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Fellas, do you stop being indie if you hire a manager?
>my oshi's "manager" saw the tributes I send her
She lets Otis stay in her place rent free
Both posts make me want to send inappropriate messages more.
This is some real hater shit to say. I respect it, but at the same time, what's point of stirring shit for no reason?
vtubers are incapable of just shutting the fuck up and streaming while raking in the dough.
If you really need a manager as an indie, and they’re male… you’re fucking them
>my oshi opens my letter with her boyfriend and they laugh together as they read my love confession
Not like this ...
Because it's shondo. She's one of the vilest bitches in existence and that's why she's liked here so much.
ratmannjones go back to Xwitter
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Yes, I like my whores really crazy.
Yeah, it's illegal to have people work under you, without the creation of a legal personality that allow you to hire people. So by definition they aren't indies, but "corpo".

It could happen that they can "hire" another person as a manager and pay them regularly, honoring a verbal agreement, but that also illegal if they have been "hiring" this person for more than 2 months, and that person can legally sue that vtuber for not providing health insurance, and other legal benefits from being employed. After all, a verbal agreement, can be used as a contract even in a court of law, if there's enough proof of that said verbal agreement.
ever heard of consulting and subcontracting?
Yeah I'm not stopping. Either you, your manager, or your boyfriend is going to see me cum on a tablet with your image on it. You leave me with a publicly open email? That's now my cum box.
If you are hiring a consultant, then you are hiring a company and not a natural person, which make you part of a talent management company, just like the average actor from Hollywood that hire a consultant talent manager. Which make you corpo and not an indie.

A subcontract as a natural person, means you have to pay taxes and legal obligations, just like any company does, but without the legal benefits of being a business legal personality, which is dumb, because you could save a lot of money and legal troubles if you hire someone as a company, even as a one-person company, because if your business idea goes to shit, as a natural legal person, your own personal assets can be sold or used as a part of payment.
Go back shocks
Yes next question.
I like shondo but that's kind of retarded
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Calm down Silvi
Managers are the guys she tells you not to worry about.
Not everybody is American
desu, I kinda thought this post would come out've /vt/ but here we are with a vtuber flatout saying it lol
Those managers??? Me.
>you can’t share your opinions on twitter
What’s the point of the site then?
shondo is a pickme
>indie game studios aren't indie
>indie bands aren't indie
>indie vtubers aren't indie
She's right.
yeah, there's a reason people make fun of indie artist with parents that are related to big corporations. Always check your indie artist if they have a blue link on their parent names
Having a manager or and editor don't stop you from being indie. You are still independent. You are still the one making all the decisions and no one is above you.
Twitter should just turn into Pixiv 2
Less than 500 followers saying stuff like having a manager despite not being big or part of corpo though. A better term should have been assistant not whatever it is they're doing trying to emulate big streamers.
also you are the sole source of revenue too.
I hope this cunt gets banned again.
>do you stop being indie if you hire a manager?
Yes. You are not independent at that point anymore. You are dependant of someone else.
this behavior and attitude is one of the main reasons she is popular and she's able to be like this because she's indie. A corpo would have already shut her down.
If this whore salty she keeps doing dumb shit and getting banned because she has nobody to wrangle her or something? What's the point of her post?
You do not have to be a corporation to hire a 1099 in the US. Most managers are going to be independent contractors.
She's not saying this though.

She isn't arguing that having a manager means you aren't indie.

She's saying anyone who isn't in a company who has a manager actually just has a secret boyfriend.

Which is retarded. Yeah it's a funny trope but saying it so matter of factly is just her trying to stir up drama. I guess she stopped getting attention from being banned for being a Loli so now she has to say random bullshit to make people mad at her.
pretty much
The term manager in vtubing sphere's is generally retarded and most of the time a manager is just an assistant who takes orders rather than being in partnership with the talent to create value
Making relatable and attention grabbing hecking wholesome chongus posts that encourage participation in hopes of going viral and hitting the algo and getting more followers.
Doing it with what amounts to a 4chan shitpost is the wrong way to go about it, that will only get you antis and 4channers, which you probably don't want in your sphere.
This is why I only watch hololive. My oshi is Irys btw.
The reason is there are a bunch of morally bankrupt whores pretending to be single women pandering to lonely men on the internet and making bank, whilst their bf is either a manager or a mod or a "brother" or whatever creative nonsense they use these days. It's never a bad thing to shit on them. Only people who know deep down it applies to their oshi would have an issue with it
KYS falseflagger
>for no reason
Calling out whores who exploit mentally ill is a virtue not everything needs a reason
You cannot hire a "manager" you retard, this applies to any profession. You are probably thinking on an "assistant".

And no, unless you are a 4view Indie (which 99.95% aren't), you should not be hiring an assistant.
t. someone who cuckposts vtubers that aren't even gfe
And if you don't have a manager, you're still "dependant" on your viewers to give you money, and on Google or Amazon because you're streaming on their platforms, and on the companies who make the software you use, and on your ISP for your internet connection, and on the company who provides electricity so you can run your computer. Your point?
There's like a handful of indies that can afford to hire a "manager", and most of them wouldn't anyways. She's absolutely right.
jealous female hands typed this post
>projecting whore
Shondo literally had a mod BF for years before she told anyone
>or whatever creative nonsense they use these days
I remember the jewcorp ghost using her dad
You do have to at least write an agreement that specifies the nature of the employment, however.
Ironic when she lies about not coming to /vt/ when she couldn't be any more of a sister if she tried, not to mention her own history of not disclosing her relationship with her mod. Between stuff like this and her spilling inside baseball details on her own friends, I'm genuinely surprised any vtubers are still willing to talk to her.
>Whether or not someone is conscious of the benefit they are receiving from a good deed doesn't remove that from the equation of subconscious choice
You know, when I said
>What are you going to try next? If you do things for others you need to be alive and being alive is a benefit so you always benefit if doing things for others? Come off it kid, you're being ridiculous.
That wasn't me giving you a script, I wasn't giving you your next line, you were supposed to NOT do that because doing that is laughably absurd.

But hey, if you want to go full clown I'd love to hear you explain the "benefit" of someone sacrificing themselves for the sake of others. I'm sure you have some grade A copes for that one. "it feels good to die in a fire :^)"
>whores who exploit mentally ill
this is literally most streamers. Have you seen the kind of mental illness oozing out of asmongold and his chat?
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>Someone made fanart of me!
>"That means they're in love with you good luck!"
Shondo please... take your meds.
No one said anything about fanarts, strawman-kun. I've seen this exact scenario happen multiple times btw
why is she so miserable, you shouldn't reward behavior like this.
Holy shit you care this much to start this another thread? What's wrong with you?
Why do you people take pride in pretending to be naive?
>o hear you explain the "benefit" of someone sacrificing themselves for the sake of others.
It makes them feel good. I don't know how else to explain this concept that doing things you think are morally virtuous can make you feel good regardless of the corporeal suffering you will endure.

Why would a man choose to run into a burning house, sacrificing his own life to save that of his children? What is his incentive to do this?
She's right.
>No one said anything about fanarts
Anon. Its an example of someone putting in a lot of work for something they enjoy/appreciate. You really think some 2view vtuber manager is putting in dozens of hours a week? You're an absolute imbecile.
>I've seen this exact scenario happen multiple times btw
Haha of course you have. Pull the other one chap, it has bells on.

