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Amelia Watson anticipation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86729677
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Check out the #holoAquarium map: https://x.com/watsonameliaEN/status/1840965917376684125
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
AME DOKO -> https://amedoko.com/
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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Oh shit, selfcest OP! Is there really any good Ame selfcest art? I know Kronii had some good ones.
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I know there's art of Ame spreading Lil Ame for me
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Reminder that selfcest orgies are how the Ame Council of Wattropolis makes all political decisions for the city-state.
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Remember guys, do not engage with bait! Just let them samefag, report and ignore!
If you ever feel the need to reply to bait, just post Ame boobs. I promise it will help.
Ame stop trying to get the teamate gay orgy to happen, there are women in your fanbase
That reminds me
>there will be less artworks of space ame and dress ame from now on
This is hell
I'm gonna add to this. Even if you don't feel like responding to bait, you should still post Ame boobs.
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>causal outfit
>default hairstyle
This might be my favorite Ame outfit combo. She just sooooo kyuuuut-uh!
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I haven't seen some of the most iconic Ame playthroughs yet, so...
Which one should I start with? Oblivion, Fallout or L.A. Noire?
I'd say LA Noire because she played it first, Oblivion is one of my favorite playthroughs she's done so you that would be my second choice. They're all good though so you can't really choose wrong.
LA Noire, just because it's quicker to go through. You can take your time with the others later.
I'm just so unsure about the future
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When she see your peepee
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Alright, thanks guys! I appreciate the fact that it's shorter because I don't exactly have that much free time lately...
All these rats mouse posts, now I want some cheese.
That's what makes it so exciting Choo-choo!
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>post Ame boobs
Specially considering she might not have boobs now...
I want to go back...
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im sad that we never got an ending to fallout
Threads comfy now, this is what I want
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Yeah, this is nice
She got breast reduction, it's so fucking over...
Hope I won't sour the mood too much because everyone seems to have switched to a hopeful mood. At the moment I feel the same and I trust Ame. It's just that I'm planning to drink and watch last members karaoke so I thought to reminisce a bit.
I didn't manage to watch most of the recent streams, only saw bits of aquarium stream. Started karaoke VOD but decided to watch it later when I have time and booze and when my heart is ready. Watched the final stream live, it was in the middle of the night for me. In retrospective its scuff makes me chuckle but I was devastated at the time. I felt really bad because everything was going wrong with Ame's stream, multiple goodbyes with long delays inbetween were killing me. I was constantly close to tearing up but tears just didn't come out until much later, felt just empty at the time. Everything felt wrong, sad and uncertain. And of course the fact that I was tired and had to work afterwards getting barely an hour of sleep.
Since then it got better bit by bit thanks to roingus activity and somehow sometimes I even feel better than before Ame's announcement. I started self-reflecting thinking about things long gone I took for granted and then... I don't know, it's like a new door opened for her and somehow for me as well, like some long series season has just ended and I felt anxious but also hopeful. It's more like a... bittersweet? feeling now. But I feel like I didn't get proper closure from the final stream at all so I'm back to Ameoke.
Anyway, sorry for the long blogpost. I finished my work week and I'm off to watch the karaoke for the first time. Share your favorites from that stream if you want. I'll be drinking to Ame and gators well-being as well, cheers!
I hope she starts a new playthrougj
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How you holding up today gents? I feel like every day that passes I'm a little more hopeful and feel a bit better. Though when I go to watch a VOD I still get bad feeling of the fact that nothings gonna be added to Ame's channel. I am excited for what to come though.
>nothings gonna be added to Ame's channel
for now
Aquarium stream, myth collab, Gura collab and karaoke were the streams with actual closure. You missed them. It was such a beautiful yet bittersweet buildup to the scuffkino
Jumping straight into the final stream was probably a bad idea if you didn't watch the previous ones
Honestly what other teamates have said has helped my perspective of things. If you look at the aquarium stream as her send of instead if feels like you get more closure. It was just Ame doing what she loves and showing it to people she loves. Her fellow EN members and her fans. I was devastated after the final stream, but each day Ive gotten better. Don't worry anon, if we trust in the Ame, I think everything is gonna be alright.
