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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

How the thread has helped people:

Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/-asp----3rd-times-the-charm-17515681

Previous thread: >>86806361
Actual previous thread >>86837710
Why would Haru need a vtuber alt?
fr I like Haru but we got our differences :3 + i think he's technically a wolf but im a fox
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got a very cute skeb, they included my mascot as well which was nice! lots of love, dear friends
tilly super lov
I should just become a no cam streamer instead.
this is so last thread bro
Instead of live broadcasting a game try playing a video of a live game, or VOD while you hang out with chat.
Having a video playing gives you an opportunity to use toggles, and assets since your hands will be free.
People don't show up to your stream, and chat because they need live gameplay footage. They show up to listen to you speak.
Don't be a one man band, or you end up with a model that gets no play since your hands are busy. Play with your model more. Let a video play of a game if you really want to have a conversation about a game. There's no need to have to play live when you need your hands free for technical difficulties, sound clips, google, moderating, messaging, browsing twitter for topics, ect.
Instead of wasting your time and ours by posting on the thread, try posting your job application on indeed.com
Having a job will make you a more productive member of society instead of a massive hippie
Hey /asp/ies, wrote this up for a test. What do you guys think? Only a few people so far so I can test the waters. Filter won't let me post link with a period, so please replace it. rentry,co/asplist
i miss ubume
By the way, hover over them for the little description.
This is pretty neat
very cute. I sent you an add on discord
Chaos needs to do more collabs with /asp/ies. They go together with other aspies very well IMO they just don't really reach out to people.
oo I like this!
Is camui going to be included on the list or are you going to exclude him because trolls and schizos took over the thread?
not bad anon, much more interesting than a spreadsheet
the lady thing is a deterrent.
it's the only reason I've never reached out to him for a collab.
Is he a vtuber? Does he streams?
I'm leaving this website by the end of the year, people are trying to drag me into drama when I'm just full time jobbing all week
Like her being trans, or her ghost lady?
I feel really torn about my asp oshi growing. I'm happy for him and I'm glad he's seeing success but I can't help but feel jealous and wish we could go back to when he was smaller, when it was easier to be one of the few important people in his chat. Now I feel myself slowly fading in the background when he has 50+ viewers.
the tulpa
He is a vtuber. He has streamed but he's not streaming at the moment due to severe harassment
>mostly gen 6 /asp/ies

Finally, they're taking the mantle
I do like this idea, and actually did it before in a previous life. I did an LP that got 20k+ views.
About 30% of the game is me voicing over gameplay I've already recorded. The 70% is me doing it live.
JRose (poketuber) also does this for a lot of his gameplay, I think 90%+.

I think it could be cool, but how do you react to moments where chat wants you to do something?
...you believe that?
Honestly she works when it's async like tonight. Where only chat has to hear the tulpa. It makes it easier to stream with her if she's able to just be herself without tulpa.
Oh look, there's the harassment
this seems like ESL misinterpreting crane? wasn't he describing what that Pafu stream was supposed to be?

