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Indigo Edition

Old Thread: >>86778588

>Randon Neuring:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RandonNeuring
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/randon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Randonneuring
Unlisted VOD Archive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLusIngCXpffwTq9z0ic0mRC79ILfgH4Tf

>Caspurr Catacini:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CaspurrCatacini
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/caspurrvt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaspurrCatacini

>OP Template:

Last puzzle:

New puzzle >>86890302
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caspurr LOVE

hes so cute whenever he gets spooked by a game <3
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Spooky Caspurr
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When Furries attack!
definitely agreed, it was kind of funny when it was a rare occurrence but when it's just all he does now it's kind of offputting
if it's the way he feels most comfortable streaming then i guess i can just ignore it but the fact that he was able to completely turn it off like a switch during that tenma collab makes me worry that he might genuinely think his viewers are super into it
i'd suggest leaving a comment publicly. no way for things to potentially change if you never say it. if things still don't change then its ok to outgrow something and lose interest in something that doesn't serve you anymore. no big deal
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Then tell him you don't like it.
There's lots of times in stream when he tries to feel things out, just say "no" or "don't" when it happens.
Lex Parté
>voices of the void again soon on twitch, need some coffee first
also a small problem is a lot of his BNF's really like it and for some reason he only listens to them. (which makes sense, you listen to the people that pay you)
I still like the guy and watch him when I can, hell he was one of the few oshis I had back in my corpo vtuber watching days, but even back then that was a problem i had with him.
But w/e at the end of the day he's just a streamer to me
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Kill yourself.
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Well, he does listen to feed back and he did seem to be taking Caspurrs criticism seriously, so we'll see..
Play nice
lol its completely ok to stop watching a vtuber if they're not entertaining you anymore. no need to feel guilty about it or w/e. people take vtubing way too seriously sometimes.
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On the other hand XD
i still find him entertaining, it's just like eating a nice meal but every bite has a chance to taste like sewage
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this. worst outcome is he keeps doing what hes already doing and you cut your losses. but if you never bring it up theres no chance in change.
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well all i can say, like everyone else has said, is make your concerns public to him, whether in comments or SC's. if he listens or not then you'll get the answer to your concerns and you move accordingly.
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i, much like my oshi, am a total coward. i'll just let these feelings continue to fester until i take it out in unhealthy ways
I suppose, corpo limiters and filters are in place for a reason. And I know by experience how frustrating it is to comply with behavioural demands to fit into a corporate culture that seem unreasonable. Throwing the shackles off can and will result in overcorrection. Knowing how he is, it may take long before he finds balance.
Bless the green man, wishing all the best.
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be proactive, nag your oshi!
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good morning i love purple man
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He's going to play it too!
I wonder if Randon would play Mouthwashing too, or is it too creepy and gross for him, like with the body horror and all.
this game fits his niche perfectly and i know hes gonna overanalyze the lore and put all the pieces together and its just a really good game for streamers in general i love seeing everyones take on the characters
>/orc/ has fully embraced doxxshit
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If we never refer to Lex's other job it's not dox, he is just a streamer who does indie horror games
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maybe you should make a thread for him instead of randomly inserting him into threads that have no relation to him
I'm not the one bringing him up first, that's for Lex's fans to do, not me
I just don't care either way
But can you get drunk off of kids mouthwash?
It's Sunday and I don't want to leave the house ;p
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Good morning
yes but if you drink too much mouthwash you will throw up
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original pic
Thanks, I'm not actually going to drink it tho
>I'm not the one bringing him up first
>If we never refer to Lex's other job it's not dox
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Big Ham is also live
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Randon — Today at 9:49 AM
>I'm awake, stream will start maybe 10-15 minutes late
Late reply --> I use yt-dlp
It's command line, but here's an example to get just a portion of a stream

yt-dlp --download-sections "*00:16:20-00:18:35" <youtube link here no brackets>

Just replace the time with what you're looking for (HH:MM:SS format) and be generous because the first and last few seconds can look glitchy. Sometimes, the audio and video are offset. Only happens rarely, and the offset is different every time, so I dunno what's wrong
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Randon is live:


Some FTL, nice!
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He has a meeting with Cas at noon
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Tea talk
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Comfy Randon
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i like orc and i like ftl and i like when orc play ftl simple as
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Beast Stars is just anime Twilight
KEK and true!
>you want to embrace pacifism
Finally some moaning ToT
To me in the tenma collab he felt shy but at the same time was trying to hard its to bad he was not more relaxed
>Finally some weapons but they are fucking garbage!
/mans/ uses this thread as the PL thread
Yeah, they think that...
As long as Randon and Caspurr are the main topics and they are who we focus on while they are streaming or collabing, I don't care if the other "non-holos" get brought up sometimes.
He thinks he can
He got the best gun!
He almost said lando kill him
Going to Ham town!
TY raided Tenma
This man is so sexy
What are we? Some bin to dump PL infos? I am still annoyed we got treated like outcasts and now we have to accommodate their infodumps, go to the other site for that shit please.
the randon
my mind's still a little mushy from boss's mouthwashing playthrough yesterday, wtf was that game
>I am still annoyed we got treated like outcasts and now we have to accommodate their infodumps
That's how I feel, but it seems like those coming here have a similar grievance so that's why I just ignore them.
Was it actually good i havent seen gameplay
Yeah, that shit was crazy XD
There's game play elements but it's also very narrative driven
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D&D next week
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Randon the Orc
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Randon the orcshi
Would randon kill vesper or would vesper kill randon
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Neither, I think they would get along just fine
in a death battle and they have to kill each other
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The real question is between Dez and Caspurr
Both dies or they will cheat the system.
Vesper had a self sacrifice thing, tho short lived ;p, so he might just let Randon kill him for the kicks
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When is the next watch along?
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>Would randon kill vesper
Yes, but it would be a mercy kill
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they would both kill themselves
That game really escalated by the end, jesus christ.
Both of them are already dead inside so it counts
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Is this a gender bend or just Vesper with big tits?
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>Vesper with big tits
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Good times
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No Randon till Wednesday...
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from discord
New puzzle:
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Caspurr clip
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She is still live btw
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it looks so much scarier and more creepypasta in drawing form than funni gmod fuckery form
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Here's some cuteness instead
not complaining, just musing
extreme fucked up faces feature both in gmod comedy form and creepypastas, and some extra vibes from shading can tip the scales in the other direction i guess
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Yeah, 2d drawings can add an eerie vibe at times

butt lick ;p
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That's a Big Boy! ^^
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wtf is this?
>hurricane hitting next wednesday
i'll really be watching the orc on my nokia flip phone huh
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It's DanBoruArt's cardboard robot of Vesper 2.0 with flowers, hers the original one:
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He's made them off all of the boys + Olie and Kobo, they all look really cool
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this makes me wanna see a caspurr version of these papercrafts
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he'd probably look like the dino

damn thats sick as fuck OvO
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this but when it's too far away from the streamer's circle of associations and people i keep up with, it's a lot of "who? what?"
>dumping ground
yep, sometimes we got used as a dumping ground for external drama and venting about things i have no clue about because they got btfo somewhere else (or were too afraid to). bitching about armis, who? i don't follow them, there's already a general for that. bitching about fans from discord or twitter, who? why are you making this my problem?
>what we went through
we spent the last year fighting over lando's inclusion here and he's been buttbuddies with randon the whole time. we had plenty of other arguments negotiating how appropriate it was to bring up streamers on the outskirts of the streamer circle of association, too. we got the jannies sicced on us and had to take certain discussions offsite. i don't hate lex but it's pretty tonedeaf showing up a year later and inserting new people out of the blue who are even less associated than the ones we've already fought a hundred border disputes over (and dragging more drama in here that started elsewhere)
>similar grievance
what, about them being outcasts too? it's true...i'm not sure how i feel about it though. people tried making this place into /MANS/ PL edition a year ago and that got shot down hard. not sure what it would look like if another star graduates further down the line and all those fans that got kicked out shack up in here without having known anything about us and vice versa. maybe we could be a refugee thread and it all works out but idk. there was a shared history but the more we diverge the more it might clash
>parallels with irl refugees, immigration, cultural integration, new blood and all the pros and cons that come with that
not lost on me
sisters literally just need to go back to their other dedicated site
Its gone so they only have the hugbox site
then they better kneel under the boots of the admin. i don't welcome forcing a bunch of differential indie creators that don't interact into a pool just because they once shared an overhead corporation. it stinks of the kind of collab begging mentality
This, they can fuck right off since lex isn’t really chummy with Randon. I don’t see why we need to accept them here.
i don't use /cbdct/ but wouldn't he be allowed there?
i remember seeing /oji/ too but idk if that still exists
what have his fans been doing before this? lex has been around for a while now and people tried bringing him up here a few times before but it didn't go over well since they don't publicly interact. even posts about lcc and han have been hit or miss here even when they were actually in stream chat or mentioned on stream
i get why people would collab beg. but ive always gotten the vibe that lex never really liked randon that much
he would be but that thread is mostly starsjp and Niji

