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what's Shondo's lore? I'm curious due to her edgy statements she makes on stream and on X, plus I kind of doubt she's done anything too outrageous other than hating on feminist women for ruining it for other women but at the same time, I don't want to be disappointed if she's just another run of the mill pick me gfe vtuber that seem to be popping off recently.
Femcel growing up, lover of anime, had a crush on a boy but never did anything because, again, femcel, boy was stolen by a Stacy (normie girl) and she hated other women ever since and just became terminally online.
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As someone who likes Shondo, I don't understand why the community or at least the 4chan community seems to mostly be so weird and shitty. Most of the other Vtuber dedicated threads seem to be pretty normal and positive. But every Shondo thread seems so hostile and aggressive. And I just don't get it. We all like Shondo, so why does almost everyone act like such assholes to each other? I'm not trying to be a asshole, but just an observation after a month of watching Shondo threads.
do reps instead of making bait threads if you care that much
she is a weird eldritch creature who was rejected by humanity and they hurt her and she ate them and then she decided to inhabit the body of a dead victorian child after saving her sister from dying
Pick me whore, no different than phase connect
it's a group of antis shitting up the board. you can tell from the constant use of "pick me" and the fact they've been farming bait threads for more than 24hrs at this point
pretty gay desu. REEEEEE
>We all like Shondo
False. We all hate her for being a lying fucking whore to us her viewers. We made her extravagant life possible and we can just as easy make her a common stree hoe again
and then she meets another monster (You)
she's terminally online, gets no dick, has few if any irl friends, and was a poorfag up until her vtuber fame

if I remember correctly she was bullied as a kid, made anon cafe proud by getting cucked by a prettier girl taking her crush, and just decided to live on the internet doing a loli voice to get affection from men online. she had an ED her family seems to be made up of yet more spergs with a dead or absent father

she's just a dysfunctional child of the internet age but otherwise seems like a nice lady .
Can she be saved
So her being a femcel >>86856837 is right?
how do we fix mentally ill chuubas?
You don’t
Just give answers, pls.
It's been answered in the thread already.
>pulled out of school as a child because she was too weird
>diagnosed with schizo affective disorder
>never went back to school
>started career underage
>lives in house with grandfather (rip), grandmother, mom, two sisters, and brother
>manic depressive
>has gone on years-long streaks of actually not ever leaving the house
>recovering, imo, anorexic
>hololive tier (again imo) but too ill
Thank you, I didn't know if they were just bullshitting or not, I'll give her a watch.
You missed the boat bud. Ever since she got back from her 4 month vacation she hasn't been the same and ccv is over 2x what it used to be. It's shover.
I can save her
There is already a line a mile long of well established husbands vying for her hand. I'd recommend fishing for a 2 view to save.
>hasn't been the same
Well, yeah, but how is it for the worse? She's so much healthier now. I'm a casual viewer so forgive me for the ignorance. She seems great imo. What do you think changed? Sorry, not shitting, im actually curious.
She is less relatable now and more of a normalfag since hooking up with the Barbie Girls. Olivia fucking ruined her in a single week.
i only watch her because shes funnier than a lot of women
Okay lol, i do agree with this. Luckily i still find her entertaining; i just love listening to her, and i hope you do too.
retarded schizo
massive "pick me" even though i hate that term, it applies to her
huge hypocrite
acts like every annoying cunt you know IRL but people like it because she pretends to be a child online
>gets no dick
she has directly claimed otherwise herself
Whats the lore with fauna and CC? Were they friends before they got into hololive and left shondo behind?
How's she meet her Chad 6'5" bf if she's a neet?
shondo was friends with each individually before they got into Hololive. CC and Fauna were not friends previously as far as I know.
She is the best at pretending to be a child online, until proven otherwise. Literally kicks in parental instinct sometimes
I'll wait for her
bisexual aka sexually attracted to women, romantically attracted to men
would be a lesbian if she could deal with women’s bullshit
What does this mean?
threads like this is a sign of how much 4chan changed. back in the day people would say lurk moar or do your reps, now there's spoonfeeding threads. fuck this
Why the fuck are you being an asshole for? Bitchy whining isn't helping anything and why do you care if people fill other people in. If you hate it then leave and do let the door hit you on the way out
Turns out having lonely schizoid /here/fags who obsess over your every move is not a good basis for a fanbase
Tbf its not entirely their fault, shondo enables her own hatred with her 'being silly' and her ''''''''joooooooookes''''''''
>used to say she was asexual
>dated a mod back in 2019
>flew and visited him in Florida
>climbed up his shoulders to strap a monkey to his ceiling fan
>came back and broke up with him shortly after
>(did not disclose that she went to Florida a second time in Feb 2020 to March 2020 until this month when she finally hinted at going back to Florida for the second time)
>grandfather died of covid
>marley, her cat, dies after choking on her hair tie
>started doing GFE in 2021
>claims she's mostly a lesbian now
>calls everyone who follows her husbands
>ramped up in 2022
>held a subathon in 2022 to pay for her house mortgage because she says she's going to get evicted very soon (subathon goals have not been completed till this day)
>says she's bi now
>during the subathon, she got confronted about having an ex, which she was silent about on stream until now
>she clearly states that she had a boyfriend back before she started vtubing, and the most she did was hold hands with him
>said that she lived in a hotel away from him while visiting him with her mother
>(did not disclose the skinship they shared while hanging the monkey on the ceiling fan of her boyfriend's ceiling fan in his house)
>got the first major boost to her career with clips at the end of 2022
>tried to launch a clip channel with filian's clipper on youtube
>stopped a few months later, claiming he was too expensive for what he did
>dropped her first merch drop in 2023, earning 6 figures in one merch drop
>the start of her gamersupps sponsorship
>one of her community artists dies of a heart attack brought on by consuming too much gamersupps
>first long mehera break in a couple of years
>made many alt twitter accounts where she schizo rants and gives you ARGs to try find new alts, claiming only the real husbands of hers would be dedicated enough to find them
>end 2023
>had another meltdown and deleted all her alts
>claims to never do another alt account again
>start of 2024
>had the biggest menhera meltdown thus far, going away for 3 months for mental health reasons
>2 months in, she goes to America and visits her friend, sleeping with her in her house and having secret business trips with her
>goes to a gun range and shoots a gun for the first time
>talks to men a couple of times despite promising and telling her husbands on discord that she has interacted with 0 men
>this was leaked trickling week after week after her return from her hiatus
>comes back from hiatus
>new year new me
>starts doing body cam streams
>gets together with more sexually active girls like denpa and fefe
>small menhera meltdown during her drinking stream where she rats out her friends for being babies despite being 30
>stream gets banned because she says she wants to khs
>ban gets revoked due to twitter uproar
>comes back from ban and keeps going
>starts new drama on twitter about all indie managers being secret boyfriends of their vtubers
>you are now here
This is the worst board on the site. It's reddit2.0
Only /v/ comes close to the cancer here.
What kind of weak ass Eldritch monster gets hurt by humans?
She...killed her cat and one of her fans?
How is this the first time im hearing this
What a subhuman piece of shit, fucking whore
Sounds like the average chuuba
hurt her more emotionally than physically, she's immortal.
You forgot to add that she still hasn't paid off her mortgage, and is still living in the same house under the same landlord, aka she was never going to be evicted
It was just an excuse for a cashgrab
Her audience is mostly men and male fans are normalfags who don't care about lore. They just want streamers to be their pretend anime girlfriend so unfortunately there is no lore.
there is actually lore and you should watch it it is pretty cute and sexy