I think you people really messed this gullible girl up
Name him, stop vagueposting.
Hi scege
Why did he like the tweets harassing pafu?
Was it harassment when he was plotting to make a person lose their job or education because they upset him?
Suck a fuckin' dick
Haru. Sorry, I didn't mean to vaguepost, I was just venting.
>you're not allowed to make jokes in private anymore
if you think reddit spacing is automatically me I'm sorry to say that I'm very inconsistent in how I type on this site because it depends on how quickly I'm typing it up or if I'm doing something.
A general indicator is punctuation, I can't help but throw in commas and periods.
But even that isn't going to guarantee it.
>it's a joke when I do it, it's harassment when you don't like me
wait until you learn C&R are still together vagueposting at each other
Please stop giving the schizo (you)s. They use bait that works. As vtubers your mental health is important. For a reminder on common trolling techniques see:
Most backseaters are looked down upon, but in cases where they're not a channel point prediction can be offered.
Chats challenge is relayed to the gamer who accepts the challenge, and during the next recording attempts the challenge. After which chat recieves their channel points accordingly on whether the gamer was able to complete the challenge in a timely manner, or failed to complete the challenges chat presented.
If you yourself are the gamer this makes it really easy to relay the messages with a quick jot of a note to self on what the viewers want to see recorded.
Each challenge should cost enough channel points so as to ensure the viewers who want to see certain feats completed are regulars who won't miss the next show.
If you don't believe in channel points then test them with a trivia question about your channel that google wouldn't know, but a regular would, and if they pass, and if the challenge is reasonable then accept.
Rebel you are so incredibly based and I love seeing your posts
most jobless hippies are looked down upon, but they can be redeemed.
Your challenge is to get out there and put in your time at a thankless job and make income you can barely get by on, at least then you will be providing something of value to the world instead of the stupid garbage you regurgitate online.
These days they won't even let you groom minors in a crypto anorexia cult
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saved this for those who blocked Chrii and before she deletes it all
>organized harassment against Pafu
>part of the harassment against Miyu
>made accusations against Sukadrii
>previous leaks show that he astroturfs himself and was switching the thread's narrative to "Patchery good"
And there is more?
none of this is proof of that but yeah we love drama baby!!
Crane and Patchery also streamed with Rottie recently which tells me they tie into the drama with her too
>none of this is proof
>none of this is proof
You good?
Anon, it's just the pattern of everyone who speaks out against you know who eventually gets their own smear campaign
we love drama woo woo!!
Very likely they do because there were screenshots of Patchery gaslighting Rottie and Rottie posted here that she had been fed false rrats about Camui from unnamed schizos
Crane and Patchery are probably not the only ones either
Does anyone have Camui's current Twitch link? I want to block him for good.
I don't know. Chrii was the one leaking it, not "you know who", it's believable that he didn't want to hurt any parties involved and just took the hits.
Hood rat thugs usually hate cops
camui please stop using your mentally disabled groomed failadult to start new drama content it's so transparent you need to stop doing this to her
he implied it was only him and we know that is not the case but why he covered for them is beyond me
Retardchama has more awareness
They do not follow each other on twitter anymore and it is likely C&R are back on given his recent posts
This is a response from Chrii posting things C likely wanted to keep a cap on
Doesn’t that just make this more evidence that chrii is vindictive as well? Is she even a vtuber?
Chrii really thought he wouldn’t go back to Rottie when he got the chance? after all that public sperging he did over her? very naive, frenchie
nigga missed on her spurge of vague posts on her main
they probably broke up for good now, that's why she just spurged everything she had in her
i hope there will be more, I need to know about everyone involved in this
I hate this drama because it will drive away my oshi from the thread this is the only place we can be together in one place even though he is completely unaware of it we are dating here so be quiet
HOLY SHIT THERE IS MORE https://x.com/Chriichriistine/status/1842821609658212641
Because he tries to flip flop between 'just standing up for himself' and being overly sympathetic towards others, it's manipulation via empathy.
He's such a good guy who doesn't want to cause problems for others and only wishes to let bygones be bygones, he'll take the blame so that nothing is ever brought up up again and he'll just be universally hated he's the martyr you don't deserve, but the one you need!
Then he proceeds to do the most illogical thing and return to the very place that he knows is not going to be favorable towards him.
If he actually gave a shit he'd have fucked off a long time ago when problems first arose, but it's been years of this, hasn't it?

You have to wonder why he keeps a lid on these things though, yeah?
The challenge thing for point redemption is kind of bad.
What I mean is - chat wants you to use a sword or go investigate an alleyway.
Do you just ignore them? IDK seems kind of bad.

