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Bridebut edition

>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
V4Mirai + globie + VSPO! EN: >>>/vt//v4m/

Previous thread: >>86760701 imagine forgetting to bake during EN primetime on a weekend, wtf
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Be there
The bri-debut has been live for almost half an hour btw
I've only baked this like a couple times before but I think I got everything right. Except maybe we should take /ppg+/ out since it's dead?
I enjoyed the rock karaoke field trip
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bri teasing a few events this winter and later
Elia hate
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Eva had her 3D debut last night
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Ivaela surprise karaoke
i think the simple design of the sexy nerd model fits Bri better. though if i was a vtuber who could rig my own stuff, i'd probably go apeshit too with every toggle and jiggly bit i could fit on there
forgot about that
that's cute
The fact that it's so overdone and ill-fitting, in the pursuit of showing off her technical proficiency, is itself an expression of who she is.
so how was everyone's weekend? my oshi revealed she's actually been a biological male this whole time. also the weather was uncharacteristically warm for October. pretty crazy, am i right?
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Airi is doing an unexpected 3dio talking stream (mostly Japan trip?):
I watched 20 hours of karaoke
is (s)he cute tho
Who's your oshi and are you gay now?
it might be over for kawaii
Cute/10 for all of it
What happened this time?
sex (but out of stock)
Charzu, Nene and Shee's schedules are up and they have an announcement for tuesday
Charzu's waiting room is up and it doesn't look like good news
It's really over this time
Kawaii, EIEN & VRev all really took each other being called the next to die personally and started to ramp up, huh
The idol era of vtubing is truly coming to a close.
brave won
But Brave has idol in it
it never started, calling vtubers idols is like calling High Guardian Spice anime
just realized the thread being called jidf doesn't make sense anymore does it
idol cutlure is inherently incompatible with western culture
If we forget the distinct cultural specificity of "idols" in JP/KR/CN and view it in a more culturally universal manner of "someone with a goal striving to achieve it publicly who you can support along their journey to success" then idol culture does exist in the west it just manifests in a very different form (specific partnerships, a certain degree of music success, making it into competitions, financial stability) as opposed to the east where the goal that an idol is supposed to aim for is almost always the same thing
when did EIEN and Vrev try to market as idol group?
kawaii is imploding, finally
it was always DoA in the west.
It will always be a thing in the east, so so long as Holo still dominates the scene and Niji still do concerts and shit it will keep being associated with vtubing, especially with the fact that only the jp scene is still growing
Pick of the dick?
>Kawaii dies
>V-dere is dying
The real Requiem
As long as Nikki remains the godmother of Idol it's Talmudic soul will endure!
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>v-dere dying
you wish
where do i jump ship now that kawaii is disolving
You are not watching PixelLink? You are missing out
You only have to change one letter!
It takes me a really long time to decode the thread code every time since c and k is the same sound
no they aren't
NTA but I assume they mean the "c" and "k" in Connect and Kawaii have the same sound, not that the letters "c" & "k" sound the same
but they do, the vowel's just different
No, the individual letters "c" and "k" are generally pronounced like "sea" and "kay" so most people reading pcg/pkg as an initialism (because they are not acronyms as they do not resemble a word) would read "pee-cee-gee" and "pee-kay-gee" which are phonetically distinct, rather than pronouncing them for the words they represent in which case both would be different in any case as the phonetic used for "p" is different in phase and project ("fuh" vs "puh")
idk where you're from but we learned it a y bee kee dee ee here
that's why usb is so confusing, why did they name the new one after keys when they don't unlock anything
Why would you jump anywhere? Dissolution means you just keep watching the girls you like and get to stop pretending to care about the ones you don't
>bee kee dee
There's no way you're from any country where English is the national language
Elia hate and rape
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I thought you faggots told me this was illegal
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never was
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come home, cgdct man
Airi is in it too
kawaii is dissolving??
Hello Kitty killed Brave
>Tomoe, Kohaku, Nene, Nano
>Airi, Spica
Is Pillow some sort of unity godddess?
She had like 6 threads fighting over her at one point
curious what that conversation with nene looked like
We won't know anything until Tuesday. Multiple announcements being made though and it is scary.
Pillow: Do you wanna join this thing? I love your ASMR.
Nene: Yeah, sure. No one ever asks me to join things, thanks. You're cute too!
Not a mention of anyone else was involved. This was revealed to me in a dream.
not unlikely
They didn't have to interact for this. Also only Nene out of those would be awkward about the traitor whores, if she even cares.
>omigod they appeared in the same video compilation they must be best friends now
Grown man btw.
why u heff 2 be mad and coping about it
I do not understand why you would make a 5 minute video for this when an image would be easier to make, spread, and parse
I don't know when it is either. Give me a date and time yo.
This is why you don't work at advertising (that's a good thing)
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>that's a good thing
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Charlie Morgan Twitch Debut in an hour
i'm shaking my hiyo
Reina getting her revenge
Gata verde started her "revenge" karaoke stream for all the technical issues she had during the relay.
Advertisers are well known for presenting information in the least comprehensible way possible on a site where the average user's engagement time is shorter than a blink. Why pretend to know what you're talking about?
I've almost posted too kek
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Not looking good
it's got 10k views already lil bro stop malding
Reina is good
One hiccup at the start, otherwise it's good
uh oh melty
more people showed up than i expected good for her, i was expecting 80 viewers because nobody ever follow up afterwards and a lot of viewers were afkers being carried by raid train
Cat is cute and people appreciate a good rock karaoke. But I see youtube trying to shit the bed, it better fucking not...
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YandereLive, an ES Vtuber corpo, will debut its first EN Vtuber, Mitsuki Akari, on October 7, 7:30pm PST

