buy everything and superchat 10000¥ once a month and also buy 1000 bits a month
> that would be 700 × 10000¥ = 7000000 ¥ but YT tax = 4900000 = 32904$ (no vshojo cut)
> 700× 1000bits = 700000 bits but twitch tax = 350000 bits = 31781$ (no vshojo cut)
>assume they all have the highest monethly yt member ship thus 700 × 10$ = 7000$ (no vshojo cut)
>assume they all buy all merch 700 × 14500¥ - 30% (manufacturing) × 2 (birthday + Anniversary) = 14210000¥ = 95406$ but since it's only annual we distribute that across 12 months and therefore 7950$ (no vshojo cut)
>various handshake (lets say 4) and meet events lets say max 100 and price is 30000¥ × 4 - 20% (to set up) = 9600000¥ = 64454$ but devide it accross 12 months = 5317$ monthly
>lets say she does 1 con appreance every month and she gets 5k USD for it (i refuse to believe they pay more than 5000$ for her)
> add random merch and random sponsorship add 5000k each month
>that would bring up her monthly total to ~95k$ monthly
Now that aint all too bad but it's far from 700k$ monthly and i dont know what is the vshojo cut. It does go over 700$k annually (1.14M), however, she also has management expenses, 3d expenses and various other expenses that are also not calculated in
Taiwan belongs to China.
>>add random merch and random sponsorship add 5000k each month
I mean 5k not 5000k
>but it's far from 700k$ monthly
That's her yearly income and with your calculation she would earn more.
Yes but it is a generous calc
It's basic geography, the only ones I've seen have serious problems with it are those in the USA.
Like you who confuse Spain with Mexico.
Nigga are not even from the same continent....
if a washed 3view makes this much just imagine how much they're making in hololive
>how much hololive is making
fixed it
It is because by your calculation she would earn over a million dollar each year and not the ~700k $ she reported.
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I don't think you have any idea how much Kson makes in a year. comparing her to hardworking phase chubas is unfair.
Because she is not a slave to a black corpo like hololive
Yeah but i started by saying it is a generous calc due to saying that there is 700 diehard kson fans that donate 10k yen and 100bits monthly which inflates the number a lot. If you change it to 50% instead of 70%, it becomes ~839k
>I am literally telling you that the income the big vtubers don't come from SC.
we know but
where does Kshit have merch?
where does Kshit have sponsorship
where does Kshit have corpo events?
she makes 700k trust me bro
are you retarded or something which low IQ shithole nation are you from ?
Literally look 3 posts above yours, retard.
And that's just a small sample.
How $100 less after cover takes its share.
I am sorry that kshit mog you and your oshi together.
Thread summary:
>Kson: I'm making 100 million yen a year.
>KsonAnti:NO! It's impossible for kson to make that amount because his SC and CCV is low and those are the only ways vtubers make money.
>Kson: but anon i am kson....
>KsonAnti: well you should know your own income better.
it's 700k a year not a month....
People from both side can't fucking read
you'd see all of them if you have eyes and can use google
>People from both side can't fucking read
I have no bone in this case. I dont even know what sides there are + i did actually mention annually aswell. I even stated that this is a generous calculation and even made a less, but still fairly, generous calculation >>86747798 .
Tenma doing v-tubing as a hobby, if you watch streams instead of shitposting on /vt/ you would know that.
She made up that number in reaction to veibae and nyanners leaving due to shit contracts
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kson is not just anyone. she was a top hololive jp, she "founded" vshojo japan, she has a foot in almost every vtuber dramas, she has a lot of connections in the entertainment industry (not only vtubing), she knows the old timers from nico nico douga, she was turned into a character in the yakuza video game series, ... you can't compare her to your usual three views.
Yeah, I'm not sure why she's lying either.
Why would someone do that? And for a male collaber.
she's making 700k
sure thing retard
I can make 700k a year just grifting? Wtf, why do I shitpost for free..
Just take the personal merch which has 2 drops annually. Lets assume there is 1000 limited sets, 200GJ limited sets, 600 non-limited through the Holoshop and 150 GJ non-limited (total of 1950 (which is for a middle of the pack Holo-mem, no Pekora, Miko, Gura, etc.))sets get sold. 2 merch drops annually. Lets assume GJ gets 5%. Merch split of 70/30 (talent/cover) after manufacturing costs. Average limited set = 120$, average non-limited set 100$. Lets set manufacturing cost as 25%.
