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Last Thread - >>86740419

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asOqbzIfCn0
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCAAY-7cEiQ

Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
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guess im pirating the shrek musical, never thought it would come to this...
I fucken hate musicals
I miss when Fauna was courageous enough to have fun collabs with the JPs
Now she avoids them like the plague
It makes me sad
Maybe she would be more willing if it was a JP who knows atleast some basic english and maybe irys there to bridge the gap.
I can fully understand that its an anxiety inducing collab if there is no common language
It seems like it's down between Fauna's Garden from her 3D debut or Fauna's Dungeon for the stadium. Use the link below to vote on the poll.


No matter which is selected I'd like to know what references should be included around the stadium? Not everything will be able to be included, but the more options the better.
She doesn't want to speak the language
Yeah, I know, it's obviously her wish.
It just makes me sad. I loved seeing Fauna interacting with the JPs.
Is it on us to come up with /mogu/ references too?
I know champion stadiums usually feature the 2nd place team a little too.
If you'd like to give a suggestion it would be taken into consideration.
CC and Moom are still streaming. Why couldn't she have continued?
did yt eat some comments?
Yeah, we saw it the first 3 times, 3DPD.
World tree, faunas cottage, her little tea gazebo, nemu, some saplings, possible to work in her genmates somehow? And snail of course, pretty obvious stuff but nothing else is coming up for me
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When you guys say Fauna's Dungeon, are you talking about picrel?
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It was never posted even in last thread, schizo.
out of respect for someone who doesn't deserve respect, Fauna just is like that
The lipstick looks bad
Fauna loves supporting others, and I'm pretty sure Mumei didn't know that Kiara started.
Golden pot with hammer from GOI.
Wrench, banana and bald cap on a table.
A small pond with a fishing rod, bait, camping stool, and the Wishin' I was Fishin' hat.
Bethany, my beloved, with a FaunaMart logo.
A crate of FaunaMart lotto tickets.

