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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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The Invincible Hololive finaly experienced Failure.

Will this begin their downfall HOLOKEKS?
Hey guys, what should I have for dinner today?
Hello TheDarkEnjoyer
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Ever seen the movie "The Menu"? The way that cheeseburger was so lovingly prepared. Find a place that makes burgers like that.
if you have a slow cooker a casserole's a good option
They had a Blue Journey 3D Live with brand new outfits and released multiple songs, what exactly is the failure here?
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It's been said since forever ago that Cover's attempts at making other IPs that aren't in marketing connected with their main selling point - Hololive, were sloppy.
>you now remember Horizontal existed
They finally sort of fixed it with REgloss by at least calling them "Hololive".
BJ was by far the worst one here, they didn't use any IP from the girls for 9 months and didn't promote it on any channel. Just dropped songs on a new channel at random times.
By the time they did the big 3D outfit reveals it was already too late. 3-4 songs in that no one knew existed.
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Guys, I thought about buying this from Buyee. Should I buy it? It's like 155 dollars but I'm worried about shipping since it's in Japan
quick to memoryhole project hope, are we?
It wasn't the first nor the last project that will fail.
>this bait will wor-ACK
HLZNTL you fucking retard pagpag eater.
i still remember that one investor guy who brutally called out how retarded the blue journey concept was
Good curry always hits the spot
I have no idea what Blue Journey was. There was a paid live concert at some point, right?
This is a Cover failure, not hololive's.
At least they get to keep those snazzy 3d outfits
samyang chicken noodle or indomie would be great
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>use holo singers to produce songs
>but hide their names and avatars
>remove all traces of blue dorito and make some random normalfag MV instead
This was the idea. Nobody understood the point, not even investors, which is why one if them went full schizo on their asses and basically called Cover a bunch of retards
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Anyways this is another example of Cover's retardation in trying to expand by doing something "not Hololive". I watched the songs for Bloom and other ones like Honeyworks and Deco27 but I lost interest when the first song was about a dude and no girls.
Microwave yourself a couple grilled cheeses
I never knew what Blue Journey was supposed to be, songs with random videos about some faggot?
>Blue Journey

HoloEarth will be the failure to dethrone concord
They really thought the talent they had was enough to stand apart on its own. Crazy.
Not if they start doing concerts on it more often
What happened to the holo alt anime?
Indomie are delicious but they always clog my stomach pipes
Hololy stops service + refund
I have noticed that it's always JP projects that fail and get cancelled and EN projects that thrive and get sequels.
It's definitely interesting, how Cover is at the same time so successful with their IP, but they don't seem to properly understand how that success worked.
Though it probably fits in a way, because their success didn't come from traditional marketing, but rather from the modern(accidental) viral effect the hololive content had in 2020.
The fact that literally nobody watched it so it got cancelled?
>they always clog my stomach pipes
your weakness disgusts me
the fuck is blue journey and why the fuck should I care about the JP side? They already have enough stuff going on.
Next about Blue Journey
>ブルージャーニーはホロライブのオリジナル曲をMVつきで動画を出して曲を同時にリリース販売 しています。 最近始まって現在3曲出ています
Blue Journey is a Hololive project with original song and MV that was released and sold at the same time. Right now there are 3 songs
But, in the MV itself there aren't any Hololive members
>映像も曲の歌詞もホロライブと無関係のものです 一発でホロリスのために作られたものではないとわかります
The scenes and lyrics has literally no connection to Hololive. You know it's not made for Hololive viewers just by a glance
>なんでこうなったのか考えてみました 大きい企画案の決定権を持っている人物が、 仕事の効率化は得意だけど物事の良し悪しを正しく判断する能力が皆無
I have an idea why this project is even allowed, there's someone on the higher-up there with good achievements but has no brain to decide whether something is right or wrong
>たぶん立場が低かったとき振られた仕事を効率よくこなしていたんだと思います で頑張りが認められて昇進してしまった
They probably just got lucky to be promoted after they kept on doing menial tasks in the company and finally given a chance
>ホロライブと関係ない動画と曲を作り置きしておいて企画を固めて 誰でもいいからオリジナル曲と大人数のライブ参加券でホロメンを釣って参加させて
They made songs and MV which have no connection to Hololive at all and presented it, then they baited the members to participate with orison and the chance to appear in a live concert
Then they made the members sing along to the MV
>ホロメンの意見で聞くのは参加不参加とライブでのTシャツの白黒とソロ枠で何歌うかぐらいだと思います 基本ホロメンの意見は聞かないでしょう
They probably didn't bother to listen to the members' opinion aside from whether they wanted to participate or trivial stuff like what song to sing for their solo part or the color of their T-shirt
They definitely wouldn't bother changing the presented script anymore because the work efficiency will drop
>ホロライブと無関係の映像を流すことを新しい挑戦とか参加メンバーを最大限活かした 多彩なコラボレーションでとか動画の説明文に書いてるんで救いようがないで
Even went as far to refer it as 'a new challenge', 'utilized the best of our talents', 'a colorful collaboration' on the description of the MVs, what a load of bullshit
But I believe that the Hololive members will be able to perform to their best and be able to turn it into a great success
I have no concern regarding that
Here's my question
>カバー株式会社の中で大きい企画案の決定権を持っている人物が仕事の効率化は得意だけど 物事の良し悪しを正しく判断できず、ホロリスとホロメンのことをないがしろにしている場合 決定権を持たない立場に移動させますか? それとも何もしませんか? お答えください
What will you do with that brainless higher-up guy in case the project crashed? Will you demote them? Answer this.


