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This thread is for the discussion of vtuber wrasslin' feds, official vtuber streams of wrestling content, and the various fan projects they inspire.

HoloFightZ, the original fan project to bring Hololive to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/holofightz
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgJUUcCCg5dzRkyG8-fNBw
>Archive Magnet Links - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yW33SdapXW5GEuKu4uFFjM3bH-cr0dUSr0jLjhZQfE/edit#gid=0
>Music Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPVRBbmPJfj21iujCdCYLRW6LkzymhskT
>Website - https://holofightz.surai.xyz/
>Latest Stream - Stream 67
>Upcoming Stream - soon

HFZ Dark, the DEFINITELY CANON story of the Holo fans, the Holostars, graduated Hololive talents, and the stories that bind them together.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/hfzdark
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/user/CaptainKaze/videos
>Latest Stream - bonisbonis/day rumbl
>Upcoming Stream - postponed due to 2k23 server shutdown

Clash of Chuubas, the tale of Anon as he navigates the world of indies and small corpo chuubas.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/chuubaoverdrivechaos
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/@cocvodarchive9119
>Latest Stream - CoC Season 2 Episode 15 (Finale)
>Upcoming Stream - some day

World Daipan Classic, the long-awaited fan project bringing Nijisanji to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/worlddaipanclassic
>Latest Stream - Stream 12
>Upcoming Stream - postponed because of THE GREAT NIJI YAB

Extreme Chuuba Wrestling, an ongoing effort to bring smaller chuubas to the ring to settle the score.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/dantedaedalusch
>Latest Stream - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2262917981
>Upcoming Stream - until next stream

Squared Circuit, a kitchen sink project focused primarily on AI-adjacent vtubers and related things
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/squaredcircuit
>Latest Stream - Episode ¿
>Upcoming stream - Anniversary stream postponed

Lord of the Board 3
>Stats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qpfkzU9NPo4ZwvU6dwpFP0LNDebDeAQ6ae6h5rGFnl8/edit#gid=0
>LotB1 VODs - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNZKr2HVEMwbDnrOir32Bx6yq7eLI2U8a
>LotB2 VODS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNZKr2HVEMwYx6gk7VLsGtU-BH56wkU7H
>LotB2 VODS (with chat) - In production. Will happen when they happen.

Official vtuber streams of wrestling-based vtuber content
>Wrestletuber - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9Pke9ykV2s
>V&Unfinished Business - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxD6QlQGhAU
>Turning FlaVRs into wrestlers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPREi0330_g&ab_channel=JuwunCh
>Latest Chuuba Battle Tournament - [Archive Missing]
>Latest CXW - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1824364262
>Latest HoloFighter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otJPyL2x3Bs

Older Content, kept here for posterity and the odd chance that it might get updated or expanded
>HoloFC - https://www.twitch.tv/holofighting
>HFZ META - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSodFBC5MFatrObgl3Qh91Q/videos
>/vt/ Fight Night - No Archive Links.
>Guerilla Chuuba Wrestling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xPPNQ1OYDk [Talent Graduated]
>MAG SMACKDOWN RAW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4C_HVHuNmc [Talent Graduated]
>MythNight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNq4d4vpe0I [Last Stream: Over 1 Year Ago]
>WrestleSanji - [VODs nuked; see the Selen Tatsuki archives]

Other Thread Projects
>HFZ/Dark/META/WDC/HoloFC stats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m9JlKuHCtKrVO3_JKQy3FteyLUqKo3DABREb1Okh8tg/edit?usp=sharing
>Team /hfz/ Divegrass Archive - https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//hfz/

previous >>86350482
Fridaykeks really think that belt is real? Dorkchama rigged it from the start, clearly.
Finally, it's Friday...
The announcement better be lotb3 next week and lotb4 on new year's eve
It’s actually just Beebsler x BBB 3D live at the BBBudakan
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Where's halloween havoc lord of the boarderler
Where's the Thanksgiving Throwdown Lord of the Board announcement?
lotb isn't real
sleeping from the turkey
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Loser of the Battler
more like lord of the bored
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Fast of the Board
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dead thread
Dead of the Thread
Battler is not real
but i've seen him
I'm telling you
huh what you mean
Making out with the wolves
Why would I make out with wolves?
>he doesn't make out with wolves
Oh fug, I’ve made a grave error..
Never gonna make out with the wolves kid
Not on planet uoh
Who's the kevin nash of lotb?
[NOTICE] Uoh has been reclassified as a dwarf planet
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Any announced streams?
yeah my piss into your mouth brother
good news: 2k23 server shutdown was postponed to January
bad news: i spent a few hours making save files last weekend when i didnt need to yet