Also another issue is that you are doubling your time.
Record Gameplay - 2 hours
Sit through stream - 2 hours.
I will probably try this format at some point in time.
The prediction part could be neat with wagering.
I don't think I could lie to my viewers though about it not being prerecorded.
It just wouldn't be right.
Ignore the drama posts.
Why? Because now we know that Crane and Patchey are terrible people?
Does this mean Chrii is single now
That much should have been news to no one with half a brain cell
Good luck, she is crazy, not worth it 2/10.
I love seeing long rows of blocked posts in my newbie vtuber thread
Camui, we know you’re fucking your cadaver again but you don’t have to be mean to Chrii
Chrii, we know you’re having sex with your cat now but you don’t have to be mean to Rottie
Gumpai, I know you’re trying to grift some followers again but you don’t have to vote for Trump
Rottie, we know you're having sex with a 35 year old neet loser but you don't have to be mean to Chrii
Denpa, I know the ice dildo thing didn’t launch your career the way you wanted but you don’t have to crab Gumpai
Patchery, we know you’re having sex with nobody but you don’t have to be mean to the sex havers
wait she is based? gonna start watching her now
Anon, we know you’re aspiring and on the incline. Keep it up!
Anon, we know you’re trying to do a wholesome thing but you don’t have to deviate from the template.
Went from Plat 3 to Plat 1 today, just one more rank to Diamond.
Nice job Iriya!
Nice job Fwofie!
>links this shit
>doesn't link the most damning tweet
Name him, sis!
uwo looks like THAT?!
Chat, is this drama real?
Chat, am I real?
Provided you have basic common sense and don't interact with these people, no.
No. What you think of as your self is largely in flux. A nonconstant experience with a collection of increasingly faultily remembered memories. You think you exist because you have the illusion of a constant existence from birth until now. Stream Soma if you haven’t already.
I don't interact with anyone because nobody exists in my time
bro is posting from 100 years in the future
>What I mean is - chat wants you to use a sword or go investigate an alleyway.
If they present that challenge it can be attempted by the player next session.
>I don't think I could lie to my viewers though about it not being prerecorded.
A radio DJ never claims to have written, or performed the songs they play for the broadcast. They're just there to hang out with listeners, and DJ.
>Also another issue is that you are doubling your time.
>Record Gameplay - 2 hours
>Sit through stream - 2 hours.
If you already game off stream you're making the most of your time.
A solipsist? You can’t hide behind your cogito statement unless you hide behind the veil of subjectivity. But then it becomes a circle. To assume that a thing is thinking you first must assume the self and then assert the self is what is thinking. Have you considered that thinking isn’t objectively real? Have you considered that even if it were, it might not be a “thing” that is thinking at all? Perhaps you are a fraction of a hivemind. Or a node in a nonsapient network. Subjectively you believe you exist but objectively you don’t. Seriously though. Stream Soma. I like watching that game.
I actually hate games, and only tolerate gaming to get viewers on stream.
It's difficult with all the pressure to not change to past and make people who are NGMI instead make it
I can see that you aren’t. My apologies, anon.
Anyone's who's applied for holo got any views? I applied 2 weeks ago and have 5 but no emails yet
I know this is weekend but damn, burgerland schizos really don't sleep huh
Is it cute when girls sleep in their own blood?
Yes, if the girl is cute.
good riddance. he can get fucked for all I care, shouldn't have been such a bitch
I'll cut myself before I sleep next
make sure to send pics to your oshi
I used to not feel horny, but ever since a conversation with my oshi, I started to feel that ocassionally, like every several weeks. My reflex to feeling horny is crying which kills any horniness and leaves me sad. Someone hug me.
