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>Official Links
https://pomu.pages.dev/vsmp (MC server)

【Raki Kazuki】 Clumsy girl next door, zatsu, karaoke, rhythm games, ASMR.
【Lottie Shinju】 Silly girly girl, retro and water-based games, zatsu, drawing.
【Chiaki Katsumi】 Chuuni seiso girl, longform playthroughs with pre-game zatsu, variety streams.
【Miuna Usako】 Delulu deredere, soulslikes, zatsu, karaoke.

【Kanna Yanagi】 Motivated planner, soulslikes, action and fighting games, variety handcams, ASMR.
【Chio Chompi】 Gremlin imouto, horror games, co-op horror, RPGs.
【Daiya Fortuna】 Dorky weird girl, collabs, retro games, roguelikes, ASMR.
【Arisu Oshiro】 Chuuni tsundere, card games, karaoke, drawing.

>Original Songs and Covers
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
VReverie: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/

Previous thread: >>86722441
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Squishing my ducktective
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>Can we stop talking about fish cycles
>I'm dying on the 21st!
>I'm going to the great skibidi backrooms in the sky!
They had a nice talk about it
>This is a tragedy dying at 22
They all said bye and now Daiya's chatting for a bit about Scarlett's graduation before ending the stream
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Chiaki's laugh gives me life
>some katsudons asked Chiaki if she would do an spanish stream with Wisu
>she's worried that the machine translation won't work an english speakers would feel left behind
>Chiaki uses slang when talking comfortably in spanish
>she doesn't like that some people ask her to teach them swears in spanish
>she has been thinking about an spanish stream since before we had Chronicle
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raki hurty...
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I'm in love with a raccoon.
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She made sure to keep it in a positive light and went to talk about organizing the collab. She tripped up with her words a lot the whole post-game zatsu.
Quick check-in about the rest of the schedule, karaoke relay and the cannibal game stream tomorrow (maybe postponed depending on how Daiya feels after the karaoke)
Decided to raid Chiaki and mentioned talking about fire emblem with her. She feels like she can talk to her about video games for hours and hours.
Daiya raided Chiaki
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Man I love Daiya
Daiya takes a lot to appear after raiding. Monmons can you explain that?
Is it a problem? Sometimes she chats immediately and others it takes her a bit
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I love my dinowife
Not a problem. I was just curious
Nice job lads, monmons, and katsudons today for liveposting, oyasulooper~
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Good night, don't let the lotl bite. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
It's about time I mating pressed my little sister
Man I love Kanna
Chiaki has a pretty good community.
>Chiaki doesn't swears in spanish (obviously)
>Chiaki's family swears a lot
>Katsumama apologized to Chiaki for swearing
>"I've never really understood why I had that effect on people because I've had people like whenever they talk to me they're like about to say a swearword and then they realize they're talking to me and they stop themselves. And like you know you can just say it you know, I'm not gonna like reprimand you for it, but I've had like a couple of friends do that"
>Katsudons tell her that it's because people don't want to swear in front of such a pure girl
I'm the biggest stain on her community
its rare to see someone not old that doesn't swear at all in tacoland to the extent that people apologize to them for swearing
Ive been in similar situations, been told that people simply don't want to feel like they're dragging you down to their level.
Chiaki dislikes that the main girl always wins even when she's cookiecutter and the other girls have better chemistry with the protagonist
>only ate a salad all day
Raki please learn from Chio
based bland self-insert hater
>I feel really bad
>Finally eats some food
>Instantly feels better
every time
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cute dog raided cute cat
>Chiaki wondering why male LN MCs look more generic than female ones
>Chiaki has seen harem and reverse harem anime
>Chiaki doesn't want to be part of an harem because the blue girl always loses
>Katsudons couldn't prove that Chiaki is needy
she looks cute I want to bully her
from what I understand she has a bratty rapport with her chat so you probably could
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need raki asmr
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She gets bratty when you bully her
wait about 27 minutes and you'll get your wish
Ai slop art
I wish I had a raki gf to give me personal asmr straight into my ears while cuddling her in bed
>>Katsudons couldn't prove that Chiaki is needy
Does this count as a fumble?
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what a coincidence

