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Now that Kunai has gone back to her old self, who is next?
>there are people who still think bootlicksemi griftlock would ever leave her lord and master Riku-sama
lol lmao
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they're next
Scarle has a few more outfits she wants to release iirc so she's in NijiEN until late next year probably. Rosemi still streams so she's not a top seed.
The Top 2 to leave are objectively Petra and Vivi
yeah a lot of these retards don't realize that not everyone has something to go back to or can even take that risk
pomu and selen were the biggest girls in niji
rosemi was nowhere near their level and was working a real job with vtubing as a side gig before
>and was working a real job with vtubing as a side gig before
She was interning and quit that to be a fulltime vtuber
All this shilling just for her to barely reach 4view on her own. The Nijihate cult fell off
Rosemi will never leave T_T
That Gen really got fucked dirty huh
I really how Vivi leaves just so that fucking loser Niji shitlicker Claude is left without a fucking gen
But I suspect she's too much of a coward to quit, "queue" my ass
The only non-wishful thinking answers are vivi and kotoka. If scarle wanted to leave, she would have left back in may/june when contracts had to be renewed
I assume they gave them some realllllllly favorable contracts to keep them there
We know who it is
Lol, never
>in 2024
I've never watched the guy and don't have an opinion on any of this, but thank you for reminding me there's a vtuber named Vezalius Bandage.
Kotoka is trying to be the Gura of NijiEN
Besides she's part of the protected class and is unofficial JP so there's no way she wants to leave
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The only thing I remember of him is his first tweet about bondage. Truly an unremarkable hire amongst unremarkable hires
Fulgur has completely stopped giving a shit about penalties - as evidenced by him positively referring to Selen for about five minutes and recently retweeting the official NijiEN account and saying that he was dropped from the merch they just announced him in incorrectly despite (and he specifically says this) having put the work into recording it.

He's done - he was probably very close to being done back in February when he used his PL account to tweet suspiciously in real time to tell this board that Scarle was fine when she didn't turn up to her streams.
>already 404
okay, barometer question: has mogu ever interacted with Sayu? >>86812274
Yeah, same here. The only thing I know about him is that tweet. The impression I have from just his name and that tweet is too funny to contaminate by actually learning more about him. In my mind, he debuted, he made that tweet, and then he left. Best vtuber career of all time.
No interactions, not following
Neversemi Leavinglock
who's saying twisty? she debuted AFTER the selen debacle. she was very aware of what she was getting into.
she can rot in hell then.
lol loser
He was the one who convinced her to stay when she was MIA in February. If he goes now, he'll be the biggest cunt among them all, abandoning Scarle to the wolves completely.
The true litmus test for ex-Nijis is Doki, not fucking Sayu.
Nuh uh, it's Kyrio
>tribalfagging encoding formats
Go back to /g/
Now you're just fucking delusional.
>He was the one who convinced her to stay when she was MIA in February.
Any evidence for this? Not saying it's untrue but I'm interested. Also they were friends before joining Niji so I hope he wouldn't just leave her there if she wanted to go.
She was completely checked out in February and March and then all of a sudden she went all in, announcing (iirc) 5 new outfits
Meant for
>February and March
Those two months were Zero Hour for the Nijis. All of the girls were checked out then weren't they?
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supporting Doki is popular. supporting Sayu is the right thing to do.
What was it
Sayu is full of envy, and her extreme menhera moments do not endear people to her.
I'm not sure that's really evidence. The fact he directly and immediately pretty much responded to posts /here/ on his PL twitter account about her suggests to me was close to breaking point too.
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maybe she's too human for some "people" but that's why she's my kamioshi.
>Verification not required.
>supporting Sayu is the right thing to do.
Oh you're a fucking menhera lmao
trend hopper detected, "opinion" rejected.
Vivi or Ren.
Apparently Noctyx is locked in for 3Ds, so they're likely not leaving.
Vivi's been extremely vocal about being ignored and unsupported in Niji, and she's been in lockstep with Sunny since like April.
She may have signed her contract in December, right before the shit hit the fan. Plus she's basically speedrunning termination with her shenanigans, daring management to bonk her and/or demonstrating to the others (who all have much more seniority than her) that management has become a paper tiger due to their fear of the investors.
Dunno if he directly convinced her to stay, but he definitely indirectly convinced management not to kick her out.
When he told the fans that she was fine, he only meant health-wise. But that tweet's messages to both the fans and management was clear as day - doing it on PL told the fans that it was really him sending the message, and not his manager; and that in turn told management that the fans were acutely aware that she was "stealth" suspended, and that the livers were aware that the fans were aware. Half of EN was on hiatus at that point in time because of how badly management had just handled Selen's termination, and firing Scarle at that point in time almost certainly would have led to open revolt and mass on-the-spot resignations

Because of the crash in March, management has since lost the ability to inflict any meaningful punishment on the livers. The only two punishments which occurred after the crash (the second half of Elira's 60 day suspension, and Petra's 3D being put up against Holofes) had been issued before the crash. But they've been powerless since then.
And Twisty and Fulgur know management is powerless. The others know management is powerless.
I don’t know if I’d count hitting 1M on a cover duet in less than three weeks as unremarkable. It’s not astronomical but it’s quite high compared to some others, including many who have been in Niji longer than him and the dog twins orisong
If you're still here, how long do expect for the livers left?
It's funny the "Council didn't do as well as expected" guy is now one of the only ones I respect.
>mild arrogant joke vs driving someone to kill herself
Well yeah, never thought things would get so dark.
The fuck happened with Doppio? He fell off even with the "want X liver to GTFO" crowd.
NTA but it depends on the timing.
If people handed in resignations in feb-march, then they'd be released around now considering the 6 month wait (with the exception of Mysta, who was forced to wait until Nina left first).

What's going to be more interesting is jan/feb, as that's 6 months after the AX concert cancellation. When the AR Live was cancelled, Shu doomposted in a membership post about how close he was to graduating on the spot, and Elira was holding back tears on the stream after the announcement.
He unironically does better in Niji apparently since he's a boring generic male vtuber, and is completely and utterly harmless. He's following most of the ex-nijis like Sayu and Sunny, too, and has shown support directly and indirectly.
Also nobody remembers that he fucking exists.
He's always seemed like a non-rapey male vtuber and has supported Sayu on his PL account. He was also close to Doki, and credited her with helping him organise an EN event (though obviously before she left). I think he seems like one of the few good livers.
i hope the vast majority of them find success in one way or another
Anon, sunny (kunai) is back already
That's why
Yeah escalation is a fucking HELL of a thing to experience, things ramping up really shifts perspectives on what's less or more distasteful.

Not only the timing of who turned in their papers when, but also a matter of when it's convenient for management to allow the livers to leave. Mysta was not the only one whose graduation got delayed. Kyo also had to wait a month longer than he would have liked, and for the exact same reason Mysta had to wait (to avoid EN having two graduations in the same calendar month)
It seems the only way to jump the queue is by timing out the contract. If someone other than Vivi, a Luxiem member, or an Xsoleil member graduates this calendar month, then there's a very high chance they would have graduated last month if management wasn't forced to let Kunai graduate due to contract expiration. I don't expect anyone from Noctyx to graduate this month, since they have their 3D debuts coming up over the next 3 Fridays (Fulgur won't have a 3D debut of his own, but will very likely show up in the others', even if only in 2D)

