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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

How the thread has helped people:

Previous thread: >>86744409
check out this cutie
I don’t think phase connect would want me.
Threadly reminder to always remember that YNGMI.
is this mold a femboy?
Post good things!!
I hope so, he gets me hard
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here, piza. some of you need it :3c
Art cute, model is rigged and drawn horribly. Mic sounds like some $5 headset mic.
I'm only interested in your feminine dick
How about a pizza that ass lil bro?
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I really dislike this vtuber
Cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!
What the fuck is denpa doing anymore?
Who are you and why are you asking questions on my behalf? I'mma find you and probably do nothing because I can't stop people from doing things in all actuality
>more interesting games
This one is hard because different people like different things. I'm a sucker for Metroidvanias and Zeldas, but I also love character action games a la DMC/FF16.
>Network more
True and factual and I need to be hit in the face repeatedly with a hammer with this engraved on it.

But yeah, I'll be throwing myself back into Hyrule with Echoes of Wisdom in about 30min. I think I finally solved that OBS Freeze/Disconnect issue, just have to confirm it by streaming a bunch now. If it works, someone remind me to share it here so if someone in the future runs into the same problem, the info will be out there.
She doesn't know what she wants. She got the adoration, she got the fame, she got the simps, she got the collabs, but for whatever reason she is still unhappy.
Zeph I love you but please brother lower your quality just a bit
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Haru's streaming user requested NES games for 24 hours!
I am a very stupid man and am probably overthinking this, what exactly do you mean by "quality"? My internet SHOULD be able to support a 5000Kbps Video Bitrate with 500Mbps Down/20Mbps Upload, right?
I legitimately want to improve the quality of my streams. I want to continue getting better and better.
Don't lewd my wife.
I think I'm getting arrested right now so I'm sorry to all my viewers for missing stream later
anonymous poster i love this uguu!!
OMG im cumming! I love Poppy I love Poppy I wanna fuck her forever!
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Based! Me too!
Hi Camui
I think I'm mentally ill
I know I'm mentally ill
I have self harm toggles that my chat will never get to see
I will never be able to wear short sleeves in public for the rest of my life
posting art in between boilerplate engagement farming xeets waiting for some schizo oil baroness to slide in
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project zomboid!!! :D
Grow up.
Camui fuck the haters, stream because you’re funny. You’re letting them win.
Iriya will be mine I want his liver
I made psychoanalyzing me a bannable offense
I'm going to harvest his blood for my beauty care regime.
Fuck off
I want to rape Fythol and cut her into small pieces and boil her remains in blood from my opened veins and eat them.
I have a highly detailed profile of (You) which I just won't share, anon :)
Gumpai blocked all of Phase. I hope she blocks denpa as well
>no wip stream
Zeph, you need "twitch encode" to let your audience watch you (multistream in different qualities)
try to connect OBS to twitch manually (selecting the twitch server from OBS)
If I knew who you actually are, I'd kill you myself. Said ban is only like 5 minutes. Unless you're a well known shitter or a bot, I probably won't ban you
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Who has taken the shondo pill here?
I really just wanted people to say nice things about me, like they did for the others that always kept their chin up and supported the community.
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Do female vtubers really?
>i have a manger
Yeah ok baa baa black sheep get the fuck outta here ya big palooka ayyyy
You aren't owed anything.
I would like to be a talent manager. It's fun to do the behind the scenes things.
Cheen and Iriya both love Shondo as far as I am aware, I would place my money on Mond too
>all the pedophiles like the loli who sounds like a 6 year old