People will put in a full time job's worth of hours to run shit for their entertainment in MMOs, yet nobody would spend any time helping an entertainer they enjoy for hours a day without being in an intimate relationship or wanting to fuck them? What kind of world are you living in you delusional idiot.
>It makes them feel good.
Man jumping on a grenade to save a buddy sure makes me feel good!... Jesus dude.
>Why would a man choose to run into a burning house, sacrificing his own life to save that of his children? What is his incentive to do this?
Anon wake the fuck up and understand that this is the whole point being made. Your asinine belief that people only act out of personal benefit isn't remotely legitimate.
If you have something to say anon, say it. Don't just start sniffing your own farts in public.
You don't stop being an indie just because you have a manager. What is that nonsense? "corporate vtuber" is a very specific thing regarding IP and your content.
>It can make you feel good
So why is that the part you focus on and not the cases where this doesn't apply, which utterly defeat your argument? Just accept the fact that your belief is entirely vapid and dysfunctional already anon, you're failing to defend it at every turn.
The irony of you calling me a delusional idiot whiel coping this hard is not lost on me. Making a single fanart isn't anywhere near as much work as managing another person, maybe if you weren't a neet you'd know that.

Also, if you ever kept track of vtuber inner circle drama, or ever been inside one, you'd know that this is very common anon. The reason I've seen it is because I was a mod for a local chuuba for over an year in 2021
Anon, that's evolutionary-scale behavior. if you want an introduction of the workings you can watch a video like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFEgohhfxOA

That said the dude you're arguing with is coping hard. Shondo is correct.
I didn't know Shondo was dumb, the first point is obvious but she blew it.
Why do sisters and cuckposters pretend that they give a shit about people being "exploited" in their spiels about people knowing the truth, when it's apparent to everyone their only motivations are hating (other) women, projecting their own insecurities, or just wanting to stir shit and troll? Especially when most of them are still going to call a vtuber a whore if they're open about having a boyfriend.
>Man jumping on a grenade to save a buddy sure makes me feel good!... Jesus dude.
Yes? I don't understand why you think the concept of self-sacrifice, possibly the single noble action someone could ever take, doesn't give people a massive sense of mental and emotional pleasure? Why else are they doing it?

>Anon wake the fuck up and understand that this is the whole point being made. Your asinine belief that people only act out of personal benefit isn't remotely legitimate.
You didn't answer my question. What is the incentive, personal or not, for a father to sacrifice his life for his children?
Yeah that it's an open "secret" that Vtubers have lives outside of Vtubing, that's in fact the entire appeal of Vtubing in the first place (I'm a man of course but I would never stream beyond proving only my voice with no webcam for exactly the reason of having separation between my real life and streaming) and if you feel the need to defend Vtubers over shit like this pretending that they "don't have boyfriends" you're probably enjoying Vtubers for the wrong reason.
>So why is that the part you focus on and not the cases where this doesn't apply
In what cases does this not apply?

>Just accept the fact that your belief is entirely vapid and dysfunctional already anon, you're failing to defend it at every turn.
You keep saying this as if it's a point in of itself when it's not.
>its ok when Shondo has a BF
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I didn't have anything against Shondo before this but this kind of attitude is really unprofessional and offputting. There's no reason to shit on fellow indies for a drop of clout.
It's times like this that I remember she first got her following because she decided to shit on Fauna out of jealousy as well.
It's okay to have a bf, as long as you aren't deceiving your fans about it when you are fully aware part of your appeal is as a romantically available woman
>There's no reason to shit on fellow indies for a drop of clout.
also shes off her meds

you mean there is no GOOD reason
actually no, you will be surprised how repetitive it becomes. So many schizzos around there
Anon please tell me what work you think is actually involved with "managing" a 2view, and if you really think that compares to the hours that many artists put in on a daily or weekly basis.
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God, she's a bitch.
>Anon, that's evolutionary-scale behavior.
Jumping into an argument about personal benefit to argue for communal benefit? You are genuinely retarded anon.
>Also completely ignored the main argument to sperg out about the example
Wew lad.
>if you ever kept track of vtuber inner circle drama, or ever been inside one, you'd know that this is very common anon.
Proof next thread? Or should I just believe you because you believe that without actual evidence and little more than convenient make-belief?
>I was a mod for a local chuuba for over an year in 2021
Ah right and your personal anecdotes determine the norm? That's how it works right? Anecdotal evidence is a concept that people understand as very valid and reasonable, right?
>It's times like this that I remember she first got her following because she decided to shit on Fauna out of jealousy as well.
Nigger Shondo was already a large ASMR creator before Fauna existed
then then how did Fauna and Cici became friends with this bitch?
>Why else are they doing it?
>You didn't answer my question. What is the incentive
Anon. You got an answer, you're just refusing to accept it because it proves your whole line of reasoning wrong. In your mind there HAS to be a personal benefit, when the whole premise of the argument is that it's absurd to think so. So you get these examples where there is no incentive and you wish to disqualify them because... there is no incentive? Clown world.
Nevermind, you're THAT kind of autist. Carry on anon, have my (you) and my concession
>No see I'm right and it's an "open secret" WAKE UP SHEEPLE
And other stuff schizos tell themselves about their pet conspiracy theories.
>changes the subject when mods being boyfriends is brought up
I like how shes "friends" with lots of indies who have managers and is just calling them all whores but not a single one of them will speak up because they know they will have 2000 schizos anti post them for years to come if they do
If someone commissions an artist then they're not indie anymore and become corpo because they're hiring someone by this logic
Yeah bro and professional wrestlers really do fight each other in the locker room all the time with the cameras rolling and spouting one liners.
In her desperation to prove herself different from the whores, she proves herself to be one of them by engaging in the exact same kind of shit eating clout farming as every other bitch on that platform. Just going after people who she doesn't even know for no reason other than to elevate her own image.
>Shondo having a meltdown
expect a new holo gen soon, she didn't pass again
Some faggot helping a 2-view out of the goodness of his soul is absolutely a groomer.
Bro watchout if your oshi hires and editor or artist, that girls a WHORE
someone should bring up her mod already, that's her chill pill
An artist doing comission work is nothing like an artist that has a salaried job. One has variable income and could be extremely sporadic while the other has benefits besides the salary.
She is absolutely correct. As soon as I see a chuuba getting way too chummy with a manager or mod I fuck right off. They think they're being slick but have no idea how transparent they are.
Those send benefits being?
>Schizo starts babbling random unrelated nonsense
Ok. Good luck with that anon.
It's not an employment agreement if they aren't employees. It's a contractual agreement, sometimes closer to a master services agreement.
You should still set up an LLC anyway, but there's nothing stopping you from having an MSA with a talent manager with a DBA.
>rye calling guardbro daddy on and off stream
>So you get these examples where there is no incentive and you wish to disqualify them because
What fucking examples did you provide? All of the example you provided have an incentive of personal benefit through emotional and mental pleasure from doing the right thing. That is the basis of selfsacrificing behaviour.

You for some reason think the chain of logic stops as the suffering part of self sacrifice which doesn't make sense. You don't bother to ask the question, why are they choosing to suffer? Do they hate themselves? No of course they don't, they are doing it because it gives them benefit. This type of behaviour is fucking ancient, nearly all mammals will sacrifice themselves to defend their young. Why? Because evolution makes them feel that this is what they are supposed to do and that not doing it (resulting in the loss of your young) makes you feel bad because your genetic lineage would fucking die out. Thus leaving only those who have developed the internal incentives to act in self-sacrifice.