I get bully when she acts bratty
I love Chiaki
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So Chio used "that" art for a thumbnail... based.
>Chiaki doesn't want to be part of an harem because the blue girl always loses
This is hilarious.
She's right
I'm surprised she doesn't used cropped lewds more often. Apparently she just really liked the smug expression though.
I won't deny that but
>the problem isn't being in a harem, having to compete and share
>the problem is losing in the end
>>the problem is losing in the end
I love competitive women
>that art
time to sign up
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after 12 hours bunny is awake
...Chiooooo!! That is yabai!
which art is this

I'm going to goon to the raccoon
My girlfriend is live
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Chiaki raided...
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She's gonna feel self conscious now
POST THE->>86787632
thank you
blessed sniffly asmr
Nah, that was when she was starting out
She’s more powerful now
I'm cumming for this coon.
wtf that was a bolder lick
thats new
Chio fuck off this is our time
she's horny, she's too anxious to frick herself off at the academy
Im angry
she didn't learn after that one time ruining the mood in twitter space?
im gonna put my load on chio's loaded fries...
Trashpans are little uppity today but I agree chuubas shouldn't chat during intimate asmr...
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Chio is an ojipan like us. We all want Rakisses
*raids your ASMR and posts "ayo?"*
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for some reason Miuna has gone back on her twitter interaction and in October she basically didn't reply to anyone...
soon it'll be a week without getting a reply from her I think I'm going slowly insane
aw yeah, brainworms
>in October
It's the 4th, and she's been asleep for 50% of that time... relax.
I can't imagine sleeping so much you get bed sores...
for Miuna and me it's already 5th...
She was in full lust mode before the blue name of death appeared
how's that gooning session going pans
i'm too happy to be horny
Raki is my girlfriend
This fills the heart.
I'm going to rape Raki on top of the counter and then bend her over the couch, consensually
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Chio why are you here
Chio please...
I'd put money on the less hinged pans sending maros about it.
Actual retard btw
Apparently you're reading this so, yes it is a little intrusive. It's intimate time between chat and their oshi and when other vtubers are in the chat they can feel self conscious about what they do or say.
You in fact aren't supposed to be in asmr streams unless they're meme tier because youll throw them off. Use an alt.
Silly/goofy rp? Sure join in. They're meant for fun.
Intimate asmr? You can listen, just dont chat unless on an alt account.
>Intimate time between chat and the streamer
>200 viewers only come in to watch ASMRs only, they don't give a fuck about anything else
What explains this behavior
w-why did i get an ad...
You're stupid enough not to block them, apparently.
its easier to pretend those don't exist...
ragi stream, im membered
maybe its the tv app being autistic
you are right, let me just download ublock for ps4 real quick
do youtube members even prevent ads?
The fuck you want to call it faggot? We're 2 inches from her face getting heartbeats and kisses while she's in bed.
Get yt premium it's so worth it if you mostly watch vtubers
Maybe Ragi got a prompt to play ads and she didn't close it so it just auto played them. Kanna complains that she gets that prompt too often
you can seek intimacy with a woman you barely know too
raki my wife.. i wish kanna was this intimate
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Please have sex with me Chio
Goodnight chio__:3
99% sure that they don't, but I use ublock anyway so I wouldn't know even if it did
Chio... this is how N*bi spiraled down initially too... please stop being here...
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kek you said it to her.
you're correct though yeah, it kinda ruins the mood
This is why i believe intimate ASMR should be gatekept behind membership
I complain /here/ so I don't bother the girls. Chio for your sake please avoid this place.
I would only say that stuff here, if she choses to be here and see it then so be it.
If chio was already /here/ why would you publicly embarrass her like that. You're making pans look bad
>You're making pans look bad
It doesn't take a lot
Looks like an Ayu fan
Holy fuck I hate trashpans man, socially inept fucking retards, you could've done that in maros at least and with a bit more tact.
Trashpans will unironically cry and throw a tantrum if their oshi gets messages like this on maros but have no regard doing it to other girls lol, kys
i mean she made a public twitter post.
otherwise all she'll get is trannies telling her she shouldn't listen to parasocial fucks and do what she wants
Is it time for a thread raid?
It’s been a while
so just like Raki?
You're so lost
You realize that was a public post anyone can reply to and doesn't mean that it's a trashpan replying right?
I'm about to pass out at my desk, Raki is so cozy
It's okay people like to point fingers at trashpans even though a majority of the people who actually watch streams are well behaved.
Raki sounds...