good news: Rokkenjimania starts shortly
bad news: i will not be streaming sunday so as to not overlap Rokkenjimania
The no streams
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I love fucking stack bros
I love stack bros fucking
Bros love stack fucking I
I fucking hate stack bros
I fucking stack bros
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TFR liv
Stack I love fucking bros
its October 5th somewhere
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pushed her too hard...
20 hours remain.
so on the 6th?
alright, nvm. gonna overlap with short bonus LATER TODAY, in 10 hours
some faces new to 2k24 may appear..
Ah, the more streams
streams LOVE
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>see wh*reposters
>day ruined
zach bros..
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oi teme
you're watching battler's show right
HFZ could never..
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stop jobbing
make me
holy yuckola
go be gay elsewhere
holy yumola
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short DARK bonisbonis in about an hour and 20 mins
reply to this post with song requests
it's dorkver
nah that’s you
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starting in about 5 minutes, stream will probably be sub 1 hour
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I miss Ci vs Stack HIAC
we don't write our checklist here
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thank you for watching! i wanted to at least have a stream of some kind this weekend since i won't be next weekend for sure. had some new re-debuts to boot, even. hope you enjoyed, now go watch rokkenjimania!
>19 hour episode
24 hour long HFZmania with all feds streaming back to back fucking when?
we already had back to back fed fpv weekends
No-no, a SINGLE semi-coherent story happening through all feds back-to-back
okay give me a story that connects
>Holo City Smackdown
battler has sex and makes more battlers
kwab before announcement
Don't wanna.
Anon wake up you missed the announcement!
What the fuck is happening in TFR even
How deep is the lore
jim and john are mortal enemies
JIM LITTERED JOHN'S LAWN, THE PODCAST REVEALED THAT JIM AND JOHN'S WIVES ARE COUSINS ONCE REMOVED, FIGHTFUL SELECT HAS LEARNED THAT JIM REPORTED JOHN TO THE HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION FOR HAVING AN UNLICENSED GARDEN GNOME, YESTERDAY AT 11:03pm JOHN HAD A SONG GOING AT SLIGHTLY OVER 70db, SETH ROLLINS HAS COME OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF JIM AND JOHN'S PROMO (WHAT'S HE DOING HERE???), JIM'S DOG POOPED ON JOHN'S LAWN, THE ISSUES STARTED WHEN BOTH BROUGHT POTATO SALAD TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD BBQ, JIM DID NOT GIVE JOHN'S DAUGHTER A TIP WHEN HE BOUGHT FROM HER LEMONADE STAND EARLIER THIS MORNING, when a package for john was sent to jim's by mistake, jim THREW THE PACKAGE AWAY, JIM PUT FMS CAMPAIGN SIGNS ON JOHN'S LAWN DESPITE KNOWING JOHN WAS A MEMBER OF THE NWF PARTY, john came to jim's house to watch the football game and ate all the snacks, john had Bad to the Bone on vinyl and Jim never gave it back, Jim REFUSED to trade Genghar back to John in the 90s after John traded it first to get the evolution, in high school john told the teacher when jim cheated on an exam, john deleted jim's pokemon red savefile (with glitched-in mew) because Jim told him he could find mew under the truck and tried for hours, John posts muted songs to the stream knowing Jim is a vodkek, Jim is a Battler fan and John loves 47, JIM TOLD JOHN THAT REI IS SHIT AND THAT ASUKA IS BETTER
Where does Mike and that fouth dude come into this
it's rokkenjimania right now, the yearly non-canon 48-hour event with random bullshit
uh mike is john's friend from high school they played baseball together as a battery, matt is jim's childhood friend
its over
>47 vs Battler this early in the card
>this early
Rokkenjimania only just started... The first 19 hours were a canon episode...
huh what you mean?
you tell me
>implying this rokkenjima is non-canon
yeah but it seems like not this time
how much longer board of the lorder
I choppa you
Late and gay
I choppa back
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After many delays, frustrations, and months, I am pleased to announce


Starting SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, at 1 PM EASTERN TIME, Lord of the Board 3 will progress for FOUR DAYS over TWO WEEKENDS:
>Day 1 - November 2nd @ 1p ET
>Day 2 - November 3rd @ 1p ET
>Day 3 - November 9th @ 1p ET
>Day 4 - November 10th @ 1p ET

The event will consist of 63 planned matches, involving representatives from 57 threads, of which 50 will compete for the coveted Lord of the Board Title.
This event will featuree guest commentary. If you are interested in commentating yourself, please feel free to fill out this form: https://forms.gle/dXd8v4wXJtxfeCeg7

I will now take any questions you have regarding the event.
Will you put in the rig for /mythread/?
hey g would you make me a sandwich?
Who is our rep?
Who is fighting? How is the tourny formatted?
wheres the cards maid of the chartsler
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>[Laugh Track plays]

Secret-desu. Please consult /yourthread/'s manager. All but two of them (/warkop/ and /fvr/) should have their reps by now.