>(1000 × 120$ + (200 × 120$ × 0.95 (GJ)) + 600 × 100$ + (150 × 100$ × 0.95 (GJ))) × 0.75 (manufacturing) × 0.7 (cover cut) × 2 (birthday + Anniversary
Thats, ~227k annually for 2 merch drops. And then divided over 12 months is just 18k per month for 2 merch drops. Even if you chance cover's cut to 50/50 instead of 70/30 that's still 13k monthly or 162k annually
Because they arnt collecting those nice phat royalties for voice acting in a pop culture hit video game anon
>Even if you chance cover's
*Even if you change cover's cut
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Her fans are married people with real jobs fulfilled lives. Unicorns and GFEtards are broke and jobless.
And with this i'd also like to remind you that multiple holomem including Kiara, Mori, Bae, Ame, Fuwamoco and Ina (2x) are known to have bought properties.
>Average limited set = 120$, average non-limited set 100$.
They are the same price.
>Coco was the #1 earner in hololive
No she wasn't.
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not him but this is the super chats for the year of 2021. koko was only active for six months of that year ( retired on july 1st) and yet was almost on par with rushia.
Aren't Cover renumerations around 500k a year per talent on average?
How does a 3view outearn that?
And superchats have never been where they made most of their money. She was never the top earner.
you can't really compare kson to other 3views because she's an established brand, she has the merch sales and sponsor pull of a mid 4view
then share the numbers with us.
>Coco was the most superchatted vtuber on the planet
>people cant believe she kept her money and her skills to monetize herself after she left

Are you guys delusional?
If she was the top earner she would have got way more sponsorships while in hololive but she didn't. She was like Rushia who you mistakenly also call a "top earner". You also like to interchange "top earner" with "most popular" or something similar.
Ehhh, the limited sets i have bought are on average more expensive. Maybe also due to the merch package itself. However, it dont change a lot if you take both and change it all, both limited and normal, to 110. It would become 223k annually for 2 merchdrops with the 70/30, still ~18k monthly; 159k annually with 50/50 split
Incredibly SEA post. My screen started to emit a ridiculous stench after reading it.
>no numbers

you argumentation is based on nothing but suppositions. i don't believe you.
>Maybe also due to the merch package itself.
Literally what are you talking about? The limited set is the same price. It's the same fucking merchandise packaged in the exact same way.
So you're unironically claiming that other incomes do not exist until there's numbers posted.
Kson probably has money in stocks giving dividends
I think you're disconnected yourself from what i said. I have bought limited merch sets and normal merch sets. On average in my personal experience, the limited merch sets have been more expensive. However, what i added is that the items of the limited sets i have bought, may be more expensive than the items from the normal sets i have bought.
You're making no sense. There's no differently priced limited sets and normal sets.
other incomes may exist but are not quantifiable
Other income correlates with popularity. You try to claim that SCs equal popularity.
we are not talking about popularity but revenues (starting from here >>86734678)
We both know how you talk about Coco and Rushia in other threads. They have never been the top earners because the only money they ever brought in were super chats.
Retardchama. Can you actually read? Botan's merch set is 18150¥ on the Holoshop now. Mr.Koro's set is 10450¥ on the Holoshop now. On average i have bought more limited merch sets that are expensive like Botan's and cheaper non-limited merch sets like how Mr.Koro's is cheaper, which is why the discreptancy in price of limited set/non-limited set was skewed.
>They are the same price
Okay that taken into account made the calculation with both 110$ USD in >>86752155 where it really did not make a huge difference. So what are you currently nagging about?
She's one of the rare cases of a person I started to dislike purely because of her fans. Putting someone on a golden pedestal is retarded, and spamming Zhang ching chong ni hao to any criticism is Nijisister levels of delusion.
>They have never been the top earners because the only money they ever brought in were super chats.
do you have any kind of data to sustain that claim?

>you talk about Coco and Rushia in other threads
yeah 150k, before youtube's cut, then cover's, then taxes
They make way more than that after YT's, Cover's and manufacturer/GJ cut. But then taxes
>Botan's merch set is 18150¥ on the Holoshop now. Mr.Koro's set is 10450¥
>more limited merch sets that are expensive like Botan's
Why the fuck are you comparing two different sets? Botan's isn't even limited.
>it really did not make a huge difference
It doesn't matter if it's huge or not. There's NO difference and you trying to "calculate" sales of "limited" sets when you don't seem to even know what the fuck is limited and what isn't makes everything you say worthless.
