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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>86335955

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice
Translation: https://pastebin.com/uUJw7Fzh

Happy Birthday Edition!
Good morning, friends! I'm gonna repost my translations/summaries from yesterday since it was pretty late into the thread already, so some might have missed them:

Letter from the countdown:

To all the Sukonbu that always support me :

Thank you for coming to wish me a happy birthday today.I’m sure that the people in the comment section and those that are watching the archive later on are leaving tons of comments to congratulate me.

It’s been a really long time since my debut, and the fact that I am celebrating my birthday once more today is because of the support of the Sukonbu, the Hololive staff, Mane-chan and the other Holomen. But what’s most important to me are all of you Sukonbu. Without you, Shirakami Fubuki wouldn’t be here today. I am reminded of that on a daily basis and do my best every single day so that I can spend even a little more time with all of you.

Some of you Sukonbu may be too busy in your daily life to keep up up with me, but I know and appreciate that you've been trying to keep up with me as much as you can at your own pace. I would be very happy if you kept supporting me at your own pace in the future. I will keep working hard so that we can all celebrate my birthday together once more next year, so please keep following me. I still have many more dreams that I want to make a reality together with all of you. Let’s do our best to overcome any obstacles together one by one, and make our dreams come true, one step at a time.

There are so many things that I want to do together with all of you every day, but often, I’m not able to. During times like these, I love that you Sukonbu always kindly encourage me to take my time and go at my own pace. I realize that lately, I have been streaming a little less compared to before, but you Sukonbu always telling me things like „We will always wait for you“ and „Don’t overdo it, just stream when you can“ gives me a lot of strength. I will do my best for another year so that I can live up to the expectations and support of all of you Sukonbu.

Tomorrow... well, I guess today, actually… Today is the beginning of a pretty big step forward for me. I would be happy if all of you came to see „FUBUKINGDOM PROLOGUE“ tomorrow to see it with your own eyes.

Thank you for everything.

Shirakami Fubuki
King of the Fubukingdom,
Member of Hololive Generation 1 and Hololive Gamers
Summary of some interesting topics from yesterday's late night fishing stream:

Someone asked her if she drives and she said she doesn't have a license and also doesn't really enjoy being in cars in general. When she was a kid, she was in a car and witnessed a traffic accident at a crossing right in front of her (thankfully it wasn't too bad) and the shock kind of stayed with her, so she never had any interest in driving herself.

I think she told this story before, but when she was in elementary school and lived in a rural area, she was a little wild and often went and played out in the mountains. She and some other kids she knew, 4 boys and 3 girls in total, built a secret base out of cardboard boxes and stuff in the mountains near where she lived together. They kept going there after school to hang out, play in nature, collect bugs or play on their game boys and stuff like that. One day when the girls weren't there, the boys had the bright idea to start a fire to grill some apples and they got busted by the teachers since someone saw the smoke and they tattled and told the teacher that the girls were involved in the secret base too and everyone got in trouble and they had to get rid of the base.

Also, back then, she used to be very good with bugs (less so now), so once she picked up a mantis and let it ride on her shoulder and took it to school that day. She showed it to the science teacher and he told her that it had a parasite (horsehair worms) and showed it to everyone and explained the concept to them. That kind of made her curious about parasites them since it seemed so alien to her, so she occasionally researches them. She then talked about she still has phases like that sometimes, she finds a topic she doesn't know much about and gets really interested in it and keeps researching it. Recently, she has been interested in space, for examples unknown sounds that were detected coming from space or theories about what happens when you enter a black hole etc. She doesn't really understand most of it but is still very curious about this kind of stuff and finds it fascinating.

Someone asked her if she believes in ghosts or aliens or whatever and she says she doesn't really know but she thinks it would be interesting if they existed. Maybe they exist in a space we can't perceive them or something like that, that would be interesting. She then talked about some other occult stuff like time travelers or people that can talk to dead people and stuff like that. She seems more interested in what would be interesting rather than what actually exists or not in general with stuff like this.