>back in the day
Annoying Orange didn’t have his own board, what do you even mean?
yes, it changed for the better.
Jesus reminds me of Tricky a little
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>>one of her community artists dies of a heart attack brought on by consuming too much gamersupps
He was one of her biggest fans who still had DM access. He even introduced his mom to shondo, he gave her her biggest dono yet at 2k. He even had a pair of wedding or engagement rings and picked up drawing to make a lot of fan art of her with really fast improvements
She gets a gamersupps sponsor and starts hyper shilling it so she can get a fallenshadow gamersupps cup, him being a huge supporter of her buys a ton
During a long 12h stream he mentions he drank way to much gamersupps and she says nothing
His mom confirms his death and we even find his obituary
She takes a week or two off not to mourn him specifically but to mourn how eventually all her fans will leave, this is a common worry of hers
Later on she nonchalantly boasts about his biggest dono during a collab while lauging about it and just a couple of days ago during the lucy collab she jokingly said "im going into cardiac arrest" after lucy asked if she also was sponsored by gamersupps
She just needs a husband and a child to fix her
I watched Shondo yesterday for the first time ever because I saw her on my twitch feed and I was curious about her. She is a pretty funny and interesting streamer, and I want to keep watching her. That said, I'm not familiar enough with her content, has she ever tired to appeal to the /pol/tards?
>has she ever tired to appeal to the /pol/tards?
she has no political opinions besides wanting Trump dead and thinking that Hitler is sexy.
>has she ever tired to appeal to the /pol/tards?
She is one, anon.
sort of, she'll have political opinions but it isnt really a common thing
That's kind of based
Jesus fucking Christ. She literally just sees her fans as ATMs, how could you support someone who makes jokes about a dead fan? She's vile
She's extremely left wing, I wouldn't recommend unless you want her selling GFE then talking about her regular nights out with Tyrone.
She's hard into NTR too, going as far as telling the story of her flying out to fuck her mod to her chat on stream
>She's extremely left wing,
She's a trad wife
perceiving her as left wing just shows how far into the alt-right you have gone. she's just an average south park tier cynical centrist.
Maybe, but after 15 years on the cock carousel. Have you seen what she's like the second a black turns up in a game? You can hear her salivating
That has nothing to do with whether she is a trad wife or not.
>she's just an average south park tier cynical centrist.
She is literally me.