If you are aware of history, every single culture currently alive today holds the sacrifice of ones life for others as the single greatest deed you can perform. That's not a coincidence. Because cultures which did not embed that idea into it's constituents eventually were conquered by people who were brought up in cultures to give up everything for the benefit of those around them. Why? Because those cultures venerated that idea and that moral concept. People enjoy societal acceptance, social praise and social duty. A way to achieve those things in a society which values self-sacrifice is to suffer for the sake of others, that is a real benefit to yourself. Every culture alive today stems from a warrior culture which for large periods of history were basically death cults with the entire society being consumed by the idea that your death must mean something. To give it meaning, you would perform sacrifice to others and some would actively seek out to die for others.

I do not need to run a lecture series on anthropology for you to understand that people like to do good things even if they hurt, because it makes them feel good because the brain chemicals say so.
Thanks for responding in a way that lets me know that you know I'm right.
Her touching is peanits, apparently
>And other things anon tells himself to keep believing he's not an aberration
Just accept that you're defective and stop pretending most people are anything like you anon. The average MMOfag spends more time "working" for his guild than a vtuber manager would. There is absolutely zero reason to believe people wouldn't somehow help a friend or an entertainer they are a fan of without wanting to fuck them. That's not normal faggot. Seek help.
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literally renpc used to do tons of art of her until he realized she wasn't groomable enough and he moved on to neppie
Yes anon, I know you think you're right regardless of what actually happens, we didn't actually need proof, you made that perfectly clear before.
"Straight" dudes doing the whole pretending to not know how life works for pussy shtick is a lot less forgivable when it's done on a thread online for a girl with no tits that will never see it.
>Self sacrifice gives emotional and mental pleasure! Dead people have the ability to feel these things you know?!
Lol. I'm so fucking done, how do you even talk to someone this absurd?
I remember seeing those
anyone have them saved, would be funny to have them for future use
oh yikes i'm not sure how i feel about this shondo xeet.
while i do think it applies in some cases, some vtuber's "managers" are their boyfriends, theres plenty of vtubers who have hired actual managers, and its not that uncommon in the scene.
she's coming across a little bitchy here, like she's trying to put down and shit stir for vtubers who do just have actual managers.
idk i like shondo a lot and look up to her but this feels catty to me
Typically you get the standard bonuses that come with being salaried which can include basic healthcare, sick pay, annual leave at no loss of earnings. So being ill doesn't mean you lose any profit.
Then you have job specific benefits, artists tend to be able to negotiate for rights to what they make under somebody else or at least given credit for designs and artwork.
You are so stupid it hurts.
Well to be fair smaller indies don't need managers, but iirc bao had one when she first started out (she tweeted about it when it ended badly), haruka has talked about having one before vshojo and shylily has always been pretty open with having one from the start. Maybe it's the difference between being stuck in 2view hell and having enough bandwidth to grow
>L-life just works this way! I'm not an incel schizo it is you who is insane!
he actually moved on because he got tired of all the Phase Connect fans that orbit Shondo and shit up her fanbase
>More schizo babble
Cool but who asked?
Lmao bro I doubt anyone hiring a freelance manager is paying them health benefits. Look at the managers on twitter, they usually charge a percentage of the talents earnings or a lump fee
She has a history of shitting on fellow indies. She's the kind of person that has no problem screwing over others (even her own friends) if it gets her where and what she wants.
To grow you need to see yourself as a sole proprietor who can hire contractors to do things for you
You're so mad you're responding to multiple people at once.

So who's your Oshi and what's so special about her that you're absolutely sure that she doesn't have a boyfriend and will eventually suck your dick?
Doesn't Kaneko Lumi do the same with her editor?
Have a nice day champ.

One day you might understand why people do things other than they just want to hurt themselves.
I'm not going to pretend that there aren't a fuckton of wannabe groomers in that scenario, but I mod for a low 3view just because I want to curbstomp annoying retards in her chat.
I don't know what these faggots think a vtuber manager has to do outside of JP perms shit, especially when we're talking low 2view nobodies who aren't exactly drowning in advertiser spam mail or collab invitations. It wouldn't even qualify as a god damn hobby in terms of hours.
i already knew this i played needy streamer overload
I replied to an artist post, not a manager one. Freelance managers are grifters that couldn't land a job in a talent agency and at most work on sponsorship deals.
Something a decent solicitor would be far better at.
Damn, I guess Doki must have a fucking harem if all of those employees are actually boyfriends.
Mine has a manager who's female, and they were both in relationships at the time of hiring.
Damn, there's gotta be some wild love triangle shit going on.
First the discord sex pest getting unbanned in her server, and now this catty shit. She's off her meds again
>Schizo gets called out and starts babbling about whores again
>Insists I believe the very thing I've been claiming is nonsense because that's the thing he believes
Lmao. Anon when I go to a concert I do not wish to fuck the band. If I watch an entertainer I do not immediately feel the need to fuck them, nor is it remotely reasonable to have any such expectation. Please seek help, you are utterly deranged.
A lot of them edit and create ideas with the client, if you actually look at what they offer anon. It's okay to be wrong buddy
Neither do I, that's why I can watch Vtubers without pretending that the person behind the mask gives any fucks about me at all.
rules for thee but not for me, huh?
>Went from babbling about everything everywhere all at once being for personal benefit
>Couldn't find personal benefit in self-sacrifice, kept trying to exist it was somehow there even in cases where it objectively wasn't possible
>Now tries to pivot to "t-there's other reasons people do things t-too you know"
Lmao. Seriously though how the fuck do you talk to someone like this?
can't believe my male oshi is gay for having a manger...... I hate gays
Unaware of this who because lmao using twitch are unmedicated rants the norm and once they're back on their meds will they delete this rant out of shame?
Subatomos still believe Subaru lives in a haunted house
>Whore that literally had to sit her 'husbands' down to tell them how she flew to another country to fuck her mod
Is she fucking stupid, or just deliberately trolling her cuck fanbase?
She's known to be batshit crazy and go off her meds, it's why schizos flock to her
I will accept being wrong about managers anon, but that does not at all mean that I will stop joking about them being lazy assholes.
Okay but who asked? That has nothing to do with the conversations being had here. This is about whether people would do things for others without some incessant need to fuck them or some obsessive belief that they will receive love or romance in return. The simple fact is that this is quite common, and Shondo's whole schizo reasoning is laughably retarded.
and it's always morally correct to say it. Though shondo is the same as those bitches
Shondo has a BF.
Your oshi has a BF.
They all are fucking some dude, okay.
I'm not reading that.

Have a good day champ.
Pretty sure that's what her fans are there for anon. That's not even trolling, that's just "service" to them.
Lmao so a schizo for schizos? Wonderful will enjoy watching their meltdown
I'd hope so. Look around you and see how miserable being lonely makes these sad fucks. Has nothing to do with me though, I have no interest pretending there is any kind of romance between me and a performer who's performance I enjoy.
>I'm not reading that
I'm sure that'll make all the difference for you, anon. You were doing such a good job before, after all!
What the fuck? I've always ignored her so I never kept up with her antics. I guess it's all projection then.
It always is.
>I guess it's all projection then
As opposed to what else, anon? Shondo being world-wise? Lmao mate come the fuck on now.
I fucking wish. If my oshi had a partner to share her problems with and rely on, she would've had a much easier time with her stress and mental health.
Qrd on this? I have no idea who this bitch is
What are you talking about anon? The point is not having a boyfriend or whatever, it's about the deception.
>literraly who
>says she's got a fuckton of love confessions
From whomst?
Goddamnit Shondo XD
man, women fucking HATE other women
According to her logic Doki doesn't count because she's not a "true indie", she's basically the head of her own makeshift corpo.
>Gives the competitions terminal paranoia
It's just basic pickme behaviour anon
>I would never lie to you my husbands, I'd let you know when I'm dating someone! I'm honest you see! I confront these lying bitches!
Tale as old as time.
>no indie EVER hires anyone to do ANYTHING. it's simply impossible all of them just have their boyfriends do everything.
>what about your mods?
>um uhhh well, anyways
is she outing herself
All me
why do 2 simple tweets make indies seethe so much
I don't doubt for a second that she bribes her mods with feet pics or some such nonsense. I cannot imagine she would be able to contain her paranoia unless she had some means to "control" them.