As for whether there is life after death, she would need to know if something like a soul exist to begin with. She said she heard that people that die get a few grams lighter than before and that that could be the soul leaving the body, that would be interesting. She then explained how souls work in FF14 and that she thinks she really likes the concept. Someone asked her what she would want to become in the next life if something like that exists, but she doesn't really know. Someone suggested a cat and she thought it would probably be nice.

Pretty interesting topics today.
Looks like she might want to stream the Card Shop game in an hour!
Frame is up:
Thanks friend.
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don't forget to feed fox
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I need friend to feed me first.
Don't die
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There's a premiere frame later today, so we can probably expect a new original during today's live:
The text says something among the lines of "This is unmistakably our path/trail"
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Starting in half an hour!
Hi Friends!
Friend singing and dancing in 7 minutes
Ganbare Fubuki
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Let's goooo
Friend pits!
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Love the presentation so far, the story book segments are very cute and I love it when the songs are actually connected to an overarching concept.
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I love Fubuki!
what's with 3D lives being so shitty looking?
1080p looks like 480p, is youtube fucking up?
aside from that, very good so far
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Fubumio is hot right now!
Really love this stage and the backgrounds this time
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New 3D outfit!! Our King is too beautiful!
Really happy it started with those slow-paced ballads. She rarely shows off her singing skills llike this.
she's so cute bros...
My King is a henshin hero...
whats with the insane breasts buff
The outfit matches the second idol outfits and blue journey pretty well. Kinda funny that she has three dark blue/white outfits now.
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Love the lighting on the castle in the background
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Has Fubuki been doing dance reps?
Looks like it. She's impressive tonight.
She did mention having dance lessons lately and having a few songs with elaborate dancing, yeah.
Ask her.
She probably got inspired by Regloss 3D to have those background dancers
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Why is everybody in Global these days?
She much softer.
this was recorded well before regloss live
This has to have been recorded way before Regloss 3D.
I meant that she probably saw them practicing
The sukonbu have a god tier taste in oshis
Did anyone catch the price of the merch? I have to do some fancy quick transfers.
I didnt need another outfit where I keep staring foobs boobs
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God that art, my wife-king, I kneel!!
I doubt that because it's not like they use the studio for practice. She might have at best seen rehearsals for the recorded portions.
Who knows, but with how busy she's been lately, I highly doubt that she had that much time to spend at the studio without recording or doing something.
Our king is so soft!
She said it was around 10k the other day
kthxbai race u to the ltd
Fucking bullshit, I had it in the cart and already paid but got refunded immediately because it sold out that very second.. Fuck Geekjack, bullshit website.
Missed it I hate this laggy fucking new store. GJ was out instanto.
Well, I guess I have enough handsigned ones already..
I am always too damn slow… One day…
Oh, well, it's not like the limited sign matters all that much. Can't always win, I guess. At least it seems like Geekjack fixed their ridiculous shipping costs. Used to cost me like 50 Euro every time, now depending on what option you pick it's 11 to 25.
>Geekjack suddenly decided to delete my card informations so I had to retype everything
And of course it was already too late, goddammit.
Maybe next time.

Yeah it's much cheaper now, and they apparently even added an option to avoid paying local taxes if there's any.
I hopefully won't have to pay 50 more fucking euros just to receive the package.
Same thing happened to me, I quickly switched to Paypal but it took too long, oh well. Maybe I'm more lucky with the CD.