well anons? do you think he got demoted?
Sunsplosion deflection thread
No. the project fialed because of JP members
I still dont know what Blue Journey even was, frankly a lot if their projects are very vague on what they actually are to begin with. Im starting to think even cover doesn't know. The height of this is Dev_Is which is the most confusing structure in the whole company, if you ask Yagoo what the prupose of Dev_Is is he probably couldn't give you a simple answer, they are simply another gen that is its own branch for unknown reasons but in practicality its just hololive
Nice headcanon anon. Too bad Lamy said in the clip that she liked Blue Journey, so the long ass paragraph you made contradicts her

Also how come Lamy is misused for dramabait recently. Didn't this shit happen before ?
Its such a stupid thing with HoloEarth. They have very little experience with game development and they decide to make some gigantic live service mmo survival game? Its ridiculous.
>They finally sort of fixed it with REgloss by at least calling them "Hololive".
They we're always were called Hololive Dev_Is. Why you lie in the Mongolian basket weave forums?
The next thing they usually try is "w-w-well they merged the groups management and started suddenly collabing"
they went downhill ever since they made fags.
the homos will be hololive's downfall
The structure of Dev_Is is self explanatory. The way the cover songs and original songs are financed is totally different to the average Holos. Probably the MVs and songs are paid directly for Cover with a different model of reimbursement that the others Holos use to produce their covers and songs. Like at this point should be obvious.
because they still have a delusion that they're a tech company and not an idol + streaming company
they want to pretend the success they found is just a minor part of their business
still alive and kicking, even if barely
You ain't getting out deflecting this one fucker, this was a legit failure and discussion is valid.
Cover doesn't understand how good music at its base works. They understand how to do everything else from distribution, production and etc. and because of how well they have been doing on other fronts, they were legitimately disconnected in one way or another on why their talents' music sells and why concerts sell out. It's literally everything else about the talent and not the music itself that sells itself. So if you decide to sever that link from the music to the talent by doing something like Blue Journey, then it should not be a surprise that it won't sell well. It's not the first or last time Hololive will have failed music ventures.
Japan still is pretending Vtubers is actually complicated and is considered high tech and therefore companies that do it are part of the tech industry when in reality, the tech went from nothing to very mature in less than a decade and if you wanted, you can use open source technology solution from bottom to top that rivals commercial solutions. The valuation for the companies should be one of entertainment companies which would be a lot lower than it is now, not the sky high valuations that Anycolor and Cover both have in the stock market. Holoearth is an attempt for Cover to try and justify to investors that they are still tech and deserve that value. But for a company that had to pivot from their original aim of doing AR for some time, it shouldn't be a surprise why they aren't doing well with Holoearth when their salaries are piss poor and whoever is managing it can't make the improvements to it it needs and every time it gets shown to the public, it isn't even near ready for a full beta let alone final release slated for next year.
>discussion is valid.
Not with that OP.
Pretty sure they have been trying everything to replicate that viral effect with all these weird experiments, their branding still heavily depending on early talents who went through massive boost in 2020. Thing is lighting does not strike twice, if they can't create a new megastar they will have to deal with the AKB situation within the next few years.
How am I a retard? The project got cancelled because it was a huge flop.
nobody is angry about that opchama, we wanted that management-pushed shit to fail along with hlzntal, and they did
OP picture doesn't mean jack squat if it is going to touch on a valid discussion point. Go ahead and keep coping but there is a reason this topic reached 50+ posts with more than half of it actually talking about said discussion point and didn't get derailed. Cover does have their weaknesses and this is one of them.
They have not been able to nuture true Vsinging talent their entire existence. There's no place in Cover if you just want to sing and not stream. From INNK to now DEV_IS, I don't get why Cover keeps wanting to try without making the necessary accommodations. Regloss has been the most confusing since the singing talent hasn't really been there despite the intent and marketing about what they are.
Lightning can strike twice but usually not regarding the same thing. Usually firms pivot massively like what Nintendo did from cards to toys to video games. However, for Cover, I don't get how most of those said experiments are supposed to do that or trying to do something adjacent with some compelling twist and getting more success out of it, it feels very "design by committee" and like they have no idea what they are doing. If they are trying to expand into something like Vsinging, they should be poaching executives and managers from competitors that know how to do this properly for starters. Actual good talent acquisition seems like it's a problem at Cover than anything else. I will say at least for EN, their talent acquisition hasn't been stellar and outstanding compared to other companies picking out of the indie pool and that probably is playing into why they can't get their next megastar especially if it is JP.
>Cover does have their weaknesses and this is one of them.
The problem wasn't COVER, it was the fans. Unironically. COVER wanted to release something more "artsy", the fans couldn't understand the appeal. Simple as. Blue Journey was kino as fuck.
>Nice headcanon anon. Too bad Lamy said in the clip that she liked Blue Journey, so the long ass paragraph you made contradicts her
i think it was a schizo shareholder that said this, before that he went on like a 10 minute rant about stupid acrylic stand merch during the shareholder meeting
Wow, I can't believe it took this long for someone to try deflecting onto another group. /vt/ is in an odd state this morning.
>The problem isn't the corpo putting out slop no one actually asked for or wants, it's the FAAAAAAAAANS' FAUUUUULT!
lol okay Disney exec
if this is real then thank fucking god, I hate that slop
all the songs sounds like made by shitty ai from 3 gens behind the current ones with the prompt "just copy snow hallaion xd"