This was not made to embarrass or make fun of Chio but simply to educate her in vtuber behaviour so we can just move forward from this and ensure she won't actually ruin some ASMR
There are shitters in the thread excited to chimp out
A public post in response to her showing up on who's stream exactly?
Raki's giggles.
>copy pasted comment from /here/
>Erm... he's a false flagger I'm sure
I'll say no more but trashpans unironically need to learn to either be more tactful or read the room, specially knowing how Chio is
It's almost copy and paste of what was said ITT earlier, at least keep it to maros man. I understand the frustration but the least you could do is be considerate
Bold of you to think pans watch other girls in the company who aren't named "Lottie"
Thats my comment he pasted and I didn't send that
Do check his replies and add up who he replies to the most
It was the babygorl psyop all along...
Ayu, Raki, and the Melon. Not a great look
>only replies to Raki's ASMR stuff
well well well, color me surprised then
gonna go ahead and close this tab for the night
How did you miss all the Wisu ones? They’re the most recent.
Don't try to pin this on wisumites
Because it doesn't fit the narrative anon, come on you know better.
retards out here doing statistical analysis on someones replies just so they can frame a fanbase to shit on
what even is this behaviour
Projection. The entire point was that blaming one fanbase is ludicrous, even omitting data to do so.
A certain fan base has a track record of sending out of touch stuff right after or during a stream so...
But in this case seems like it was just an ASMR tourist who had this tab open and didn't give a fuck about anything
>Pixelfan vs Pixelfan
very organic amirite
Still waiting for the day Raki does countdown
I blame it on the "I just post here" guy
It takes one brave trashpan to ask
last time she did countdown she immediately fell asleep so...
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Do your own by splicing together clips of raki saying numbers
>ASMR tourist
None of his Wisu replies are asmr related and only 2 of his Raki ones are. Bizarre cope
The lost member’s stream…
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【3DIO ASMR】I miss you
Today was a bit aggressive, so just in case, audio only
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Thanks anon, I appreciate it.
Sorry Raki but you are just wrong
You shouldn't watch public ASMR's if this gets you riled up
Complain about this happening in members, not public stream you absolute sperg
Is it time to LARP as a Trashpan now
Thread bout to go brrrrrrrr
people like you are the reason EN ASMR is so dogshit. I bet you'd enjoy it more if she didn't do ASMR at all and just talked into the mic
My girlfriend
ohhhh you're an /asmr/ tourist, no wonder
Shut the fuck up about this already
Go watch your jap slop then
suri should eat a popsicle in front of a 3dio
Still hoping for a day when she gets a new functioning 3dio...
Good thing the relay starts today. surely there's nothing to complain about during karaoke relay
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worrypans on suicide watch
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Good night /pxl/
Good night Raki
Suri's VA...
Guys...I don't know how to break this to everyone but...
Chio is in Raki's DMs...
So far, how many death threats do you guys think Chio has received for breaking trashpans' immersion?
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Mori you bitch, your waiting room for you new cover is up? yeah I'll set my reminder
At least 3.
at least 3
Does she only cover marine songs or what...
>jap slop
it can get pretty sloppy
no but sadly my soon to be wife is a bit of a holofag
I wasn't being negative about that anon...
no but I am...I don't like them or they music a lot but Mori is so talented...
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>or they music
i'll never forgive trashpans for making my autistic little sister cry
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should also plug this, I really like it
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minor spelling mistake
nothing out of the norm here
What the hell Raki is MY girlfriend
unironically yes.
there's a reason EN chuubas like hal0 mog the fuck out of every JP whore.
gross voice, at least post a girl with a cute voice like Mare or Uise
Man I thought she was debuting with a new model or something
this might be art for the new model btw >>86794623
at least 24 all from me
make sure you sign them as different recognizable pogchomps
My girlfriend Daiya
Daiya I literally JUST sent you that maro
hal0 is too samey and shameless
for me it's random normal chuubas that walk around the lewd territory for asmr only, like a small window into their horny side
Love Raki ASMR
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Ragi got me ragooning
Youtube just autoplays me this after every video and I just have to listen to it everytime...
I want her to have a model similar to that budget korone from /asp/
did any one archived the first hour zatsu of Lottie that she archived? I thought the whole parkour civilization/voting for the censor image was pretty funny
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It's so over for you
Eating leftover pizza and drinking tea while listening to Chiaki's vod, life is good.
Good morning.
that tea better be hot

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