Really though I suspect she hasn't been in a proper relationship at all and her "boyfriends" have all been similarly dysfunctional people. Nobody who is employed has the fucking time or energy to also work part time for their girlfriend's "job".
She isn't wrong.
>Pickmes existing somehow means indies seethe
? What?
Women like Shondo exhaust me. Pickme isn't a strong enough term. I'd go as far as to call her a gender traitor. It obviously endears her to her male audience, but it's repugnant to see somebody so willingly and gleefully throw her fellow woman (in the same industry and standing as her, no less) under the bus for clout.
Shondo is insane anyway and only crazy retards actually believe her, they chose this for themselves. In my case I'm aware any sufficiently pretty and almost-well-adjusted vtuber probably has a boyfriend, the odds are only the actual fat uggos (and even then it's only a 50% chance) with brain problems are single.
Wow, good point. In any case, I hope people who want to find love are able to maintain healthy relationships.
she exhausts my dick lol
Can someone explain how such a relationship would even work?
>Be boyfriend of ho streamer
>Come home from work, want to spend time with girlfriend
>"Hey anon can you spend an hour sorting through my mail while I flirt with strangers on the internet for money?"
Is Shondo actually suggesting this is normal or that dudes actually desire to be in a relationship like that? Are any of you fucks here actually willing to tell me you'd want to be in such a relationship? Who the fuck actually wants to date a streamer, let alone work a job for them on top of it?
And this is why she'll always be a schizo starting drama. Sad stuff.
>Well adjusted
I don't think that's going to be a very long list though anon. Most of these girls (or dudes) are either some brand of very autistic or hyper obsessive.
Yes lots of people would want to do that, are you retarded?
some pussy for an hour of reading emails? yeah who would ever take that trade
Silence, woman
Be a little bit nicer to men and maybe, just maybe, they'll pick you
This post IS bait but...
That guy... He trolled Shondo lol.
>But it's le true
Not the point.
There's a bunch of fat and ugly women behind vtuber avatars too but it's not something another vtuber is supposed to point out.
I mean, assuming you get a good amount of the money, it's basically like being a pimp. Your girlfriend goes on twitch and e-whores herself out, and you get to keep the money after doing a basic level of management.
Working for them is the bridge into some sort of relationship with them. After you get there gotta keep it up, besides it isn't a lot of work.
she's just saying it as it is. You ever wondered why Nijisanji EN accepted Luca's ex dealing with all the fan mail and writing signatures. It's an open secret.
he just said the truth, that is why she logged off after that and stopped posting
Shondo has been upfront though.
Pickme really is a terrible term. Doesn't have any punch and doesn't convey the intended meaning properly. I'll workshop a better word one of these days.
Kill yourself. You are completely powerless in your own life and take it out on randoms because it makes you feel like less of a failure.
Just do it. No one will miss you.
i think she's saying that "manager" is just a codename for boyfriend. they don't actually have a manager, and the boyfriend isn't doing any actual managerial work
she was when she was caught
but lets be real shes only doing this shit because shes projecting
They never dated, though he did want to.
women are a cabal
>any sufficiently pretty and almost-well-adjusted vtuber
from what I've seen, that list is literally just Geega.
Right, my bad. I kind of derped on the fact that this place is riddled with virgins. Listen chaps that's fun for a week or so but you're not going to last. You think any of these chuubas have the energy to spend time with you, let alone fuck you? A relationship where you're the only one putting in work is fucking terrible, I know you might feel desperate now but it's not worth it.
>N-no see my virgin dick will surely have her fall for me and that will change everything somehow!
Life isn't like porn, anons, those people are acting.
There's a certain level of mental illness where a person is almost well adjusted or able to fake normalcy, these women are statistically more likely to find a boyfriend rather than less because they can blend in and get a guy before he realizes he's dating a crazy.
She fucked her mod anon. She told her chat on stream...they fucking donated when she told them LOL
If your vtuber can stream normally she's well adjusted enough to have a boyfriend.
Shondo is a mean girl. No wonder why she is friends with a lot of Phase's top cunts. Birds of a feather.
Aspiring to be a pimp has got to be one of the saddest things I can imagine, and I'm here posting on /vt/.
>I-It's a bridge to a real relationship! Surely she'll be head over heels for me any day and have time and energy away from her job to spend on me!
You're not that worthless, are you anon?
She said they had sex?
Anon, in that case the list includes Shondo, denpafish, and nekomata mel.
The person she's quote retweeting doesn't seem to be a vtuber? I don't see any links from his profile, so it just looks like a misleading take from a non-streamer that went viral. Shondo is being blunt of course, but her reasoning is sound. If you're indie, you're presumed to be the primary contact for business communications.
If she comes out and just says she's fucked every man who has ever done any kind of work for her and that's the standpoint she's saying this from, then I will actually regain my respect for her even if it's still projection.
>this kind of attitude is really unprofessional and offputting
>posts Kronii
ok anon sure.
proof? clips, screenshots, anything? or is this sourced purely from your imagination?
>You're not that worthless, are you anon?
I'm not the one doing these things but others do. Besides, the fact that we are posting here means that you, I and everyone ITT are pretty worthless.
She's shitting on every indie with a manager with this take, not OP. Mind you her own collab partners being some of them.
I'm not even sure I believe that anon. She seems more the type to lie about it to satisfy her cuck audience. The type to go "n-no I totally had sex guise" while she cried herself to sleep paralysed with the fear of leaving her house to meet a real human bean.
now this is coping
>outing her friends like this
damn, that's a bitch move
still based though
Even shondo fans can't be this delusional. Stop falseflagging faggot.
lying whores deserve it
Getting a date and actually getting into a functional relationship aren't the same thing imo. You see the same shit with male content creators where they will end up in a relationship that never lasts a month because their lifestyle is incompatible with any kind of sustained contact.

Again, all these ideas of "they're totally dating" fall apart once you realise that they are usually fairly successful and are unlikely to be daring someone who is unemployed, and are unlikely to last long in such a relationship because their schedules and lifestyles are utterly incompatible with normally employed people, and the pool of people with compatible lifestyles is very small indeed.
Eh. Could be worse. I could be having birdwatching as a hobby. At least the Tits I look at have some broader appeal.
That's surprising to hear. Maybe I'm expecting too much of people, but I generally assume to be an indie is to be someone who handles their own email communications with sponsors, merch, etc.
She's one herself.
The woman was close enough that she would sign merchandise for him and Luca wasn't punished for her access to his accounts. That sounds like significant other status.
Mint doesn't have a manager.
if Mint who is one of the biggest indies on the planet and one of the biggest names in western vtubing can handle her own shit, then there is no reason for a low 3view to 2view to have a manager
Hypocrisy bad. Simple as.
Not sure what you think I'm coping about. She's a performer operating a puppet on a stage. I just don't believe someone this dysfunctional actually got laid. You might believe otherwise because in your wild fantasies you'd totally hit that rather than piss yourself at the thought of human interaction, but I doubt it.