You need a better oshi. Find one that wants you to be her manager
hugs u like a warm weighted blanket and pats u on the back
What a mess
make me your oshi instead
describe your oshi, bro!
I don't think he is capable of noticing horniness
Thanks anon, just what I need.
*hug* hope your oshi streams again soon at least
Name him, sis!
I love and hate cry of fear so much man
To add to what was said previously you might be able to set up a program where trusted vieweers can donate their own gameplay footage for you to play on your channel.
I'm not enough and will never be enough. I wish I could just sleep forever.
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I still don't like TikTok or Shorts, but after doing content for them I have new found respect for the format. I get it now.
>A very creative girl who's content mainly revolves around TTRPGs/RPGs. WARNING: Talks very much, very fast.
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going live now with some Project Zomboid on Skab's vtuber server!
Is this OG Jaime or someone else?
Isnt he a piece of shit that crabbed on everyone, continually shits up the thread with his garbage, is a complete dramanigger and deserving of a violent death? I remember he had a tantrum during Grace's graduation because no one gave him attention
You are very imaginative, anon
>camui woke up
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this you?
Is she right?
is he right?
If your idea of fun is shitposting in threads for your own lulz then no, miru originally left because aspies break containment and act like 4chan shitposters everywhere
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gm aspies don't kill yourself today
She left because she didn't need this place anymore. Got her foot in the door, made some connections and stuck to her own devices, which is all asp should be
too late i am posting from the great beyond and its all your fault. should have made this post earlier.
Nooooo she owe us male vtubers sexual favors because she joined /asp/
This but unironically.
sorry I let you down, I was up late watching joker 2 on a pirate site and it took 5 hours to watch because it stopped to buffer every 2 minutes. I had to sit and stare at a frame of the joker nutting in lady gaga for way too long
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So have Denpa's little cucks caught on yet that she and vee_eks are unironically dating? Or are they still in denial about it?
buddy who fucking cares. good for her desu
Viewers win
>being a cuck is winning
Odd definition of the word.
She already publicly said she has a bf and cheats on him with her manager too. You would know this if you read the tweets idiot.
It's not mutually exclusive. She mentioned her reason numerous times
do people think that having a bunch of other tubers watching your stream a good thing? I always feel like they aren't real viewers and are just padding or bloat and not a good measure of success. You want real viewers, imo, people that like and follow you because of your content and not the chance of networking.
you're a cuck if you watch any vtubers at all, period
oh, denpals actually like getting cucked. didn't realize, carry on then
Sorry to other woman but Iriya is mine. He will never love you like he does me.
You can have him.
Who's going?
Me, and you know exactly why. No I won't talk about it.
are you gonna do this every single thread you retard. literally who cares. she has a boyfriend? good for her, his arts cool and they seem cute
I feel like I don't see that sentiment often. Especially on Twitter, it's like exclusively tuber on tuber interaction or posts directly for tubers. It feels quite pointless and a waste of time.
Everyone starts off watching each other til your organic growth kicks in. This is why "Puppchi" never wants to support the vtubing community but wants all the support possible.
>vtuber convention
I'm sensing a pattern
low effort bait i hope theyre fucking each other right now, think about it and kill yourself if it means that much
Dibs on ria
Halloween is coming up