Thanks for the replies, I fucking hate right wing grifters, so I will continue watching her as long as she stays far away from that.
>She's a trad wife
This is true, she just doesnt cook or clean or have a monogamous relationship or is able to have or take care of children or believe in christ or
>gets no dick
she does cook and clean. she's technically monogamous since all of her husbands are a manifestation of a single entity according to her vtuber lore; she loathes cheating. she's frequently concerned about not being able to take care of children, which is unintuitively a green flag when it comes to being a good mother. she doesn't need to believe in christ since she is better than christ.
>Faunacucks looping despite Shondo verbally stating multiple times she had an ex before streaming, that they were mostly online, that they never had sex and that they broke up half a decade ago.

Go back to your bait threads
>it's fine that shes fucking other men, she keeps it secret now!
the state of shoncucks, she must have so much fun laughing at you while getting gaped by Tyrone
uh oh melty KEKAROO
er bros? I thought she was a femcel but she got mauled by some gigachad?
Based cuckchad, I like when people are open and proud about being in the chair. Go off, king.
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>my ewhore promised me she isn't getting fucked ever night, I believe her!!!
RUMAO. shoncucks are a different breed of subhuman
That's despicable, making fun of gamersupps is fine, but making fun of your supposed deceased husband is multiple steps beneath that
>manifestation of a single entity according to her vtuber lore
Not anymore, she specifically switched that so she could attend meet and greets after speaking on discord about how sexy some of Olivia Monroe's viewers are when she was watching her do her meet and greet in AX while travelling to America for fun during her mental health break hiatus
Go ahead and tell me once again why she hid travelling to Florida for the second time to visit him again and tried to erase that from her story when explaining how she only met him once and only holding hands with him
>mental health crisis
>flies half way across the world to get fucked senseless
Her husbands paid for the plane tickets...lol
Even worse, they paid for it after a merch drop which she promised and assured them that she was saving up to pay for her mortgage to buy her old house. A very specific premise she has repeated for the last 2 years in order to motivate people to donate
She then frivolously spent that money on a trip to LA for over a week, paid her internet provider for even faster internet, then tried to bribe her ISP with money to lay new internet cables for her entire district so she could get faster internet before entertaining the idea of using Ethernet cables because she was too lazy to lay the cables across her house, and because her grandmother was picky about cables being around the house
She then bought an expensive motar and pestle, a new table worth over 3k, and a stepper exercise machine because she was too lazy to go on walks
Does this seem like a girl who promised to live frugally to save up money to buy her house?
give her a break, she will probably die before she finishes paying for her house.
What country is Shondo from?
She is completely British, if she had been born in the USA she would probably have died before becoming a vtuber.
>>86884870 me
I also forgot when she paid for another full 7 day, all expenses paid, overseas vacation for 5 of her family members, letting them live in an airbnb condo
Just because "they could use a vacation"
Because that's what someone living frugally off her husbands donations would do
why the fuck do you think she should live frugally?
Why does she have an American accent?
>Finishes paying for her house
She hasn't even started, she always makes the excuse of them not accepting the request to take a mortgage when many other vtubers similar to her have bought their own houses
All because "she looks too young", when that isn't a factor in getting a mortgage when your revenue the past 4 years has been steadily increasing and she hasn't missed a single rent payment for her house of 7 for the last 5 years
Picked it up from her mod, when you spend that much time with someone you start to inherit their accent
that's fucked up
Because she herself promises she only spends the bare amount, allocating just enough for her groceries for her entire family, rent, and allowance for her family sending all her donation money to a separate savings account to pay off her house
To believe that when every member of her family besides her grandmother has went overseas, while she spends enough for a business internet plan while also buying a new table worth 3k while also affording a home exercise machine this year alone is simply ridiculous
It's fake
>she's 5'7"
how can this tiny loli be taller than the Amazonian Mori
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how the fuck does anyone still watch this bitch knowing all this
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You must be some sort of baby if you unlive to gamersupps apparently
If you have any other questions, id be happy to clarify
Looks like shondo was being respectful
until she started joking about it on stream and in the discord kek
>says not to have more than 4
>has 7
kek what a retard honestly anyone retarded enough to drink chinkslop shilled to them by content creators is not long for this world anyways
Stop misconstruing Shondo’s actions.
Only once you stop being a cuck and defending your schizo who made fun of a dead guy
>community artist who draws her constantly
>husband dies of overdose
>jokes about it not even a year later
how do you want to intepret it then? the best I can give is dark humor to cope, and that would just be you coping too
she's a self-proclaimed empath, where's her emotions when having to deal with joking about the thing that killed one of her then prominent community member?
>>86886526 me
you can't even say that she doesn't know his cause of death and thus jokes about it
because his mother told her all about it, and that's also a known fact because she herself asked his mother to confide in her
and yes, his mother also had an autopsy done on him, and released the results on twitter, in a reply to shondo
Um I think the joke is that giving energy drinks to an infant is a bad idea, she's playing along with the bit after Lucy brought started the gamersupps part
come on, she literally said cardiac arrest, the exact cause of death of that artist
>dated a mod back in 2019

