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Fujo Solar Dragon
Ero Sakana Feesh
Metal Gear Fairy
Freaky Ghost Maid
Forever Home

>Elira Pendora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora | https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elirapendora
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdln23Ph6A8

>Finana Ryugu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu | https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@finanaryugu
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bvpss_Xx9M

>Mint Fantome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MintFantome
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/mintfantome.bsky.social
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome
M&M Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@MMSummerSpecial

>Pomu Rainpuff (Graduated)
>Twitter (private): https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff
>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pomurainpuff
>Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL79zk-NEQFk79tLTtgS9LFOIRzAixwFBF
>3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpuEQozRzJ4
>Voicepacks, Wallpapers, etc: https://mega.nz/folder/GplglSzK#AbvhirWWfpYrihQb5aDK3w


▶LazuLight Music!

▶LazuLight in 3D!

◀ Previous Thread: >>86722199
I wanna Rim mints ass
I want to see them together again.
tonguefucking Mint's pussy for hours, before after and during stream
This but her ass
I'm getting the shakies, no idea how mint does it but I can't function on this
How do you get the raiden facemask if you don't choice I like metal gear solid 2 at the start?
You get it either way, the difference is whether you're wearing it in the beginning
You're not trying to survive on Minto's diet are you?
She is a freak and not normal
caloriemate? konjac jelly? corn soup?
if its low blood sugar then a couple of hard boiled sweets or something should sort it out
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had a burger, we're good now. apparently tannins on an empty stomach make you frow up, so no more munching on leftover onions for me
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first try!
Knew she could do it
today's minto dinner is japanese potato sticks
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Finana is so cute. Finana and Petra are standing right next to each other!
Cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute.
Hope it goes off without a cinch, Doppio!
She really froze up there
Sometimes I forget how much I like Kotoka's design.
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Beating up the men for not peeing in front of her
Her piss fetish coming through again....
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No feesh in the fashion game... still, participate! Feesh!!!
Expecting Finana to participate in big events is asking too much I'm afraid....
feesh representing green women
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seeing mint's eyes desync feels like home
i will only pee in her mouth
Makes her look like she pissed herself
Mint crying out like she's the one getting tortured...
She's so silly
Mint the stinky fujo
What interesting background sounds
Mint wants to have sex to that
minto going for the literal gosling audience
to what?
Mint had a dream where she wasn't herself and her mom wasn't her own (like she was possessing someone else). She really wanted to do some thing but her mom wouldn't let her. She ended up murdering her mother in cold blood, breaking the shower and everything, and spent the rest of her dream in fear that the authorities would find out she was the culprit and end up in prison and never do the thing she wanted to do in the first place.
That one reddit song that went viral
mint is eating a man live on air
Friday and Sunday are tentative this coming week.
Friday she's rehearsing so it's going to be hard to stream.
Saturday she's definitely not streaming.
Sunday there's something she needs confirmation on so that's why it's tentative. Collab, I assume.
Thank you for relaying I couldn't catch the last 10 minutes
It's the V-Muse concert. She can't into timezones so she's not sure when her part is (it's like 10am her time)
I can't believe Finana has never had oatmeal
She went longer than I thought she would from how she sounded at the start. Now I miss her.
Finana started
Amanozako is coming from behind? Ecchi...
Finana x Twisty sex
maria outfit is so cute T o T
been watching a little more baro recently, but I'm realizing I don't like the game as much as I was impressed by some vspoEN girl
Finana is so cute when she's praised
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You know the worst part about server stuff is I always think I'm smarter than I am
Whore who betrayed her friends. I bet she's having the time of her life while elira and finana cry themselves to sleep every night.
this is what happens when she doesn't get enough jelly
Minto emoi about BOAT last night
Cute minto
taiga faiya saiba faiba daiba baiba jaa jaa
Hell yeah preach it
Both twisty and maria left and finanas with the other two girls now
It's Valorant, but it's nice to see Finana play with girls for a change.
claude you should stop being so obvious by frequently cancelling your streams on the days finana's taking some time off

it was obvious last thursday and it's obvious for tomorrow
I hope they fuck and their tape gets leaked so you shut up with the speculations
Then that wouldn't be a speculation would it?
The sounds that women make.
That's the point
It sure can be tense. Hope they win though.
They won! Finally. Nice turn-around.
Just let them be happy. Both of them have been through so much this year. If they find some warmth in each other's arms, then I have no issue with it.
To be fair this isn't the first time it happens
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That was nice. Too bad Valorant is a charisma blackhole. Hope she collabs with those girls again, or at least Amanozako can bait her into something fun.
People need to learn it's common for male and females to have platonic close relationships and leave them alone
Otsu Fina! Personally I enjoy her valorant streams because she is good at the game but I understand your point.
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No stream tomorrow. Today? I'm free to do whatever.
Cute face
Wonder what movies she'll choose for us
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Miss weerwer.
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It's not her birthday yet
Seeing her birthday post on the community tab makes me feel sad. People can be so cruel.
No not yet 9 days to go. She must be coming home shortly after her birthday looking at the dates. She said she'd be gone for two weeks. That would put it at the 18th she's coming back from Japan so just a couple of days after.
I meant for the last birthday.
Schedule doko
so naurnaur and weirwer didnae end up going to nippon simultaneously then
Those girls have got some thicc eyebrows is that fashionable in Malaysia?
Which akb48 group was it Niji did the collab with?
Feesh going next month with a bunch of other people like Aia and Hex
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Elira is going in November too so they will see each other.
Depends what you mean, I think they did a huge group collabs with one of the Japanese sister groups of AKB48 once. But individual members of NijiJP who are big idol fans have done various collabs I think people like Lize, Lulu, Uiha and Gibara had a bunch of collabs with active members of the actual Japanese groups of things like Nogizaka46 and AKB48 AND Momoclo.
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That's cute
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Elira outfit leak featuring Millie
Uh, he has graduated.
He’s meeting with them, it’s been confirmed for a long time even before he graduated. I don’t know if anyone else who graduated is also going but Hex was confirmed.
So I assume everyone is going there in November, I wonder what for since Elira is there now too
Elira just want someone to talk about Balatro. She's replying in earnest.
Any potential meet ups and plans announced before graduation are irrelevant. Unless he( or they) confirmed the meet up after the announcement then it's not happening.
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I don't know why it wouldn't happen it's not like he can't go to Japan to hang ?
My wife is so playful when she wakes up.
I don't remember Elira ever mentioning going anywhere November so not really sure where they are getting that from. She might very well be going but if she is I'm almost certain she hasn't mentioned it yet.
She did mention traveling in November but it might have been in members. If you remember in Hex graduation he said they will still each other so this might be the thing.
I like to think Pomu got herself giant torpedo tits because you know why
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Minto may cry
I'm not convinced she did ever mention anything like that. I've seen all her members streams and have no recollection of it ever being mentioned.
Decent schedule. Not excited about the devour collab but yeah
>Hex graduation stream
You couldn't pay me to watch that weirdo. And people say shit like staying in touch all the time. There weren't any actual meet ups mentioned. At least not to my knowledge.
I'm glad we're finishing eternal darkness
That's fair. Two finales this week is fine by me.
Does anyone know where I can download DCL and Fairy of Akiberse?
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This girl really likes cosplaying wiwa
YouTube mp3
Nono she said it I think it was in hsr chatting stream. I always watch all her chatting and member streams without fail. She said she’ll be away in November but it will be really short then nothing more after that for this year.

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