Build your asp Scooby Doo team, who’s who? Bonus, add a monster.
We have /asp/ for vtubers, but where the fuck is the /asp/ for facecammers and no cam streamers????
where's the asp for chatters?
Just say you made no friends bro
i have no friends, this doesn't change the fact that a vtuber convention is retarded.
Hey, glad to see everyone thinks the list is a good idea. I'll start transferring everyone over today. What I planned was that you need to have streamed in the past two months in order to be on the list, so I'll be combing through channels. I feel like that sounds reasonable enough. Have a good day /asp/!

I don't wanna be in the list, how do I contact you for that?
So Bonni is going GFE?
You can tell me right here.
That makes sense to be, I suppose I see people celebrating (what I consider) fake achievements or baiting for other tubers interaction and just finding it all a bit scummy. Maybe I'm just not staying in my lane properly but it feels like people just want attention and not working towards genuinely interesting concepts or content. Are we trying to improve and grow or is this just Facebook 2.0?
Put them in alphabetical order
Am I gonna be in the list
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Is a skinwalker. You do not need to say so in the thread, it can cause potential crabbing. Add the discord tag on the page, you can message me on there and I'll remove you.
There is literally nothing wrong with crabbing. It builds character and will make you more resistant to hate.
Burn in hell
It's simply because these days there's a lot more vtubers than viewers, especially with the rise of corpos, you will notice many viewers cross over (especially if their oshi isn't streaming yet) ontop of having their own base. As an indie vtuber, in 2024, it's unlikely to pull in a "new" viewbase, so you will end up sharing bases with each other which naturally will lead to interacting with other vtubers (and collabing) and networking with each other. You can get organic growth through your content, but you can still interact with each other just fine. Let's put it this way, Fauna interacting with Elira won't stop either's growth because they can still get non-chubba viewers naturally. 0-2 views has to hope shorts or clips pop off in the algo, as you will not get a dedicated clipper.
You'll appreciate it when you grow up.
Never reply to me again scum
Me and we have a booth with i will also sell my own merch blended with other vtuber merch
How do i give Jaime a big kiss for being a sweetheart?
Why are you stealing Jamie's who Schick that's lame
They’re not Jamie they’re Janie
The discord username being one number off
The fake name being one letter off
I smell schizo
Do you think I should ban crane?
western vtubers is a mistake
banning anyone based off the latest made up drama is just a recipe for disaster
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I felt like Jamie was the perfect neutral person, with the way they typed down to the name and last name. I wanted to create a counterpart, similar enough to pay homage to original Jamie. This is all I'll post today, message me on discord for any other questions or inquiries.
Don't stop them from making a stupid decision that makes the rest of our lives easier by outing themselves as a dramanigger
jamie used to erp with me on dms, you are not the same...
Janie is C, stay clear.
wtf he didn't touch me
sukadrii actually did jerk off onto a tablet and mailed it to a female vtuber amongst other sexpest stuff though
I will believe this rrat if he's put on the asplist despite everything he's done to ruin the thread
The fact that sukadrii keeps getting brought up in this like an innocent party makes me think he's the one trying to stir up a defense force like he did when nobody gave a shit about "glug guy"
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Live now! Early Baldur's Gate 3 time! Let's see how far we can get through Shar's Gauntlet! So far it's been pretty easy!
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today: the drawing agenda
C is sleeping :3
You wouldn't do anything you little shrimp dick loser. You would be scared to look at someone for too long.
>post does not exist
if you are going to post this shit take a screenshot you fucking retard
The frustrating part of "just post on topic things to counter the constant spam of off topic dramafag shit" is that the second you do, suddenly your name is in front of a bunch of schizos. It really is a lose lose here isn't it?
If this is a larp, you're weird.
If this is not a larp, you need to be in a mental institution.
Nigger you literally won't do shit. Please kill yourself
Post address and I’ll show up like Frank Hassle big man
I'm not american but I'll probably be going to vexpo again
Daiya is moaning all over his stream
I thought Diaya was seiso. Why did he just have an orgasm?
Daiya CAME?
What an interesting week
which one of you is this?
i thought you were a girl based on the pic, but you're a guy...
Renata doesn't know how to draw the male body plz understand
Always remember that everything they say is about sex. If denpa mentions her brother, it's a sex partner. If its a friend, it's a sex partner. If she seems happy, it means she had sex. If she is sad, she didnt have sex, but then she had double sex. If denpa is going to the toilet, shes actually going to have quick sex. If she went on a date with another vtuber, they actually went to have sex. If she fails on a puzzle in a game, its because she is having sex right now and is being distracted. Table smash? Not a fist but it's her hitting the table, because she's having sex. Did she oversleep a stream? Sex. She was having sex and couldnt stop. If she starts a guerilla stream it's because she's having sex right now, but wants to be risky with viewers. Whenever denpa takes a break, its not because shes tired. You know why she takes a break from streaming? To have SEX. Whenever denpa talks about her family, shes actually talking about her sex roleplay she had. The story of a journey with her mother or father? Sex roleplay. She actually had sex. Whenever she laughs, cries or hiccups, whenever she humu humus or thanks someone during a collab, whenever she gets big numbers or is being bullied she's actually having SEX at that very moment. Not only that, but everything is actually a keyword for sex. Thanks for the aka supa = thank you for the sex
Im tired this week = im tired from the sex, but ill have more sex
Im planning a collab = Im planning to have sex
Oh sorry, that was just my family in the background = oh im having SEX right now
Thank you for all the support everyone = thanks for all the sex im having right now.
It all revolves around sex. All denpas, every single one, have sex every day, every hour, every moment. Every single narrative, every single noise she lets out is because of sex. The sex she is having. All denpas read these threads and theyre here right now. All while having sex. They keep having technical difficulties because they have so much sex, it fries electronics in their room. Theres so much sex happening in their room that the sex waves cause Youtube datacenter to malfunction. Every yab moment is because they cant stop having sex to think straight.
Nice tweet
10 words or less
Funnyssuer the cutest smooched clown
Thread shitposting itself into the dead of page 7+ on a weekend is grim.
>threadshitters force people to not look at the threads
>threads die