Match Card will be posted shortly.
what's the full list
Here are the match cards and schedule for the first weekend

Day 1: November 2nd
>1:00p - Opening
>1:15p - People's Champion Title Match :: /haha/ vs /lig/ (/lig/ defending)
>1:45p - Group A :: /gem/ vs /fig/
>2:05p - Group A :: /swarm/ vs /数字/
>2:25p - Group A :: /vsinger/ vs Anya-Petra Global
>2:45p - Group A :: /ねぽらぼ/ vs /vtes/
>3:05p - Group A :: The Shiori Novella vs /vnug/
>3:20p - [Intermission]
>3:40p - Group E :: /mion/ vs /ss/
>4:00p - Group B :: /fbk/ vs /mayo/
>4:20p - Group B :: /v4m/ vs /hfz/
>4:40p - Group B :: Amelia Watson Appreciation Thread vs /flip/
>5:00p - Group B :: Lia From Phase Connect vs /choc/
>5:20p - Group D :: /who/ vs /HAHA/
>5:40p - Group C :: HiRyS/ vs /wAIfu/
>6:00p - Group C :: /hlgg/ vs /holoX/
>6:20p - Main Event Exhibition Match :: /hag/ vs /ag/ in an Ambulance Match

Day 2: November 3rd
>1:00p - Opening
>1:15p - Heaven Or Hell :: /gem/ vs /へい民/ featuring /HiRyS/ as Special Guest Referee
>1:35p - Group C :: /vrt/ vs /vsj+/
>1:55p - Group C :: Anya Global vs /doog/
>2:15p - [Intermission]
>2:35p - Group D :: /asp/ vs /wvt/
>2:55p - Group D :: /nasfaqg/ vs /yamu/
>3:15p - Group D :: /vtai/ vs /fvr/
>3:35p - Group D :: /wg/ vs /news/
>3:55p - Group C :: /ag/ vs /mint/
>4:15p - Exhibition Match :: /holoX/ vs /mayo/ in a Ladder Match for First Rights to Koyori.
>4:35p - Group B :: /corpo/ vs /lig/
>4:55p - Group E :: /morig/ vs /へい民/
>5:15p - Group E :: /nina/ vs /pink/
>5:35p - Group E :: /pyon/ vs /rrat/
>5:55p - Group E :: /vtwbg/ vs /tactical/
>6:15p - Main Event Exhibition Match :: The HoloGauntlet
>weekend 2 doesn't exist
Here are the match cards and schedule for the second weekend
Please note that times are in ET, and match schedule is an estimate. In a few places, multiple matches are merged into a single entry for brevity.

Day 3: November 9th
>1:00p - Opening
>1:10p - Exhibition Match :: /choc/, /mint/, and /pink/ in a Triple Scoop Match.
>1:45p - 2 Group A Elimination Matches
>2:35p - 2 Group B Elimination Matches
>3:25p - 2 Group C Elimination Matches
>4:15p - 2 Group D Elimination Matches
>5:05p - 2 Group E Elimination Matches
>5:45p - 30-Man Final Call Rumble
>6:30p - Main Event Exhibition Match :: /nina/ & /vsinger/ vs SkynetFC in a Tornado Tag Elimination Match

Day 4: November 10th
>1:00p - Opening
>1:10p - Exhibition Match :: /pcgia/, /fvr/, /corpo/, /v4m/, /asp/, and /wvt/ in a Last Blood Match
>1:40p - 8 Round of 24 Matches
>4:20p - Open Challenge Title Match :: Amelia Watson Appreciation Thread defends the Kiara's Favorite Title from any challenger(s)
>4:30p - 4 Quarterfinal Matches
>5:30p - a/vt/ism Title Match :: /vt/ League, /hfz/, Ogey Calibur, /vtrp/, and /vtwbg/ in a Fatal 5-Way Title Match
>5:40p - 2 Semifinal Matches
>6:10p - Acknowledgement In The Bank :: /become/, /fig/, /nasfaqg/, /news/, /pyon/, /vtes/, /warkop/, and /wg/ in a Ladder Match for an IRL /vt/ Ad purchased for their thread.
>6:40p - Lord of the Board Title Match

Tournament Format in the next post. These take time to type!
>/fig/ vs /HAHA/ not happening
its so over
>/pyon/ vs. /who/ deleted in favor of the /who/ vs. /HAHA/ match
it's over
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>Each Group has 10 participants
>The 10 participants will be split into pairs and fight each other in a 10-minute Ironman match. Participants will earn points by Winning, Drawing, and scoring individual Falls (Pins/Submissions) against their opponent. The top two scorers of each group will move on to the Bracket Stage. In the event of a tie, we may add participants back into the pool for the next stage, or do a tiebreaker round, depending on how big the tie is.
>The remaining 8 of each group will move to the 2nd Group Stage.