I'm not surprised, just disappointed
Noted. If a 2view indie already has a manager before hitting partner, it's most likely a boyfriend behind the scenes and should be crabbed thusly.
Shondo is funny
I have huge scars on my arms people will comment on, trust me man. Grow up.
Either a boyfriend or some guy who would absolutely roofie her the moment they got within physical proximity. No guy just takes a bunch of busy work for a girl with no expectation of something in return unless it's her actual fucking father or brother
Are you a male? Tough luck.
Are you a female? Try harder/Hang out in the right streams.
I only let women mod / people I know irl
>that last reply
No one asked, pedo. keep your salt to your chat when you get unbanned, dumb bitch
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So I'm really struggling to figure out all the technical stuff so I won't be able to have my first stream tonight like I said I would but I'll just do it tomorrow, 24 hours from now. That will also give me time to decide whether I want to do Pikmin 1 or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. For now I went ahead and made all my accounts so feel free to follow if you want but don't feel pressured to. Thank you to everyone from the last thread who gave me the encouragement to try out VTubing. Very nervous but also excited about trying this whole thing out tomorrow.
X: https://x.com/Puppchi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/puppchi
I will follow you once someone else does too, being in your first 5 followers would be creepy.
i will try to make it to the stream tomorrow. also my vote is on pikmin 1 personally.
I need a manager who tells me how to get viewers because I have no idea.
Please block CamuiVT, rottiepop_, and pittarinnn on Twitter and ban their respective Twitch channels before starting. It's for your own good.
The only one she actually needs to watch out for is Patchery
Camui doesn't care and Rottie sticks to her group
Off yourselves dramaniggers.
Make judgements about people based on your own experiences with them not the threads
Good luck~
But also don't be too surprised when you find out that the stove is hot after being told as much.
This is the only time I will say this but I will ban and block people as I see fit. If I notice something that warrants that response from me I will do so quietly. I am not here for drama, I am here to have fun after work. Thank you!
>Camui doesn't care
Yeah Camui only cares about the people who he thinks have wronged him, as long as you can read his mind, you're good
Vocaroo please? Tell me you're a woman and not a man.
wouldve been better to ask on a dedicated discord then
aaaand the grooming has started
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. People are allowed to make mistakes.
very cute im rooting for you!
Even funnier is denpa claiming she has a manager way before getting partner and having a breakdown for nit having a bf. Would love to hear shadow's based opinion on that.
Not even close to the grooming on the other thread. Some newfag was immediately greeted with a request to post pictures of their asshole
i followed you, good luck and have fun tomorrow. i personally would prefer to watch pikmin
I am a girl :D
And nobody is entitled to forgiveness.
>Pafu first follower
Kek we know who this is, I wish you luck
I didn't make this post but yes, I am a woman.
Eeep! Here you go! :D
I'll only follow you if you follow me back.
I'll only be following people I want to follow, sorry!
That’s right, but going around people who don’t even know who you are and telling them who to block looks unhinged and doesn’t get people on your side.
Puppchi I know you said you will only block people who do you wrong but Pafu should be the exception. she will only cause you troubles. your are a sweet person and i dont want pafu to break you down mentally.
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Hot piss on the tip of my lips!
Dribblin' down my chin
Hot piss nothin's better than this!
To waste it'd be a sin
Hot cum on the tip of my tongue!
Dribblin' down my bum
Hot cum mixin' in with my dung!
To waste it'd be so dumb
Just for your information >>84767450

I would recommend going through this when you have the time, it surrounds Camui who I genuinely think is a vile human being and everybody who has ever been associated with him has come out much worse because of it (doxxing, revenge porn, abuse, etc)

You're free to make your own opinion, but you deserved to at least make an informed one
>has already been debunked multiple times
get new material schizochama
So basically you only came here to leech, fuck off then. And just a random person with zero followers, willing to bet you're someone's acquaintance who told you to shill yourself here first.
I didn't make that post, to be clear, but warnings are perfectly reasonable. The devil that you know is better than the one that you don't. I remain cautiously optimistic in all interactions.
lol who are you?
Pafu's a good girl and one of the best people it's ever been my pleasure to know in life. Don't listen to this bone smuggler.
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what did you do to earn their follow anon? you think just because you followed them that they have to follow you back?
what did they do to earn mine besides posting their link and saying "i am a woman?"
good lord the schizos are instantly trying to run this person off the internet and they havent even streamed. no wonder people hate /asp/ you guys arent welcoming at all. worried this new person is gonna steal your 2 viewers or something?
did you miss the part where they said
>feel free to follow if you want but don't feel pressured to
is someone holding a gun to your head saying you have to follow them? you can just, idk, not follow them if you want
can't tell if this is also bait or just someone lacking reading comprehension
>did you miss the part
yes actually
>hi newfag, here's a list of people i personally hate one of who is already following you also you should block them to earn my follow i am definitely not the actual bad actor here it's them and now you if you don't also hate who i hate
They actually think this makes new /asp/ies feel welcome
And you'll supply all the evidence for this debunk, yes?
Hopefully I can earn your follow during or after my first stream tomorrow!
I'm leaning towards Pikmin 1 as well.
Thank you!
New /asp/ies are not welcome though. Why would they be? Old ones aren't welcome either.
It's only a few bitter people as proven here.