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everyone's gona interpret stuff differently but to me, at least, watching everything leading up to it really contextualized the way the last stream went. Ame poured all of her love and energy into the collab streams and the charity streams and the final karaoke and she kept barely a sliver for herself. Even then she did a last-minute collab with the most emotional girls the morning before the final stream.

At the end she had nothing but grit and soul saved for herself and she went out there fearlessly and stayed true to herself. To me, it was the most Ame way she could've done it.
Aquarium stream is hands down my all-time favorite Ame stream
Oh, I meant to put "nothing is gonna be added, for a long time at least" in there. I will hold to hope that she will be back for something eventually. Just gotta trust in the Ame
Ame's model was like it was actually made for her. I've seens debates about which fits on her is best, personally it's the original for me imagine her using that stethoscope on me makes me goes hnghhh
I probably wouldn't be able to stay up for all of these. And I didn't have it in me to watch the VODs the next day. I just want to watch full karaoke stream because I already started watching back then. But I fully intend to go back to other streams you mentioned a bit later.
Thanks anons.
>At the end she had nothing but grit and soul saved for herself
Woah, you put it into words beautifully. My ESL soul is in awe lol. That makes a lot of sense. I'll likely pick a day or two when I have more time and watch all these in order. For now I'll stick to my plan though. I have to let out all pent up tears while drunkenly singing along with Ame and swaying my 5th Fes glowstick.
Her new model is gonna be a big adjustment. But I think with time we'll come to love it too. I personally always loved her casual outfit the most probably.
Huh...in all my years of watching Ame and collecting art, I've never seen this selfcest art before I like it
isn't it basically confirmed that nabi will be making(or maybe already made) her new model?
Will the model have a birthday suit?
Yes, confirmed by anonymous. Aliens are real too by the way, it was also confirmed by anonymous
If been reading all the threads and that's the first I've heard of that. I've seen people say they hope she is, but I don't remember seeing any evidence of that.
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Average Iname fanart (based)
Pretty slow today huh?
for now because it's only morning/afternoon for burgermates and everyone else is going to sleep....the peace is short, but lovely
it will most likely start being flooded at 2-3pm eastern time
>split thread already gaining traction
Well, now there will always be fanbase wars between this thread and the other one. Good job
no, she followed nabi just recently, she wasn't following her when she first revealed the twitter account 2 weeks ago, we dont even know whether she is going to have a live2d initially
i wonder if she is going to have a full character name or it just gonna be dooby
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It's a nice break from the three threads worth of shitshows we've been getting every night. It's why I like to post in the morning when I'm at work. It's much more comfy right now :)
Who the heck is trying to split the thread? Is it the usual schizo?
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Same schizo that tried splitting /DOKI/ and /HAHA/, pay him no mind and just stay here.
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Imagine fanart of Ame and Dooby kissing
>>86746374 <- this
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The split thread will die out when the shitposters get bored or find some new shiny thing to bother people about. Just post cute Ames and Doobys in the meantime while we wait for the debut.
I really hope we get a model tease soon...
Maybe some anon will make koikatsu snapshots of them
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I think that artists and people should try to keep the two personas separate in public
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I'd love that too. But for now we have to JUST WAIT AND SEE!
True. I was thinking more of here artists. From the draw threads
That would be neat too
I feel like she doesn't have anything ready
You cant just shit out a model in 20 days anon, im sure she has something
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Can you guys slow down? I went to sleep and went to work and you already went through what, three threads?
she was thinking about this since at least 2023 and told her genmates/managers about it at least half a year ago
she had all the time in the world
Im sure she's had something prepared weeks in advance
Trains are cool. I wonder if she has a train gimmick in mind to replace the timelines.