>ES debuting an EN
never though i'd see this combo
Very happy Reina was able to get her revenge
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She has been on pre-debut hell for more than half a year now. I thought she would never debut
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10 minutes
so uh I was away for a bit, what exactly is going on with raein clowd
any guests? I have a fairly low maximum for the number of consecutive minutes of Nene singing that I can handle
Just looked, and I can say I didn't expect that. I was worried there was a third hospitalized former Yume+ girl, but this is new.
am i guessing correctly from the announcement stream? did...uh..."he" transition?
Does anyone have the archive of Reina crying? I want to enjoy ger tears one more time
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Debut live
I think Eva made a good call going low-poly for 3D.
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Why would they give one of those pronoun people a cute model that has nice tits
They're probably not stuck in a culture war from 2012
>basic biology is a culture war
>he's never fulfilled his basic biology
I'm honestly not sure how much of it is actual transition stuff (or them working through it via vtubing) and how much is them just wanting the alt option
Menace clickbaited me, I thought she was going to put my head between her huge boobs but instead shes just fucking around with styrofoam
Been a while since I looked in, nice to see Sera without the cancerous shorts format.

Menace has some nice tits
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What a goddamn waste, even in the NEXAS blackhole of wasted models
The first of Nene's announcements
New orisong!
a shitload of kawaii black text on white background rooms are also up hold me
what a tease hiding those nice tits from us
Just watch a camwhore at that point, i don't get you people
I wish shed be a camwhore
There's ten thousand camwhores selling their tits on onlyfans, but only one menace
>Raein was biomale
Erm...ok but uuuh who is hospitalized? Yume+ is still a wild ride I see
RIP Kawaii
wasnt rhea?
Lots of anons pegged her as being trans. I never watcher her, so if she turned into a he, it doesn't surprise me at all.

Mims is one bad day away from being institutionalized.
Nyabi was in the hospital and had to extend her hiatus, she was light on details.