If anyone turned in their papers in July because of the AX cancellation, whether they graduate in Jan/Feb depends mostly on the backlog of people who turned in their papers in February because of Selen's termination and the black screen, and also any livers who did NOT turn in papers but instead simply chose to time their contracts out. The contract expirations take priority, because management cannot legally make them wait even one day longer than what's written in the contracts, even if it means the company has to lose face by allowing two or more graduations in the same calendar month.
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Let's see how it plays out, i just hope it's actually another sign she is going out!
wait, is that even... what?
That's strictly not allowed as far as I know. She has to be leaving then for that to be true, unless they suddenly started changing the contracts around, to let her do both which I doubt.
>>86846138 (me)
....I forgot to consider that the upcoming closure of the EN branch will render the graduation queue moot, particularly if AC handles the closure of EN the same way they handled VTA.
That said, I don't expect the announcement before late December, as they have a handful of things that month:
>10th: Xsoleil's 2nd anniversary
>o/a 11th: the Q2 earnings report
>o/a 12th: the eighth and final Niji Encounter duet song
>20th: Luxiem's 3rd anniversary
>unknown date: Denauth's contract anniversaries/expirations, probably
>26th: anniversary of management beginning their ford across the Rubicon
>30th: last business day of the calendar year

I do not expect the merger/closure announcement to happen before Dec 23 (Monday); nor either the actual event itself before that date, unless there is an atomic mega-yab that forces management to AZ-5 the entire branch before Luxiem can have their Super Bowl-sized anniversary celebration.
This is taken from Sunny's Patreon post about making YouTube videos, it might not mean anything but like you, i find the timing of this a little bit surprising, time will tell i guess.
What's management gonna do to Vivi about it, fire her?
Meant for >>86848762
>all the best nijis leaving
Why is that
I don't support flesh thots.
>....I forgot to consider that the upcoming closure of the EN branch
Rrats aside, there's no actual evidence of them closing or dissolving the branch right now.
They're bleeding money and are definitely a net negative on their finances, but even then AC has done stupider shit before and might think that saving face with investors is the only reputation that matters.
>They're bleeding money and are definitely a net negative on their finances
They're not a net negative YET, they're still turning a profit (although only just barely)
But they are hemorrhaging money, and CNBC estimated that operating expenses will start exceeding gross revenue next month, and every yen the company spends to keep the dying branch nominally alive is a yen they're not spending to more directly increase shareholder value. Every yen they spend on an event for EN in November is a yen they won't be able to spend on stock buybacks in December.
And pretty soon, it'll cost more to pretend for the investors that the EN branch has a future than it will to just close the branch. If they have any outstanding third party business contracts (e.g. Niji Encounter), those contracts will almost certainly have cancellation fees attached; but once the contracts are fulfilled (e.g. upon the release of the final Niji Encounter song), there will no longer be cancellation fees to pay. No more outstanding contracts means no more cancellation fees to worry about, and the AX cancellation proves that "opportunity cost" is no longer a thing EN will ever need to worry about.

And CNBC didn't just dunk on Niji EN and Anycolor. They did so by name, live on Japanese TV, and did so as an example of how Japanese companies should NOT run their overseas branches.
It's all but officially over for EN, and the TSE bros know it. The only thing left in EN's future is the formal announcement, and the only question is "when".
Erm..aren't you guys forgetting a certain someone?
Most likely Enna
>CNBC estimated that operating expenses will start exceeding gross revenue next month
if Kunai could do it, why wouldn't the others be able to?
Hex Haywire.
God if only.
Vivi seems to be going back to her past life, so:
>1yr anniversary is on the 27th of october
>if graduating on the anniversary date, expect an announcement to drop on or about the 12th
>otherwise, if ninisanni wants to hold off on the announcement until after the anniversary merch drop, then expect the graduation notice to hit xitter in early november
>anniversary merch drop
Management couldn't even be arsed to give the wave an official name before their debut, you think they're gonna go out of their way to pay for manufacturing costs for anniversary merch? Especially with one member already officially retired, another very obviously in the process of checking out, and the third being so boring and unremarkable on his own that management themselves thought he was a member of the previous wave (and might make it official once Vivi leaves)

I'm not joking about Claude being boring and unremarkable. Name something prominent or noteworthy he did, other than being ex-Hanamori and his "they can just fucking ask" quip.
I hope he gets chased off the goddamn internet.
His fans are going to be even worse than before.
Quinn was trying to cozy up to Sunny today, too.
He freaked out and panicked, telling his fans to stop shipping him with other guys.
...In Nijisanji. With a goddamn twink model.
> I hope he gets chased off the internet

Cope. The best you'll get is him staying in his own little corner.
BTW sunny is mutuals with this guy.
Yeah, I know.
I'd be satisfied with that, too.
I just don't want to see those two pests ever again.
Claude will be fine. He has finana now.
When I said stay in his little corner, I meant that for Kyrio. Quinn has ingratiated himself with all the big vtubers fairly well ( even more so than a certain cyborg) and while he'll remain a 3 view shitter, his presence isn't going away anytime soon.
Yeah, I've noticed.
The sooner he gets exposed for being the cowardly dramastirring shitflinger he is, the better.
>since he's a boring generic male vtuber
Isn't his entire shtick being schizo levels of chuuni
They all have her. She's the de facto daisenpai of EN, and has been since the black screen.
In retrospective... that's really fucked up
No wonder liver morale is on the fucking gutter when the only one left to look up to is fucking Finana of all people
Kunai isn't a hack
nta, but larger pl fanbase, I guess. It's really strange why she decided to leave that behind and act as a kunoichi, especially when she seems to suit her pl character a lot better. I checked out her return stream and there were people who were apparently subbed to her for years. One guy was on 108 months or something.
Not everyone has a well loved and well-suited pl model to go back to, I guess. Nor the connections. Most of the remaining talents probably don't have old fanbases anywhere as large, and some were already gone for way too long. Also her pl was on "hiatus" not completely "graduated", so those who nuked their PLs must be regretting it.
Twisty larping as Finana
Just gonna add to the Fulgur speculation about the canceled voice pack and other stuff even though I know most people would like to see him rot in Niji for eternity or die.
After spending a fuck ton on assets including visual novel quality sprites , orchestral music tracks and the anime opening for his fantasy visual novel story for that knight character he was forced to cancel the project due to management thinking the themes were too dark. He ended up taking a "holiday" where he just spammed Elden Ring for 3 weeks due to depression at that. Today he revealed that his first novel about the murder hobo cyberpunk detective will be finished in February but he'll be releasing it for free to fans as a pdf and commissioning a cover himself because Nijisanji said it was unmarketable and wouldn't sell as a physical release. So his passion project that he worked on for 3 years has been shit canned and the one he was investing in heavily and hoping to do for the next 2 years was also canceled despite him investing in it heavily. He's been posting more often on his PL too. Sunny and U-san now follow him on PL and he once again talked about how much he enjoyed collabing with Selen this week when Space Marines 2 got discussed and he talked about playing Vermentide with her, Rosemi and Mysta.
>most people would like to see him rot in niji
Holo tribalfags are not most people. Most people think his comment over council was in bad taste but don't hate him too much over it.
And if he does decide to leave it will still take him months. Which means the next graduation is someone who has put in papers a lot before.
That sucks major ass. Putting aside the fact Fulgur being one of Selen's frequent partners-in-crime gave him decent rep among Dragoons and thus a mostly-neutral reception for ex-niji fans, knowing his attempts on something creative were stifled this way is sad. He may not have a menhera moment and bust out the way Selen did, but he certainly has all the reason in the world to be cold to Niji as a corpo in the future.
>Niji talent has a cool idea for a project
>Management swoops in and cockblocks it AFTER the talent has already invested a bunch of time/effort/money
Fucking hell, no wonder none of the ex-Nijis have a single good thing to say about the company. What a rotten excuse for a talent agency.
My bad for sounding so negative. I'm actually a fan myself, hence seeing even his recent streams and have been watching him since he made video essays. It's been rough to see him torn to shreds online due to the council leak, but hearing him go from excited to have found something he loves in Niji to seeing him take multiple depression breaks over the last 3 months has been more rough. I honestly do hope he leaves and just becomes a small indie who can write his stories and be cringe in peace. As you said, it might be several months in the queue though.
Make an AO3. You're better off churning your fanfiction there .
Seems to be a trend at this point.
Spend tens of thousands of dollars and years of blood, sweat, and tears, only to be told by the management that was okaying it all this time that out of nowhere, it's cancelled.
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It's extremely funny that sunny is welcomed by the indie community with half the vshojo following her, vedal raiding her and matara gifting subs in her chat.