most people in these threads are friendly and have a positive experience and the schizos want to ruin that.
Is this a pre-made model or a fresh bake?
personally i think its a little rude to come and post yourself without atleast lurking or participating in the community first, but it doesnt mean they should just gtfo. i wish you goodluck newfren
>as proven here
Stop forcing this narrative, it's blatantly obvious that every negative post is removed. Someone could do the same leaving posts only that spam nigger but that wouldn't represent the thread either.
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I'm a new /asp/ie. Yes, I'm aspiring. Yes, I will introduce myself, post my link and immediately be swarmed by groomer schizos trying to alienate me into being hateful before I leave the thread wondering what's wrong with those guys. DEAL WITH IT!
This thread is for new and aspiring vtubers, most people were here before there was even a community so there's nothing wrong with not lurking.
That's not how claims work idiot you need proof for your claims first. The burden of proof is on YOU the one making shit up.
It seems like you have a good head on your shoulders. Don't let the thread drama get to you. There's a handful of foolish people hanging around that will consistently cause problems in the threads. It's wise to just come here with a question or two and then leave until you have another one.
>i want to become a vtuber with a nice community
>thus my immediate first thought is shilling myself on one of 4chans most schizo boards
She knows what she's doing.
So we know this puppchi is someone from waspie cords, I'll give it a week.
finally... new aspie dropped, i hope the response you've been getting doesn't deter you, most of the actual people you'll meet are actually really nice
why is /wasp/ crawling back?
mm, you make a good point, i suppose if there was anywhere to do that it would be here. i retract my statement
I'll bet jignx and patchey are already on that
You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders, hope you figure out your streaming technical issues, just use OBS and set the right twitch bitrate and how to put your vtuber model on screen. Overlays and other stuff you can do later. Also remember to set audio so it's loud enough too.
whores not content with having their own discord want their own thread too
Don't follow these guys, follow me instead, you're so sexy ahaaa
This is a genelal-purpose model, I don't have the funds to afford a custom model.
I'm not someone who likes drama so I'll just ignore it and block anyone who wants to cause issues.
I asked in a previous thread if we can post ourselves in these threads and was told yes so I did was I was told was fine to do. If people cause issues I'll just ignore them, they aren't worth the time or energy. I'm sure I will meet a few people who will enjoy watching my streams!
what the fuck is this
no freaking idea, I'd suggest not entering anything into it.
I'm trying to figure out how to use OBS and fiddle with audio settings right now, hopefully I can have everything ready for after work tomorrow! For overlays I just did a basic image for the background, I don't think it would make sense to spend money on things like that if I don't even know if people will watch to begin with. Maybe in the future I can save up some money to commission things like that though.
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i meant to post that image separately fuck
some autists self fellation
It's all Greek to me
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Yeah you're right, the important is mostly audio for first impressions the rest you can do later for sure.