Makes sense to me
/vt/ has slowed down in general
getting over 200 replies in the slowest hours of the day is nothing short of a miracle for /asp/
vtubing is dying, and that's a good thing. better make the switch to fleshstreaming while you can.
hi denpa
That's what women has been doing. Soon vtubing will be a male only hobby.
Don't worry once Mel, I mean puppchi, streams later it'll be active.
asp is supposed to be slow that means its healthy, its fine if it dies
Sex with my oshi at Offkai
We love ENStars here!
I will repeat. I will NOT watch your oshi. Stop talking about her here.
How do you guys cope with plateauing
I find a mixture of sleeping pills and hard liquor to force induce sleep to keep me from passing out from stress induced exhaustion after an hour long session of uncontrollable sobbing helps
I prefer to plateau because too many people makes me nervous. As long as I'm not declining I'm happy!
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I'm freezing my DICK off in frostpunk 2!!!
Put your SPERM in my ay-nuss!
by not plateuing
>Kyuu is this happy about a mattress
I can save him
Spermtubers? Any semen based vtubers? Why aren’t there any cumtubers? Yeah dude my lore is that I’m a cumshot that manifested into a living being. Why doesn’t this exist yet? Hazmat could just invert his color palette and it’d work. Would you watch Hazmat if he did this? Do you think a cumtuber would appeal to a modern audience? Much of the internet humor of today is seminal. Do you think this kind of concept would catch on with irony poisoned zoomers? Would you watch Hazmat if he was cum instead of toxic waste? Would you clap?
Denpa wtf?
you copied gumpai's dog thing too?
>dog thing
It’s called a knot, or alternatively a red rocket.
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hi asp! hope you're enjoying october so far and that your plans go well this week! can't wait to watch those streams
i only stream to my friends. i have no friends
I only stream on discord
How about nocam streaming? Thinking of making a new account without a PNG, VRoid or Live2D model.
She's so jealous its embarassing lmao
guys I miss glorpo
so true sister
retro will be cool again, pngtubers will make a comeback. l2d and 3d are so boring.
I'm your friend
I'm in your discord

reps not going as well today, but we try
Its the one hell be sharing with me, thats why
What would you prefer instead?
she copied everything even her design is a copy of other already existing vtubers
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The squad of Cutest Boys has gathered once more to unload all over the aliens' faces. Arax, Finba, Pantsu, & Mana are going back to the Halo Reach to defend our planet from the hordes of encroaching Covenant.
For the Reach!

Pick your cute boy POV live here:
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger, Denpa for life, the human pagpag that is Cumpiss is a doo doo double diarrhea scented, jigaboo rimming cunt, also Gumpai is fat and I would not have sex with her
You must be over the age of 18 to post on this website.
How do you all get managers?
a few days ago she seemed to have a moment of clarity and posted some interesting, genuine thoughts, but then we're right back to the retarded grift except now she has a boyfriend
ask shondo
she told me managers don't exist and its all just fucking your bf. when i called her out for it she started calling me racist words
How do you all get boyfriends?
remember when daiya slipped he has a manager and he was clowned for it and it forced him to say it was just a joke
Things that never happened
I wish I could be his manager
I just want to help him and make him happy...
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ya'll a bunch of losers
This emote is his lasting legacy.
her whole thread is falling apart in real time lmao
Including males? Or just girl retro gamers.
the fact that there is a schizo there that shares a name with an aspie here makes me think that they are the same person
yeah denpafish get brought up all the time since shadow's community doesn't like her
>Crane didn't have an origami pfp until August.
>Patchey wasn't called Pittarin until August.
>Mariepossa incident happened in July.