>In the second stage, the remaining 8 in each group will be split between two 4-way Elimination matches. Participants will earn points by surviving the others in the match.
>The top two scorers after tallying these points will also move on to the Bracket Stage.
>The remaining 30 participants will have a 30-man Rumble. The winner of the rumble will advance, as well as the top 3 scorers (not including the winner).
>Any participants that have yet to advance to the Bracket Stage at this point will be eliminated.

>The Round of 24 will consist of 8 Triple Threat matches.
>The Round of 8 and Round of 4 will consist of 1v1 matches to determine the top two contenders.
>The Final Match between the top two contenders will determine the new Lord of the Board.

>All tournament matches will be timed.
>Exhibitions will not be timed, which may cause schedule drift.
>In the event of a tiebreaker being necessary to advance the tournament, matches will be decided by Crackdown Sudden Death.

Full participant list shortly.
in english doc
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Here are all of the participants, as well as their groups

Group A
>Anya-Petra Global
>The Shiori Novella

Group B
>Amelia Watson Appreciation Thread
>Lia From Phase Connect

Group C
>Anya Global

Group D

Group E

Exhibition-Only Participants
>Ogey Calibur
>/vt/ League

I will now take further questions.
Do you exist?
Music request?
Where the fuck is /vtai/
Music requests were submitted by managers.
I haven't actually compiled the list to see how much we have, but each manager got 2 submissions.
If it looks like we'll be short, I'll put up a form the week before to submit more.
Who's the commissioner's pick to win it all?
The Audience.
Where is Battler?
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Busy doing his own show, I imagine.
>I will now take further questions
Who rigs the riggers?
I'm not at liberty to disclose that information.
Weren't some of the exhibition-only threads in 1 and 2? Why are they now exhibition-only?
now what
Listen well MaidOfCharts, give /mythread/ a move where he gets punched but tanks it, stands up, finger wags the guy, gets punched again and tanks it again, then catches the next punch, throws a bunch of punches of his own, irish whips the guy then big boot for the rebound and then finishes him off with a leg drop for the pin.
fine speech
Due to production nearly killing staff last time with 90 entrants, we opted to cap the number of entrants in the main tournament to 50. During the pre-production process, it was determined that we could allocate some additional resources to allowing some threads to show up as exhibition-only participants. Future events may adjust this cap up and down so that production can meet the board's needs and not die doing so.

Lord of the Board is meant to be a representation of the board /vt/ as it stands. We have permitted entrants that many would consider uncouth, but were legitimate representatives of aspects of /vt/ that are important to have on display. Because of this, we have a list of criteria that qualifies a thread for entry into the main tournament, and do NOT have a grandfather clause for these qualifications. Threads that signed up but either were too late or failed to qualify were given the option to drop out or be exhibition-only participants. With the exception of a single joke submission, and a single attempted submission that missed the sign-ups entirely, all of them opted to participate in exhibition matches.

Hope this helps.
promo's good
QWOP status?
falling over
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what the FUCK
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>it's real
huh what you mean
add it to the berg
the berg hasn't been updated in so long..
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no /become/?
/become/ only barely didn't qualify. They were short the thread count because the jannies had only (at the time) recently stopped purging them on sight.
We hope that they try again next time.
>no christmas lotb
its over
What did he mean by this?
not even a proper starcade
Miko might be alive yet...
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holy yumola
where were you when HFZ became TFR canon
I was sleeping
Migoler status?
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>47 loves the female version of battler
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Sakura Miko and Ushiromiya Battler literally have nothing in common, take your meds schizo
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Racing Staring SOON!!
>jobbing right out of the gate
wow I sure hope /hfz/ isn't at 20+ this rac-
did /hfz/ just pick a shitty car?
Subaru BRZ GT3 is not a bad car irl, but in this game kinda yeah... Maybe should have went for Cusco Impreza JGTC era, or just gone full meme and bring out the Subaru WRC rally car.
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Where were you when you got the call Thanos blew up Miko’s shrine??
it's over
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>Upcoming Stream - soon
>Upcoming Stream - postponed due to 2k23 server shutdown
>Upcoming Stream - some day
>Upcoming Stream - postponed because of THE GREAT NIJI YAB
>Upcoming Stream - until next stream
>Upcoming stream - Anniversary stream postponed
>LotB2 VODS (with chat) - In production. Will happen when they happen.
it do be like that
battler vs 47 on the telly
qrd on the new hfz lore
Good thing we won't br seeing CiBITCH ever again
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i wanna see a 35P vs agent 47 match now
wrong thread
right thread
da wose

and fagler
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