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Idol guy edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>86663976
I was away for the day but I'm back just in time to get ready to watch Kaz's 3D. Too bad could not be there to keep thread alive.
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Atanaru singing Queen
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Thanks for the thread.
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Thank you for the thread! I love cute boys!
Welcome back Alban!

Comeback stream starting!
Alban's voice acting has improved so much holy shit
Rio being cute supporting Alban
I'm here! Kaz 3D!
Ahhh cute ghost being cute as always
Cure Aruban moans uooohhh
He's letting us be crazy, time to lick him!!!
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I wish the shorts were black but SEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXX
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Cute waist T o T
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This outfit is so lovely
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Err.....okay not a fan of this hairstyle
Hamtaro was so good they had to do it twice
A traditional Japanese song and dance and a classic banger
I take it back the preview fucking sucks
Zander Sims
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Kaz's new outfit looks great!
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He also has custom Ham earpiece
He looks so much better
Ahh I really missed Alban and Fuuchan's banter. Welcome back, kitty!
Thanks Kaz and everyone. Good show.
>Kindred pfp calling Zanny her oshi
Wh-whoa. That always catches me off guard
>short shorts
It's like he embraces being shota-adjacent. ToT
I read Ham and thought it would be the food...
Can I ask why?
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Goldbullet Deadlock
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I want to be this baby
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Kindred watch and support multiple vtubers but usually they save the oshi title for Vox. They tend to be very loyal but I guess since >those events plus him not giving any updates to his fans about streaming situations plus being late every stream, I guess people are just fed up.
Gale Minecraft
Gale is live with Minecraft!
Zanny is going full BPD parent and it’s incredibly attractive to me
I see. My condolences to kindreds...
I don't think I'd ever get tired of the Gallons of Rizz voice
I still find it tragic how he threw away making literal millions because of his feelings. I know it's always a coin flip but situations like him and so many others is why I don't think people should be hired as vtubers unless they truly understand that they are playing an anime character.
Lockdown Protocol Collab! I'm on mobile so I can only link one. Here's Uki's POV
That Supa in Zanny’s sounds eloquent but doesn’t make full sense bless them
Lucien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P-M8nntRQE
Shu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtF1wWn1O4w
Shoto: https://www.twitch.tv/shxtou
Altare and Bettel are here but no perm so no pov
Zander Ghost of Tsushima
…he hasn’t been late for a while and he’s busy with offline work. I dunno where you’re getting your info from
t. Kindred
Hey kindred(s) your oshi and Wilson are here too btw.
I'm getting my info from the last couple of times I tried to watch him and he was late every time. I didn't want to keep waiting anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours for him to start his stream with no update whatsoever, so I just stopped trying to catch him live.
Okay, he hasn’t been late for a few streams in my experience but your experience is your own. Just found it weird how much you projected onto this random twitter account
>projected onto this random twitter account
???? What are you even talking about
And if you're a Kindred you should know what I'm saying is true. He has been late for most of his streams. Just because he hasn't been late for a few streams you've watched doesn't make my statement untrue.
Yeah it’s not untrue that he’s usually late, but if you’re talking about recently, he’s been on time and gives updates on stream a lot. But still, like you said, there’s lots off kindred that have more than one oshi. Maybe the account considers vox their kamioshi?
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Anon I watch Vox too and he has been late for a lot of streams with very little updates about the few streams he's had so I don't really blame people for not keeping up with him now. I'm not sure how you were taking the post but not everyone pointing out his flaws is someone from the catalog. Luckily we don't get those anymore these days.
True, but I dunno. He’s been hanging with family and has been talking ad nauseum about offline work for weeks. That’s enough updates for me. And I guess I never personally minded him being late, lots of vtubers are late to streams. Never been a giant problem.
Well that's good that he finally improved on that but I couldn't keep up with him anymore to wait and find out. He's disappointed me and a lot of people in many ways and it was just becoming stressful to keep supporting him. And like I said, it just caught me off guard to see a Kindred call someone else their oshi. It was nothing more than that
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The boys are jerking each other off!!