You spend months of your life making people look like shit, but you can't spend a single second on trying to be a better person.
are you retarded? if you take the screenshots later the pfp are obviously going to be different, the pfp get changed retroactively because its just a profile picture you retarded nigger, it works like that in every website
You better not watch puppchi then kek
>This anon is so used to backstabbing that he takes screenshots the moment he sees a new message so he can use it as ammo later on
That says more about you than any of them
It's weird. You have discord screenshots for ants, random red censor bars for some reason (why would you censor information on someone you're trying to expose), Crane doesn't talk like that either. Chalk it up to tism but I put more credibility in the people smart enough to leave this hellsite.
100% platonic
Also its because of the lack of apostrophies isnt it?
do you think I'm chrii? go and ask her dumbass
>this hellsite.
If it weren't for people who can only seem to respond to schizophrenics this wouldn't be a "hellsite". Celebrating when good people leave and bad people stay behind is the opposite of good.
I don't trust anyone who spends that much time around the clownman.
threads are horrible this weekend huh
He dickrode him pretty hard for a while with his "just asking questions" act.
so crane really was as bad as some of the anons claimed huh, another reason to avoid him I guess
Can you even describe what you mean or are you just happy to be involved in the latest drama?
Ramnor it's obvious you want to fuck Kyuu
man who doesn't
Ramnor please have sex withme im desperate for male attention if you tell me tl drop to my knees ill do it ill
I don't know why people want to fuck Kyuu
yeah something happened in the girl's discord at the same time as a fresh round of c**** drama and astroturfing.
Is a new discord real? I haven't seen proof.
Are the trans rumours true?
the rumor come out. does iriya is trans?
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Asps for this feel?
Female vtubers were a mistake
Checked but they aren’t as bad as males.
The most interesting thing about this is that it shows that Camui was in fact taking the blame for others but why is anyone’s guess
lol she burned all her bridges same with denpa the only ones who would miss them are the marks theyre currently conning
getting your news from the thread is like ordering steak at a phone kiosk just fucking talk to each other
please don't talk about my oshi
she likes it she loves it she lives for being talked about do u care about what she wants at all how do u not get that yet u selfish little esl prick
I bought a PC, I'll pick it up on wednesday
I even let a resignation letter at my job, to free me at the end of the month
ESLs aren’t even human. They’re a lower life form that should be stamped out with impunity.
what does it say about denpa that she is dating a guy with 65k twitter followers
nothing we didnt already know
No it doesn’t. Evidence of others’ involvements isn’t evidence of his noninvolvement. And I’m not even sure what those weak receipts even demonstrate out of their context. I am going to go back to stream ideas now. Enjoy the defense.
I cant believe i need to say this but im actually straight
Great, another fucking gaybaiter. Only thing worse than the faggots.
Basically the same one. Mel is hanging out in it.
no you aren't.
Smoooch (I know this isnt serious but its sweet nontheless)
>burned all bridges
>both growing exponentially
What is the word for this kind of cope?
both of those things are true idc just observing
He took sole responsibility for what Pafu faced and now we know it wasn’t the case
What the fuck are you talking about
I never said i am gay ahahaha
All the smooches start as platonic
You’re straight but make the gayest posts ever in /trash/. Why?
I've been talking with these two fuckers since debut and I know this is bullshit. Let them move on from here in peace.
he's not gay he's european
Crane isn’t trying to leave, he was selfposting in /trash/ 2 days ago
>Showing affection to people you like is gay
Your life is sad and i dont think even my smooches can save you
Hi Lilgamer or Patchey, fuck you
you're right but americans don't understand it
Meeting my oshi at Offkai
Patchey is a good guy who was mislead at every turn, leave him alone.
>more evidence of him telling lies
no one is surprised and most don’t care
Considering Patchery privately admitted to making posts exactly like this I’m pressing X to doubt
yes she burned all her bridges to fill her viewerbase with flavor of the month gooners that will leave when she has another meltdown and deletes everything again
Which asps are probably hideous irl? Any of them going to Offkai? Who's going to take pictures of the girls and post them here?
what the fuck
I’m going to break your new mattress kyuu
Couldn't be that he fell in with a bad crowd and felt pressure to fit in, no it's because he's evil uh huh.
If someone wears a hidden camera at offkai to facedox aspies they’d be a legend
What does this even mean?
Not Kyuu
Chrii said more would come out about him
Considering the tweets are now deleted we can’t expect that to still be the case but on her stream she said they’d just breached the tip of the iceberg until Cam told her to shut up
There is definitely more so we just have to wait and see if Cam still wants Chrii to be hush hush about it
nothing i'm just in shock
Really? Why?
if you're gonna say shit like this at least back it up with some kind of evidence. oh wait, you can't because it's clearly a lie.
Ok do it
Why do you hate her so much?
>camui is a good guy he dindu nuffin
>patchery is a good guy he dindu nuffin
sure they are, fuck both of them and rottie and chrii too
no one fucking cares please just kill yourself
Iriya guaranteed is some balding 40 year old