A nice tea set laid out with some onigiri on the side, maybe being shared by Fauna and Okayu.
A washing line with Fauna's outfit hung up to dry, maybe Okayu's hoodie too.
Fauna was extra cute today.
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maybe stop being a retard
I don't get people watching vtubers that are also obsessed with 3dpd
>last thread
Retard. Why would I give a shit about other threads? It was never posted in /uuu/.
Seething about cosplay pics is strange. Are you a seething woman or something?
>milady is being attacked on the internet, I just defend her!
Kill yourself or keep your 3D trash on twitter.
Vtubing will inevitably attract some of the e-thot crowd, there's nothing you can do about it except shit on them and hope they cry hard enough to leave.
meds retard
just keep your pig out of this thread man
Watching today's VOD. Tetramon is pay2win. Also Fauna kiting the stinky customers by flipping the sign was hilarious.
Cosplay kind of lame tbhdesu but i tolerate it whatever
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NTA but I will keep posting her every thread just to spite you.
He's right though. Why are you mad?
It's a TCG anon, the most powerful card is the credit card.
I hope its cringekino, but its going to be rough on me for sure
One more faurissa watchalong lost, it really disgusts me how whoremei injected herself in all the faurissa stuff but at least there's a collab
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Where would one find a free copy of Shrek, the Musical to watch along? Asking for a friend in Minecraft.
Read the thread >>86843988
Read the thread.
>jailcuck raid
>3d gooner raid
fun times, permanent threads banzai
Oh nice. Tbh my brain just instantly filters links.
Maybe you should make a new /uuu/ and migrate there. Ever thought about that?
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>maybe you should yield to the raiders
got dropped on your head as a child?
The only raider is (You). Get it through your thick skull.
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nigga please shut up already
go astroturf another thread
>i'm not the schizo
>everyone else is
Yeah, something like that.
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I swear to god all the streaming platforms are just utterly useless. You need to watch something once a year, and it's not there. I pay for SkyShowtime because my parents watch stuff there sometimes, and it had the musical in the past, so I thought I'm secured. Guess what, IT'S NOT THERE ANYMORE, only the movies. Fucking dogshit, this is why people pirate. And it was the same exact story with Breaking Dawn part 1 too, had to pirate it because conveniently Netflix had all the other ones EXCEPT THE ONE I NEEDED.
I like the idea of faunas dungeon but i cant think of anything quintessentially fauna, outside of cameos of participants in the class they participated as and items that were used during those streams
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Stop giving corpos money when you don't have to.
I wouldn't if not for my family. Arcane S2 will be the first time in over a year I will watch anything on Netflix.
Whats that fauna? we are doing a Hunter x Hunter marathon with every episode in a row?? even keeping it playing while sleeping?
I pirate everything, also partly because im a slut for high fidelity files. If it were up to me every movie would be atleast 30 gigs and every anime episode atleast 2
Fauna is the reason i decided to pick up hunter x hunter and it was peak, I should get around to watching odd taxi
same, I always dismissed it because I thought gon would be an annoying brat. Normally I get pissed off by kid shounen characters, but gon and killua never felt close to that.
Sucks that we'll never get the anime back, even if it would I reckon it wont feel the same
>I should get around to watching odd taxi
It's good. It's short, has decently-written characters and has an interesting twist at the end.
These are some good suggestions, especially the golden pot and bethany or course.
Could include Not Pickle, from Spore. For a classic reference
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And then afterwards they kiss
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sorry, saplings only kiss otomos
I don't know why I find this one of the most sexually attractive of the cheerleader art works.
Fauna made me buy TCG simulator...
im right on the precipice
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I can't stop masturbating to her.
I used to play a lot of MtG back in the day. The only thing this simulator is missing is the horrible bathroom hygiene of TCG shops.
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push fauna flat onto the play table and have my way with her
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Stop. That's my wife.
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Man I love Fauna...
Cute feet
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offtopic chuuba, buy an ad.
Doxxfags should be hanged, drawn and quartered
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Mumei liking Faumei art in secret. I wish likes were still public
I can't agree with snitching but I do wonder if likes being hidden has made any of them bolder about it
Cute. Before they were hidden, both of them were liking alot of Faumei art each. They don't talk about they're meet ups and when they hang out compared to say Mumei and Bae, but I'm convinced they have a thing going on but keep it secret to not have zealous shipfags losing their shit
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It's 6am
I played the stupid card game for 6 hours
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do you feel accomplished with yourself anon?
I want those feet in my mouth
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Fauna letting out weird voices is always cute. I liked her panicking over giving out change too. Really hoping she will play again, but the next weeks look so packed already...
No stinkies allowed!
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i want to taste fauna's sourdough
I bought a lot of snacks for tonight
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Tickling Fauna until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
i love mommy faufau
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God I wish Fauna would spray me
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you can have this injection of purple stuff
fauna should play Grunn, but I reckon her motion sickness would be pretty bad
Here's the wips. The irys folder is fucking huge give me a while kek.
This kinda looks like a coincidental continuation to that ASMR doujin
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Fauna is shaved
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For her goth outfit
Long hair > Twin tail > Short
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Nah short hair looks best, especially with the witch hat
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I want goth Fauna plushie eventually, and she better use long hair for that.
>friends with u outfits version
This will absolutely happen
>no lush green tropical rainforest down there
>wants to be bald fauna but cover wont let her
>shaves as a form of protest
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More Little Witch Academia, cute.
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And now for a very different vibe
I was actually not expecting to see so much Witch/Wizard Fauna art today since it's something she gets on the regular thanks to the outfit.
What's the theme?
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You see, the reason gandalf says "fly you fools" is because he knew they shouldve called the eagles to take frodo the mount doom and toss the ring of power into the lava
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Oh hey, thinly veiled fetish art, how delightful!
I wish Fauna would eat me
Theyll announce a time and date for faumeis orisong at the promise anniversary
Trust the plan
Lets hope so.
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Devour on shioris schedule FST -1
what kinda hentai does fauna enjoy?
>justice faunas dungeon
Slime girls
Euro bros the luck is on our side for once.
Probably slime and vore
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delete this
Thanks i hate it
Imagine having the gift of creative expression and this is what you chose to do with your light.
This is art
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I want witch Fauna to do scary weird things to me
I just wanna cuddle
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Fuck off
Yeah that's called aftercare
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We love nemu here
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>two collabs in one day
she will be dead
bruh what? its available for free on YT, same length and everything
unless im missing something

not sure if I want
Oh its back? I checked a couple days ago and it was blocked in my region on copyright grounds

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