I guess but sometimes it would be hours and it got tiring so I get it. Later they'd apologize but with him it was pretty much every stream. I haven't kept up with him in months besides the 3D stream because I tried to take anons' advice and try and disconnect myself from him. He's still funny in collabs like the one going on right now!
Fair. I’ll go back to watching the stream, he’s been fun in it. I guess I just still love him too much.
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*pat pat*
I can't in good faith support him after the things he's said about his own fans, but good for other people if they still find enjoyment in him after everything. I hope he gets to collab with the other Holostars and Avallum boys! I feel like him and Gale or Rosco would be a riot!
I was really surprised that he joined this one. Happy to see it too
Altare with the pretty anime eyes is so funny but fitting
Luci is being an absolute MENACE
Shu this explanation did not help me
Gale calling me a kitty btw
Do you think if Lucien sucked Vox's blood he'd get demon powers too? Or somehow turn half vampire half demon?
Red and black boys pointing at each other's penises T o T
Hmm that also makes me wonder if demons can be turned into vampires by being bitten
I’m imagining a weird halfling stalemate where they both end up demon-vampire hybrids who are somehow each other’s thralls simultaneously
Gale holding us....I feel so warm.
We get so much more of Gallons of Rizz than black haired Gale and it ISN'T FAIR
Even in (not) Amogus, Shu can't stop thinking about Valorant. Sasuga.
So many of these yumesonas are adorable. Sasuga heartthrob of the high seas.
Vox got fish'd....
Luci said earlier that it's okay for Vox to do whatever he wants with him. Red and black whores....
KEK Altare
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My cute orc played a fun game today!
Otsu boys! That was such a fun collab and with some new members that haven't interacted before. I'm glad Luci was such a menace in this collab. His brattiness is always so cute and entertaining to watch.

Uuughh Gale's singing is so cute and endearing I can't wait until his karaoke
>Avallum as birds
>Rosco = platypus
Galeanon, why is your captain like this?
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Imagine Professor Oak in every game is voiced by Gale Gallons of Rizz

It fits though doesn't it!!!
The official announcement for Alban's 3D is up!

>they changed up my schedule specifically on Friday so now I can catch the debut
I feel like my job knows I watch vtubers....
News: Ike is alive!
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Otsu Cappy Tain!!!!!
Just hearing your voice, whether it be your normal one or Gale Gallons Of Rizz, gives me the strength to get through whatever I'm going through. Another wonderful Minecraft stream. And thank you for the cute woof at the end! You are the cutest puppy to ever live! Love you lots, until next stream!!
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What is bro cooking....?
Bettel Sims 4
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Izumi zero2 watchalong
Bettel is going to piss himself ToT
Look forward to this collab soon
What has he done to Axel...
Some people may not like Uki because of all his flirting but I really appreciate how much he branches out with different boys. Despite this being a malding game I still expect it to be comfy
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my beautiful cat husband is live~
Aah late reply because I was really into the collab
Demon vampire hybrid sounds so cool. Lucien could grow cool wings and horns with more black bony motifs like in his crown and outfit and Vox could have a cool black substance forming over him the way it looks like under Luci's clothes. Or sort of like a Venom thing (I am so excited to see the last movie). Them both being thralls to each other sounds hot but I like to imagine Luci would still have some sort of power over Vox since he is the one who bit into him and is therefore the "master" (I don't remember the exact name of it in vampire lore, it's when one vampire turns a bunch of victims into vampires and they all obey the original one). That doesn't mean he wouldn't still fight for dominance with that convincing voice of his.
I'll spoil the next part in case you didn't mean for this to get sexual. My mind just goes there because I have a corruption fetish.
Vox has said before that he could turn someone into a demon if he can pump them full of demon cum. It's probably not actually lore accurate but I always think about it often. This would be an out of character crackship thing anyway since Lucien doesn't actually suck blood, he eats souls to sustain himself. Vox could be trying to take control of Lucien with his voice but Lucien could be winning this battle for control with the way he's riding Vox. Black substance snakes it's way up Luci's legs, thighs, then abdomen as more demonic power flows through him and combines with his vampire powers. Combined with Luci getting it straight into his system through drinking Vox's blood makes him all the more powerful quicker than Vox. His hair is even growing longer and forming red streaks as well. The way Vox is being weakened not only from his blood being drained but also his semen from how good it feels makes this a pretty unfair fight and in the end, Luci is victorious. After making Vox cum inside him, Luci takes his prize in the form of Vox being his eternal servant. And this is sated Vox too, so this is normal man-sized Luci controlling a muscular 10 foot tall demon.
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more Atanaru watchalong
Jun Akane Fuyu No Hanashi cover premiering soon