Here's a good video. Otherwise good luck and take care, I'm happy to see new people try out vtubing!
pretty sure someone on waspcord can help with everything
I don't know but apparently I'm not her
I can just Google a bunch of tutorials, I don't feel comfortable joining a group right now because I don't know anyone.
This. Since Pafu followed you, you're obviously in discords just ask them.
>This is a genelal-purpose model, I don't have the funds to afford a custom model.
Cute nonetheless
that's a good mindset to have, good luck on your stream
love how /asp/ is already trying to lump the new person in with /wasp/ you guys are pathetic.
I followed her cuz she’s in the thread? Why do you hate me so much?
If you don't accept the evidence that's fine, just let me know who you are so I can block you for defending a literal sex offender
There were a lot of cute general-purpose models to pick from but this one stole my heart!
Thank you! I'm excited to have my first stream tomorrow evening.
It's literally just one guy stirring shit
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Speaking of new vtubers i was going to use some pseudo crt tv setup to play retro games like this. I think its cool but it might takes up too much space and just visual clutter. Opinions?
I dislike it when people do this unless it fits their overall aesthetic choice
I agree with the sentiment that you should lurk or be apart of the community before posting yourself here, it does feel like a leechy move. which aspies do you watch Puppchi? if you name an aspie you watch I will give you a follow.
if that was a criteria then it would remove 90% of the aspies that ever posted here.
Reminder that this thread is haunted by trolls and schizos. With time you'll be able to learn how to spot and ignore them, but this thread is pretty abrasive so it isn't for everybody.
>The most posted one here
Interesting, never seen you lurking the chat.
It's a lot of visual clutter honestly because the TV kinda clashes with the vtuber. It'll look better if it was an art of the TV though.
Pafu please don't bite the bait I love you you're not bad
I'm sorry but I really only ever lurked this thread from time to time to read up on some advice, I don't know anyone from this thread. I got into VTubers because of Hololive but I tend to watch long form content on YouTube such as The Right Opinion, J Aubrey, Wendigoon, Barely Sociable and more.
someone is already larping as puppchi it seems she didnt make the post youre replying to lol
Yeah I agree, my plan is to commission a layout with a similar look that blends well, but I can't afford it atm. This is just experimenting on my part because I don't want to leave the sides empty black when I stream a 4:3 game.
I feel bad.
You forgot to post any proof again sis!
Please go out with me.
well If you arent opposed to AI art, this is where you can use it without any issues by trying to generate a TV in an anime style to your theme and then cutting a hole out and turning it into an overlay.
The proof is there, whether or not you accept it is up to your personal opinion. I think the proof is convincing and I encourage everyone to make their own conclusions based on what is presented to them
>the proof is there
>points to won schizo post with zero proof
Ok thanks for admitting that you are lying since you have no proof still
Didn't think of that, might give it a try, ty anon.
i hope the new aspie makes it and then all you debbie downers seethe. shes gonna teach us all that being yourself and being positive and ignoring drama are the way to achieve success.
Common trolling techniques: circular archive proofs.
>the proof is there
>proof that has already been discredited by the /asp/ies mentioned in the schizopost
when will you stream? want to get an idea of your schedule.
Every day starting at 6 PM PST for roughly 3 hours!
all it takes is 1 bitter individual to shit up the thread and that's what they've been doing the whole day.
discount Korone
except that he has admitted to most of those claims (not all of them)
tell that to the person who made the model and not the person using the model
I'd suggest 3 times a week at minimum to test things out and to not burn yourself out starting out. You can always add more days if you find yourself loving it.
>camui defense force is still here
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Anon, can I be her if I try?
I'm already playing video games every day for 3 hours so the only difference is that I will be livestreaming myself while I do so.
Go ahead and show me where everything listed there which has links to the posts which are the primary source, has been discredited.
>random speculation with zero proof and doesn't disprove anything
>this somehow means...something?
Oh in that case that's fine then!
When I posted myself I got 2 follows and 0 viewers. But I am a male. Such is the power of groomers.
>do your reps
>unless it goes against my narrative then you have to do the legwork for me
I provided my proof, you provide yours.
not trying to be a POS but do you have a good personality? the new aspie seems positive, friendly and avoids drama which is working in her favor
Charisma issue.
Ramnor, Alpin, Brightmalphon got followers and viewers here. Maybe it's just you.
Post yourself again
Puppchi has the charisma of a wet paper bag
every time he fucks up its always the same old excuse
>chrii made me do it
>I wanted to make rottie happy
>patchey convinced me to do this
>I was in a bad place and they were my only friends

he is an adult, he has full authority over what he does and what he doesn't do, and he also has to take full responsibility for those actions
hi kyuu
There is already one example of accusations being walked back >>85665560, you have to be a child if you're this naive to believe everything has to be his fault because 'he a stinky poopoo head'.
He's right though
yeah, that was the only one. Now provide proof for the other ones camui.
He's covering up for several people not mentioned by you
>one example of an accusation being false because there was no actual proof of his activities
>this absolves camui of everything else he has ever done and stuff there is proof for