No guy with his voice who is actually attractive would hide themselves
stop whoring out your whore mel nobody cares
there is nothing wrong with balding
>Chrii threw shade on her first stream and was told to shut up
>Months later
>Crickets and some stray contextless screencaps
Camui and Rottie have done nothing wrong. They are a pair of autists surrounded by drama mongering weirdos and they are too stupid to not fall for concern trolling and bait every time. The other two you mentioned were driving the both of them insane.
don't starve to death cute rat boy
I’ll clarify - Chrii said after these screencaps more will come about Patchery
I believe she is showing contexts from her mariposa account right now
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She's not gonna fuck you
t. bald person
>dead before even streaming once
>no vocaroo
100% a man

no one watches me, no one supports me in any way, no one likes me, and no one will ever care about me. I need to let go of the sunken cost that doing all this incurred and just stop.
>interacts with /asp/ once
Gee what a great community
the melschizo isn't even an /asp/ie he's just a fucking retard that won't fuck off
Shit my bad man
chat more, stream often, and raid one tier above. If male be patient for upwards of 3 years.
let this serve as a lesson to at least shill yourself in hugboxes like xitter or reddit before diving into the deep end. /vt/ is for the thick skinned only.
he's dead, Jim. let him rest
>Getting nervous she'll be caught
This isnt the first time it happened, that schizo has harassed and doxxed a ton of women because he thinks they are all mel.
Sounds pretty based to me and we could use more people of his calibre in the community.
It didnt used to be this way at the start of the year, what happened?
I support you 110%
fwofie I love you, hope you can stream soon
It’s been like this since gen 3
everyone shut the fuck up and check thios out
No probs booboo all good
imagine having denpa's level of success and just throwing it all away.
how many of you guys wish you had 100-200 concurrent viewers per stream, every stream?
oh i don't know. maybe making an entirely new twitter without interacting there and posting /here/ first is extremely suspicious?
Maybe we should stop having threads for a long time, it's clear that /asp/ is now filled with individuals that want to hurt and destroy people and it's causing more human suffering to leave the thread up.
/wasp/ and elfin attracted actual schizos that do this kind of shit, but it did happen less frequently even before
Hell dumbass, that's the point of this thread?
elfin, as in elfinpsyop? what's wrong with her? i watch her streams and she is pretty funny
don't worry
I just need 250 usd monthly
with 10 usd per commission I think I can make it
The only person people want to run out is Mel. If she wants to reincarnate she needs to stop promoting herself in these threads and people will leave her alone kek
I'd settle with just 10% of that
her and /wasp/ attracted the melschizo and people like him, also she herself is a grifter
Look up "mel nekomata" in the archives
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Almost as if pattern recognition is a basic skill or something.
Nothing. She just has some dedicated schizos. I've never seen anything particularly wrong with her except some jealousy towards other girls.
Wasn’t melschizo gael?
I'd stone cold kill a person for even 75 viewers with a few dedicated oilers
it's more likely to be camui, or maybe even rebel
Nothing really, she started out in these threads but was driven out quickly by the schizos here.
Why would it be either of them
Stop tracing and I might comission you cutie
It's not, melschizo has a unique typing sytle and is also filipino.
>why would it be camui
He's tried to randomly start shit with multiple people for perceived slights or just no reason at all in the past
why would it be gael? it's not any of them it's likely someone from the catalog that came here

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