Valorant Addicts
Claude: https://www.youtube.com/live/Fpy4VAkaiSg
Leo: https://www.youtube.com/live/Up-MahLg3Cw
Lucien zatsu
War.....war never changes...
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Cat boy is playing a spooky game
Oh, Lucien really hates dolls and finds them very creepy.
>vampire that must be feared
>look inside
>cute bot to be hugged
Miyabi Zatsudan
Shinri Inscryption
Based. Spiders are the GOAT
I want a cute spider boy vtuber
I didn't realize this was Uki's first time playing Chained Together. It'd be hilarious to see him play it with Noctyx but I don't want to see him hold the record for fastest time to get an aneurysm.
Kamioshi is just a term for whores with no ambition and no love for their oshi. They’re just slop slurpers looking for any fix and making it their identity.
Can I please just have my burger
Man.....Arcadia's are so fucking lucky. I wish my favorite cute boys would do this much fanservice.
I really like the heart eyes with yandere face. I'm so weak for yandere boys.
It’s not that interesting news but Matsun is now verified on Twitter
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No!! Your burger has pineapple on it!!!
Holy fuck Wilson isn't half bad at the yandere thing
WTF take that off, I asked for no pineapples!!!
I want Gale to lift my dress up where I'm wearing absolutely nothing underneath and I want him to keep the gloves on while he does it. I want to feel the slightly cold feel of the gloves surface as they touch my nipples!
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Kek posted perfectly in time for Vanta's confession
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I could be staying up drawing tentacles on black-haired Gale, but instead I must go to bed to get up for work in the morning.
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Tatamaru-kun is live!
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A lot of the offcollab fanarts I haven't gotten to post yet
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Tskr drawanon
These comics are so cute. I love how no matter what the fandom or language, fans of male vtubers are always so fast with making fan art.
Some singing to listen to
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Fuma TCG Card Shop Simulator
Izuru singing
Rikka Super Mario Maker 2
Whose cat is this? https://www.youtube.com/live/maasaKE2ncY?si=ihWpjnUibj4-yuTa
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Shinomiya talk
Kamitoki LoL
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Mine now!
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I should be home drawing Lucien naked surrounded by pretty black snakes, but instead I am at work. At least today is a short shift.
I found this really pretty picture of a black snake with iridescent black scales and I thought it suits him.
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Pokemon collab
Gale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSVoSFz8lpw
Lucien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3y2nAx6UAI
Cassian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7xwx1uWWUg
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Finally off my shift and I can enjoy cute boys playing Pokemon.
>Cass killed 2 Pokemon
As expected
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This jp indie (not debuted yet) appeared on my timeline. Just thought some anons here might like his model.
They can use Fly now!!
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Randon is playing FTL
Kek I love this shotacon
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if you're the same anon that posted that gale wip, know that i am cheering you on
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Yeah that me :D thank you!
I sketched out a pose at work and it's looking pretty good. Gonna doodle a few other things as a warm up and get back to it. Maybe I can hopefully show it tonight before bed.
Unrelated but I wanna draw some tits. I hope we get a tiddy monster in the next gen of FSP.
And I thought Amogus or Pico Park would end friendships. In reality, it's Pokemon.
>I hope we get a tiddy monster in the next gen of FSP
Which one do you think is the most likely to have the biggest tits?
My bet is definitely on the dinosaur. They're definitely gonna cast a himbo that can rival Gale's cute dumbness so of course he has to have tits to rival his too. Unexpectedly, it could also be the alien. He could entrance people by showing off his chest only to devour them once they're caught off guard.
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It's Sunday.
Can't stop thinking about black haired Gale fighting for dominance of Gale's body inside of Gale's mind. He even affects his sleep and gives him nightmares. Man that membership stream was some good lore food.
I get jealous of some of the boys success when I am failing. But I can't fail forever, I'll one day find my path.
You talk like such a chuuni anime protagonist and I think that is so cool
Jealousy is a natural feeling. As an artist I feel that way too, especially when I see small artists do fan art a lot faster than me and get to do projects for the boys I watch. It feels awful because I think "it could've been me if only I could draw faster. If only I drew more". But if I keep at it, eventually that will be me. Failure is never really failure, it's more of a learning opportunity. So keep on doing what you're doing and eventually that will be you too.
Small elf bladder T o T
Bettel Escape the Backrooms with Bettel2
Luci and Gale are mommies to newly hatched Riolu now! (I'm the father (female))
>You talk like such a chuuni anime protagonist and I think that is so cool
Thanks? Lol. Indeed, it's just about personal growth and self improvement.
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>Indeed, it's just about personal growth and self improvement.
I'm just messing with you but you should keep that way of talking I really do think it's fitting of a vtuber persona. It's cool and I love that kind of thing.
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Steel gyms were always tough for me and took so long to beat. good luck to these boys beating the next gym! I'm sad it's ending I don't want you to go, Gale. But at least that means there's another Pokemon collab to look forward to!
I can't help but feel jealous whenever I see people talking about other VTubers and just wish it was me in those big corpos with friends and fans
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That felt so short but I think it's because the collab started while I was at work. Thank you for the laughs Gale, Luci, and Cass! I'm sad this stream is over but I'm happy because that means there'll be another one! Good luck in the idol meeting and I can't wait to hear your gorgeous singing voice in the karaoke tomorrow! Love you very much captain!!
Wishing you luck on your journey to success, anon
>Failure is never really failure, it's more of a learning opportunity
Reminds me of a quote I like by Samuel Beckett:
>”Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better”
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>ANOTHER collab with Bettel2 THIS soon
Just have sex on stream already!!!!!
But that would be incest.
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In case yoyu missed it, Kima showed his cover of Deja Vu to Uki during their collab and he liked it
that hakkito? me
That looks suspicious.
Uki Fields Of Mistria
I have decided to not really engage with female Vtubers for a bunch of reasons (some of it the influence of this thread lol). It kinda stings sometimes knowing there's so many Vtubers -some of whom I really admire or like- I "can't" talk to, but at least as a small chuuba it's ultimately for the better. I've been debating whether to explain my reasons on a post or video, or just continue not interacting with any females. I'm just kinda afraid the refusal to interact would be seen with comptempt or something lol.