Well let's go back to the start then, did he or did he not leak Layla's DMs to thread?
i would say ignore thread shitters but you're thankfully already doing that. you seem sweet so i'm excited to see your stream tomorrow!
I'm not pinning the blame solely on him, but if you do something thats it, you did the thing, you cannot excuse yourself by blaming those around you specially when you chose to surround yourself with them in the first place
>Camui made me do it
>Revenge porn
Always the same lines and excuses from Rottie and her defenders
Now here's the part where you post proof and then once you do that, then comes to part when you you logic your way out of the question, "How does covering up for evil actions make you less of a bad person?"
will you collab with males
I think Camui doesn’t need to commit nonstop Self-flagellation to be forgiven.
Nobody wants him to commit self flagellation because nobody wants to forgive him, they just want him to fuck off
There have been several new males posting in the thread with only a fraction of the follows but they aren't cute dog girls
I likely won't collab with anyone if I'm being honest. I play single player games so there isn't really room for a collab stream with those.
he didn't even post lmao your schizoing is unwarranted just like it was last night
i am already masterbating to puppchi uoooo i am going to uoooouooooo
no no, I hate her just as much because I know she is a snake, and I cannot wait someone in that group of friends gets backstabbed and trashtalked behind their back to the entire group trying to isolate them
Leech behavior. Posting yourself here and not even having the decency to follow those who follow you? Collab with those that support you?
ignore this retard >>86779592 he is trying to make you leave this place
Thinking about taking Puppchi on a date, seeing the sights and sounds of the big city, and going home hand in hand with her...
that person has very obviously been advised by someone to come here and leech off as many people as she can, but people are already whiteknighting because they immediately grovel when they see a female