Again, do you really believe Shondo was able to be normal/stable long enough to actually go out and get laid? I'm genuinely asking here because I'm not one to watch her streams, but she's only ever given the impression of being far too unstable for such things, that might just be due to how she shows up on /vt/ all the time though.
exposing whores is still good though
>Mint doesn't have a manager.
DYRBI? At least with someone like Vedal I can believe it.
She was married at the time. She might still be actually, haven't checked. But because she had a spouse he instead resorted to jerking off to her voice while they VC'd. Much to her discomfort, as is stated in the doc. Luca not being punished has nothing to do with her and everything to do with management prioritizing the moneymakers.
Yes, she just has a boyfriend who she doesn't call her manager.
>relies on gigs from vshojo, using their managers
>relied on phase connect to get her a 3d concert at a major event, using her managers
>relies on dokibird to set up stuff with her, who has a manager
based shondo shitting on all those 2views with a manager=boyfriend/groomer
speaking from experience is not projecting
thats not solo its a duo queue
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Hello bot
Doki has several managers, however.
>I just don't believe someone this dysfunctional actually got laid.
anon, they're saying she flew out and fucked her mod.
She didn't just "get laid," she fucked someone she was already involved with.
This is how Shondo is acting though
Unironically an actually better take than Shondo. Yea I can believe there's a bunch of pimp fucks out there whoring out their girl as their "manager", but that's not what Shondo was alluding to.
>Can handle her own shit
Anon, that retard was seriously planning on packaging all of her merch sales PERSONALLY.
She's fucking stupid when it comes to logistics and desperately needs a manager.
>got someone else to pack merch for her
this is what shondo sounds like
Anon. Speaking from experience and accusing everyone of being similar/same to that experience is LITERALLY what projecting is.
It is her boyfriend.
Yes, and I'm saying I don't believe for a second Shondo is able to actually achieve it. If she said her boyfriend came by her house and fucked her I might actually believe it, but Shondo of all people jumping on a plane to go meet her "boyfriend" (lmao) is just laughable. I would doubt it if she claimed she went outside to get groceries for fucks sake.
Anon her packaging guy is in love with her, good luck!
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I thought shondo's schizophrenia was an act what is all of this shit
her 7 foot boyfriend who Pippa the virgin also wanted to fuck too but retards in here still schizoing and pretending those leaks are fake. lmao

But seriously you got only 2 options. You either never ever mention any of this shit or you are honest but you never lie because the truth always comes out. Always. And it usually happens at the absolute worst times on top of it, so either NEVER talk about it or be honest from the start but NEVER fucking lie.
Man, I can't stand that condescending tone. Shondo's a real cunt.
Well she admitted she was in a relationship so the details don't really matter do they? She's had casual sex and on this board that means you're a whore (I agree)
shes trying to let her fans down gently when she reveals she actually has a manager just like last time she told them she had a bf
>she was married
you are ngmi in this world if you keep skipping the fact why she would help in the first place
Mint isn't really taking her indie career seriously and is kind of just going where the wind blows her.
She saw him as a cute, non threatening kid. They met when he was a teenager. Hence why detractors often call her a groomer.
Mint has accomplished more in 6 months on her own than she did in 2 1/2 years in NIJISANJI.
I guess if you are indie the smartest play is to pull a real manager from VR chat
Shondo is the Kanye West of Vtubing, no I will not elaborate further.
>She admitted
She claimed. You know girls lie about that shit for clout, right? I don't doubt some people here actually wish they could fuck that disaster but I find it impossible to believe she wouldn't stab the first guy to walk into her room and have a complete meltdown. I don't know why people think this kind of person is a "fun" kind of insane but you clearly never dealt with actual people like this. There is no fun in crazy.
>she was when she was caught
When was she 'caught'?
You're a moron if you think Shondo, who puts on a baby voice and calls other women whores, is parading around her non-virgin status for clout.
While that's really fucking funny (and also a bit sad for all that time wasted) it doesn't change what that other anon said. She seems to be really enjoying herself though, so that's nice at least.
This is exactly the kind of non-issue retards on twitter like to work themselves up into a froth about. Bitches need a hobby god damn.
Yes, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's been winging it the whole time, by her own admission.
She's incredibly unprepared, but somehow manages to pull through somehow through sheer charisma and by the fact that everybody WANTS to work with her.
On the merch front, she's ended up having her merch sold on someone else's storefront who's already set up for now as a temporary measure.
You can tell there's a lot of people whose indie oshi has a "manager" in this thread.
when her private messages leaked.
Anon her spiel is literally "at least I'm honest about it". The whole point, since apparently it isn't obvious enough, is that she's trying to set herself apart from other girls. You can't do that by going "hey other girls say they're single but when I say it it's true" but you can do it by saying "I totally had sex and so has everyone else but the other people are LYING to you".

Do you really, really believe a girl who was hiding knives around her room out of paranoia let someone be intimate with her? Really?
she had some dms leaked and after that she told her discord and not much longer after that she told her stream
All of this has shown me that whether she's wrong or right, Shondo is a miserable cunt and is going to get nowhere in this hobby due to her foul attitude. I will spend no more time on her.
female perspective
a lot of people shit on pippa and call her a pickme (looking at you nyanners) but i think she has a good heart and just has an edgy sense of humor, and i have a good impression of her after seeing her defend her friends
shondo however is clearly a mean girl who loves to tear other people down and other women who work with her knowing this i think will get burned if they haven't been already
>and is going to get nowhere in this hobby
She is already near the top of the pyramid in her category
>Shondo is a miserable cunt and is going to get nowhere in this hobby due to her foul attitude
she is already in the top 1%

unless she is trying to get booked at major cons and major 3d concerts, she already made it.
Shondo is one of the biggest and most well known indies around. Without a doubt she's making mad money.
show the tits
The difference between Pippa and Shondo is that Pippa is a redneck autist who just wants people to be happy. Shondo is a typical Norf FC slag who just happens to also have schizoaffective disorder.
you will pick her
Nyanners was pretty miserable until Aethel corrected her. Fuck all of vtubing if it is detrimental to your happiness.
All we can do is take her at her word since none of us will ever know. So assuming she did in fact have a boyfriend does that change the way you perceive the OP post?
Pippa has actually accomplished shit in vtubing and done stuff typically only holos have gotten to do.
Shondo is "big twitch indie #25" who will never mean anything outside of that.
>ITT: seething whores who got exposed
I'm just a little confused why the response isn't to seriously consider her logic, but to threaten her streaming career for rocking the boat. Doesn't that just lead more credence to indie manager fallacy?
>indie vtubers
She doesn't even have money to move out of the shithole of a house she lives in lol.
Not especially? I'm not going to care much about the delusions of a crazy person, whether they are based on truth or lies it hardly matters. The simple fact is Shondo barely knows what's going on in her own life, let alone the lives of other people, taking life advise or worldly wisdom from Shondo of all people has got to be one of the most retarded things you could do after taking investment advise from Elon Musk.
Damn liggers are you having an all out war? I thought indie land was peaceful
She doesn't want to move out of the house anon
she's not right nor wrong, she's certainly right in some cases, but casting a wide net like this just hurts her peers and is simply meanspirited
No. And your whole babble is genuinely unhinged anon. Please try again when you're actually properly awake/sober/on your meds or whatever it is you need to sort yourself out. Shondo doesn't have a fucking clue what she's talking about, how could she? Her whole rationale is, at best, based on her own anecdotal experience and paranoid ramblings.
Shondo is reading this thread...
This Shondo take is a combination of something that's obviously true and her own insecurities and pick me behavior
Women let their guard down all the time if the guy is hot/manipulative enough.
can someone fill me in >>86784143, seems like a troll post but at the same time its not that far from reality.i don't think its in the kiwifarms