the design is a mess
the marketing is a mess
it tries to be emotional and sad in the most soulless way possible
its like it was made by the same team managing regloss shit
waste of my oshi's time
>the customers are wrong
Imagine unironically saying that for why a product or service failed. But sure, go hope that people will eventually make it achieve cult status.
>t. the retard fans in question
>t. the retard exec in question
No one owes you money. You have to earn it. If you don't earn it, YOU FUCKED UP.
>waste of my oshi's time
Your oshi disagrees. Every single one of them has only spoken highly about Blue Journey.
"h-hey guys *sniffle* wh-what should... i have *sniffle* for dinner?" he said through tears as he attempted to distract from yet another massive holo failure
>our mediocre music can't stand on its own without our branding
>it must be an issue with the consumer
Cover is Hololive foolchama cope.
UMG wanted it to have le dark and edgy vibe so all the songs sound like mass produced garbage.
The songs from Bloom still slap hard for comparison.
Aren't you a little bit too late with the shit bait? What do you call holoearth and holostars
>without our branding
And the sister reveals itself.
Dead, that was Cocos dream originally
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Mutton of course.
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Pizza, unironically. You should try making one yourself. It's super fun, easy to make with little ingredients, tastes great and you will have plenty leftover if you make a whole backing tray.
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I'm glad it happened since it gave my oshi a cute outfit and I really liked the songs she was a part of.
so any talent that wants to get involved will get involved and those that don't want to, won't. so what exactly is the problem? are you the shareholder? why the hell do you care about this? it's not like talent get force to do it. we are vtuber fans, we only care about vtuber.
The BJ outfits are the best group outfits they've ever created.
I'm a 6'3 230 lb man I can eat an entire pizza by myself. There wouldn't be anything left.
go to regloss youtube channel and see
which corpo had a yab now?
Tomato soup and garlic bread with a side of steamed oysters.
>live service mmo survival game
mf don't even know what holoearth was. google what is metaverse first before give out your shitty take
Recently I have been making like 2 L of pizza sauce and mixing in the toppings. Then when I want a pizza, I just spoon that shit over and add cheese. The base gets a little wet, but it tastes the same and saves so much time.
How else are you describing it? If you say it's a virtual concert platform, that isn't accurate either because it has the game component to it.
>cover doesn't know anything!
I don't see you having your own successful vtuber company. Better start now!
>that isn't accurate either because it has the game component to it.
PSO2 literally has all of the above.
Good suggestion saar
>you need to have a successful vtubing company to do any sort of criticism on vtubing
Yeah and then who is going to make the posts threads here? No one needs any type of qualifications to criticize seeing the lack of success and results. You can ignore my analysis if you don't agree with it. But whatever Cover has been doing doesn't work.
And we call it a live service MMO game and not a virtual concert platform primarily. So it would follow Holoearth gets called that isn't unreasonable.
Regloss' music is unironically better. They'd have a better chance selling that shit.
Next Devis should just be competent singers and dancers from the getgo
To be fail, your analysis failed to state why it failed (lol) in first place. It's sounds more of lack of interest by the audience, which is a shame since the final product was good. The entire thread is a bunch of bullshit that doesn't make any sense.
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*fair. Goddammit.
Of course it is, because no one actually had any idea why it was canceled, so people are speculating at best, and shit flinging for their own agenda at worst.
>inb4 if it was good it wouldn't get axed
Bloom, which many fans consider to be some of the best holo music still, also got axed after its only concert. Success, or lack thereof, is only one measure a company looks at when deciding if projects should continue.
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bro, even the talent alone should have been good enough.
The problem, which at this point I'm sure is one retard in a power seat in the marketing team, is that they barely market shit at all.
What the fuck was holozontal, what the fuck was Blue Journey, what the fuck was Council, what the fuck was the nigga Omega, what the fuck was holoearth, what the fuck was DeVis and Regloss, what the fuck was Enreco. And where the fuck was the promotional material for them!? the only one who escaped that spiral was holowitches and even then the name itself carried the idea because it was obvious.
None of these (and many more I probably forgot already) explained shit when they were revealed and we pretty much only got any info until the last second. No surprises why the talents themselves go to exaggerated lengths to promo their own events.
No joke, your average anon here would be a better marketing lead than the retard in charge if anything just because the anon is probably a loud monkey screaming to all four winds.
I gave my reasoning on the why, the why is the underlying fact they don't understand music fully on the creation side and how to make Vsingers which are not the same as streamers that can sing and not understanding why their music sells. Yes, I glossed over the product reception playing a part into it but it secondary because the underlying causes I went over are sort of endemic and again, until Cover changes, this isn't the first nor last time music projects from Cover outside of their core competency whenever they try will not land or do well.
>Hololive will never have a failed project
Has anyone ever even said this?
Hell, has anyone even thought this?
Idk if you're just new or w/e
But council flopped years ago
Council was more successful than holox
>I don't see you having your own successful vtuber company. Better start now!
nta, but isn't that proving the point made?
Cover IS a successful vtuber company. No one is disputing that. The issue is rather that they also try to dabble and overstretch into other business ventures, and that's where they haven't been particularly successful, at least thus far.
Sure, maybe one of their projects, like HoloEarth, actually works out and becomes the next Genshin or whatever, but looking at the track record I wouldn't bet on it and rather think it's just another white elephant money sink / vaporware investor story that'll get quietly shuttered a few years down the line.