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Totally real Dooby model leak
You're a big rrat
She's beautiful...
>>86744330 (me)
I ended up not watching karaoke VOD, something came up and I don't have that much time to watch the whole thing in one go without interruptions anymore. I think I'll stick to watching all the final streams I missed chronologically on a later date. For now I'm just sitting nice and comfy with beer rewatching some old bits, not sad stuff, just some moments from favorite streams. I'm skimming through The Coin Game VOD now. It might be in my top 5 favorite Ame streams and I haven't seen it mentioned in everyone's favorites lists recently. Check it out if you haven't seen it.
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My thoughts is train cars will be separate dimensions or something like this
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I went to inhale mori's booty stank and lick her titty sweat.
I forgot about the coin game stream...
That was so long ago and such a good stream. Is that the first time we saw Ame's terrible driving?
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Rat wife
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This but her pits
who up *checks notes* ...doobing they roingus right now?
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>she train on my roingus til I dooby
I've never had a thing for pits, why is this so erotic. Same thing on bae's model.
Or maybe something like Infinity Train. They're all different and all of them are their own "world", but it doesn't have anything to do with time traveling and alternate timelines. It's like a nice nod.
Also she totally should make a watchalong of IT.
I ate some cheese.
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who is dooby?
Yeah, Infinity Train is cool. Isn't it kind of in a weird situation where it's impossible to watch it legally, though? It's literally only available through piracy.
just walked through the aquarium. it feels like her gift to the other girls & to the viewers of hololive. i walked through in my own instance and was thinking about what her thought process must have been working on this project & other ones over the years, honestly quite a moving experience.
if you havent been through yet i recommend it. you dont need VR gear and you can play completely solo if you want.
Holy fuck I hate streaming services.
>literally only available through piracy
Rights owners of abandoned media can eat a fatty. I WILL consume.
Is there anything you wish Ame could have streamed or movie we could have watched before she left?
Is that a joshumate?
I plan to this weekend when I have more free time. I figure I'll just walk through in desktop mode since I don't have a VR set. I thought about getting one, was looking at the Valve Index. Anyone got any recommendations?
Oblivion and she delivered
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the OG). As time goes on I see her as more and more like Willy Wonka. If nothing else her comments on the oompa loompas would be funny.
I'm one of the people that's really wanted her to play Banjo Kazzoie.
i can picture her rage at click clock wood
It would be so good. And I can picture all the art that would have been made.
It probably would've never happened but my inner autist would've loved to see her try Project Zomboid even if she bounced right off of it and shittalked it while doing so. I would've also said OpenTTD but now that she has a train conductor theme...maybe...
Even Banjo Tooie. Regardless of how it compares to the first, it would have been long and cozy
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>500 pictures of ame with gura in her backpack
i wouldnt complain
Oh yeah, for sure. I would've loved that too.
The Little House In The Prairie watchalong...
This. The last final week of streams felt like Ame saying farewell to hololive (aquarium), EN (valve marathon), Myth, and Gura. It says a lot when the most emotional Ame got was in her farewell to us during the final stream.
factorio and watch her set up the most autistic train routes
Pure speculation but when did other Myth know Ame decided on leaving? Was it around when Kiara declared herself #1 teamate? Wasnt that a long time ago?
fucking fortnite rhino bitch-uh~
watch streams
>Was it around when Kiara declared herself #1 teamate
Hasn't she done that for years? The only concrete reference date I've heard was Kiara saying she set up 1 Block specifically in response to Ame's decision.
June before 1block, probably right before gurame Mario Party
I'd say that was after last FES what she started to discuss these things. But yes, pure speculation
Someone suggested that they've known since Hardcore Minecraft because at one point Kiara started crying because she felt nostalgic for the early Myth days
I don't believe you.