Rurune is taking some time off again to go to get taken care of.
>so if she turned into a he
She's a former he according to today's stream, around the 40 minute mark if anyone cares to watch but the ikemen is more like an alt I guess think??? I'm still watching
>Mims is one bad day away from being institutionalized.
Yeah tell me something new buddy lmao
god that's digusting
With the state of things, a dissolution seems about the best you can hope for nowadays. Hope it goes as smoothly as prism's did at least
t. gay man
>Yeah tell me something new buddy lmao
She is CURRENTLY institutionalized. She said she was probably taking a "grippy sock vacation" about a week ago and nothing since.
So many crazy bitches lately
well, looks like raein is having fun at least, good for her
oh damn, well I hope she gets better soon actually, she has a very unique energy
yeah, and the two models one streamer gimmick is cool I think
Expect an influx of /pkg/ people this week
nah their thread wont die so easily, their presence on 4 chan is too big, this isnt specialite or ppg which barely have posters
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expect them all over the place, they'll be threadshitting, dooming, grieving, it's gonna be rough for them, bucko
I don't ever see any other than the occasional Uta poster
Why are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person, I know you're legitimately mentally ill but cmon
lads or whatever her fans are called should be pissed at this fag using their oshi to shitpost in /pkg/
On the plus side it'll drown out v4mirai's dooming.
>getting mad at the 24/7 schizo threadshitter
Pointless endeavor
>v4mirai's dooming
why the hell are they dooming?
it always struck me as funny that he kept referencing Lottie for some reason, found it amusing, now it's kinda like the flag of a falseflagger
Unless it's somehow grown since IPs were taken away /pkg/ never had that many posters, usually fewer than /ppg/ even. It's regularly kept alive by the one repetitive shitposter
apparently the girls having to folow more PG rules since the sanrio collab, and made new RM do they could do their whorish asmr. that's what i gathered
>this week
/pkg/ has been clogging up the threads for a while now, they talk about it there
It really bothers me when Mozzu larps like someone who hates sex and coomerism
No amount of fake and gay tweets can erase all the porn shes drawn or all the times shes tweeted out she masturbates to go to sleep. Why lie?
or her model
I can look past her model, I dont for a second believe she masturbates to that
But the rape art she drew for free? That shit wasnt for attention or money
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Doom cancelled?
no, not at all
also expect Tomoe's room soon
notice zero Production kawaii branding or mention, it's clear she is gone and bought her IP
Is anyone going to bake /vrex/?
it's telling that she exclusively said that all that was thanks to her sensei and no one else
It can wait for more lively hours
Nah, don't need the first 8 hours of posts being "qua", "so", and "uppies". Someone will get it later.
She thanked her manager Furi too
lol no, but even then she doesn't need Kawaii, she did however lack in networking like most of gen 1 and 2
Nene networks but only with people worth networking with. she's not going to network with your average 2view vtuber from your small corpo if that's what you consider networking. you guys are small time.
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>you guys are small time.
there's a 100 to 200 gap between her and, say, any other average small corpo chuuba, there's a 2.3k gap between her and someone like Pippa
Be less obvious
I don't think Ephemira are involved? They're still under the new hire contract
notice the "the waiting room" in the sentence
oh well, nvm, they seem safe at the moment
here's "the waiting room" lol
90% chance this is the end of kawaii as a corpo
news comes on the 8th
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and Lua's schedule