Meanwhile this kyrio guy barely has any big indies following him, got cold shouldered by most of the ex nijis
His fanbase is so retarded that they do not even understand that the debut is on twitch. He keeps screaming for them linking it but his follower count remains pretty much the same. This is why you shouldn't have an underage schizo fanbase.
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>This is nijien's daisenpai
See the difference between the two is that hex deepthroated nijisanji during his time there whereas sunny didn't, and that heavily impacts your reception once you're out.
this is also the reason why people like millle will be at nijisanji until she gets kicked out, because there's no where else for her to go
Would feel bad for him then I remember the discord leak. Go eat another stick of butter and cry about it.
>scarle 3rd

i mean she just drying niji resource with her have around 4-5 outfit on progress for this year,next year and 26.
I don't think deepthroating nijisanji has anything to do with it, especially when other indies are considered. I think most of them do not want to deal with his toxic fanbase. The biggest litmus test was matara and kuro. He mentioned them at the end of his graduation but it seems they don't want anything to do with him. Most other indies see this and make up their minds.
>He mentioned them at the end of his graduation but it seems they don't want anything to do with him
I wish that mattered in this case, but it's really not much of a litmus test.
>I don't think deepthroating nijisanji has anything to do with it,
consider that quinn is known in the public conciousness as being Enna's boytoy and got shunned after leaving nijisanji
Meanwhile sunny leaves and she's bombarded with love
Why not? Kuro and matara are those ex nijis who are generally selective with their friends and are not receptive to everyone. Them ignoring kyrio even after he publicly mentioned them sets a tone for others.
Bruh what reality are you living in? Quinn is friends with kuro and michi and has had collabs with matara. In what universe did he get shunned?
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I don't trust shit as fickle as "oh they didn't mention them at debut/graduation" or twitter follows as any kind of evidence for or against someone's relationship. Doki and Mint being a pretty big example.

Or if you want to get really sad, I can pull up the people who went out of their way to wish Sayu well on her first graduation, only to shun and abandon her after she got fired, even to this day.
I think you misunderstood me a little. Kyrio seemed to have tried to reach out to michi, kuro, Usan and matara out of which only two responded. It is obvious because he publicly mentioned them. Indies see these things and put 2 and 2 together that this guy is to be avoided. I was just making fun of him, retard probably thought he'd get shilled like quinn.
Another funny thing is that he keeps announcing his debut linking his twitch but his follower numbers remain the same because his fans are too retarded to go there. He must be shitting himself.
I do understand, but I'm just saying there hasn't been enough time to be sure of anything, and they're not going to just up and declare their relationships in public, anyways.

It's more of just a general annoyance these days.
The follower thing is interesting, though. I really hope that's the case.
I'm sure because michi and Usan are following him, so it means those who are willing to talk to him are already doing so without any aspersions about being public, etc
Also, unlike, doki mint example where there was radio silence from both sides, this guy actively mentioned kuro and nina( matara) which means they are the ones who don't want to interact with him.
Don't worry, it'll be a 3 view debut. His fanbase will probably wait on YouTube thinking he'll stream there or watch clips later on, they are that stupid. At least the comments on his tweets appeared to be so.
fuck these fucking cunts... with ONE exception.
>those who nuked their PLs must be regretting it.
Particularly Elira, because she actually deleted her PL twitter rather than just locking it down which is an incredibly stupid thing to do. Now some random guy has her old name as his handle and when the blackstream dropped he changed his pfp and banner to art of Doki.
Haha that's funny as shit. But I don't think pl is an option for elira, millie, enna, vox and ike at this point.
I don't know if it'll happen by the end of the year, but I suspect at some point they'll find some bullshit excuse to terminate Twisty because the clique wants her gone
Vivi is clearly the next one, she has been far too active on her PL account and is closer to Sunny than ever. I doubt that she will be allowed to go this year tho, Anycolor probably wants to celebrate TTT first anniversary just to keep up the appearance that everything is alright.
God, it'd be so fucking funny if she got terminated, but I wouldn't actually want that to happen because she's a good girl and really doesn't need the baggage that comes with AC's attempts at blacklisting.
I remember watching Nina deal with the same stuff in early 2023. My hypothesis is she handed her resignation even before taking a break but could cancel it at any time (like Pomu said she could reverse her decision up to her announcement) but in Nina's case, she felt burnt out by pouring so much into a project that was shut down so she took a break to think things over. Her conclusion after that holiday was that her place wasn't in Niji so she went through with the graduation. If I didn't mix my timeline, she publicly announced it a bit after that.
>He tried to reach out to Matara and Kuro
He knows that they graduated because they were constantly harassed and stalked by the most schizo niji fans, right? (the very same ones that were part of Hex community)
>Dramafags ITT say Sunny was met with instant success and riches upon leaving Niji
Reality: She only got 1.5k views on her return stream and only made a thousand dollars
>Dramafags in the thread begging for Vivi
Reality: She already said she doesn't plan on leaving any time soon and that she's working together with Claude on projects.

Life is hard for dramafags
ogey sister
I remember Pomu also saying she will never leave niji
>only made a thousand dollars
That's way more than Kunai ever got, so yes, it was a great success
How the fuck would i know that? Do you think any of us here watches any male long enough to differentiate fanbases? And a niji male at that. Nina( matara) just knows that this guy is a faggot trying to leech and has the good sense to stay away. Hopefully michi wises up too. Kuro may help there.
>Nina is not leaving, she is working on projects
>Mysta is not leaving, he is working on projects
>Pomu is not leaving, she is working on projects
>Kyo is not leaving, he is working on projects
>Hex is not leaving, he is working on projects
>Kunai is not leaving, she is just sick (and she is working on projects)
>Vivi is not leaving, she is working on projects
also 1400 subs on top of that, which with the 70:30 split due to her passing the threshhold in just one stream ends up giving her more fucking money than the entirety of what she earned at Nijisanji.
Nina, Mysta, Hex and Kunai literally never said they were taking breaks to work on projects. Kyo said from the very beginning that he wouldn't be there for long and to not stay hung up on him after he leaves. Only Pomu decided to lie about staying in Niji for as long as she could
Don't forget
>They just got a new outfit/model, they are not leaving
>They said they have plans for the future, they are not leaving
>Vague posting using the PL account doesn't mean anything, they are not leaving
>Twitch subs
Get chargebacked, lol
>Only Pomu decided to lie about staying in Niji for as long as she could
She did stay in Niji as long as she could.
I never said anything about taking breaks, thanks for being a retard and trying so shamelessly to move the goal
Seethe, sister. There's also the throne shit which funded several new outfits by themselves.
No one forced her to leave because Nijisanji wouldn't beg Konami for a MGS collab
lmao even
Every fucking time, man.
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same energy
Sis, just give up. It was over once goddamn POMU realized she had to leave.