I think you need to be cautious with retroactive contextualization though. I went through 1 block again and at the very beginning of it noticed that it sounds like they were crying before the start of the first episode. Ina's voice especially sounds like it. But at the time it didn't stand out to me at all, and I don't recall anyone here pointing it out either. For Hardcore Minecraft I can totally imagine Kiara crying just because... it's Kiara
I just remembered that time Kiara started crying because Gura was leaving Japan, so you got a point there, but also the One Block streams happened like a month later, so depending of how long it took them to plan an organize it, it's plausible Ame had already told them by then.
>at the very beginning of it noticed that it sounds like they were crying before the start of the first episode
Damn, really? Might be time to rewatch One Block
update, i had a dream that she did and also played with the NV randomizer
let it be so
also it would be cool if she replayed fallout 3
I think Kiara organized 1 block because she knew Ame was leaving and wanted one last full myth stream project. Ame told them before 1 block.
ame probably had the decency to tell them in person instead of over a discord dm.
so it probably happened immediately after https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVWk8jQPQEI
gura definitely already knew at this point
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Guys... I'm having a date with this cutie...
What should I do??????
Pull his fucking tailuh
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grab the gator by his tail and spank him
Give him a screwdriver
at 17:50 of this stream kiara said she was planning a big VR event and was inviting the other myth girls to join. none of them besides mori ended up joining...
Yes that is what Kiara said, no reason to include "I think" in your post.
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Will there be a smol doob
Walfie is following her so probably.
doob is already smol
there'll be a beeg doob!
>beeg doob
Honestly, this would be a refreshing reversal. Cute by default but then an alternate model with BIG fuckin tiddies
>That big bitch-uh!
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I was always in the camp of Ame should have been a loli, espically with her height.
I want her to play comfy cities skylines again
I don't agree but I respect it. I also believe Ina should be held accountable for her crimes.
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what if Ina is her new mama
Damn... Now that would be kino
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No, imagine the level of child abuse
It's a nice thought but I think Ina's said she's too busy to take on the responsibility of being a vtuber mama. What about pako-sensei?
That's like asking for a curse.
It would be cool I'd she had a mama or papa that already loved her as Ame.
Hey don't put that on Pako, the man does his best
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It's gonna be Anya
Won't be the first curse Ame has to bear...
Hey maybe she'll be the one to break it
do you guys think gura ever played and/or full cleared chiku taku
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I just realized notmumei also followed her today
forgot to post source
lots of these old melancholic animations
Maybe? Since there's a chance that Ame showed the project to myth first and knowing that she likes rhythm games it's likely, I kinda doubt she'd full clear it tho
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Damn, talk about prophetic. What happened at Gura towards the end though, did she just... Go insane?
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hopium list
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>for now2
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier.
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Based believer
She changed one of the lyrics of Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow during her last karaoke.
>maybe forever but probably not
Took me 18 hours and two nosebleeds to desing and write a letter to Amelia. I hope it will be actually delivered
ame cosplayers got them ogey eyes
>gura definitely already knew at this point
This is just my headcanon obviously, but I'd like to think she asked Gura for her opinion before deciding anything. I have no doubt in my mind that they had a lengthy discussion about it at some point. Gura is not going to prioritize "Hololive unity" over her friend's well being, so she let her be.
This is my headcanon obviously, but I'd like to think she had a sex match with Gura over it. First to make the other come 3 times during scissoring gets the outcome they want.
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One of my friends, who's pretty normie when it comes to streaming/vtuber related stuff, brought up Ame today. I was surprised he knew who she was, since he's never mentioned her before. But said he heard she "left" and seemed to have surface level knowledge about her. I've been watching her for 4 years, but her popularity as a vtuber is probably something I still fail to realize. All of Myth are super recognisable. They're like Mt Rushmore for EN chuubas.