the fact that some brit already hit up a girl failure like shondo is funny and sad
She'll just double down like she always does.
It does matter because if it's true she had a boyfriend, and again we have no reason to believe otherwise except speculation, then her post from the OP isnt her giving an uninformed worldly opinion, it's projection. Which makes her much less tolerable personality wise.
Nothing. The world would be literally be a a better place if X.com (formerly Chuck's) would shut down.
>t. Shondo
>For no reason
Indies that exploit lonely men while laughing at them behind their backs deserve to be called out.
Again, you're choosing to hurl unrelated insults instead of discussing a pretty good point. If you are indie and not represented by a talent group, you are expected to handle your own emails. Do not add "indie manager" to your streaming kayfabe. It is nonsense to both your peers and your viewers.
>lives in the middle of nowhere with trash internet that she couldn't get fixed for years
Doesn't sound like a problem a rich person would be dealing with.
i'm not sure if its bait, but i'd believe it
>bla bla bla, this is explotation
If you get exploited by vtubers because you are a poor lonely man you deserve it
I heard about Chloe's haunted apartment. Subaru's is haunted, too? I feel so sorry for them.
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anon that’s all women
The first part isn't wrong. It's an easy way to give money to (boy)friends and the same goes for editor or community managment stuff.
Indie doesn't mean individual. The amount of streamers who are indie but hire people is enorm.
I think it's hilarious that Shondo's default assumption about all women is that they're lying whores.
Projection much?
you jest, but that's kind of a mentality a lot of people have for victims of sex trafficking. Dumb whores get roped into international prostitution rings? Totally deserved.
No, nothing about that is "again" The only "again" here is you going along with a daft ramble. She isn't making a point, she's throwing out a vapid accusation with no real basis. No different from random drivel like "Hey anon if your girlfriend works at a company and her boss is a dude she is totally having sex with him!"
>Do not add "indie manager" to your streaming kayfabe. It is nonsense to both your peers and your viewers.
Anon what the fuck do you think an indie manager even does? How many hours a day do you think that is? A fan artist puts in more hours than an "indie manager" would, are they their boyfriends too?
It's the ones you'll most often find in the vtubing industry because their livelihoods depend on pandering to men, sure. Plenty of female-centered women outside of there, however.
Bump limit. Go home, boys and girls.
>just because I'm a whore that means everyone else is too
Flawless logic lmao
She's a bong anon, no amount of money will fix trash bong internet infrastructure.
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>seriously consider her logic
She's committing a fallacy of undistributed middle, where
>chuuba a has bf as manager
>chuuba b has a manager
>therefore, chuuba b's manager is her bf
It's not a logical way of thinking, not to say there isn't a pattern but her logic IS flawed
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Sister, this is the third time you've said the same thing in this thread. Stop crying, it's pathetic.
Who could understand the nature of fellow women more than a women?
I think the problem with shondo's tweet is that she said "indie" instead of "small indie".

That's where most of the denial is coming from.
>Lonely men sending money to women that use anime avatars they know nothing about on the internet is the same as sex trafficking
>Comparing literal force and duress to some dumb cuck fantasising about his "e-girlfriend"
Jesus anon grab a ladder instead of reaching like that.
ISPs don't even want to host internet where she lives. If she was loaded she would have moved out long ago.
You're getting close to what I'm trying to learn! What DOES an indie manager do? Do they manage other indies, too? Why is this hypothetical person answering business emails meant for someone else? Please point to me actual examples instead of this hypothetical you keep trying to tell me is real. I really, truly, want to learn.
But that's true? They do deserve it.
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you don't understand what she's talking about
She didn't say small indies because she knows it isn't just small indies
>Paranoid, dysfunctional schizo
>All that's keeping her from moving is a lack of funds!
Are you actually underage? Do you not know what it's like to move at all?
Get a manager that's a girl then
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you two, go back to r*ddit
Maybe so.
I do think a chuuba with open comm channels (ie DMs, mails, twitter DMs if these still exist) and an audience of 500 people or more might have a justifiable use for a genuine manager (not a "manager")
What, how does that refer to what I said, I exposed her logic as anon asked, plus I do have female friends I'm not Steve Harvey or whoever
She doesn't want to move out of her house because she has 4 siblings, her mother and her grandmother there and it's where she has spent many memories since it's also the last place her grandfather lived at. There's too many memories with her house to leave it behind.
audience size is kind of irrelevant.
Shondo is a 4view and doesn't need a manager because she doesn't do fuck all beyond streaming. She doesn't organize anything.

However, you have mid to low 3views who sing at cons and do concerts and appear at events. Those girls plausibly need managers. Girls like Miori or Pandora need them.

When Mint did the Phase NYC concert, she said it was eye opening how much work their management team did. Even from what songs they had to get cleared for them to sing and get the rights to, something she never even considered.
Anon, an indie manager can be any number of things, it could be a family member, a close friend, an ascended moderator. What they do is get a CC of emails to sort out for the talent and maybe keep a schedule of reminders and such. It's barely any different from a life coach helping someone with their weekly upkeep, and its like an hour or two per week's worth of actual work assuming some basic competence. It is unironically less hours and less work than actual stream moderation.

Can you ask your boyfriend to do it for you? I guess? But there is nothing about such a task that remotely implies a close romantic entanglement, you might as well be arguing that indie vtubers all have harems with their moderators or some such nonsense.
Hi actual indie manager here
I manage 4 girls, lowest viewed is about 80 ccv highest is a bit over 300

>What DOES an indie manager do?
Mostly advice and telling them not to be retarded or just helping with general stuff

>Do they manage other indies, too?
Not always but a lot do

>Why is this hypothetical person answering business emails meant for someone else?
You are retarded
Try grifter.
Do you really believe a 4views indie makes no money? Are you delusional?
Her average viewership is around 3k. People with that amount of views make thousands of dollars per week.

This channel alone must be generating her insane amounts of passive income. Most of the videos have between 500k to a 1 million views... Like seriously.

You tried that trick already anon, did you learn nothing?
Hey autist, why do you think I'm talking about Schrodinger's boyfriend and not about the nonsense that is a manager that handles an "indies" business emails?
and what are you getting out of it? a $50 amex giftcard? you do it out of the goodness of your heart? get the fuck out of here you do it to groom and because you are trying to get ass.
Oh wow a totally real actual indie manager!
Nigger, you're a pimp. If you're doing it for free, you're just a whore.
Great point, anon.

Events and dealing with copyright are things most streaming chuubas don't deal with. A manager (not a "manager") is probably great help for that.
Once again, I'm answering about the lack of logic in her statement, she's logically wrong and I don't care about chuubas with bfs bc I don't want to date them
Hey anon have you ever heard of this thing called "volunteer work"? You should look it up, it's kind of important to know such basic concepts.
>One Family member of a 2view vtuber has to constantly delete and filter all the sex fantasies they keep sending to their retarded vtuber relative
I don't want to say indies can't get assistants, mods, their friends, loved ones to help out with their streaming business. Of course they should get help. I think it's a little suspect for literal who streamers to make enough money to pay for a "manager" to manage their business emails.