Fucking POMU. Jesus christ, I can't imagine how bad they must've had to fuck up in order for that to happen.
It was neither Konami/MGS, nor was she asking for Nijisanji to go out and get it for her.
She herself said the opportunity came to her directly, and she brought it to management just to get approval, but they would not approve it.
Where do you think the thousand dollars went? All to her throne.
Sis... what?
That's not how throne works.
Anon, don't waste your time, it's not even a real sister, only the shitposters are still trying to push the retarded MGS rrat.
Oh no! Whatever happened to Mintocchio? Poor liar! lolololol
No she didn't. She said there was an opportunity for her that got flat out denied. Didn't say she was directly approached or anything
>No she didn't. She said there was an opportunity for her that got flat out denied. Didn't say she was directly approached or anything
Go watch the clip again. She said an opportunity was given to her. How does an opportunity get given to someone, if that person was never directly approached for it? Retard
She literally said that it was an opportunity directed to her.
She didn't make a thousand in donations, she made a thousand on throne. She only got a measly thousand followers and only had a paltry 1.5k on her return stream. Every other ex-niji mogged her hard on returns
Have fun hoping, chud, Vivi's sticking around.
Like a good Liver, she won't graduate until January to kick off 2025 with low morale for 2434.
Wrong, she said it was offered to her and Niji had to decline it. Never said anything about her being directly offered it, no company decides to personally ask the members for a collab. Pomu just wanted Niji to beg for Konami to make it possible for Pomu to sing that shitty metal gear song
>Wrong, she said it was offered to her and Niji had to decline it.
> Never said anything about her being directly offered it
Since when do companies directly ask members to collab? They go to management to ask, then the manager asks the members then they ask the higher ups. You think Konami went into her DMs?
She said it was offered to her, which means it was... offered to her.
If the offer was sent to Niji management, and Niji declined it, then she wouldn't have known about it at all.
And no matter who the offer was sent to, how does it become Pomu asking Niji to beg Konami? You just said yourself that it was offered to her.
>no company decides to personally ask the members for a collab
Yes they do. It's called a company that has never worked with Niji before and doesn't know the process for collabs/sponsorships.
Konami is a long-time business partner with Niji, so they wouldn't be reaching out to Pomu with the offer, they would be going to management instead.
So basically, you're proving that it had nothing to do with MGS/Konami.
Brilliant move, retard.
>Whatever happened to Mintocchio?
Eh? What do you mean? Today she had another successful concert.

Wow, it's almost like it wasn't Konami, then. Retard.
>If the offer was sent to Niji management, and Niji declined it, then she wouldn't have known about it at all.
Good job on confirming that you don't know how the pipeline works.
>Yes they do
Nope, they don't. They go to Nijisanji as a company to set up a collab. Not the fucking member. Do you think companies that want to collaborate with a restaurant ask the waiter if they want to collaborate? Retard
They didn't want to collaborate with the restaurant. They wanted to collaborate with her. Because it was an idol group and not Konami.
>Today she had another successful concert.
It looks empty as shit. They couldn't even afford seats so the cucks are stuck standing up next to the screen. And she still has no 3D model. Looks like the Niji one was preferable to nothing after all. Reminds me of those TV shows where used up has-beens are forced to take up small side gigs to make ends meet.
8-9 paid, public concerts with real life people in the audience as opposed to... 0 concerts while in Niji?

Grim, sister. You're really reaching tonight.
>Good job on confirming that you don't know how the pipeline works.
Then explain how the pipeline works.
I'm guessing the company goes to Niji management first, right?
And then Niji management can say "No", right?
Then HOW would the liver find out that Niji management said no? After all, the pipeline says that it goes to management.
Did management go to her and say "Hey, we got this sponsor/collab offer in for you, but we told them No"? That sounds like some black company shit.
>Nope, they don't. They go to Nijisanji as a company to set up a collab. Not the fucking member.
How does the company know to do that? If they've never worked with Nijisanji before, how would they know?
>Do you think companies that want to collaborate with a restaurant ask the waiter if they want to collaborate?
And what if the company doesn't know who to ask? They would ask the waiter "Hey, my company wants to collab/sponsor you, can you ask your higher-ups how to go about doing so?"
And where did Pomu work? Nijisanji. Idol groups especially don't directly ask members of different companies to collab. They communicate through management. All companies communicate through higher ups and management. No professional business communicates through DMs
You... you really have no idea how popular Pomu (and now Mint) are among the actual idol girls themselves.
>Has to collab with phase to get a whiff of a concert
>It underperforms and doesn't sell out because everyone was busy watching Hololive
>Meanwhile the AR live she forced Niji to rerecord did miles better than anyone expected
Grim, phasefag.
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>the AR live she forced Niji to rerecord did miles better
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of idol groups out there. Not all of them are huge big-name companies who have legal teams and industry connections to know who to talk to from Niji management to arrange a sponsorship/collab. There are TONS that are smaller idol groups who would not how to reach out to Niji management. So how would they do so? By asking Pomu herself for help. And we saw how that turned out.
now this is nijicope
>No argument
I accept your concession :)
>Then explain how the pipeline works
Company goes to management. Manager goes to the member the other company wants. Manager asks the higher ups next if they can proceed. Like with all plans in businesses, the higher up has the final say.
>How does the company know to do that?
Common fucking sense. If they don't have that, they can read it off the website. Don't know a professional business wouldn't have the common sense to ask the business to collaborate and instead decides to go ask a waiter if they want to collaborate
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>>Has to collab with phase to get a whiff of a concert
>Company goes to management. Manager goes to the member the other company wants. Manager asks the higher ups next if they can proceed. Like with all plans in businesses, the higher up has the final say.
Why would the manager go to the member before the higher-ups? That's either stupid, or a black company move. Makes more sense for the manager to go to the higher-ups for approval first, and then go to the member saying "We got this sponsorship/collab offer in for you, and the higher-ups approved it".
>Common fucking sense. If they don't have that, they can read it off the website. Don't know a professional business wouldn't have the common sense to ask the business to collaborate and instead decides to go ask a waiter if they want to collaborate
How do they know what website? How do they know what part to fill out to specify which member?

Anyway, all this is proving is that it has nothing to do with MGS/Konami, so good job on that.
>Has to collab with Make a Wish queen to get a concert
>Said concert is the most low quality shit I've ever seen in my life

They tried to ruin AR live for this?
Pomu graduated the same month
we all know how much nijisisters cope and seethe when they feel the inevitable coming
Mint has had 4 paid concerts, 4 free concerts, and 5 other anime convention events, since her return 6 months ago. Only 1 of those was Phase.
Who the fuck still unironically applies for NijiEN...? I wonder what kinda wave they gonna assemble next, considering how most of the sane people either left this company or seem to be on the verge of doing so. Is it even profitable to join them? I feel like there is more to lose than to gain
>tried to
-8 million yen, kek
Extremely desperate 2views from SEA or actual /here/ nijisisters like Twisty.
>It is a black company move to immediately ask for consent from the member instead of consent from the higher ups
Guess what would happen if they ran the collab through the higher ups and the member didn't want to do it? That member just fucked over Niji and the company that wanted to collab with them. This is why you don't run a business and are a wage slave
>How do they know what website?
Google exists.
>How do they know what part to fill out to specify which member?
There isn't a fucking form, you retard. It's all emails and discussions. The school system has failed you
>It underperforms and doesn't sell out because everyone was busy watching Hololive
It was before the Hololive concert. There was about 2 hours in between the two.
>Meanwhile the AR live she forced Niji to rerecord did miles better than anyone expected
Mint did not record for AR Live. Remember the all-girls offcollab in Japan in October 2023? Remember who wasn't there? (Of course you don't, because you're just a retarded catalogshitter)
Are they not allowed to appear in their friends' videos? There are Niji JP members who have done so over the years as their PL/rm.
>Guess what would happen if they ran the collab through the higher ups and the member didn't want to do it? That member just fucked over Niji and the company that wanted to collab with them. This is why you don't run a business and are a wage slave
So it's not the higher-ups who have the final say? It's the liver? Your pipeline seems wrong then.
>There isn't a fucking form, you retard. It's all emails and discussions. The school system has failed you
Great, then I'm sure you can link to the email address to use. After all, Google exists :)
So Cuck Connect flopped entirely because of itself? LOL. Great news
>Mint did not record for AR Live
She only forced them to have to redo the entire show because she decided to cry about Konami going to Calli as she sneak sneak sneaked her way into the collab
>ESL phase cuck doesn't understand what "if" means
Many such cases
>Great, then I'm sure you can link to the email address to use