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Oh I thought this was actually bait.
gura, mumei, nerissa
>turning into a holoan thread
Would it be funny if she did almost her whole debut as a tiny critter and made everyone think this is what she's going with and then show off a human rat girl model at the last minute?
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just fuck off
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doob mythical morning
Honestly I'm disappointed about Bubba. I thought he'd look bigger and tougher, not some wimpy puntable ankle biter.
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Keep his name out of your mouth, bitch
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Iname will always be better than Gurame btw
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guys i never watched Hamtaro, do I have to watch the entire thing to truly understand doob?
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You could tell he didn't have in bass in his bark, they barely qualify as barks.
Iname is built for schitzos with adult woman fetishes.
Don't forget to play all the gba games.
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Just play the game
god that's fucking old
i'm almost certain hlgg was still in /jp/ back when I first saw this
Cute kronster.
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Based oldfag
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>adult woman fetishes
This guy came back btw.
I don't know what the fuck he said because he's still schizoid but hey, he's back.
Isn’t that whole point of his dog breed? He was made to hunt like rodents in the brush.
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i still get called a newfag every once in a while here because i either forgot something from the old times or missed something from the last couple years. organic memory is a curse
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We never left
We always win
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Gurina is Smol Ame approved
What's the deal with Myth lore always being made into overdramatic tragedy shit.
>mortal human vs immortal monsters
it's ripe for it
I remember just how much /jp/ hated the /vtg/ back in the day
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I had a dream last night where all the holos who have received a star stone/gem from Ame met up during a concert and put all of them together and summoned Ame to perform with them ;u;
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it's based
you watch your mouth if you dont want to get shaken until every bone in your body breaks
myth as characters lend themselves to tragedy quite easily:
ina serves an eldritch being and that shit always goes tits up
gura is (seemingly) the last survivor of a destroyed civilisation
kiara is caught in a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth
mori is literally a grim reaper
finally ame, the only mortal human who will eventually die, the time travel/alternate dimensions is also ripe for tragedy
as much as I love touhou (probably way too much, its one of my core passions), i've always had strong disdain for /jp/fags. man i'm glad we got outta there
always makes me think of watamelon lore.webm
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Why don't you say that to my face irl faggot and not online, see what happens
Will the internet explode if HER collabs with Doob?
what do you think dingus
I'm a roingus
yeah mikki reveal is going to be fire
Amesame lore.
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was the "bubba" cameraman during the aquarium visit auntie watson? or do we believe she strapped a camera to her literal dog
Why? It's two people who already collabed constantly, there will be nothing crazy about it. Only schizos will have a meltdown because they're schizos
his real name is girly too,
imagine if you name a boy Kamille, something like that
i realized
>full EN song for the next concert
without Ame is gotta sting a shit ton.
that is precisely the kind of event we're likely to see her in anon
a collab with any active holo would be better if they just bring back ame which is something already possible under the current affiliate contract, for dooby to collab with a holo RM would mean either fleshtubing or png on the part of the RM would be much shittier
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but the
>no live event participation
on the announcement tho....
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It was Henma.
nah, we've seen her strap a camera to bubba before and its just constant low angle shots
i would hope they can get that but seems like appearing on stream is out of question for a good while.
correct me if i'm saying something phenomenally wrong but... holofes isn't actually live is it
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The good stuff
MC parts are live.
meat for >>86757979
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>I’m not a schizo but-
Only 1 pic because I don't care about that guy
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probably, it's not like the workload is going to lighten up for holos in the forceable future and dooby herself will want to buckle down and focus on her own projects for a bit
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first time making a puzzy, hope i did it right
I showed the Bubbles picture to my dog and she ran away scared.
What should I do about this?
strictly speaking, no (outside of MCs), but it would still count as a "live event"
but there's always room for the rules to change in the future
but would Ame wanna spend however many weeks doing the singing and choreo for it in Japan? who nose (oh god, I just had a mental image of her live2D showing up in a fucking portrait like Gura/Ina did that one time so she could forgo the choreo practice)
i mean the scope of regular activities seems vague.
