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How fucked are you?
I'm watching the Fauna pikmin vod rn, I should he fine. The last chuuba I watched live was Ui, idk her track record, tho.
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I don't speak Moon, so I'm not sure if she even has a license.
Hasn't Fauna said more than once that she doesn't have a license and doesn't know how to drive? It's actually pretty common among zoomer women.
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im dead
im so dead
subaru failed her driver's test
Even without a license, she seems like she would be pretty safe.
>zoomer women
>Get in Uber with Fauna
>Everything is fine
>Drive in silence for 15 minutes
>Fauna turns to me and takes her eyes of the road to tell me she is vegan
>End up driving off a cliff
>dead Pikmin noises
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she's gotten in like 4 car accidents in the last 12 months...
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rip me
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I'm good.
It's BAUover
Same. I can picture Fuwawa screaming as Mococo drives us into oncoming traffic bau bau...
I watched irys so that mean I'm getting a free dick suck in this ride. Lucky me
Please don't do this thread right after FWMC Morning.
I'm so fucking dead.
Qrd what dog do
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Oh boy
who the fuck gets a blue on blue chiron
Raora, she has a license
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>furen e lustario
i should be fine. shes a good taxi driver. sometimes.
i'm 100% dead
>kaela and kronii
.....i should be fine aslong as they dont bicker
>Irys keeps leaning over to suck you off
>swerves into oncoming traffic
>suddenly in heaven
Worth it
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She can't drive so...
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This is the last thing I watched
It was Noel, I'm getting kidnapped (willingly)
>never learned to drive
>me neither
guess we'll just have sex in the car instead
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It's likely over
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No, I think she'll have to get a driver's license first.
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>not an active driver but has a license
I'll live
I actually think most chuubas would be safer than most uber drivers to begin with. Last time I took an uber in instanbul the guy was swiping tinder on his phone and face timing some other woman on a second phone whilst driving. I would take the no driver's license autistic girl over that.
However I am surprisingly safe with Mumei, she actually drives and hates idiots on the road.
How many jp holos can even drive? Azki is the only one that comes to mind.
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I'm sorry for what I must do
Korone immediately knew how to jump the car in A Way Out
Flare has her license, she's was the main source of transportation during a lot of trips
it's never been more over for me
Bau bau... I'm in trouble...
Users weren't never safe to begin with. Elderly couples are an easy target for thieves to rob killers to kill and rapist to rape.
Typo uber
Not many I'm sure, it's expensive as fuck to get and there's really no need if you live in Tokyo, if anything it's an active inconvenience to drive rather than take the train.
Same. I'll enjoy the blissful few minutes with her before I die though. Hopefully she just yaps the whole way.
That's why you ride a bike in Tokyo. Instead of a car or even the trains
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Well atleast they can administer treatment after we crash and hopefully not die in the process.
She's not allowed to drive because she has anger issues so someone is definitely dying
Randon Neuring. I’ll get home safe. Thank fucking god, because the stream before that was FWMC Morning.
Luna has a motorcycle. There are more drivers but she's the only one I know offhand.
>Last streamer you watched is now your Uber driver for the night
Stronny Cuttles
>How fucked are you?
I'm about to get raped
>Last streamer you watched is now your Uber driver for the night
>How fucked are you?
She'll likely go on some autistic rant about Sonic whilst Crush 40 booms from the speakers. She may force me to wear soap sneakers
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DUDE, You need to wear your seat belt! Its against the law not to!
Fauna cant drive...
i'm doomed
>Kiri Kilovolt
I am so fucked, she's a petrolhead and can't drive.
>Uuuuuuuuuuuu the whole way down
towa will kill me

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