I have heard this multiple times, could you share the source?
Not doubting it, just want to investigate from there
easily go to her main twitter, use the advanced search to go back to 2019, and read her replies
it's all there
and yet she chose to lie about some aspects of her relationship while pretending she was being wholely honest, and calling everyone who doubts her recollection of the events as a cuck, despite her being the one spreading lies
fucking hell anon, I didn't know any of this
thanks for the lore, I thought it would only be on obscure archived threads but reading her old twitter is depressing
We can save her
You can't save her from following her nature as a woman. She has tasted the attention and now is too far gone, anon
Now I'll go listen to her 2017-2019 ASMRs and reminisce about better days before she turned into a whore like they all do
Vile bitch. She should graduate irl for this
Damn, no wonder she had a mental breakdown.
She doesn't even care, she legit used his death for pity.
Genuine cunt, she just sees her fans at ATMs
It's almost like it's mostly bullshit or something
Because she never met up with him a second time? How big do you think the US is? SEAtards are truly scum
I'm sorry wifey but AoE2 finals are where my heart is right now
even if it was accurate there is nothing there that gives a reason not to watch her
Why would Faunafags give a fuck about Shondo? She's completely irrelevant to them.
is being a cuck a requirement for watching her?
the mom's account does not look real
i will be the father
its quite funny to read these threads because if you know who is posting it gets very funny to see them still be so upset about being banned from her discord despite only being there for a couple of weeks
Digi isn't dead, the obituary is fake and he faked his death and went on to start grooming another 2view. He hangs around on the 'mother' account though.
Seems like it.
>But every Shondo thread seems so hostile and aggressive. And I just don't get it. We all like Shondo, so why does almost everyone act like such assholes to each other?
every other community related to her is tightly moderated by both platform TOS and Shondo herself, while she has no power over 4chan.
they don't, except for br*wnf**t.
>wanting Trump dead
based, he enabled the death jabs.
Verification not required.
The "death jab" has prevented tens of millions of deaths from COVID-19, and would have prevented millions more if Trump hadn't fueled antivax populist propaganda.
sure thing, just ask Henya... wait, what was that?
What's your point? Vaccines also protect you against long COVID.
roru. rumao even.
So she got the vaccine, and then she got COVID, and then she got long COVID. What's your point?

The overall evidence shows that she would most likely be in even worse health (possibly even dead) if she hadn't been vaccinated.
she's dying from the vaccine, retard. have you missed the "mystery" surgery she had in february, the one she had in secret but told about afterwards? or how rapidly her health has been deteriorating all year?
You are making unsubstantiated claims to fit a narrative that is counterfactual.

If she had surgery, that means her immune system was weakened (from the immunosuppressants they usually give you when they open you up to prevent side effects from the surgery) and that made her more susceptible to any future infection.

Cases like this are reasons why people should get vaccinated, even if they're not worried about what COVID can do to them personally.
>that is counterfactual
prove it… oh wait, you have even less information about her health issues than I do. sucks for you, her VODs weren't properly archived for most of this year, so you can't even dig for the info.
If you have more information, please provide it. So far, everything you've said doesn't support your belief that she got sick because of the vaccines (quite the opposite, in fact).
the best info you'll find are in the /999/ archives, or maybe one of her mods has the VODs, you can ask him.
The burden of proof is on you, so you are the one who must provide the evidence. Your reluctance to provide the information only shows that you are afraid because you don't really have any valid arguments.
no, I'm not saying more because of >>1
happy hunting, anon, thread removed from watch list.
How do I get over my love for Shondo?
Her oshi is rushia what the fuck you thought was going to happen?
>hololive tier
Hahaha shondofags are funny.
brit rushia
I like how people love saying it's false despite it literally all being documented on her twitter
I watch her because I like guro and loli
She's a compulsive liar, and she knows she can get away with everything because her drones will always defend her and harass anyone she wants.
The perfect Rushia equivalent.

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