He's not depressed anymore so they want to bring him down https://x.com/camuivt/status/1842316270403735740
Spoopy month means spoopy games! Live with Zoochosis! Lets hope I don't get jumpscared too bad tonight!
Won't collab with females either i bet
>last night
I have no idea what you're talking about, you know a lot of people don't like the guy, right? That tends to happen when you consistently violate others with no remorse or self-reflection or sincere apology
how is she leeching? all she did was post her links and say you can watch if you want but dont feel pressured to. i dont see her doing anything that warrants being called a leech lmao.
patchey abandoned practically everything.
Good. Hopefully he kills himself next.
Yes let me express how much I don't like the guy for a full thread unprompted after two weeks of mostly comfy threads, it's his fault!
Not participating in a community but trying to be part of it is leeching. Have you seen her in anyone's channels?
good luck standing out from the dozen of other girls playing nintendo games
would be nice if you mingled a bit more beforehand, or at least dropped the link while already live, it really is awkward to be the first follower for someone that just showed out of nowhere
You seem like a very unhappy, bitter person projecting the worst of your mind onto others so you can share the misery. I hope you can find happiness.
Collabing isn't necessary but even leeches collab, very few "new" chubbas outright refuse even though all indies do is collab.
maybe if you guys weren't dramafags and made good content she would support the content you made, ever think about that?
maybe she doesn't want to collab with a bunch of retards who just create drama out of thin air
Stop trying to pretend he did nothing wrong and I stop proving that he did in fact, do a lot wrong things. It's very simple.
Immediately saying "i will not follow back anyone" just gives off bad vibes. If she simply wanted to try out vtubing there are several other communities to get into first, but she purposefully came here.
I'm not looking to stand out, I'm just looking to have fun after work every day. If people watch, cool! If people don't watch then at least I'm having fun.
I said I will follow the people I wish to follow. Hope that clears things up.
I see indies pop up every day who collab or at least mingle with others, no drama is even happening kek
god forbid an aspiring vtuber posts their link in the aspiring vtubers thread
>I said I will follow the people I wish to follow.
and you still havent followed back a single one
This is a troll. Learn how to spot bad-faith posting, kids
he has been posting in this thread for the last few days, obviously if camui is going to be openly posting his schizos are going to come back
hi binyamin, bored of denpa?
It just keeps fucking going, man. We're going to get through an entire election cycle and it's STILL going to be going.
fwofie I love you so much
I really don't understand the people who make a big deal about following back. Wouldn't you want someone who follows you because they genuinely like your content or vibe, not an empty follow back just because you followed them?
I remember making the mistake of following everyone back when I started, makes for some really awkward conversations down the line.
don't mind everyone else bbg , now what your wechat
do you have an art tag also , orrr??? are you freeballing?
Nobody mentioned him to begin with, you took a newfag's post as an opportunity to springboard your own schizo vendetta back into the thread
Slit your throat and rid us of your drivel
I follow back everyone who follows me, I just mute them if I'm not interested.
You raise a good point actually. Most new chubbas don't come /here/ of all places if they're brand new. If this isn't a person larping the initial post, she (or he) sound like they're a rebrand and has been around the block already. Anyone recently get cancelled/run away?
I don't even know if people will watch me so I don't know if I need an art tag, nor do I think I could come up with a clever one right now. Maybe in the future if someone wants to draw art I will think of one then.
like poptart, pupp-t-art
>last few days
he's been posting for longer than that
theyve been throwing random names at the wall to see if something sticks the last few days, were going after johann earlier but camui is their old reliable because mentioning him gets them (you)s
what have any of those people done to earn a follow? news flash, if you follow someone with the intention of them following you back then they will never follow you back.
what has she done to earn anyone's follow? nothing, they're following her out of support. not giving that back is selfish.
OKAY, which flavr rebranded vtuber is this time?
when i posted myself here for the first time i didn't knew anybody, i just asked advice here and people asked me to drop my link when i was ready to stream
I did.
amelia watson is rebranding as discount korone in asp...
post your channel, you're insufferable over a fucking follow and I need to know who you are so I can block you
arent you the dude that accuses everyone who posted here in the past year to be a leech in order to drive them out?
im sensing some severe mental illness coming from that link
>didn't knew
You still aren't ready because you don't know English.
I never had beef with Camui, but if he doesn't stop flirting with Rottie in the thread I might as well block those two lovebirds on twitter
I didn't mention him initially, that was somebody else.
if its a babi or tranny..........
Sour grapes seething.
So what's the point then? Meaningless number for meaningless numbers sake?
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thanks for visiting friends, always good to see you all. And thank you for visiting with mold who is a big friend of mine too. lots of love
>Meaningless number for meaningless numbers sake?
Yes? Numbers attract more numbers. You aren't gonna make it if you only talk to your 3 friends.
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>enter "rottie"
>it lets me in
>know camui didn't write this because i'm camui
No they don't. If you have a huge amount of followers but none of your followers are engaging or even seeing your posts, your account will be de-ranked by the algorithm. Meaningless followers actively harm your social media presence except to maybe impress the uninitiated.
It's the same brand of mental illness that we - that is to say, this general - have been suffering from at regular intervals for more than a year now.
>so it's better to have no followers then
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so Puppchi not following these dramafags is actually helping them out. regardless, anyone who thinks you have to follow back are wastes of space.
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gomen for shit stream
thanks for coming!
Unironically yes because then hole you're in is a lot shallower than trying to reignite a dead account. Twitter sees a brand new account as a neutral which is much better than an account which is seen as negative.
What the fuck
How tacky.