The retard who was quote retweeted isn't a streamer. He's talking out of his ass, and Shondo made a joke.
I get paid by 3 of them even though I used to do it for free for all of them
I do it because they are my friends, i like doing it, and im good at it
also its nice on a resume
>However, you have mid to low 3views who sing at cons and do concerts and appear at events. Those girls plausibly need managers. Girls like Miori or Pandora need them.
those girls mean more to vtubing than shondo ever will. again: she is just random twitch 4view #38
those vtubers you named actually perform at major cons and get seen. hell that is why pippa means 10x than shondo. shondo has no presence outside of her bubble. pippa has performed at the javits center with pomu ffs.
Now we know you're lying or a cuck
ok groomer
>Do you really believe a 4views indie makes no money?
I believe she's bad with money and doesn't have nearly as much as you think she does, yes.
Nobody ever said being a parent was easy anon.
Guys is 2 adults being friends "grooming"?
said female-centered women are typically fickle in their support for women and will easily throw another woman under the bus over petty tribalistic retardation. the type of sisterhood you’re describing is just clique bullshit so it’s not actually any sort of sisterhood at all
If it's between a man and a woman yes it is because you cant be friends with a woman.
>Honey, are you sure this is a good idea? You still have time to study and get an actual job you kwow...
You're not an indie manager in the sense that OP is describing, you're an assistant/friend. If your friends are dumb enough to not be able to handle their own business emails, they're drooling retards. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
Anon, an indie manager isn't the same as a corpo manager. Corpo managers are dealing with all sorts of stuff indies never even worry about. Indies don't run entire merch chains, host events or coordinate tons of collabs with other big "indie" vtubers. It's not even close to a part time, let alone full time job.

What's next? You think it's suspect for literal who streamers to make enough money to pay for a "mod" to moderate their chat? Same fucking deal, in fact moderators probably work more than indie managers ever will, and they do it for free.
Of course!
>She doesn't want to move out of her house because she has 4 siblings, her mother and her grandmother there
I could move out with my whole family tomorrow if I wanted and I don't even have 7 figures on my bank accounts. Come on now. You are just coping.
>retard finds out what everyone means when they say "manager"
That was a surprisingly succinct example from Steve Harvey. He probably wants to fuck the interviewer, too.
Anon, you know that Ludwig said he quit his job and started streaming full time once he got 200 ccv?
About 200 ccv is when you can make streaming your full-time income, although it somewhat depends on how many donors you have. But over 1k ccv? You're making well over $100k certainly.
>You think any of these chuubas have the energy to spend time with you, let alone fuck you?
Let's be real now.
Is streaming really this hard?
>I could move out tomorrow
Not everyone lives in some third world shithole where such a thing is possible anon. But feel free to keep pretending.
women are lazy and bad with money, that is why they need managers....
Surprised you didnt say "incel". Good thing you didnt though because many (hot) women agree that it is impossible to have an actual opposite sex friendship.
You went into this thread without even reading OP, didn't you? There is no such thing as an indie who doesn't manage their own business email.
>Not everyone lives in some third world shithole
She lives in UK. Can't get more third world shithole than that.
nigger what the fuck do you think a manager is there for?
Unironically yes. You think people on /vt/ are terminally /here/? Imagine that but also trying to juggle twitter, reddit, a bunch of discord drama and more all in an effort to find the next breakthrough in your career out there somewhere in the aether.

You think being a musician is "really that hard"? Try seeing how much fucking work actually goes in behind the scenes to make things happen anon. If it was as easy as you seem to think then why do so many people struggle?
>W-well everyone is just lazy!
How convenient. I'm sure we're all just waiting for someone hard working to figure out how much money can be made in the industry.
>P-people s-say!!
That's a good point. Forum moderators have the stereotype of being mentally and socially inept. I'm going to assume indies who rely on these retards are either bad people, or hobbyists who don't intend to stream outside of their friend group.
Music is an actual skill and craft.
Terrible comparison.
What is the craft behind a handicapped British girl pretending to be a toddler?
What would that make America? Fifth world?
>Music is an actual skill and craft
Not. Remotely. Relevant. To. The. Point. You. Dumb. Fucking. Nigger.
Did you miss the most important part of what I said about the memories attached to the house she is in or does your reading level not go that high?
>What is the craft behind a handicapped British girl pretending to be a toddler?
i can feel shondo seething when she reads this
Loli is legal in the US
Loli is illegal in faggot ass cuck ass UK
yes you are 3rd world, cry about it
Yeah, because as far as I can tell you are not an incel or some stupid shit like that, just retarded
Your country is literally infested with Pakis raping your daughters.
SHE'S BRITISH? she should really pick a struggle..
Where does Utada Zoey falls in this? She said she had staff, right? Does this means she also has a manager? How about all those twitch indies who have a shit ton of merch? They have managers, right?
>streamer = musician
retard alert

Anon, I'm going to lay it out in simple terms for you; people doing intensive physical labor jobs have partners and get laid. It is a well known fact that doctors and nurses fuck like rabbits and medicine is a very demanding field. Hell, people in upper management who basically live in the job (sometimes literally) still find time for significant others and presumably sex.
Not only that, but a lot of people in these professions are parents to booth!

And you're here telling some fucker sitting in front of their computer, playing games made for actual children, ends up somehow more tired and has less time than them for romance and/or sex?
what fucking insane alchemy is happening behind the screen according to you?
>Loli is legal in the US
Lol. Anon US is one of the few western countries where people got arrested for possession of loli. You have "degeneracy" laws that are used selectively against this kind of thing but are too retarded to make them explicit.
>Loli is illegal in faggot ass cuck ass UK
Less so than burgerland, actually.
Feeling original, aren't we? What's next anon, the Dutch have death camps for elderly or whatever else your retarded right wing cooks up?
yes, shondo is retarded
we have established this
There's indie artists that have tons of merch and shit but don't need actual managers, just a deal with a company that handles all of the selling and production of it, why would indie vtubers be any different?
>streamer = musician
>retard alert
Thanks for the warning but it was obvious. Let me help you out here retard
>Comparison =/= Equation
Hope that helps you dumb spastic fuck. How the fuck do you even get that so wrong?
I REMEMBER THIS GUY. He complained to Elizabeth about how she forgot to call Sora "senpai".
why are you literally just lying?????
If this doesnt ring true >>86787825 then the only retard here is you. Lying to yourself.
Bao please, you're just getting scammed again get a manager already and sort it out properly.
>No see I know things because uhhhh I was told this by people who are totally honest upstanding sorts!
Lol. Do your homework, retard-kun.
>Anon US is one of the few western countries where people got arrested for possession of loli.
Lol wrong
streaming is the hardest job (yes, it is a job) in the universe
I'm gonna be honest, that's sound so sad, had no idea that happened to her lol
are you being retarded on purpose?
But their porn are great...
There have been multiple scam companies that ripped off a whole bunch of vtubers by this point. Its unfortunately quite common.
That sounds so hot, fuck
yea indie vtuber scamming is SUPER common
good reason to have a manager
Does Miori has a manager? This is important.
>You think being a musician is "really that hard"?
Depends on what kind of musician, and what's your main motivation.

If you're in touring the world and recording for labels then yeah you're probably too busy for love.
If you're some garage tier dumbass AKA a 2view, you're absolutely NOT too busy for anything you don't want to have.