Wow, sure was hard. I should be hired as a manager because that takes an extreme amount of effort for professionals to do but I did it in three seconds
>She only forced them to have to redo the entire show because she decided to cry about Konami going to Calli as she sneak sneak sneaked her way into the collab
Pomu submitted her graduation in late July/early August.
AR Live was recorded in October 2023 (the all-girls offcollab in Japan that she wasn't a part of)
How could she "force them to re-record", when she wasn't even there to record in the first place?
>>"There isn't a fucking form"
>links a fucking form
>>"It's all emails and discussions"
>supplies URL with no email addresses
Because there's more to a show than recording, retard. They had songs and segments planned that they had to scrap because Pomu decided to seethe about Konami
She submitted her graduation months before the AR Live recording. It doesn't take months to remove someone from a plan.
And how can your retarded-ass still think it was about MGS, when you spent the past 100 posts literally proving it was not?
Catalogfags are mentally disabled.
>"It's extremely difficult for companies to get in contact directly with Niji"
>Gets linked a literal step by step given by Niji on how to contact them
>"But...but... Form"

There is no form to directly request for a member, you retard. That's what happens in emails and discussions. I accept your concession
nta, but most businesses don't operate professionally at higher levels. The corporate world is rife with nepotism, cronyism, and petty corruption. Most business gets done via personal high-level contacts. Why do you think businessmen play so much golf? Opportunities often get offered informally to friends long before formal contacts are made. It's unfair, but those are the rules the ruling classes made. "Professionalism" are rules to manage lower classes of workers, they don't apply to those at higher levels.
Nonsensical falsflagging. We at /nijien/ love pomu and mint. Even doki. Only one hated is zaion/sayu.
where does this twisty being a nijisister rrat come from?
>open lolicon who bitches about her model looking too old
>shits on homobaiting, shipping culture, and woke politics
>pedo pandering asmr
>There is no form to directly request for a member
You're right, which is why it makes sense for them to ask her to help bring it to her management, so they would know that they're asking for HER.
But anyway, since Konami would know the process to follow, you're doing nothing more than proving it wasn't them.
So cheers, retard
Catalogfags falseflagged in /nijien/ and confused another random ASMR artist who joined a VR chat server of being a Denauth member. Then after everyone looked at her YouTube and realized she was not Twisty, they ran with the rrat of her being /here/
Rose Wose Wosemi Wovewock Rosemi Lovelock
Da De Di Do Du Wose
Wosemi Leglock
Wosemi Wovewock
Rosemi Lovelock
>which is why it makes sense for them to ask her to help bring it to her management
Instead of easily being able to contact management on their own instead of relying on some menhera to ask for them. Dramafags aren't sending their best
How would they contact management on their own, when they don't even have management's fucking email address?
Maybe they could, I dunno, ask someone who has contact with management, to help present the offer to management?
And you're the one who's dramafagging by constantly trying to push that it was MGS/Konami, when all signs point to it not being that.
If Rosemi does go back, she desperately needs a new model before it happens. Not only is the rigging quality awful by today's standard, the slutty coomer outfit completely goes against the personality she has cultivated since starting in Niji.
>How would they contact management on their own
The contact page on their website that they hire people to manage that directly has an option to ask for collaborations should do the trick. Most professional companies would do that instead of unprofessionally begging a member to let them talk to the manager
And how would they know it landed in the proper department's inbox? How would they know it didn't get accidentally marked as spam and sent to the trash bin?
They could, I dunno, ask someone who has contact with management to help with the process! You know, something that is actually done in the professional world!
AR Live was recorded in September(boys) and October(girls)
Obsydia 3D was recorded in February (Rosemi was gone for ~2 weeks)
Ethyria 3D was recorded in March (all three were gone for ~3 weeks)
They couldn't reshoot anything for AR Live because there wouldn't be enough time for them to get choreography for them, have them all learn the choreography, have them all practice & record new songs, and re-hire the live band to come back for new songs that they would have to learn the instrumentals for as well.
you will now remember doxxsagi
That is correct when it comes to Selen's part of AR Live, but Pomu didn't record anything at all. While all the other girls were off in Japan recording and off-collabing together, she was home streaming by herself throughout the entire month of October.
My interest in AR Live disappeared because there's a very good chance that it's now 1 single concert with mixed gender shit that significantly cut down on Rosemi-sama's screen time.
Man, what's with these people who think that things are done by the book at that level. Of course when you're nothing but a burger flipper or a receptionist, they make you do things by the book. But that's not how business operates, even at the middle levels. It may be corrupt, but people are definitely contacting each other informally and offering opportunities directly. It isn't how business should be conducted, but it is.
Fuck off, lmao. You fags kept changing your story repeatedly about what happened and now you go with "IT WAS A FALSEFLAG"
That was probably you.
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This but only Rosemi-Sama AR Live
Kyrio stop shitposting about yourself on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Comprehension issues or straight up retarded?
>It underperforms
I hate how sisters will twist shit so hard all the time
concert did not "underperform" it did great, just the phase ceo said he put the whole concert out as an ad for the corp and a free trip to japan for the girls
SPWN was super happy with how it turned out aswell and said they wanted to do more stuff with them in the future
all this "it flopped" bs is because people listened to pippa's autistic ass again and spend 5 hours explaining it in the worst way possible
>And how would they know it landed in the proper department's inbox?
It's in there automatically. Because that's where the message gets sent. You are the biggest retard on this board at the moment
How do they know it's in there automatically? How would they know it didn't get accidentally marked as spam and sent to the trash bin?
They could, I dunno, ask someone who has contact with management to help with the process! You know, something that is actually done in the professional world!
Kyrio here, how do I have hate sex with sayu?. She has blocked me.
>How do they know it's in there automatically?
Because that's how the website works, you retard. Are you gonna ask why putting water into a freezer turns it into ice next? Or are you going to keep on coping because you were stupid enough to think that companies ask members directly to collaborate instead of going to the company?
She got 1.4k subs, which is 8.4k at least, even if they're all tier 1. Some were tier 2 and 3, so it's more. Plus bits and donations, it's at least 10k. It's nowhere near Doki, but it's definitely decent.

Neither of these people arguing seem to know how business usually operates. It's almost painful to watch. No one in their right mind would email the org's official address first if they have a contact inside. Why not argue about something more interesting?
>Victoria is the highest
>CTRL+F not a single mention
Everyone agrees what is there to say
>She got 1.4k subs
>Twitch subs

How do THEY know it actually works? All they see is a form they can hit Submit on and can't see how things are progressing in the system. Unlike you being able to put water into the freezer and see for yourself that it's turning into ice.
I guess everyone just assumes she's next, or soon anyway. I mean, she was watching sunny's return stream on her pl, so even if she's not next, it really seems she's on her way out. There's just not much to talk about anymore.
Have to say this seems a really schizo cope.
They were probably watching the Selen drama and were like 'What the hell did we sign up for?'
>How do THEY know it actually works?
Because they made it, tested it and multiple companies plus regular people were able to contact management this way
No, how does the SPONSOR/COLLAB company know that it works? How do they know the form is being submitted to the right department? How do they know it didn't get marked as spam and sent to the trash bin? THEY have no way of knowing, so what can they do? Hmm, I dunno, ask someone they know to assist!
Yeah, that's the most obvious theory. Only the most Stockholmed talents would want to hang on after that. Those who have decent PLs would bail faster, those who don't would have to reach out to their friends and prepare their exits. I'm sure notKunai will help notVictoria.
>how does the SPONSOR/COLLAB company know that it works?
Because it's on their website, it is how companies get in contact with Niji and Niji redirects people to that page
>Right department
It's automatically in the right department because the person reading them sends them there, you retard
>How do they know it didn't get marked as spam and sent to the trash bin?
Because they have their own system where that doesn't exist. You're making up a lot of problems that literally don't exist with the contact information Niji gives people and making a lot of excuses to defend your retarded rrat
No professional company would have a public-facing form that doesn't have some sort of spam filter in place. Because without one, that opens the company up to getting flooded with fake/malicious form submissions.
you know what's even more of a retarded rrat? thinking that it had anything to do with mgs in the first place. there is literally nothing to suggest it had anything to do with mgs.
The rumour I heard was that it had to do with the idol group that disbanded shortly after that
that would make the most sense, especially if they have never worked with anycolor before and had direct line of communication to them to ensure the request was received by management. which would not be the case with mgs, because konami would know who in anycolor management to contact directly.
>No, trust me, guys. All the big businesses fail at getting in contact with Niji because of filters even though regular people are easily able to do it
*had no direct line
A big business wouldn't need to submit a form on Niji's website, they would already have a direct point of contact in management to work with.
The medium/small ones, who have never worked with Anycolor before, would have to use the form, but there is no way for them to know that everything is progressing through the system properly. Because to them it's a blackbox. So if they know someone inside the company who could assist, it makes logical sense to ask them for assistance, instead of sitting and twiddling their thumbs, hoping that it actually goes through the system fine.
It also explain why she was so distraught. Imagine that a group that you followed for a long time reach out to you personally to do a collab with you right before they're permanently graduating and your management blocks it because fuck you

That being said, I think if you're a girl in Niji at this point you should honestly just consider graduating.
Yeah I used to watch him every once in a while before Selen's termination and I don't think he'd agree with how it was handled at all.

