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Would you love your oshi even if she was chubby?
/ag/ - Architecture General

/ag/ chuuba rentry:https://rentry.org/agfrens
/ag/ literature rentry:https://rentry.org/exq5m

>divegrass team
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Ember always knows exactly what to say to make me go feral
(Thank you for doing the comm, mr. Debu man)
I love my oshi despite her weight being dangerous to her health.
I want to slap her gut and watch it jiggle like the ocean
The ocean in motion.....
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After all, Lia is a BBW idol sensation
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I really hope she actually does that mukbang stream when she hits 50k, I need to see her demolish more food in one sitting than everybody else in Phase eats in a week
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Does your oshi eat too much quicksand?
I will stalk my oshi and steal all their food so they can't get fat
I would love my oshi even if she was a male
My oshi's weight is also dangerous to her health (too skinny)
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Tell me it's safe, tell me we're saf—
My oshi likes to talk about the snacks and food she eats and she sounds happy when she does so, so I'm happy for her too.
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of course
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Why stop at only chubby? Everyone should aim bigger.
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Hags should be chubby, busty, and hairy.
Dangerously cute
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This anon KNOWS
I'd just love her even more
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reminder Ceci's body parts are all swappable
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fatto catto...
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Don't starve oomfie
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This will be her actual size one day
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This comp changed me forever
fatsemi chublock
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>when the artist keeps drawing their oshi bigger with every new pic

you love to see it
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The part about guessing her weight from how much the floorboards creak... divine...
>so excited at the prospect of fat boys that her voice cracked
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She loves fat guys
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One like this for Ember would be cool
Vtuber for this body?
I honestly admire the restraint those artists have for not drawing them big from the get-go
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Fat bitch love
Looks like Andou and Cyan are finally collabing.
Is there even a vtuber who has a healthy weight?
Need to have sex with this dog
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fatten the blonde one's tummy, it's practically non-existent
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Such a good trope. Brings me back to when fat art was scarce and I had to cope with breast expansion.
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midnight snack
eat up, board is getting fast for some reason
what bullshit is the catalog crying about now
skimming through now and people think Kawaii might be going under soon or something
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Jesas, and I thought it was going to be hard to survive overnight without that nonsense...
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Big mooner

>7 announcements
Yeah I'd be worried too.
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>page 10 in half an hour at 3 in the morning
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oh snap. i gotta go, it's 4 am and im dying

good night /ag/, may we make it through dead hourzzz
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There would LITERALLY and figuratively be more of her to love
Need to fatten Kawaii girls before they die...
Hear me out
We should convince Ririka to do a US Halloween Candy review and possibly invite other girls
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i like this woman
nice butt
Drunk hags with soft mom bods and bloated tummies...
Jesus Christ my dick
>Closest to Cakedom in ReGloss
>3D gave her an actual Cake
Everything about Ririka is Cake (And that's good!)
g'morning /ag/
Isn't most of that just normal US candy just these Reese's are pumpkin shaped?
Sort of, the Halloween Reese's have a different taste because the chocolate/pb ratio is different (also I think because they're made fresh for the holiday)
Yeah but everything else is just the same?
Bae and Ina mukbang is apparently happening?
Who's eating who?
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Don't starve while I'm at the gym
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What's your preferred size/body type for your favorite girl?
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Soft tummy, big thighs. Absolutely no idea why I have been preferring this as of late.
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I love my fat bitch
>she said the breast toggle could be used to enbiggen other parts

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Is there any other vtuber ASMR with that part going on for the whole thing because that was too good
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Noeru's fattening minotauress milk...
uuuuu I missed you guys over the weekend
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While at the same time it was nice to have a couple days without late night bumping it also felt kind of empty...
>Honma op
Beloved fatass.
Yeah I felt the same
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See >>86974446 . Plump belly, saggy tits.
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>girls agonizing over the amount of sugar and calories they consumed and what it will do to their waistlines hits harder than any porn

it's over...
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belly heavy fatty flatty. with a fupa halfway to her knees
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more Noel milk
classic pregnant noel
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azura is playing l4d2
forgot link
i need to get my gf to this size... ough
hahaha that riff on Dawn of the Dead is great
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File deleted.
interesting idea for a stream
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i saw that anon!
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very definition of pirate's booty
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makes perfect sense that the most sexo holo has the most sexo fat art
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don't ever forget that brats need feeding correction
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what if... even bigger Scarle...
I prefer the first one
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any other moments like this?
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Nicopancake has had some of my favorite interpretations of my oshi.
I love how soft her tummy is here.
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Something about how she drew her tummy here is nice.
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Mint looks cute in those colors
What if bigger than that?
I only found "just as big"
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Oh yeah... now I'm reminded of her peculiar eating habits...
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no I hate fat people
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Bae needs to return to her bread making arc
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the feeder arc continues
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Ange and da Wose should fail at exercising together and get really sweaty and winded
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IRyS, donut be afraid...
if she's not up to it I volunteer to take her place
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Those ears Taking Snowbunny to a whole other level!

I like to think Noel has a black Foreigner boyfriend. They tend to like the chubby girls, and we all know she's not exactly Small ^^
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please kill yourself
Shit the fuck up, we're all cucks here by the very nature of what a Vtubers is. I just have fun with it instead of being in denial and then jerking off in secret
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>we're all cucks here by the very nature of what a Vtubers is
psychiatrists call this projection, anon
>I like to think
keep your bbc fantasy to yourself
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Civil guys keep it civil
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Ember's ass...
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Big girl problems!
Slap the Mio tummy!!
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living the life
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What if...
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Ririka tied up in a basement against her will, stomach full to the brim with gallons upon gallons of unidentifiable, high calorie Chamaslop™, with another dozen batches about to be forced down her gullet as she's powerless to do anything but deliriously belch and moan...
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>against her will

y-y-yeah, sure, that would be so terrible for her, she won't enjoy it one bit!
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I’ve completely lost my mind over Mint’s new 3D. It’s amazing
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aren't lions just big fat cats?
I'm going to need more evidence.
look at the size of this duwag
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No o7, she gets to keep her character and channel and is streaming again the very next day.
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she looks {{{BIGGER}}} than the average fanart, it's amazing
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sad that this anon never finished this
*the anon who drew this
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How it hasn't happened yet is a mystery
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whatever this is called.
hell yeah
I believe it's called "peak"
I need that upcoming Kiara comic badly...
>Kemono has been down for like a month
You can bypass the down with a VPN.
I want to worship Mio's saggy lady body and tease her tenderly because she can't believe it. I will leave an imprint of my hand on her ass cheek and whisper 'Now that's a woman' in her ear when she irreparably loses her cool as being found sexy.
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dogs https://aryion.com/g4/view/1056908
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She posted reference sheets that include profile shots and it drove me crazy
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the burpy hampter
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hate to be that guy but
I hope catbox or /d/ gets their contract renewed for the next season uuuu
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Redemption arc let's go!
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It was better than my dumbass yesterday that put the pic on catbox and yet still posted the image anyway... >>86992751
That is impressive. To what extent is she into this stuff?
i'm sorry anon, but not really into it. she doesn't mind it, and has liked art featuring weight gain, but otherwise she is just confident and happy in being fat like she is irl.
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NTA but that's the perfect amount for a girl to be into it imo
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That’s so cute

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