I already told you that earnings correlate with popularity.
Anon, you gotta realize that even Zeta was able to move to Japan and that Roboco has bought property
Kson probably makes 200k a year, pretty decent for a 3 view.
Vshojo pays her 500k a year to stay associated with their brand as they are desperate for any crumb of relevance
>70/30 (talent/cover)
kek in what world
>>more limited merch sets that are expensive like Botan's
>Why the fuck are you comparing two different sets? Botan's isn't even limited.
So you really cant read and just take everything out of context? I gave two examples over why, based on my personal experience, the original calculation was separated.
>There's NO difference and you trying to "calculate" sales of "limited" sets when you don't seem to even know what the fuck is limited and what isn't makes everything you say worthless.
So you completely ignore my recalculation where i did use the same price for limited and normal and used 110$ for both? Learn how to read anonchama
Your "personal experience" has proven to be factually incorrect when you claimed that there's a pricing difference.
>So you completely ignore my recalculation
I will ignore everything as long as you keep spouting retarded shit.
Several Holomem have said that with non-management mandated merch, like anniversary merch and birthday, they have to invest part of it themselves and they get the more favorable split too.
>Your "personal experience" has proven to be factually incorrect when you claimed that there's a pricing difference.
And I am man enough where I had admitted that incorrectness already, unlike you. You need to be atleast 18 to post /here/
ok so vshojo is poor and irrelevant or powerful and with infinite money
make up your mind sperg
But you didn't admit that you were incorrect. You kept saying that it's your personal experience and pulled out Botan's and Korone's prices for no reason at all.
>According to Kson
>But you didn't admit that you were incorrect
See >86752947
>which is why the discreptancy in price of limited set/non-limited set was skewed.
Do you know what it means "to be skewed"? Or did you not read anything?
They get 12 million in venture capital a couple years ago the same year they got Kson and later not-Rushia.
Using that money to buy the two biggest superchat queens from The Hololive is a great pitch to start your supposed expansion into the Japanese market, and coincided with an advertising campaign which lead into...well nothing. But still it probably looked like progress to whomever they needed to impress.
You never admitted that you were incorrect.
Part of the $700k is the Vshojo contract she signed to even join. Like they got $11 million and have nothing to show for it
More like 700k yen.
>Several Holomem have said that with non-management mandated merch, like anniversary merch and birthday, they have to invest part of it themselves and they get the more favorable split too.
merch they made themselves, did u see all those shit, that ain't a Kson's original dumbass
GSC etc
Theres something a bit sus abou this. Will silvervale leave vshojo if she even earns half of that?
Maybe she got special bonuses because she was the founder of vshojo jp.
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About the 50/50 Cover split
>Revenue: 6,416 MM JPY
>Streaming/Content Revenue: 2,034 MM JPY
>Performer remuneration: 993 MM JPY
That would imply that they get no money from merch.
Leaving Vshojo isn't a big risk since you get to keep everything you worked for and she immediately joined Mythic with an exclusive contract which seems pretty competitive with what Vshojo offers for the most part besides management and clout.
They get more from their personal merch than they get from streaming.
I don't think you can judge anything from a graph that's a simplified visualization to make it easy to present the most important numbers to investors.
The graph clearly shows that they don't get 50/50 from anything because the actual revenue generated by them is 6416 and they only get 993 from all of that.
For them to get 50/50 from anything there has to be a load of revenue that they get no cuts from.
why the hell is kson ccv so low anyway
I'd have assumed more tatsus would have stuck with her no matter what
its mainly a lie. Reality is when she flesh streams she gets a shit ton of viewers still, people just dont give a shit about her Vtuber model and wanna see skin on skin coomer shit with her JAV tier friends.
Nobody stays popular forever. It is what it is.
I'm basing what I see from sullygnome and hololyzer.
Her average is 600-900
Flesh streams are a buff yeah but only up to low 4view, her ceiling is like 2k
Redditors are not loyal fans. And because she's not consistent with her streaming location and how much she speaks japanese or english.
How much is "a shit ton of viewers" in this case?
>JAV tier friends
You mean NotHolos?
Is obviously just income and not expenses. She has a manager who costs money, she has hosted several big event for her fans (ticket price couldn't have covered the entire cost), and anything involving a 3D studio she has done was just lighting money on fire.
She's definitely doing great, good for her, but I would be surprised if she was left with more than 40 million yen out of the 100 million.

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