Their management have absolutely zero respect for the efforts the talents put into the company. It's awful, and it's horrible to hear that his projects have been given the Pomu treatment.
This poll is less "who is more likely to quit" and more "who I want to quit"
I doubt there are 95 people on 4chan who care enough about Petra to want her to graduate.
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>That being said, I think if you're a girl in Niji at this point you should honestly just consider graduating.

Ride or Die for the JP Merger:
>Elira: The face of the black screen
>Finana: Perception issues on account of being a dumb bitch
>Petra: Zuttomo, has not developed brand outside of Niji. Will probably graduate and cease to exist.
>Millie: Team Elira (clique perception), quadrupled down bootlicker
>Enna: Team Elira (clique perception)
>Reimu: Team Elira (clique perception)
>Maria: Would find it hard to get projects moving on the outside
>Meloco: EN in name only (VTA Dodger), got JP side headwind from GTAV RP
>Kotaka: Perception issues on account of Zaion termination, Mel rrats
>Klara: EN in name only (VTA Dodger), had to look her up because I forgot her name if that is any indication of her chances

Could Make it On the Outside:
>Rosemi: Could go either way, but she *could* make it on the outside, probably successfully
>Aia: Besides her debut goof, she is astonishingly one of the branch's high rollers rn
>Scarle: See the above minus the debut goof, won "merit points" for the liked "Black Company" comment
>Victoria Brightshield: Pretty much been mask off in liked material and PL activity
>Twisty Amanozako: Extremely questionable if she could rise above 2view shitter, but it would be comparable at least to where she is at now for a whole slice of the pie

I agree that any guy in NijiEN should stay in unless they can immediately get a direct pass into VS. Sisters oshi the brand after all, and the amount of successful male indies can be counted on one, maybe two hands.
Can't Maria just go back to her fleshtuber channel? She's fairly cute and pretty. She'd absolutely pull decent numbers.
Kotoka is a VTA Dodger as well
Literally if kunai who didn't stream 90% of the time in Niji can make it, anyone can. You can post whatever headcanons you want but Kunai spent half of her time in Niji on hiatus and wasn't that big in her PL despite what this thread will have you believe m
Making it is not just getting viewers but also retaining them. Sunny can retain them because she has a good model, good connections and she's planning to revamp her content from league slop. But that may not be necessarily true for others.

Males however should stay in. Quinn has all the connections but is still a 3 view. Kyrio ( not Hex) has like 11k twitch followers despite shilling it to his fans all the time and will probably end up even worse than quinn.

Only male who can make it as a 4view outside niji is ike. And maybe shu. The good ones like doppio will also slip to a 3 view status over time.
>there is literally nothing to suggest it had anything to do with mgs
there was mori getting an mgs collab, and if you were gonna approach a big corpo vtuber for an mgs collab then why the fuck would you pick mori, which led people to believe she may have been a second choice after the niji deal fell through
Absolutely anyone with an untarnished rep will make it because they'll be shilled by the indie/vshoujo vtuber community. However they'd need to prepare the groundwork for that. As for notKunai, "wasn't that big" is subjective. She wasn't that big as a streamer, but she did produce YT videos too, and her revenue was probably greater than a lot of Niji PLs.
Anyone untarnished should really quit, but I wouldn't be surprised if some are hesitant because their PLs are less successful than those who left so far, or are doing decently well currently and don't want to risk it.
Would the wider community help shill Ike though? I feel like most people wouldn't want to associate with him now.
part of the clique
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She had literally next to no connections pre Niji she just followed a bunch of people who had graduated previously.
Like I don't think you understand that sunny was a 2 view who spammed lol almost all day and streamed 2 hours a day on average.

She didn't have any sort of connections pre Niji. She has a good model for sure but anyone can have that and yes I agree males should stay in
because she's signed to a record label who goes out and gets those opportunities for her. how do you think she got the one piece anime song sponsorship, when she has even less to do with one piece than mgs? how do you think she got that suicide squad song sponsorship, when she doesn't play any DC comics games?
>Why the fuck would you pick Mori
Despite what this board would have you believe, Mori is pretty popular in Japan. There are behind the scenes videos where Japanese people freak out when she starts rapping. They fucking love her which is why she's been a part of One Piece, Suicide Squad, Metal Gear and will likely be a part of other series and events as well.
So you are saying she only joined Niji to make some connections, get free promotion, have her name out of there and then fucked off as soon as she could. Maybe I'll join Niji too.
People overestimate "tarnished rep"
Nina was absolutely fucking hated by this board from the second she debuted, people found out she was a political streamer who called vtubers grifters at one point (as a joke mind you) and had openly lusted for males and made political commentary about stuff like communism.
There were countless threads about how she was gonna be the death of English vtubing.

Then, once she got in she immediately started pushing for male collabs and streaming with males, she was very into the idea of being against female vtubers only streaming with girls. Then of course the male fanbase ended up doxing her and posting gigantic lists of all of her sins and everything else.
She graduated and mysteriously all that went away. People severely underestimate how much people give a shit after a year
Unironically, yes.
And yes. You should.
Sorry overestimate not underestimate.
Her connections prior to niji don't matter because she has those connections now. Matara was gifting subs in her chat and getting on her good side mean more networking opportunities.

This will be hard to explain here but if someone like Ike could apologize then a lot of indies will rally behind him. A luxury the likes of vox and luca do not
have anymore. Kuro also mentioned him in one of his accs so there is a connection there. Hakka is also friends with him.

Being in a clique or not has nothing to do with quinn's sorry state. I won't comment on kyrio, we'll only know for sure once he debuts but it looks pretty bad.
Yes but you have to realize that Matara likes most people. Matara was also pushing for Quinn during his re-debut as well. Any of the girls who left would likely be treated to the same thing
>Matara likes most people
Not really true. In fact she is a lot more selective when choosing people to be friendly with. Quinn was actually nice to her and was in contact with her after she left and he's also friends with kuro and michi, like actual friends. Not sure why this is a matter worth discussing.
All that is pretty minor compared to being in the black stream though. Some vtubers are political, some regularly collab with males. They might generate antis, but it's really not any sort of scandal.
Yes, but can Ike apologize? Niji might try to block something like that via NDA. They probably couldn't enforce it, but if Ike had the guts to ignore the NDA, he wouldn't have been in the black stream to begin with.
People are funny in what they consider minor or major. People talk about how no one will touch elira, vox or ike in their indie life. But I don't think that's true, especially if they are willing to apologize.
Luca on the other hand is the most fucked out of all of them if he ever goes indie. Hex may be too but he is a gachi farmer so he will make do.
Niji NDA is bunch of horse doo doo. Ike can easily apologize ( post graduation) if he wants to. And unless he actually bullied selen ( prior her attempt), a lot of people, including many former fans absolutely will forgive him.
qrd? wasnt it his schtick to fujobait with shu?
>There were countless threads about how she was gonna be the death of English vtubing.
troll shitposts on /vt/ don't mean anything
>people found out she was a political streamer
yeah but not a lot of people know or give a shit about that because it's distant PL shit that she wasn't doing anymore once she was in Niji
>Then, once she got in she immediately started pushing for male collabs and streaming with males
and then people found out that it's because she was the only one in Ethyria that wasn't part of the clique and it was the rest of her gen that ostracised her, not the other way round
she didn't have a tarnished rep at all by the time she graduated
Not really. It's always major until they graduate and then it's minor because this board doesn't care. The second that anons stop shitposting daily about someone is the same second dramafags on YouTube lose interest which causes Twitter to lose interest as well.
When Nina tried getting vox and Mysta to kiss on stream and Mysta refused, there were countless posts from sisters about how she had violated their privacy and etc. they literally went to her house while she was gone in an attempt to punish her.
>Troll posts don't mean anything
Except that's not true. In all honesty this board has a massive influence, Twitter is basically a bunch of people who are /here/ reciting rrats from /here/ while ignoring anything that doesn't fit that.
It's kinda like how when Millie asked Selen publicly what happened to her cover and /here/ made a bunch of threads about it, suddenly she was bombared with comments saying how inappropriate it was to ask someone who publicly admitted that they never responded to DMs, "what happened" in public. None of the people in those comments actually watched Selen otherwise they'd know that.