Would they count holofes and EN concert as regular? or would it be just normal 3d lives?
i'm sorry anon, but they aren't
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I happen to be well versed in this topic
Let me explain:
Myth's entire concept surrounds itself in foreboding tragedy quite well, almost too well at times. It also presents opportunities for heartbreak and angst to take place within it's characters stories, many of those stories surrounding Ame as she is the only "regular" human in all of EN. This has yet to change, even with the inclusion of Justice. Ame has no powers herself, no special supernatural abilities, just her wits, her gun, and the time travelling device she "borrowed".
Which subsequently resulted in her being hunted down by the literal avatar of time.
Along with her living on borrowed time because of Calli, working to contain whatever is living inside Ina, and overall trying to survive throwing down with the likes of demons, espers, and Nephilims, Ame manages to barely get through it all despite being only human, and thematically the least skilled of the group. Which also fits well into her irl self, who was the least ready to be an idol at the time. But hell, she did it anyway. Because that's exactly who she is: A stubborn, tenacious, and witty human being who has all the odds stacked against her, but always finds a way to make things work. Make them work HER way.
The Ameway.
Good news anon, they are but your dog is shy!
if ame is not on the next holofes or En concert im not watching. It would hurt too much. At least thats how i feel right now
Ame left because she doesn't want to spend so much time on that shit. Maybe she'll be included in the song but as a performer? No way
Genuinely the most retarded people if you think that's ever going to happen.
>Ame left because she doesn't want to spend so much time on that shit.
>Tons of other Holos do rm stuff including streaming
>HER will never do it because... because she just wont okay!!!
Whatever dude lmao
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Post kino thread moments. I don't have many
I mean, if she really wants to leave it all behind she wouldn't go out of her way to get this affiliate and dropped a lot of hopium before she go.
Regular activities might sound vague on its own yes, but holofes should count, it is a live event that happens every year that everyone participates in. It's part of what they sign up for.
That being said, a big concert is precisely the kind of special event that a graduated idol would occasionally show up for. I get what that other anon meant when he said this. Still, thinking she'd show up there is baseless speculation right now.
Incidentally, if she did ever show up there, then it wouldn't be a surprise to us, since Cover said they'd announce her future activities on their social media accounts.
I kind of agree, but at the same time a part of me wants to go to the next one in person because I haven't gone to any of the previous concerts before. I took Ame's presence for granted and always just figured I could make it to the next one, so I kinda wanna go and cheer for her friends to make up for that even if she won't be there.
Back to your shithole >>>/vt/lig
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Well it is not like this will be the thread, it literally has Amelia Watson in the OP
Time to drop the topic. The bad actors arrived
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Next topic: I married Ame
Letting people get comfortable doxxposting other holos is your problem
fck you're right, i just cant stop supporting the other girls just because ame is not there...
Amen. The first thing I focus on is the border. I tried to find that piece for like 5 minutes. The issue is that someone will place it like on top of something else and then the rearrange button doesn't pull it back out into the open.
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I made this post
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i dont even understand why shes following the librarian, has she ever done anything that would suggest she likes NL outside of that one soundpost
yes anon, that's exactly why one of the very last things she did as Ame was change her youtube description from saying "idol?" to "idol!". retard
Never browsed that thread and never will. You're the retard here.
women love NL the same way men love vinesauce or jerma
You should go, going to BD and CtW are some of my favorite memories

also the ame poncho is suprisingly cool
analog horror mate....
I envy you anon, but I'm glad you had fun.
I'll probably go yeah, I can afford it even if I have to resort to scalped tickets. There'll just be a bit of melancholy associated with it if Ame isn't there.
At least the Smol Ame mascot should still be there!
>dad plays crocodile rock on the stereo
>immediately listen to one of Ame's various versions when I get back home
Goddamn this puzzie is hard
She's playing the long game. After a few months, she's going to kill NL with hammers and steal his channel.