there is no way this is not rottie and her gay friends. Literally no one else gives a shit about her
that's how twitter's algorithm works. Your follows must be lower than your follower count and if you do have to follow someone, it must be high profile accounts that you heavily interact with. That's what they do to get around bots too.
This is a woman's room btw
The number of my daily impressions disagree.
If you have 1000 followers but 150 interact with you that's still better than having 50 followers.
This is curated
anon wtf
Menhera French girls... erotic....
no shit i delete any post that isn't sucking my dick. now you going to start sucking or continue to get filtered?
If you have 50 followers who are interacting with every single one of your posts, Twitter will boost you because that's an amazing ratio of interaction.
Thank you to everyone that came out to my model debut!!! I know its nothing super fancy cus I did it myself but it meant a lot to me for people to say hi!
it was fine you're doing great.
This is the funniest shit ever
sorry, i missed
Uncensor the middle, anon. Surely can't be that bad
you did fine sexy boy
No it looks great for something you've done yourself! you had a great debut hope to see you around
Once more it's proven that /asp/ has actually psychotic stalkers that should be in an asylum. I hope I never make it so nobody is like this with me.
drop your link and i'll build a shrine for you
I bought trading card game simulator
This needs to be the next OP
rottie never "made it", she streamed 5 or so times
And I thought *I* was supamenhera...
I think it's just if someone says they're new but definitely prove they've been around the block more than once, it's weird to larp as a newbie.
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This is Sailor Gurun also known as weeb btw. He is a transgender pedophile.
honestly the only people you should avoid are the people who spurred up enough drama that cody made a video about them
Note the linework between his sketches and the drawing he did of himself and Rottie.
ffs when are you going to stop leaking dms you fucking retard, this is why no one wants you around anymore
Bruh wtf it's starting again. There will never be peace in this thread
and who is behind the new drama? camui again...
it's almost as if he is a curse that's slowly killing this place
>worse than being a pedophile that makes people cut themselves is posting dms where they admit to it
Pedo tranny being exposed for stalking an /asp/ie blaming Camui again lmao
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playing the new persona 5
yeah? and?
I don't want neither of you here, please die together with him and gives us some respite
/asp/ies are fucked up
Clearly a glowie but alright king go off I guess
Do you still think he has the scar on his tummy
who??? this isn't an /asp/ie
can you schizos stop posting random unrelated people in these threads?
That's gurun, an /asp/ie
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No evidence, just random accusations.
Thank you! I hope so too, I'll be here!
i miss the old asp, when we used to uplift each other and help out
Remember to do this anytime you see an offtopic schizo again! Let's all do our part!
I wish I was a better person for you
Please write something uplifting then, be the change you want to see.

why did you remove my poll? answer me.
you're good enough already
I'm convinced too many people broke containment and now its mostly non-aspies just rifting & crabbing for no reason
give me an art tag
viewer chama who is reading this thread right now, stop breaking containment, this isn't the first time you have done this
I want to draw more of my oshi, but I don't want to seem obsessed.
It's literally just one guy
being the change i want to see in the world, i guess.
if you're an aspie in this thread and have a cute design, show me your reference and give me one sentence about yourself/personality and i'll draw a pfp for you.
Who broke containment this time?
cute discount korone
thread is about to die, should repost next thread.
I'm in love with her but I don't want to have sex with her
my girlfriend of 5 years left me and now i'm worried i'm gonna turn into the kind of person that posts here about falling in love with vtubers fuck
Feel better knowing she's going to be happier now.
Yes. I love it when bots and gfx artists follow me too
should i have an erect penis toggle on my vtuber model
I hate male vtubers. Every problem in the world is caused by male vtubers. Fuck males, I'm voting for Kamala Harris.
Curiously, however, 99% of the drama stems from the women and not the men. I wonder why?
Ya know for someone who likes to sit in her discord with her simps and read off mean tweets people make about her Gumpai seems woefully unaware that there is a forum currently shitting all over her
It's always fucking males fueling it. Iriya was right!
We've hit the point of linking TVA and have completely given up even pretending.
I don't. The only way I could be skewed as breaking containment is by a recommendation algorithm picking up who I'm watching. I don't mention Nepalese hemp-braiding forums or whatever the fuck.
>actual /asp/ies there
so this is the kind of place /asp/ truly is
jesus fucking christ this place is completely irredeemable. i'm out.
Not surprising to see Purrson there
Pay attention to who's not streaming right now.
Explain to me, a newfag, what is that place and why is it so bad
Tried telling everyone he was an obese schizo but nobody listened
Splinter forum from Kiwifarms where people discuss Vtuber drama and autism
They have a thread for Sukadrii there too
What /asp/ies are live?

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