They should just focus on what clearly works, their core vtubing business, make sure the talents are happy (happy talents make for a happy audience, and a happy audience makes for better spenders), and do proven and simple character merchandising.
Their downfall started when they started courting China again but don't let Holozhangs hear that
Yeah, this is truly a bait thread disguised as honest discussion. Get fucked OP

That's it. That's seriously it. There is nothing else to the game. The word "metaverse" is the magical word for all tech companies, it's like digital heroin to them.
nobody liked blue journey though it was kinda DOA
While I agree with this, unironically they should be developing HoloEarth as an actual Metaverse platform rather than as a game. Cut all of the game shit that's eating dev time and ust focus on the "interactive concerts/events" part that people actually care about.
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Blue Journey never caught my eye during it's entire lifetime, so I'm honestly not that surprised.
The songs were mid, not terrible, just painfully mid.
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>He forgot Holostars...
>Waste of my oshis time
Oh brother, get a load of this fucking guy
Uhhhhhh pizza
>letting /#/ do exectuive decisions at Cover
lmao that's a surefire way to kill Hololive in record time!
Suisei buried the project before it even had a chance. Anyone could see it coming.
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>Sony and Concord
>Warner and Suicide Squad
>Bethesda and that one delusional faggot
bitch you jest but shit is unreal nowadays with how badly mismanaged some of the things these corpos are supposed to be selling, Cover is no the exception
But Project:Hope successfully ruined IRyS's throat.
the last good hololive album was bouquet
Nah the last good hololive album was the breaking dimensions single.
Lore bros we keep losing...
Didn't this happen a while ago? Well I guess you wouldn't know if you only watch translated clips
what is blue journey?

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