And this is why streaming as your main source of income is retarded if you aren't already big, to be honest.
>Anons don't even know of the PROTECT act
What's next? You're going to try and argue drawings aren't people again pedo-kuns?
Anon. We're talking about doing it for a living, not just casually strumming to yourself as a hobbyist. We're not talking about how viable it is as a profession, we're talking about how much effort it requires to be successful enough to pay your bills.
Hey, that's awesome! Before the thread dies, can you share their channels? Would love to check out their streams.
Miori, the girl who went viral covering the NTR song? Of course she doesn't have a manager.
>If you're in touring the world and recording for labels then yeah you're probably too busy for love.
Pretty sure the biggest music stars had plenty of time to get into relationships during their tours and constant concerts, also no one does that for long periods of time
I know this is a shitpost but...
lmao fuck no
I try hard enough to keep those retards off here, not gonna give them a win ego searching themselves nor am i gonna subject them to antis from here
the worst thing you can do for your vtuber is shill them on 4chan
So what's stopping a go-getter grindmaxxing chuuba like the other anon apparently thinks they all are from having a bf?
Mask slipped there anon. Not that it was ever particularly convincing. I wonder if you can even tell where you fucked up.
ok, so I'll just have to trust you, bro.
Most musicians get into music to get bitches anon. I'd stake my life on the notion that vtubers sure as fuck aren't getting into vtubing to find dates.
yes, just like how you trust every retarded shitpost and anti post that anyone drops in to a catalog bait thread
Yeah, they arent. There is no harm done. Seethe.
Ok sure.
They still can find bfs outside of vtubing, or the bf could predate their vtuber activities.

My point is that streaming is not such a demanding job that it renders you unable to have a love life.
Unfortunately the law doesn't agree, so your widdle personal beliefs don't really matter for anything worth a damn.
Nothing, most jobs or time you spend learning something is unable to completely stop someone from social interacion, romatic, sexual or not, is up to them to decide if they actually want a bf or not lol
Not everybody wants to be have a partner everytime they are single, is a case by case scenario so is merely speculation, however what Shondo says is completely true and a lot of indie vtuber manager are their BF or a guy pretending them, male or not
> The law does not explicitly state that images of fictional beings who appear to be under 18 engaged in sexual acts that are not deemed to be obscene are rendered illegal in and of their own condition (illustration of sex of fictional minors).
No. But it is the kind of job that sucks the life out of you and ruins any relationships you might have.

I get that you've never been in a relationship, but those things tend to take up a LOT of your time and headspace. There is a reason creative work and romance rarely go hand in hand unless you are able to express said romance in your creative work, which already excludes vtubing for the most part.
you stupid nigger.... the PROTECT act literally does not apply to fictional drawings and never will
its not even a new thing they just wrote some revisions
Holy fucking cook
>Law needs to be explicit
>In a country that has literal degeneracy laws that don't even define degeneracy explicitly
Tell me more about how you know NOTHING about law anon. It's really funny.

The requirement, in case you missed it, is that it is a recognisable depiction of a minor. That's all. So you might get away with TTGL's 14 year Yoko because she looks nothing like a child, but your 9999 year old loli vampire will net you jail time if caught.
>is that it is a recognisable depiction of a minor.
No it isnt you FUCKING RETARD. It says INDISTINGUISHABLE. That means hyper realistic 3D renders, not drawings.
Rope yourself
>It literally does not
>Look at any legal perspective and they say it totally does
You're right though I think I'll trust the pedo-anon coping on an image board over the professionals
>That means hyper realistic!
Lol. Nice cope, pedo. Did they mention that explicitly or is that no longer the requirement when it becomes inconvenient?
really driven creators are one of the occupations I can see having it really tough to balance work and love life, I'll give you that

but most chuubas, or streamers for that matter, aren't creative, they just play games

>I get that you've never been in a relationship
be honest with me anon, are you the indie "manager" or are an indie with a "manager"? I don't really see why are you so defensive over this
What do you think INDISTINGUISHABLE means you ape? Do you really think a judge cant tell the difference between a drawing and an actual child? Blow your brains out, you do not deserve the space you occupy.
loli sex is hot and legal
yeah I think I'll trust the people that aren't being arrested, actually
The PROTECT act was deemed unconstitutional, so you mentioning it is entirely pointless
>you can post loli on 4chan
>4chan is hosted in America
you are retarded
You don't know anything about shondo and Fauna but in 2024 people should shit on the latter. Lazy ass bitch.
There is an old recording of her telling chat that exact scenario and telling people who can't accept it to move on but it has been a while since I posted in since last time I got a ban. I also do not know where it is.
>What do you think INDISTINGUISHABLE means
Anon. You're taking a word, "indistinguishable", and are replacing it with an entirely different one "hyper-realistic", and are now trying to pass them off as being synonymous in this context. I have no idea how someone can do something so utterly retarded yet think he's being clever.
>Do you think a judge can't tell the difference?
That was never in question anon, because the difference isn't relevant to the law. It is a pornographic depiction of a minor. Whether it's a photo, a video or a fucking fingerpainting on the side of a vase it doesn't fucking matter. It also doesn't fucking matter whether or not YOU think it counts, it matters what the jurisprudence established on the matter. And go ahead, take a look.

Here's a literal quote for you: "Under the Protect Act of 2003, obscene images depicting minors are considered child porn. While loli does not depict actual children, the act was passed to make virtual child porn illegal. Since lolicon depicts an identifiable minor engaging in sexually explicit situations, it violates federal law."

Feel free to cite literally any source that manages to establish something to the contrary, or feel free to keep sperging your own retarded headcanon, I know you'll be choosing the latter anyway.

Fucking infantile burgers.
Ah here it is, my old post
how does she trigger whores so eazily? lmao
Triggering yourself comes with the territory of being a schizo, anon. That's rather obvious.
so many seething low-view whores and their bf mods in this thread
here >>86792001
I'll cite the lack of people arrested, actually
That was another anon, plus this nigga wasn't the first to say this.
Oh? You're referring to people like Dwight Whorley? Who was not only arrested but also convicted, sentenced and imprisoned for possession of, and I quote: "Japanese anime style cartoons of children engaged in explicit sexual conduct with adults". Are those the "lack of people arrested" you meant?
lesbians exist, anon
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gay guys also exist, but everyone ignores that too
>defending whores

show vegane slut
I believe I just told you anon. But I accept your concession.
>In America: A panel of judges from the Fourth US Court of Appeals upheld a 20-year sentence on Dwight Whorley of Richmond, VA. Whorley was convicted on 74 counts of child pornography, both real and fictional, in November 2005
you retards always use fringe cases where they decide to throw extra charges at a guy who was already deep in actual shit that people actually care about
gay guys are vtubers, they are not managers.
>I accept your concession.
lmao it wasn't the same anon you were arguing with
lmao redditors always lie, even when they tell the truth.you are right, chad
Ok, fair
>"N-no they don't care about loli"
>Here's someone literally convicted of it
>"N-no it doesn't count he also had other stuff!?"
Anon. Adding more stuff on the pile doesn't mean the loli convictions somehow don't count.
Why do retarded pedos always show up in packs.
Didn't ask. Whether you showed up to bow down or were beaten into it, it's all the same to me, faggot.
>Adding more stuff on the pile doesn't mean the loli convictions somehow don't count
in fact, it does.
>seething redditor
Exactly. It does count. Well said.
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Did these newfag forget where we are or are they morons?
Mindbroken pedo.
IDGAF about loli porn anon, but the simple fact is that burgers have outlawed that shit and that's all the conversation is about. "Muh land of the free" retards being buckbroken serfs as usual.
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I accept your concession.
loli art is legal and you can't do anything to change it.
It's legal where I live, yes. Not in burgerland though.
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lmao are you going to cry, redditor?

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