no Ephimira room atm, probably nothing will happen to them
Islachama thumbnail... not like this...
Yesterday I discovered that Sara is in the best state.
Aww, one of the last times I'll be able to see Scarlet collab with Tomoe
>if she even cares
are we taking about the nene that had a fit over a fanart featuring a graduated girl?
the nene that made management delete said girl's vods after that?
that nene?
The weird thing for me is that Culture Entertainment Group, the company that brought out kawaii, only owned them for about a year. Is that enough time to say it's a lost cause? Sony Music at least owned Prism Project for almost two years before throwing in the towel. Or maybe them throwing in the towel meant to Culture Entertainment they should do it too and they got cold feet with kawaii after watching Sony drop Prism. Feel like someone at Culture Entertainment is about to get a demotion, that acquisition must have cost a bunch of money that is now up in flames.
I really really really hope Scarlett reincarnates, she's great
It's time for Shee's Multivitamins!
>Is that enough time to say it's a lost cause?
when you look at the numbers, yeah, probably? I don't see how they could possibly not have seen that the whole thing was not making much money, unless they got sold on all that by the same type of guy who is a used car salesman in the afternoon
I wish more girls ate on stream like shee does
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Culture is doing some restructuring. Maybe kawaii just fell through the cracks of that.
Oh perfect for that lost kitten soundpost
Lottie has eaten like that recently, I like it
cant you fags contain it in your own general? might as well while you can
>the rape art she drew for free
post it please
the writing is on the wall rn anon >>86930944
The potential death of one of the founders of EN small corpos is big news.
It feels dumb because before a buyout, you get to see all the internal numbers and everything and if you say yes after evaluating the business case and it making sense in the long term and then get cold feet after some time, it feels premature and a waste of money for Culture.
Yeah that can suck but I don't understand why they were in acquisition mode if they were a year away from financial instability to the point of needing this restructuring. Is Culture even public and have a stock? It feels so random to do this without warning.
The acquisition started when gen 3 was still onboard. Them leaving almost sunk the company then and there.
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It's funny to me that the owners of Rolling Stone Japan and Newsweek Japan somehow ended up with Kawaii.
That said, I've looked at some of their other stuff and I'd think cutting off Utahime Dream/Utadori would be much better for them. There is so much more investment there with little to no return of anything.
I'd say now feels like now is the best time to cut their loses, if I got the company right
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Hates sex btw
Gen3 dindu nuffin
Sorry to turn it more /biz/ but yeah, I don't blame that their outside investors are probably clamoring for dictating how their money is being used given now interest rates have started to move again in the US and Japan and overseas expansion/Western investment into Japan is going to look less attractive as a result. Probably wants more Japan-driven investments and less overseas stuff that isn't doing as well of a return like kawaii.
maybe she's just depressed
yep I basically agree with this, explains a lot
she's repressed, rather
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Well, there it is everyone, the sun has set, have a goodnight
wait wtf is going on with kawaii
Most likely a big shift at the parent company level, some talents will leave, Nene leaving is almost guaranteed at this point. It looks like Ephemira is staying, assuming this isn't a full corpo dissolution the corpo will go on with however is left after the tuesday announcement and eventual graduations.
Whorse won
Dissolution, seemingly
do any of the girls gave any hints about this?
yeah nami said she was getting fatter
Current Sitrep:
Starting today most of Kawaii's talents, with the exception of the Ephemira girls, have set waiting rooms for what is being called "a serious announcement"
Waiting rooms up:
Only Nami is missing room or schedule but expect it soon.
Nene is the only one who dropped a lot of hints about her going indie
Shee also implied that in a way
mono has an alt?
>Only Nami is missing
One of them has to stay to defamate all the graduating girls on stream
only VampersandU remains
Everyone besides Rem have one now but Mono always had
VampersandU and PixelLink the true small corpo faces
based Rem
i know about her pl, i mean an alt to do asmr
V-Dere 3
The alt to ASMR is cope, they are all rebranding the pls and the ones that didn't have a pl created a new account. No one knows what they're planning, but since it's not just Petalight, I don't think it's just ASMR
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it hurts...
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Since we're in a strange time, do you have anything to say about this image? I found this channel a while back and I had no idea what to make of it.
>they are all rebranding the pls and the ones that didn't have a pl created a new account
I would be like "oh shit" but isn't Menace doing the exact same thing and just chilling? she's just squeezing her fans dry
probably made by a schizo since it's a year old and the old channel is still up
and there's no way she'd link isla in her bio, or have those as friends. vdere maybe but bazelle and zoey? no way
Yeah, but even Yumi who hates ASMR is rebranding, so it's weird. But I don't see anyone sending signals of anything going bad besides that, and they even joked about the pl accounts on stream earlier, so I think it's fine for now
holy shortstack queen I am gonna schizo over this styrofoam fucker getting all the sweater puppies action IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!
If you fuckers can stay in /corpo/ that would be great
Need a little help. I'm trying to track down a shark vtuber that I believe was in a small corpo that graduated recently. If I remember right, she had chalk-white or light grey skin and black sclera, but I'm not 100% certain.
god bless pillow, the unity cute girl grooming GOD
I wonder if you are possibly talking about Kilia because she had a toggle for black sclera
Artemis of the Troon
If you fuckers can stay in /pkg/ that would be great
90% of /pkg/ is tourists at this point and you people aren't helping
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That's the one. Thank you, anon.
enjoy it while you can
V-dere killed Kawaii and that's funny because they're the reason they have an audience in the first place. Except Mozzu I guess.
If you fuckers can stay in /ppg/ that would be great
Vdere and Kawaii should kiss and makeup in the afterlife together
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if you fuckers can post my dog wife that would be great
Futa Uta
I will rape her and make you watch
I want to train her like a dog
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she's allowed one rape a day, else she gets to bratty and I get the one everyday
I went from EIEN to kawaii. I know how to pick 'em huh. Unsinkable Sam of vtuber fans.
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Good morning! Elia hate and rape.
Can't believe kawaii overtook EIEN in the race to corpo death. Just yesterday EIEN was comfortably in first place.
I would if I could, anon...
it's been just pixellink faggots shitposting there for weeks
Fitting, this is the face I make when I read yet another calorie counting tweet
the shitter has no side how did you fall for the most obvious falseflag in the world?
Pixel won.
All drama free cute girls who love CGDCT and many do GFE too.
Basically right now it's just hololive + pixellink on the good side.
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false flagging /here/ of all places
I actually mean it. Pixel is by far the best non holo corp right now. Small sure but they're doing it right while just about everywhere else is an atmosphere of doom and depression.
pixelfags are almost there with pkgfags and vderefags
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She's feeling bad for killing kawaii.
Anon, ask me two weeks ago and I would say the same for kawaii. Don't take what you have for granted and be sure to tell your oshi you love her.
I do feel a little bit bad, PixelLink was at a breaking point last november/december so I know what it means to worry about your oshi and I commiserate with /pkg/, obnoxious as their schizos are, but yeah, you are probably right, it is the place to be right now, even if they don't have as many resources as Brave
I meant it when I said they're the new phasefags
many gen2 pixelfags are phasefags
Phase is all about male collabs so no one likes them
Of all the corpos this thread talks about are ANY of them actually worth joining from the VTuber's perspective?
Phase or Pixel but ONLY if you genuinely believe they have a future in being competition with hololive (aka: you are delusional)
As long as we always hold the time we had with it close to our kokoro, kawaii will never truly die.
Without dickriding, PixelLink is a good call now and worth joining, all the Brave owned agencies are probably a solid call as well, Phase is always a good call. V&U is kinda yes kinda no. Kawaii evidently not a good idea rn, neither Vreverie nor EIEN either. VAllure is good...for a certain type of creator of course.
Niji is still a solid idea if you're willing to go through the ordeal, it has money and you'll get an even more solid audience than at V&U or the rest of the small corpos(you can bail out and take your audience with you afterwards).
It goes without saying that NEXAS is a bad idea
Vshojo and Hololive are still the golden ticket obviously
Much like college, the ones that are worth it are harder to get in. The ones that are clearly worth it for small vtubers are those that are stable and profitable - Holo, VS, Phase. Small corpos are always going to be a gamble. Corpos with Brave backing are probably worth it, depending on the contract. Shady unprofitable corpos might only be worth it if you're completely unknown and desperate. For most vtubers, I'd think the effort would be better spent trying to grow as an indie though.
What are your thoughts on specialite? They don't seem to be doing well but their prospects seem to be better than vnu?
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I'll post this female dog (affectionate) too
phasefags never got over /vnug/ telling them to fuck off
I mean you say that like there's corpo generals that haven't had to tell /pcg/ to fuck off yet kek
or any indie generals really
As a /pcg/ main I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, I don't know what the fuck a vnug is
What happened? Some schizo get BTFO'd and start a one man crusade against the thread?
I don't know enough about Specialite to know if it would be a good idea to join or not, I've only recently have begun watching Uta but from what I hear from her management is not...the smartest out there, that and pushing a real gaming gen...doesn't seem great. If they have tons of money then good, join, why not, Uta is growing now that she has found her niche but if the EN side depends on the success of the 2nd gen...yeah I'd hold out on that audition.