I already knew about the thing with the local tax and confirm that it works. I got two packages from Geekjack at the same time a few weeks ago, one for the Letter goods which was before that change was implemented, and one from the Friends To Go plushie which was after and I only had to pay taxes for one of them. That's such a lifesaver, high shipping costs and taxes often meant I more or less paid double for anything I ordered from them.
YES! I got the limited edition of the album! 1 out of 2 is not bad!
Aki was doing this sort of things 3 years ago.
Is it cheaper? I've noticed that only small parcels are and anything bigger the costs jump up.
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I guess the album isn't even close to as limited as the birthday goods, it still isn't sold out on either store.
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This explains a lot about why she has been so busy this year, though. An album with 14 songs, 9 of which are new. Planing and recording all of this must have taken an immense amount of her time.
Aftertalk in 8 minutes
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Compared to not that long ago, absolutely (pic is merch bought earlier this year for example).
I used to get absolutely demolished by shipping fees no matter what I bought, at least 5500 yen + ~60 euros on reception which was often more expensive than the package itself. Hell, shipping fees alone are probably at least half of my holomerch budget every year...
But this time: I only paid 26 euros and as a bonus I won't even have to pay anything on reception.
Same here, I basically always expected to pay double for anything I buy. I also always had to pay 5500 yen shipping costs for every shipment from Geekjack so far, no matter if it was the huge Fubura plushie or the pretty small Letter goods package. Which country if you don't mind me asking? I thought I had it bad with the taxes but I don't think I ever paid more than like 40 Euro on reception.
Does her waist look extra plump or is it just me?
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>Senko no yoni by Kishida of Kishida Kyoudan and the Akeboshi Rockets
>Kiminosukipi written by Suu of Silent Siren
Very nice
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France, the reason I tend to pay a bit more on reception is because I'm often ordering several packages at the same time on Geekjack since the delivery fees on there was almost always the same no matter what (around 5500 yen).
And the way reception fees are calculated over here is something like
>Fixed fee + Additional fees depending on the size/weight of each package
It was a recommendation from the delivery guy I usually get, he noticed that I kept on getting ridiculous reception fees nearly every month lol
Why is the limited of the album so much expensive? The bonus items dont seem to justify that kind of increase
The king has been eating well.
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And just like Japan, Fubukingdom will also suffer from gigantic gambling issues...
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I was thinking it might be standard pricing but Miko's limited has effectively identical contents to Fubuki's and was 3850 cheaper.
The only thing that's standard is the price of the base album which doesn't seem to vary with number of songs.
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King size fox...
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Maybe it's this? The limited version seems to have a special box like picrel, although I'm not sure if it justifies the higher prices for that. I can't find that anywhere mentioned in the English description and I don't see it in Miko's album either.
I am an idiot and replaced the picture that actually mattered with an example
I guess that probably adds to the cost. Pretty weird that there's no specific mention though because Marine's limited edition also has that kind of box with a special design that's shown on the product page.
Must be one hell of a box with that price...
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Yeah, it's weird, there is no mention on it on the shop page, the only place that has it is the image they tweeted out https://x.com/hololivetv/status/1842542919397601354
I just dug out the first announcement tweet of Miko's album and it is actaully mentioned there as well, so that's not what is causing the difference in prices. https://x.com/hololivetv/status/1814994428073025642/photo/1
I guess they don't consider this a major feature, weird that they showed it in Marine's case though

I have no idea why it's much more expensive, then. Maybe the Acryl stand is one of these elaborate ones with a background and everything while Miko's is just the character illustration? Who knows.
She briefly talked about the possibility of a Sololive because people made the obvious connection that she now has all the pieces in place in order for that to happen with the album release. She said she doesn't know yet and there is no definite plans as of now, but obviously that is the first big step in that direction. She doesn't usually like to talk about money and stuff like that, but she did imply it being greenlit or not might depend on how well the album sells and how much people listen to her songs, so she would be happy if we support her as a musician as well. That's one thing where she has no option but to rely on our support. Apparently, management has told her though that the pre-orders for the limited edition of the album are currently selling faster than expected so she recommends we get it soon if we want a copy. That's already a pretty good sign.
Was the narrator Aoi Yuuki?
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Yes, it was! Fubuki said she wanted one of her songs to be featured in the live since she did the narration, and that's one of the reasons she decided to sing Gudafuwa Everyday.
Her tits are finally KING cup
It sometimes can happen as women get older.
I'm so happy for her, she even got to work with sound horizon, In her utawakus I see she always enjoys singing their songs.
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>Saber Fubuki
>Lancer Fubuki
Well when you put it like that I guess I’ll HAVE to buy the limited one
I don’t even have a cd player…
Didn’t she technically have a sololive in 2019? Or was that different?
Technically yes, but that was on such a different scale and level from what we consider a Sololive today. I just looked up information about it because I wasn't around at the time and only ever saw the compilation video on her channel later on. Apparently, it was broadcast at four different cinemas at the same time and there was no actual real concert venue, so I'm not even sure if it counts. Fubuki herself doesn't really seem to think it does. Seems like this might have been more of an experiment at the time, I think Hololive concerts only really got serious with the first Holofes.
Wasn't that a birthday concert
Am I the only one that notice Kurokami voice emerging from our King during one of the songs
I dont understand why they dont also give access to high quality digital download too that probably is better than the CD anyways. Especially for people who dont have cd-players anymore.
External DVD players are pretty cheap.
Why no micomet?
Aren't they way too busy for their own upcoming sololive?

