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>Who is Yozora Mel?
Yozora Mel was a part of the first generation of Hololive. She was known for ASMR, singing and being a tensai.
>Channel archive
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbg76STDxV0QwlvKfrMLFbg (Youtube Topic channel)
https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCD8HOxPs4Xvsm8H0ZxXGiBw (Streams + Livechats)
https://nyaa.si/view/1768718 (Public streams torrent)
https://hololivevideos.download/channel/yozoramel (Some older videos that were purged)
>Last song

>Who is Yuzuki Choco?
Choco is a member of the second generation of Hololive. Known for her ASMR, singing, Apex, cooking, Minecraft and ARK
>Newest song

>Who is Aki Rosenthal?
Aki is a member of the first generation of Hololive. Known for ARK, 3D Lives, singing, VCR servers and her love of alcohol.
>Newest song

>Who is Roboco?
Roboco is a member of 0 generation and the second member to join Hololive. Known for her singing, FPS games, cleanliness and general pon nature.
>Newest song

>Who is Natsuiro Matsuri?
Matsuri is a member of the first generation of Hololive. Known for singing, dancing, FPS streams, outside collabs and being a self-proclaimed menhera.
>Newest song

>Who is Ichijou Ririka?
Ririka is a member ReGLOSS, a branch of Hololive production. Known for her chatting streams, cooking, off-collabs, indie games and English only streams.
>Newest song

Previous thread >>86513487
Recent streams
Minecraft Test of Courage with Polka, Mene and Hajime
TCG Card Shop Simulator
Don't Scream
New hairstyle and announcement
TCG Card Shop Simulator
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Rica saying shes so busy this month makes me think her l2d is coming out this month. Either that or the talk event is taking up most of her attention but then she managed that with hololive stuff last year
I get why, but she really should have shown off her new design once it was done.
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She's always hungry
I just noticed notAki made a tweet for her birthday, I wonder if she will stream later (most likely not).
She's probably still nervous after that whole twitch ordeal.
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yeah, especially since she had a stream on twitch as Aki soon so if the ban wasn't lifted, she would have had to cancel that stream. But I'm really curious what was the reason given for the ban, since she got banned BEFORE starting her stream and if I'm not mistaken, Noel also got a ban later.
>But I'm really curious what was the reason given for the ban
Ban evasion. She promoted her "voice pack" on her twitch with Noel and it got banned mid stream. They went on Noel's channel and got banned for ban evasion. She had a monster hunter stream with ebio, kohaku and totomix but because of her ban toto had to stream on youtube. She got their bans reversed right before VCR Rust started.
festival twitcasting
She's talking about food...
she's always talking about food...
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Sleeping with Choco in a nonsexual way.
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Ririka TCG Card Shop Simulator
I don't think Ririka should ever be trusted with a real card shop.
No stream tonight, street fighter tomorrow.
Looks like she’s raking in the big bucks to me. Ririka’s a corporation owner after all
Other than single cards, she only had card sleeves in stock at that time.
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Aki's first match in Botan's tournament is against Konkon.
Hoping it all pans out well, expectations are getting built rather high after such a long wait.
She cares about protection
Kind of tempted to buy the game for myself just to scratch the rare times I get the itch to buy actual booster packs
oh, so she did the stream on her channel before 23JST? She tweeted about starting at 23 but got the ban before that, if she did stream before then everything makes sense.
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Vamp up
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Your post confused me. This is what happened
>1st stream started at 23:00
>Gets banned a few minutes into the stream
>Starts second stream on Noel's at 23:30
>Stream gets banned again
The bans lasted about a week.
"Choco" live on twitcast.
damn, you are right, somehow I convinced myself that the ban was before she even started the stream, but you are right, she did stream at 23 and then got banned.
Aki avoided losing a new friend.
Ran is going to graduate from 774/Nanashi inc and go independent.
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She sees my dick
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This is just wrong.
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New Matsuri short.
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Rica at 8 JST
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That's a lot of cake
Back by popular demand
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what else could it be besides debut that rica is hinting towards for halloween
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Aki Street Fighter 6 with Donpisha
Original song
She's done those before and released albums
It's the only thing she could announce. She's already doing an event so I doubt it could be a live show. It's also definitely not going to be a 3D model.
Maybe I'm building my expectations too much thinking its her l2d.
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I’d be happy to be proven wrong but at this point I wouldn’t get too excited with how often we’ve speculated her L2D was coming up
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Vamp up

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