When Pomu posted about liking FWMC, people /here/ started posting images of her being a leech and the comment of them mentioning her in the past without her responding. And wouldn't ya just know it, those same images were suddenly flooding her comments section and Twitter.

Also the clique thing is really how you know how retarded this board is because it's constantly changing. When Pomu was constantly streaming with Elira and the rest. She was part of the clique. but then she graduated because she wasn't part of the clique. Petra is allegedly part of this clique despite not knowing anyone other than Reimu before debut. Enna, Millie, Reimu and Rosemi spent a literal week with Nina in 23 before she re-debuted as Matara and Matara literally said she keeps in contact with Rosemi the most out of anyone but Rosemi is also a part of this clique according to /here/.

Also I gotta point out that literally one of the biggest reasons Nina graduated was because of her rep. Her full name and address was literally being uploaded underneath her TikTok videos that she was making because the fact that actual sisters got so angry at her for trying to make their fujos make out
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Admittedly, "Could Make It On the Outside" wasn't the greatest wording, but here's the not-so-short list of our "graduates" so far:
Pomu (Female)
>Popularity at Peak: High | Duration: 2Y8M
>Method of Exit: Graduation (amicable) | Timing: Pre-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: Low/subtle
>How Are They Now?: Returned to PL as a comfortable 4view (YT), getting ready for 3.0 end of the month.
Selen (Female)
>Popularity at Peak: High | Duration: 2Y7M (5M if dropping the last 2 months of “hiatus”)
>Method of Exit: Termination (no introduction needed) | Timing: Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: The answer to this one depends a lot on what you consider to be a pot-shot. She was (in)directly responsible for the reputational damage that Niji now has in composite, but most of that was arguably self-inflicted.
>How Are They Now?: Returned to PL as a comfortable 4view (YT/Twitch) coasting in her own lane, made her own “business”.
Nina (Female)
>Popularity at Peak: Medium-High | Duration: 1Y9M
>Method of Exit: Graduation (amicable) | Timing: Pre-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: High. Possibly higher than anybody else in fact.
>How Are They Now?: New identity as a comfortable 4view (Twitch) in VS.
Mysta (Male)
>Popularity at Peak: Highest | Duration: 1Y8M
>Method of Exit: Graduation (amicable) | Timing: Pre-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: Low-medium, had some personal financial grievances
> How Are They Now?: New identity as a comfortable 4view (Twitch) in VS.
Yugo (Other)
>Popularity at Peak: Medium-High | Duration: 10M
>Method of Exit: Graduation (not amicable) | Timing: Pre-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: Effectively none.
>How Are They Now?: Has mostly existed the vtubing format, so it’s hard to gauge. Seems happier at the very least.
Kyo (Male)
>Popularity at Peak: Medium | Duration: 1Y7M
>Method of Exit: Graduation (amicable) | Timing: Post-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: Low, took a pot shot on his return video (“nightmare”)
>How Are They Now?: Returned to PL as a comfortable 3view (Twitch). Notably less well off than the others, but not exceptionally poor.
Zaion (Female)
>Popularity at Peak: Low-Medium | Duration: 3M (Around half of that time was inactive)
>Method of Exit: Termination (very not amicable) | Timing: Pre-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: Medium-high. Most of her grievances were settled with the .docx or otherwise targeted at specific individuals.
>How Are They Now?: PL/Rebrand bouncing between 3view and 4view (YT/Twitch). Still has menhera episodes from time to time.
Hex (Male)
>Popularity at Peak: High | Duration: 1Y8M
>Method of Exit: Graduation (amicable) | Timing: Post-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: None
>How Are They Now?: TBD returning to PL (Twitch), comeback stream may be an early indicator.
Kunai (Female)
>Popularity at Peak: Low | Duration: 11M (7M if dropping last 4 months of hiatus)
>Method of Exit: Graduation (neutral) | Timing: Post-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: Low, but PL activity and support of post-Selen accounts may be viewed as “hostile”
>How Are They Now?: TBD returned to PL (Twitch), too soon to say.
(Bonus) Michi: Female
>Popularity at Peak: High | Duration: 2Y5M
>Method of Exit: Graduation (amicable) | Timing: Pre-Selen | Post-grad/PL pot shots at Niji: High.
>How Are They Now?: New identity as comfortable 4view (Twitch) in VS. Suffering from 3rd world issues.

I have avoided absolutes here to let the facts speak for themselves and there are a lot of factors that could make this balloon further. But let's revisit the original question. *Could* the remaining members make it on the outside? I would say the answer is probably *yes* with the exception of the JP onlies, who would be cast into a market even more saturated than the west. Even the individuals who are judged to be of poor moral character still have viewers, so it doesn't seem to be beyond belief that they could find viewers in their next incarnations. Would they be better off though? Pre-Selen, I would have decisively said yes on account of the Niji cut, but it's not as certain anymore, especially if you are male. and even more so since most of them decided to ride-or-die following the black screen (note that Victoria and Kunai checked out one way or another). If you are like Elira getting 11 different merch lines or Maria getting connections to pump out song covers, it's hard to say that you can carry that over as an indie, and certainly not when working with western content creators. In theory, they could make those connections in JP themselves, but why bother when you can get el rainbow to do it for you? As for da wose, I have yet to see any evidence, compelling or at all, to suggest that she is planning an exit at any point in the near future.
>Also the clique thing is really how you know how retarded this board is because it's constantly changing
maybe I shouldn't have used that word, but Nina having been an outcast in her gen isn't a rrat, it's something she openly talked about it on stream
>one of the biggest reasons Nina graduated was because of her rep
the rep we were talking about here isn't the one with Nijisisters though, but the one with the "outside world"
>A big business wouldn't need to submit a form on Niji's website
Despite the fact the website itself has an option to submit requests for business and collaboration inquiries
>there is no way for them to know that everything is progressing through the system properly
Yeah, no way. Except for the fact that they clearly pay attention to what they're sent since people like Korekore are able to get in contact with them.
>So if they know someone inside the company who could assist
It would be wildly unprofessional for them to directly ask a member to get them a manager? That's what the next part of your sentence should be
Surprised Petra didn't leave years ago. She fucks off as much as Gura does but is nowhere near Gura's level of success and subsequent coasting
You just know the next time Mata (or maybe even Doki) makes a big collab, Sunny is going to get an invite
>when she has even less to do with one piece than mgs?
There's a reason why she got the OP gig but I don't want to eat a ban
>The rep with the outside world
Was also terrible. There were people on her YouTube channel bringing up her political past life on almost a daily basis. People /here/ didn't like her, Twitter didn't like her, her community was incredibly small and decreasing due to the influence of luxiem sisters.
Nobody even knew that originally she didn't get along with the rest of her gen since it wasn't brought up until close to graduation. It was only after that the opinion of her changed, she was suddenly a victim, she was suddenly a brilliant gem of a streamer who had never been properly discovered or something like that. And I'm not saying that she's bad by any means, in fact I still like her a lot but it just goes to show how often the opinion changes on people after they graduate.