As for V&U we know that they won't die in the near future, they have infinite money and they don't seem to care too much about their return on investment yet and have decent management and decent support to their vtubers, you can get a free model and you can grow but I doubt they'll debut a new gen soon, they have infinite money but they don't seem keen on continuing to spend more, they just are there, streaming to their heart's content.
yeah, as it so often happens, Pippa collabed with an ex V&U talent and schizos stuck to her and shitted on the thread for a while
The only schizo shitting up anything is the /vnug/ retard who is literally incapable of biting bait and thinks anyone who posts more than hag sex is a schizo anti
i doubt V&U would get a new gen in the near future, i still want scarlett to join tho
Yeah that'll happen, especially if was at some point this year
yeah I doubt that too, I want Scarlett to join whatever, hell I'm hoping she has a new life ready or something, it would be genuine tragedy to lose a chuuba with her personality and game choices
Pixel if you want to focus on cute girl vibes only
Phase if you want to go for the more frog posting memer audience and don't mind male collabs
VSPO if you love fps and love male collabs

I don't know about the Brave groups, there's money but something doesn't feel right with management and their whole business plan, plus the sanrio thing fucked over a lot of their girls
vspo is for anything competitive. not only fps byt also mobas, and if girls who are into fightans could apply too
>VSPO if you love fps and love male collabs
>I don't know about the Brave groups
Sanrio? hello kitty?
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Oh that's fucked up
Can vdere do me a last courtesy and collapse on Monday? Pretty please?
Theyre pretty much all terrible unless youre a part timer or have an existing audience and if you have an existing audience why wouldnt you just go/stay indie
Pixel is doing well because Kanna brought her audience over and the other girls are young or SEA
Phase outside Pippa is all part timer asians living off daddys money or SEA also
Agreed for the most part. I know this is an anti-numbers board but the amount of people who look to jump into this as an actual job without doing at least the basics of how many memberships/donations they'd need on a monthly basis after corpo cut to make even minimum wage is crazy. That's before remembering you're a contractor and therefore likely do not have benefits, pensions, health care, etc
Early Spica stream today, talking about OffKai OffSeason live
My beloved pink cloud!!!
She heard me and we get a zatsu, this is big
Spica got a tour of USS Hornet
kek this is pretty funny in light of Mozzu ranting about Sanrio girls
I keep seeing people complaining about EIEN but don't know what's so bad about them, even after a browse through archives. All I've seen is the general sentiment of incompetent management
Spica's live mashup of 20 anime songs at OffSeason

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