Perhaps connected but I also have been kinda dubitative of being openly welcoming or fem-unicorn friendly. Not because I think parasocial is le bad, I want people to be truly happy or feel like their life is better off after watching me and I am not sure if unicorn stuff is necessarily conducive to that. I guess it sounds really dumb (maybe even arrogant on my part) but I legit don't want people to feel like their feelings were used or taken advantage of or anything of the sort.
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Kek, I’m guessing they tried recreating this meme?
Ike is so pretty.
i hope galeanon is doing well
Shinri Inscryption
Ruze Hunt: Showdown
no die!
yes die!
maybe die?
Sick design, I love it! I really wish we could get something like that in a corpo. Even the design isn't all that complicated.
It's hard out here on Sundays. Shoutout to Atanaru anon and Starmin for bumping during Aussie hours and EU hours respectively.
>There are still kindreds on this board
OK but just because you don't pay attention to many big indies doesn't negate the fact that he has entrenched himself in the community. I'm still right.

Say I'm right. Say it.
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I meant to stay up and draw this afternoon after eating and I even opened a Monster Energy drink to help me stay up but I fell asleep anyway. I was really looking forward to drawing too. Ah well, try again tomorrow....
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sweet dreams fellow kadet
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Don't know if I posted this pic yet but remember to come to Sunbow's 3D debut. It'll be the last 3D debut of Piece A Part and the promise of everyone debuting their 3D this year will be fulfilled. You may know Sunbow as the chuuni kid with the eyepatch that hosts the watchalongs, and streams the gacha and idol games.
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Shinomiya sing
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Kaz 3D aftertalk
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Valorant with Miyabi, Izuru, Aruran, Fuma, Uyu and Rio
https://youtu.be/fYTOwENRAOA - Miyabi
https://youtu.be/HUCQ2hGZHwc - Aruran
https://youtu.be/LK4AtdJ9B2g - Fuma
https://youtu.be/eiSH7By_AsQ - Uyu
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Will any of you be there when he comes back?
Does he like pickles on his borgar?
Thanks for showing but no thank you, he’s not for me.
Heard too many controversial things about him and his fanbase to risk it.
No, I don't like grifters. Especially ones as blatantly obvious as him.
Cassian Voice Mimicry Show
Oh OK. I understand.
How is he a grifter?
I should be home drawing C(ass) with plant like tentacles wrapped lovingly around his thighs and delicate elf feet but instead I am at work.
I should look up weird carnivorous plants for tentacle inspiration.
Shien zatsudan
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Nidaime sing
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Goldbullet Handcam
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Has Doppio ever mentioned where he was from? His accent/voice hits a specific itch in my brain and I really love it. I’m slowly getting back into watching a cute boys and I’m starting off with Doppio
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uwu roberu getting relentlessly fucked and being overstimulated and panting and moaning, his eyes teary and half lidded, his cock bobbing uselessly as Roberu tries to catch his breath,
I wonder where this word came from all of sudden.
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Some people say he's Brazilian but who knows. I like how unique his voice is too. I can't stop listening to Play Back. Welcome back to the world of cute boys!

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