Why no ikkisei though?
I guess she doesn't have infinite spots and she explained during her stream earlier why she picked each individual guest, i.e. how they fit into the concept and story. I expected at least Miko to show up as well and was a bit surprised that Azki did because the two of them don't seem to have much of a relationship with each other, but her explanation made a lot of sense.
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Fox inflation is no joke
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Fubuki's new outfit seems too over detailed and thight. RIP that female Fubuki cosplayer
You underestimate her desire to become Fubuki.
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She managed to almost perfectly replicate the retro cafe outfit in a manner of a couple of weeks, and that one is arguably even more intricate with the small details and stuff. I'm sure she can do it.
It's the most visible it has ever been
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I love you, Fubuki!
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Good night, friends!
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Good night, friend!
king tits are big
Everyone talks about tits. No one noticed her flashing her butt every time she bends forward slightly.
Double Fubump
Post some good examples
Big Booba Bondage Waifubuking will be playing Minecraft with Mikosan and Suichama at 22:00 JST!
Frame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3Z9lR8lTTo
TCG Hajimanbo!
I love how she accidentally keeps saying doumo doumo. She just said it and didn't even notice until the comment section pointed it out, she just can't let go of the director yet. She talked about greeting Mane-chan with doumo doumo accidentally in real life the other day and Mane-chan laughed at her. She didn't do the pose, though.
I'm not paying ¥15000 for that rare card, Friend!
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Holy shit, Hyde truly went all out on his artworks.
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I remember the day when he was freaking out about Fubuki not just noticing a art reply he sent her, but also her replying with a drawing as well. It's really cool to see him now be apart of such a big event regarding her.
I found a Japanese schizo (anti?) on Twitter a few weeks ago that was convinced she is dating Hyde and that guy was pissed off that they kept "flirting in public" on Twitter. That guy must be seething now.
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Good morning, friends!
Are there really people like that for Fubuki? Either way it's probably just him and I doubt it's reaching many people. I don't know why'd he think hyde's any different than a normal person supporting their oshi, maybe it's cause he's popular.
I'm not even sure if that guy was serious or just an anti trying to stir shit, I remember him posting other controversial stuff all over the place as well. Can't find him anymore now. He probably just picked Hyde because he is pretty high profile and they do interact a lot on Twitter and like anon said above, she even drew him a couple of times. Generally I find Sukonbu to be pretty chill, though. I don't see many weirdos like that at all, but I'm sure some of them do exist.
He's definitely popular and one of the more dedicated sukonbu, but all in honesty I can't see him being in a relationship with Fubuki.

There are always schizos that spin everything out of small stuffs.
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I don't know when exactly this was recorded, but it's pretty funny she does the doumo doumo pose here.
Surely they'll make a scale figure based on this new 3D outfit, right ;;
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For the showerlets who entered her store
Starting pretty soon
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Queue's maps are usually absolutely incredible, can't wait to see how his map is going to look like this year. I skipped the other teams to not get spoiled.
By the way, if you want Queue's "spectator" POV...
I really enjoyed them last year. She had a little more time and played like 3 or 4 of the older ones, too, I think. Definitely looking forward to it!
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Fubumikometto love
Good morning, friend!
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Tsugunohi: Fox Edition!
Kushami bump
This server is so much fun. A shame they didn't have the opportunity to play more before it ends.
Giant Fubusan head is too funny. She seems actually embarrassed about it.
It's FubuKINO
they're doing last years backrooms now. do they know how long this takes?
Fubuki should know since she played last year, but she did just say she doesn't remember much about it. It was like 2 hours long, wasn't it?
on average
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I love when Fubumettosan tease Mikosan together, it's always very funny
That was a lot faster than I remember it being last time
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Otsufubumikomettosan! That was pretty fun, I hope they go again next year.
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