Another good example is actually Zaion/Sayu. Several of the talents spoke out against her. Stating that behind the scenes she had lied to them and that she'd been warned multiple times about pushing the envelope, kotoka said publicly that at the moment she was mad at her and couldn't wish her well. People started posting /here/ that Kotoka was a jerk despite kotoka crying several times over Zaion and saying how creative she was. Then when Sayu released a document saying
>Yeah I did all of that but it wasn't my fault and I can't tell you why it is that everyone suddenly stopped getting along with me , I was off my meds
You saw countless comments on here that were suddenly talking about how bad everybody else was for daring to speak out against her and how vindicated she was and how this document totally cleared her of any wrongdoing and etc etc. You can see that to this day in YouTube comments. Tweets. And /here/.

Basically my point is So long as they're not in Niji, they are always revered as some kinda hero even if others speak out against them. If Elira graduates it'll take one stream with Matara and Mint before people go
>Oh yeah I actually don't hate her
I would not at all consider michi high. She was a mid 3 view up until she announced her graduation in October https://www.vstats.jp/channels/1:UCahgMxSIQ2zIRrPKhM6Mjvg/2023-9
Her biggest videos were when she was collabing with en members. Specifically Mysta
If I remember correctly, Mika was the biggest ID after Hana self sabotaged herself although that isn't saying much.
>Surprised Petra didn't leave years ago
well she wanted to. she only planned on being in nijien for a single year
She was. Don't get me wrong she was big in ID but she was way below what most ENs pre selen drama.
You can actually check the site yourself that I linked and you can see that most of her videos were 700 and below. It wasn't until she was graduating that she started hitting a thousand plus. Which I mean is still decent by all accounts but I would not say that she was high on the list when she graduated.
And I will say that as far as the rest goes, You are right, there would have been a higher success of re-debut pre-selen but honestly, I really don't know that it matters that much. I think there are enough people anymore who are disgusted with the company itself to where it doesn't really matter. The fact that sunny made nearly 10k yesterday and spent most of her time in Niji as a low 3 view who was MIA, gives me hope.
If you want are the truth though I think that people like Aia and Scarle and unfortunately Twisty and Klara will struggle without Niji
Ex talents speaking against her led to a lot of harassment from niji fans. She got doxxed too. Anyways most people only have two opinions, either that sayu deserved all the hate or that she is an angel and kotoka, hex and co are evil who should be drawn and quartered.
I read the doc and my view is that while Niji is a horrible company, Sayu brought at lot of it on herself. Especially being completely inflexible about using her old genshin account.
Anon mel from hololive broke rules too but look how they handled it. I don't think getting terminated is deserving of being doxxed and harassed. There are 2 different things. Plus niji didn't take any action against livers like luca who were a lot worse in breaking rules.
>Yeah I did all of that but it wasn't my fault and I can't tell you why it is that everyone suddenly stopped getting along with me , I was off my meds
Nice fanfic. You can improve it by reading the doc next time.
I agree, I think she was a very bad fit for a company like Niji but Niji did her completely dirty. Should have just posted a notice that said both parties agreed to part ways
>When Pomu was constantly streaming with Elira and the rest.
Pomu was never part of the clique, the clique was always thought to be Elira, Enna and Millie
Reimu joined the clique the first moment she could.
>Plus niji didn't take any action against livers like luca who were a lot worse in breaking rules.
Reminder that Luca got EN banned from the GTA server (except Meloco who is EN by name only)
She literally in the doc goes over every single thing that they accuse her of admits to doing most of it and then says
>But I was justified in doing it
And again while the company is not great by any means,
This sums it up heavily.

The clique literally changes every single fucking day on this board
There were countless shitposts about Pomu being a part of the clique just as there are now shitposts about Petra being a part of the clique and Reimu being a part of the clique. The people on this board are neets who don't go outside and can't imagine what it's like to have friends. When everyone went to Japan last year, including Selen, there were constant shitposts about how that was the clique and Pomu couldnt go because she had been removed from the clique.
That never happened though. Are you from some alternate reality perhaps?
Luxiem will always be the branch favorite and there's no debate about that. Luca didn't officially get them banned they were just strongly recommended to only play if they spoke Japanese after Lucas actions.
Also I will mention that the only reason that they went as heavy on the reasonings behind firing Zaion was that people, mainly from /here/, threw a bitch fit that they didn't explain why they fired Yugo.
They basically did the same thing that Hololive did with Mel But people got really angry at them for doing that because they didn't give a full-fledged explanation as to what rules he had violated and everything else. And so then they do give an explanation as to why they fire these people, going over what rules were broken and wow, people were still angry because how dare they list all the things they did wrong, clearly this was an attempt to assassinate their character and etc etc
>mel from hololive broke rules too but look how they handled it
By firing her immediately for a single minor infraction that no one even knows exists after she got sexually harassed by a manager? Mel also start talking about understanding child rape
>Doxxed and harassed
Her dumbass doxxed herself by taking a photo of her own passport and posting it online years before Niji. She also caused her own harassment by enjoying child rape
Lol the doc was more like
>Because Niji has arbitrary enforcement of their draconic rules, technically I broke their rules
Keep trying to push your Zaion bad narrative though, it won't work
Ike featured on a song as his PL a few weeks ago after radio silence on it for pretty much the whole time he’s been in Niji. He’s also been on a depression break recently (although this is not particularly unusual behaviour for him - but coupled with the recent song appearance it’s interesting)
It wasn't a minor infraction and they promptly issued a simple statement and wished her the best. To the point and professional.

As for the doxxing people would repeatedly post picture of her passport under her replies and others would signal boost them.

>enjoy child rape
OK now you're just being ridiculous. You'll forgive me if I call you a sister.
Wasn't the Genshin account story one of confusing instructions rather than inflexibility?
Also "I was justified in doing it" and "it wasn't my fault" are 2 different things imo.
Even then, didn't she actually say she wasn't excusing her behavior in some cases like the bad rape joke?
So true sis! #cut4hex
The genshin story was basically management saying "ok you can use your old account that you already whaled on so you can do more interesting content", then turning that decision around because they saw her getting gifted in-game currency and were seething that she was getting free money and Niji not getting a cut of that
It was a leak. That never reached the public. That no one knows even exists. That is a minor infraction. It's called getting rid of loose ends. Not a surprise that the one member that got molested by staff ended up getting fired afterwards
> now you're just being ridiculous
That's exactly what the Niji audience took it as when she started making those crappy jokes. Who can blame someone for calling her a rape apologist when she says shit like " no wonder she got raped"?
>they saw her getting gifted in-game currency
You cannot gift in game currency in Genshin. Classic dramafag fail
>they couldn’t even afford seats
At concerts for normal non-obese crowds, most people are standing and dancing
Err, I don't know why are you quibbling about men's termination with me. I never disagreed with you whether zaion should have been terminated or not, its how it was handled
>rape joke
It was a tasteless joke, borne out of her intrusive thoughts that she stopped herself from making because she realised how fucked up it is. And that's it. You're calling her a rape apologist and a child rape enjoyed based on that alone.? Are ya serious?
Hey, I've always liked Fulgur. People gave him shit for bring abrasive at the very beginning, but when he turned Vox into a prissy bitch after that smash collab, that was fucking hilarious.
Sayu collabed with dramafags and doubled down on it. She may have been fine two years ago as an indie, but she's brand poison now, in part thanks to Anycolor, but also due to her own individual actions post termination.
I knew about the novel and the voice pack but QRD about him having to cancel the whole Shepherd project?

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