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Why doesn't Mumei take her music career seriously?

She has arguably the best voice in Hololive and she lets her talent go to waste
oh hi
cuz she don't want you begging faggots annoying her.
Wasted potential.
Rumor is that Mumei and Ame's graduations are staggered.
Your dream isn't a rumor faggot.
Anon, trying to avoid what Omega did to IRyS isn’t wasting her talent, she’s preserving her voice.
she dumb
>she dumb
isn't she in university?
Maybe she doesn’t want to be professional about singing. Maybe its just a hobby and she just wants to stream occasionally.
Seems like she doesn’t take anything seriously.
And? So what. That’s why she’s my oshi and the most popular Council talent. Their job isn’t to be professional and serve as a faucet of content for fat stunted retards.
Because she has an emotionally overbearing mother who convinced her going to college was more important than following her dreams.
Cause she's an autismo
She's a female, why would she? Dumbass virgins will throw tens of thousands of dollars at her just for existing
lazy bitch
Busy being clapped by me everyday
2 more weeks
ame's "2 more weeks" came true anon..
>the best voice in Hololive
Link me one (1) video to convince me.
Joke's on you. I wanted that homocollabing whore gone.
Mumei (the song) is fantastic. But she’s not better than Bae or Irys. She’d make a banger sad-girl pop star tho
lol, no. The only time Bae is tolerable is when there's a dick stuffed in her mouth.
Too autistic and her special interests don't involve music.
Just listened to it. It's an okay song, but it's autotuned and even if it weren't it doesn't seem like a particularly difficult song that showcases singing range.
DO NOT disrespect bae
I'm going to need a good reason not to hate on hololive's resident broken volume knob.
She is the only real idol EN has. All of the other girls don't even know what the word idol means
Well, that sure isn't a good reason. Rat is terrible.
Seethe about it dumb nigger, she's an outstanding performer
This is still my favorite Hololive EN performance to date and nothing comes close
I'll be honest I really did enjoy her solo at 5th fes.Easily the longest stretch of her career where she shut the fuck up. It was glorious.
You must've lead a damaged life to hate on someone like Bae. Unironically reevaluate yourself as a human being.
This type of threads deserve a permanent ban.
I do not understand. What's the issue with hating on easily the most obnoxious streamer in holoEN?
This but IRyS
Her NTR fixation will make the experiencing of forcing myself on her all the better
That's the key word, performer. Bae is an amazing performer. She's a bad singer.
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There are quite a few ENs better than her at singing like, IRyS, ERB, Mori and Mumei but calling her a bad singer is disingenuous when she sounds excellent on the stage 90% of the time (when it matters the most). The stage is the best evaluation of someone's abilities as a complete package performer.
See the performance I have linked for example. I have always believed that truly bad singers cannot sound good no matter what because they are tone deaf. Bae sounds excellent there even if she may have had to do many takes to get that result. You will never get that level of result by being a bad singer even in a 100 attempts. Bae has talent and potential for being a great singer and her singing has been getting better over time despite no vocal lessons and getting better is part of the idol journey.
>best voice in Hololive
the song is lab designed to be an earworm with all the repetitive notes but there isn't a lot of singing or depth for its 4 minute runtime
Mumei is the next to leave. One of the main reasons they only recruited four members for Justice is that both Myth and Promise are expected to lose a member this year. Mumei has expressed dissatisfaction with management, and her requests to collab with Dokibird keep getting denied.
Getting the worst of STEM degrees to earn some validation from her mother, the same person who has been against this gig as a career path for almost a decade, due to autism
>arguably the best voice in Hololive
Good that you used arguably, if she'd got professional coaching, she would have had a chance to clear even the top dogs like IRyS as a vocalist
I also don't understand tobedesu, there's absolutely no issue with larpposting in catalog about someone you don't care about and regurgitate all the shit I've swallowed over the years in that post.
I also would like to say the anon above my post is a moron and a faggot.
*spreads her cheeks*
>and her requests to collab with Dokibird keep getting denied.
That's the only part that makes sense to me
I still don't believe it
Your post reeks of /who/
>but calling her a bad singer is disingenuous when she sounds excellent on the stage 90% of the time (when it matters the most).
Again, you're getting distracted by the dancing and performing and not actually listening to the sing. She's decent by Holo standards, but objectively she's not a good singer.

>The stage is the best evaluation of someone's abilities as a complete package performer.
But we're not talking about her abilities as a performer, brat. We're talking about her as a singer.
I'm also talking about her as a singer and you are crazy if you think her singing on the stage isn't good
>Professional standards
We do not hold holos to professional standards because besides like 2 or 3 of them, they aren't there
if you guys really want another singer tier list thread go make one
bae is a decent singer, not excellent but she's up there right below the best singers and she's improved a lot since debut.
Not that anon but I'm gonna chime in, whenever Bae performs with the usual crazy intensive choreo she just forgoes the singing it's very apparent she can't handle both aspect of the performance when one of them requires so much of her.
Now if it's a performance that has no dancing or just simple Idol wave wave step step choreo, she can sing pretty well. However, she's got this identity as a dancer so those performances are like droplets in a pool of just choreo heavy songs.
One more thing, if any faggot gonna jump in with something like
>He still believes they're actually dancing and singing at the same time
It's boringly repetitive at this point and false on top of it.
But not even real musicians sing and dance at the same time on stage if they're doing complicated choreo, most of them lip-sync.
She's just pleasant to listen to and has a lot (A LOT!) of unarchived karaokes to choose from. I let her run in the background here and there and it's almost always a good time
She is nowhere near IRyS level of talent and with her nasally voice even with training she never will be. She's already knockoff Gura.
I don't like the growl that mumei does. I'm sure there are people that like that
>arguably the best voice
We get it, you like her
She does have talent as a singer though
nta but considering they are frequently hanging out irl but still haven't collabed is pretty telling
public reason , she's lazy
real reason , she's dumb
I don't really buy that she'll graduate any time soon, despite the schizo rumors of Ame, Mumei, and Gura graduating some time soon a while back. Ame "graduating" gave validity to the conspiracies of them leaving Holo
Bae is not that good of a singer anon
Nerissa as well is a better singer than her
Nice raid, fags.
How about you listen to what she herself said about separating them? Of course you don't care, you're just anti-hololive spammers hoping that your beloved corpo will do better if EN gets drama.
Pippa is getting fired, by the way.
Retarded ENshart truly believes that?
Why are you here, ennacuck. I thought you hated IRyS, not Mumei.
Where the fuck did that bullshit come from?
Someone actually from /who/ here, the anon blaming Mother Owl forgets that she doesn’t even know what Mumei does for a living and that Mumei is in college because it’s something she likes to study, so there’s an actual personal value being assigned to completing her studies instead of just doing it for Mother Owl.
That last one is someone just pointing out that the schizos think they’re on to something because they happened to be (half) right once. I don’t think it’s fair to lump him in with the mask-off shitposters.
Mumei was the first one he botted so he could accuse all of her numbers of being fake, his hatred has two sides to it.
I didn't actually mean to include him, just an accidental reply that I didn't bother to correct since this is the catalog and no one really cares of it is used by antis. I'd rather the other ones fellate each other here over raiding /who/ or /rrat/.
True enough.

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