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Doki at home
>Better Doki
whos doki
Delusional faggot
Someone that will make more money and have more fans than gigi ever will
I hate threads like this that sisters make just to shit on doki
somehow Gigi's voice filters me even harder than Doki's laugh, i can't stand listening to it
>doki vs holo
I need gfe asmr from her
na honestly they are almost the same
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People have been pushing this since debut, and I literally don't see it. If you watch streams, there are no similarities besides mayb the laughing, but even then, it's not the same.
she's better than doki by miles
>Doki vs Holo
hhhmmmm I wonder (((who))) could be behind this... a real headscratcher, this mystery....
retard you're on the vt subreddit
literally none of these ops that aren't generals are genuine and just exist to make the most retarded of statements and then samefag arguments to create the illusion of being valid points
as penance post more pics
fortunately no, I love Gigi but wouldn't be able to stand her laugh
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Fair enough. That other one is my favorite, but I'll provide this tribute as well.
a hidden gem for sure
doki but bad at fps games
Homemade is usually better. Just like in this case. What's with all the Justice seethe today?
/lig/gers are angy, it's daily. If only they could enjoy vtubers without being jealous and trying to drag others down..
Liggers love gigi though
can't stand doki
I find gigi to be "very okay"
not sure how this comparison makes sense
is she mentally ill and has she tried to kill herself?
doki plays boring fps slop fests and has no ounce of comedy in her fat ass, Gigi is leagues above her.
>doki plays boring fps slop fests and has no ounce of comedy in her fat ass
Oh, so gigi IS doki then
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>makes (you) seethe
you forgot the one that actually makes me seethe
Please stop comparing this boring bitch to doki
You can take the fagoon out of nijizhangji, but you can never take the niji out of the fagoon.
She's a better streamer than Doki will ever be. Also, she's not an FPS slop addict.
>Also, she's not an FPS slop addict.
Gigi plays fortnite on stream so you're wrong. She also plays apex.
SHE ALSO wants to play league on stream which is worse than fps slop
>doki likes fps slop
>gigi likes fps slop
They need to collab together
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doki already has collab partners. she doesn't need to collab with no-name holoshitters.
Honestly I can see gigi and sykkuno getting along very well
You know what some sex pest male fleshies personality is like? Jesus, where do you people come from.
>You know what some sex pest male fleshies
Sykkuno is the farthest from a sexpest as you can get. I watch him and doki AND gigi and those three share a very similar energy
>nijinigs immediately resort to cuckposting
not beating the allegations
After seeing /lig/ talk positively about gigi I started to watch her and she's actually pretty good. I don't know how I would compare her to doki but if they did collab I'd watch it
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>I watch him
I mainly watch twitch streams which is exactly what gigi's streams feel like. I don't even know who the streamers in niji are
Fair enough. Calling anons nijifags is just a knee jeek reaction. I personally don't think of gigi as a twitch streamer but I also don't watch them so maybe she is? If she is then that's for people who watch twitch to decide
>I personally don't think of gigi as a twitch streamer
She definitely hasn't shaken off a lot of her twitch tendencies but being in holo is slowly rubbing off on her
As long as she never actually streams League...
Also I hope to GOD management keeps stopping her from dual streaming on twitch like she said she wanted to do during debut month
Ah, mask off. What a fucking faggot you are.
??? What did I even say that triggered you. Everything I said was positive outside of maybe saying she shouldn't play league but that's obviously my personal opinion
You are twitch watching faggot cheerleading sexpest fleshie males and talking about some bizarre shit about GG having twitch tendencies while she has never streamed there. I don't know, why would I point at you and laugh. A fucking mystery.
>watching faggot cheerleading sexpest fleshie males
My post literally doesn't talk about any actual streamers besides gigi so I have no idea why you're mad. Also the point of my post is I DO NOT want her to stream on twitch but you have to admit she did say she wanted to stream games like league on twitch but her manager said it was a bad idea which means she's obviously okay with being a twitch streamer.
But like I said and what you also ignored, hololive seems to be remodeling her which is a good thing.
Next time communicate like a real adult instead of random insults
>She definitely hasn't shaken off a lot of her twitch tendencies
How does one shake off things she doesn't have? GG has never streamed in twitch. That's the point where my confusion and my disgust towards you starts. So let's start there and move on from there.
Gigi hasn't brought up twitch ever since that stream so I think the knee jerk reaction she got at the time definitely deterred her from ever going through with it in the future.
Gigi, and the rest of justice, are also very /here/ so I'd like to think she reads all these posts about her to make her stream better.
>Gigi, and the rest of justice, are also very /here/
I fucking hope not. There's a lot of faggots shitposting about gigi constantly
Nah it's not constant shitposting, it's mostly positive. In fact the things people were mostly vocal about (she's too loud, she laughs too much, etc) she's already toning down. 4ch will forge her into a proper holo before the year is up
holy fucking delusionial failed abortion. lol
It's the speaking style. Has an ESL (Cantonese) who has stayed in America for a majority of their life feel to it.
>4ch will forge her into a proper holo before the year is up
Finally the first groomable holo... it's been too long
That's what watching sex pest fleshbag males in Twitch does to a motherfucker.
Yeah the Chinese accent really isn't helping her in the long run
You can tell she's already trying to fix this too, which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing
i wish she was at my home, forever
Bad thing. She needs to stop listening to this shit hole
Doki would never let this place change her
Doki actually has standards
Selen from niggersanji
PLEASE make this board generals only already every non corpo/chuuba focused OP is shitty fucking bait
She plays it once or twice a month. Doki doesn't play anything else ever.
Better than doki. Doesn't collab with men and doesn't need to spam apex.
Raora is obviously here
CC is too if you consider her rm and who she orbited around.
GG might lurk here
ERB doesn't know what 4chan is.
GIgi was born in America you stupid fuck.
Are dragoons finally letting the mask slip again and not acting like perpetual victims?
I love when threadwatchers regurgitate shit that hasn't been accurate for over a year.
Nice try, Sister.
>dragoons on denial despite all the trash posted by them on the thread
>Nobody can be better than my fat grifter bpd chink oshi
Fpbp and /thread
Go back
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This thread is a prime example of 4chan incels thinking that they somehow matter. Holy shit.
>knows one thing
>one of us one of us
Bug women are worse than flips about this shit
>is wrong about something
>time to irrelevantly spam buzzwords
Concession accepted.
>browses 4chan
>calls other incels
Projection as always. People who aren't femcels or incels don't browse this shithole.
Learn to qoute faggot. You're the one who can't accept GG is the better talent. Go cry somewhere else you little bitch. Don't start shit you can't finish nigger.
Call me whatever you want but the point is that I am self aware enough that I don't think that anything I say here matters and I don't think that thngs I say here somehow shape vtubers' actions and behaviour.
The actual "Doki at home" is the brown cunny dog from V4Mirai, she is either a fellow HK->CN transplant or deliberately imitating Doki's voice and mannerisms.
>I know you are but what am I
Concession accepted
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>seething so hard he missed misinputed the u key
Faggot, try to make sense.
Well she is black so I doubt she is from Hong Kong.
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this thread is one impressive shitshow. i gues you fags tried.
He says as he's mad niji pushed this useless fatwhore he doesn't personally known to suicide lmao kys
>he doesn’t know
Fat laughing purple woman
Gg isn't a better anything lol

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