t. lurker
>what have his fans been doing before this?
Probably watching streams, enjoying them in the livechat, then moving on with their day. Unless a tiny indie makes their own fan discord they rarely get their own dedicated 24/7 spaces like a thread, cord or board.
I dont think cas has even interacted with him so him being posted here doesnt make any sense
>i don't use /cbdct/ but wouldn't he be allowed there?
I would think that, but IDK
>i remember seeing /oji/ too but idk if that still exists
it didn't take off, plus it would literally turn in to this thread + Lex since they are the most popular 30 and up male vtubers right now
It was a weird situation, I don't think he disliked him, I think he was bothered that people compared them a lot just cause they were both "old"
Then they should have made their own space for shit like this. I dislike it when they can just insert themselves into ours when they had pushed us out a year ago. I won’t stand for this bullshit, talk about hypocrisy. For them to follow a lawyer and can’t even follow proper social rules.

press f opurratives
>I think he was bothered that people compared them a lot
Funny thing is that they are both autistic and do have weird parallels through out their lives like licking odd things
>For them to follow a lawyer and can’t even follow proper social rules.
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>forcing a bunch of differential indie creators that don't interact into a pool just because they once shared an overhead corporation. it stinks of the kind of collab begging mentality
good point
>a shared history but the more we diverge
there's some overlap with shared history and fanbases who still follow both but i think the more time goes on, the more the paths diverge and the less relevant it becomes
>corpo past & collab begging
see also: idolbegging. i get the wishful thinking and nostalgia but the reality is just that randon isn't into that whole (literal) song and dance and left it behind
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god i want to lovingly cook for him. spoon feed it to him so he doesnt eat too fast and overeat ToT
The vibe I have from him is he isn’t close close to any of the other members, it’s a job after all.
I do watch him but the constant mentioning of getting old is testing my patience. I’m way older than him and yet I still feel life has so much more to offer than feeling old. For someone who wants to give off a mature personality to his audience, he sure has a very shallow thinking.
the urge to baby this man is unreal
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>the urge to baby this man is unreal
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>constant mentioning of getting old
Mid life crisis a littler early it seems kek
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god and he keeps feeding into it too. the laundry stuff sent my brain into overdrive ToT

i just want to do all the hard adult stuff for him so boss can be cute and write his songs and draw
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i'm in a 'tuck him into bed and read him a story' sort of mood, he really brings out the maternal instinct in me
>I dislike it when they can just insert themselves into ours when they had pushed us out a year ago. I won’t stand for this bullshit, talk about hypocrisy.
probably not the same people but i have some feelings about this as well, from both sides of it. we went through some shit but i know how much it sucked being kicked out, not having a place to talk, and having to find a new one. but it's also newfaggy touristy behavior showing up without knowing the history or culture and trying to force yours in haphazardly (irl or online)
he really does <3 and is extra cute when he’s all sleepy.
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Akashi and Randon are live:


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i miss caspurr catacini, the self-proclaimed meowster of disguise
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God, in the beginning it was hard to be someone who frequented both threads. That sort of behavior is part of why I mostly lurk there rather than actively posting.
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it was a dark time for everyone but we persevered through extreme amounts of autism
Considering our oshi, that's the only way we could've survived.
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>persevered through extreme amounts of autism
Yes, yes we did!
i'm glad all of you managed to survive throughout the turmoil. i'm equally as glad that lando returned to the vtubing world and made new fans like me. it's why i want to contribute as an opurrative to this board!
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I love you guys so fucking much to the point I can’t put into words.
Randon and Caspurr love <3
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big Caspurr and Randon LOVE <3

and the anons here too chu~
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I dont think he HATED him, but they probably clashed with their personalities and work ethics, kind of like what happened with Randon and Han. Plus people being so insistent in paring them up definitely another Lex desu
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>probably clashed with their personalities and work ethics
Maybe, but honestly I think it was all the weird fans wanting them to collab that made him act like that. They barely knew each other and he was more concerned with the rest of VG at the time.

Also the birthday mention, so they might be cool now IDK
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Makes sense. Number one thing he fought against near debut was being pigeonholed or stereotyped as just another ______. Spoke out against Vox/Hex comparisons, covered his model and didn’t do fanservice, shied away from ‘daddy’ or older guy stuff, restricted his collabs, went in hard on trying to get his horror lore streaming niche to be the most prominent characteristic. Nothing is off the table and does all of the above in moderation when it suits him, with time he probably could have found common ground like he has with the rest of the stars. Unfortunately time til grad was too short to accomodate two hard-headed recluses. I’ve got nothing against Lex but I just don’t think /orc/ is the venue for ongoing fandom of him considering the distance.
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Fair enough and I agree that /orc/ is a venue for Lex. Hiraga? maybe since he did raid into Randon and is willingly to openly communicate with him. If they have more interactions I will welcome them here.
>is a venue for Lex
Isn’t* Fucking typo, blame my ADHD brain
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>is a venue for Lex
my boss is so cracked when it comes to drawing
He's doing the voice again ^^
FUCK I’m autistic just like my oshi
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catacini? more like chatacini
yapspurr chatacini
or even yapurr chatacini
cant get over how baby cas is
one day he may fully accept the fact he gives babycini vibes
With all the stars pl streaming I dont see why they dont just make a general of their own now
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an /indiemen/ general could probably be staffed pretty effectively based on the kind of stuff that routinely gets thrown out of /mans/ (PLs of various talents, the entirety of Avallum, notable indie guys that have collabed with corpo and/or PL like Janken, Taiga, Apollo, Jowol, Roy Chiato, discussion of large mixed cross-company collabs and servers, floaters like shoto, kuro, etc) they would just have to be cool with occasional female interactions and flesh, which most of the current generals aren't. like i didn't even know the group "Golden Gambit" existed until a recent collab included Shinri and Flayon, and there's nowhere central to go to learn more.
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I wonder if caspurr/Landon prefers dark skin women, it Is something i kinda notice recently
So you're saying I have a chance...
whatever you wanna dream
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wondering if cas will ever collab with new people in the future
not saying never, but he said he's kind of done with his networking arc and mostly wants to do his own thing now
Did you notice he has a butt obsession? Which race has the biggest butt?
probably waiting for that official model to come in..whenever that is
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Then I choose to believe we will spawn the most racist, retarded children on the planet.
more of this please. cant find the loops cas
The orbs...
new bitterberry vid
Good clips!
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i love my adorable baby-like red cat boss!!
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I'll bet he is.
I think he was a little at first, but he's way too busy now
>an /indiemen/ general could probably be staffed pretty effectively
Yeah, theoretically it should work/already exist, but it's just a case of wrangling cats to get all the different fans together like that.
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Boy it would sure be nice to talk about a stream during dead hours.
Just hallucinate one like back in the old days.
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A Haiku by Randon Nuering:
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Ohmonah is live!
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I will have her soon...
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is there a point of doing clips if there’s already people doing it?

i wanted to start a clip channel but dont want to over saturate
the nyandon
More clipers the better and you can always grab the clips the others don't
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Please do, we can always use more clippers for a healthy fandom. Different people will naturally clip/edit different things that appeal to them. Some people might be more willing to risk hosting karaoke/loops/unarchived content while others don’t want to. And as a labor of love, if one clipper gets busy and needs to drop it for a while or forever, we still have others active in the meantime.
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