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Okay I'm back to where I was yesterday, and a little ahead. We're looking cute and I gotta do the trains.

I actually spent all day at work building and animating the trains on my work laptop so it shouldn't take me long.
excellent work uh...
damn, i look sexy
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Looking good
yeah, I actually only got tickets for day 2 of BD, but the night before my flight I gave in and bought scalped tickets for day 1. By that time they werent' really that much more expensive than the actual price at least
Looking great bro, keep up the good work
Oh nice anon, looks great! Really!
I hope you post the finished thing sometime soon, because I really like it and I'm sure she'll love it too.
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nice job
That one was a toughie
That was fucking annoying.
It looks soooo cute
looking great
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Love this pic. So much thighs
Make sure you save frequently mothafucka
Based, hope you add a bit more chubb to it later to make it a very fluffy fat fuck
The tail is important to maintain balance while hopping, thanks
Where'd you grab them from out of curiosity, ticketmaster?
The only thing that's iffy about Fes in particular is I'm pretty sure they verify the ticket holder's identity with their passport, or at least that's what I've read here before.
is dooby more rrat or is she ogey
i got mine off vividseats but i don't think you can buy scalped tickets for jp stuff like fes. those are assigned by name and they check id
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hi hi hi hawooo hi *bumps into camer*
she's more on the REARY!_?!??! side
>i don't think you can buy scalped tickets for jp stuff like fes. those are assigned by name and they check id
God bless. Total scalper death.
do you think shes actually not going to have an anime girl design?
Honestly, I don't know if she's crazy enough to not have one. She likes her cute anime girl visage, so I'd expect her to have one, but I can't be sure.
Would you still love her if she was a rat kangaroo thing?
Yeah that's what I thought. Hopefully that means scalper bots don't bother with Fes and it's easier to get tickets, but I failed last year so...
I wouldn't mind.
probably both
like ame and smol ame
Yes, but considerably less tbqh
She'd still be fun and endearing and all, but I'm in this hobby for the anime girls
She's going to need a humanlike body if she wants to show off 3D.
i am confident she will eventually but honestly i wouldn't be shocked if she debuts with a 3D rat blob initially
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I assume it'll be like before, she'll have her actual girl design but have the rat as her personification and alternate model
I dearly hope it's this. What made smol ame (or any chibi version) great, is the juxtaposition between it and the normal model.
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Yeah, she's so excited to do stuff in 3D as a creature with no arms and long non-human like legs.
Is the melon Kuchipachi even legally distinct enough?
she's gonna have a fuckton of models, tiny rrat, anime girl, a literal train, anything goes
She will absolutely debut with a meme model and then show the actual one
erm... can you add an outline, curious how it would look like
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heres your oshi
She was going to do that, but since we all saw her coming she's thinking of something else now.
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holy fuck
Based 5D chess galaxy brain Ame
no, it's Tamagotchi ip, kappa is Sanrio ip
i was wondering about this too actually, people are already picking it up in the fanarts as a psudo mascot but it might not be a good idea since it seems to be a thing. i would assume it wouldnt be that diffucult for her to make her own green blob fat fuck
Calling all bakers
i was at fes this year and the way it worked was that gaijins had to buy from zaiko and were all seated together. there's only a relatively small number of these sections so supply is limited. if you want regular seats, you need a jp phone number and address.
that said, they are probably expanding the venue for next year. i managed to get first round lottery with no issues for suisei's concert since that venue supposedly has 30k seats
Why wouldn't she have gone the Shion/Ayame way if she wanted to participate in fes
That means she's no longer uncertain about it, "Ame" ended as an idol
Bar opened
Hey, at least this should remove all YJK allegations!
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Hi everyone I’m druuuunk
(:-:) <_•— this is a kaomoji from memory
Ilove ame
Hi druuuunk!

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