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Sunny wtf are you doing
Shut up faggot
And today, anon learns that nijiorgans are, in fact, all cut from the same cloth
stop reminding us this faggot still exist...
>wigger faggot
Sunny will fix the bridge between Sayu, Quinn and Hex.
I'll give her a month or two. If she's still associating with them by then, I'll probably end up dropping her.
She does do some good zatsu
once a niji
always a niji
Anyone who didn't immediately leave after the black screen incident is scum. There are no "good ones" left
Kek she is good at riling up the schizos.
Tirns out, most of her problems in Niji were medical, getting swelling, allergies and then nerve damage from flying to Japan.
She probably didn't even get to really know these guys while there.
She hasn't replied to hex ever since that one time after catalogue threw a shit fit over it. But she may keep replying to this quinn guy cuz he has entrenched himself within the indie community.
and whoer
>cuz he has entrenched himself within the indie community.
The community of 2views maybe, since I havent heard of anyone talk about him in ages outside of some ex-Nijis. Hell, even some current Nijis for some reason go out of their way to acknowledge him, that doesn't make anyone there look better.
Pretty sure Matara collabed with him lately
Then you are blind. Matara collabed with him on his birthday, kuro and michi are friends with him, pretty sure there are 4views in his replies. He's a 3 view shitter, but fairly well connected. Sunny is not gonna go out of her way to not acknowledge him just to please some catalogshitters.
That says a lot more about how little I pay attention to the circle of Matara, Kuro or Michi then. Because the only time I see Kyo mentioned at all is whenever someone posts about him in the catalog.
Matara Michi and Kuro talk about him all the time. At some point /vt/ is going to have to contend with the reality that something being a rrat doesn't mean it's true.
He recently went "viral" over busting his balls on stream.
I see him mentioned in vsj whenever he collabs with one of them. Other than that he gets mentioned in the vsj circle and the associated indies like the whore clan. Who are all 4 views
I don't pay much attention to that group then, so that's probably why. I guess I'm not missing much.
Fair enough.
Told you earlier in your other thread to kill yourself, not ot make another catalog thread
maybe she should've stayed in niji on second thought
so much for being "one of the good ones"
>Anon needs to be told his name is relevant, mentioned and actively collabs in the circle of most obvious vtubers over at twitch
>"Oh I don't watch them"
Why are you even here asking retarded Qs then?
>kyo dickriders unironically
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped
What the fuck do people see in that faggot? Did I miss something and he's actually entertaining?
He's very trendy if you're like, sub 20 years old. He knows all the lingo and jargon
and right in the trash she goes.
You can take the organ out of kurosanji, but you can't take kurosanji out of the organ
League collab when?
Into the trash it goes.
He's not. He's outright offensively bad as an entertainer.
He claims he's the "king of bantz" and can only make low blows at people in collabs when everyone is already dogpiling them. As soon as anyone snaps back, he cowers and runs away.
He's not funny, and he's outright malicious both on stream and off. He's the very definition of a leech, as he's completely worthless on his own but somehow tags along with fucking anybody who matters.

It's honestly baffling how he's managed to weasel his way into so many chuubas' pants when he's this fucking scummy.
>As soon as anyone snaps back, he cowers and runs away
Never forget
Because they find this kind of behaviour funny and entertaining as long as the target are the others.
The sayuschizos expose themselves
>sayu out of nowhere
No, Kyo is just a fucking awful person.
>awful person.
You can feel the seethe behind the screen.
The guy is seriously incapable of telling a joke to save his life unless it directly involves shitting on another person. He doesn't seem to care about what's actually funny or not, and just strikes at actual insecurities or low blows, pretending they're jokes. But as soon as anyone talks back, he either mutes himself so he can shittalk them without them knowing, or ends the entire fucking stream.
He constantly flits from larger creator to larger creator, desperate to get any kind of clout, and allegedly throws a shitfit anyone he dislikes gets invited to a large collab that he's a part of.
For example, he pulled his whole "omg niji was such a nightmare" shit out of nowhere to pity bait, then immediately had a collab with Kuro where all they did was shit on Niji.
He follows every fucking trend and has no values whatsoever.
For example, when Enna got the sisters on her ass for making a racist joke, he joined in on the dogpiling and publicly screamed how she should apologize, etc. but as soon as he had his own little racist slip, he doubled down, then tripled down... until he did his own little apology several days later like a little bitch.
Quinn literally talked about the Zaion drama again today, weird that it hasn’t been posted here yet
likely because not even dramafags can stand watching his pasty ass
IIRC, he's still friends with Enna (her voice cameo'd on one of his streams, I believe) despite talking about how bad being in Niji was.
>until he did his own little apology several days later like a little bitch.
Chances are pretty high that may have been a skinwalk, too. Whether that makes it funnier or not depends on how you look at it.
>Pity bait from the very beginning as a frail cripple
>Throw a big shitfit later when your fanbase treats you like a frail cripple
Grifter who can't keep his story straight
The fuck, are you serious? He has the gall to do that after the shit he pulled during the kenji crap? Do you have a source or timestamp?
Alright. I saw him on a collab a while ago and he struck me as painfully cringy and boring but inoffensive.
Most people who hate him( I don't mean dislike, I mean hate) are some of the former aloupeeps and sayufags. I think you can guess why that is. Everything else is mostly noise. They also hated matara for interacting with him but had to step back after she showed up in wrestletuber.
Maybe Quinn is, but his dead vtuber self (Kyo) wasn't. I want to believe people can change for the better but in his case? Nah.
Do you have any rough idea when it happened? I'm not sitting through a 5 hour vod for this...
aaaaand not interested anymore
anyone who goes near that fag is not anyone I will ever give a view to
>The guy is seriously incapable of telling a joke to save his life unless it directly involves shitting on another person
The majority of his stories are about making himself the butt of the joke
>he either mutes himself so he can shittalk them without them knowing, or ends the entire fucking stream.
Not a single has this happened. Only Sayuschizos say this
>had a collab with Kuro where all they did was shit on Niji.
Also never happened. They just tiptoed around mentioning Niji as a joke because of NDAs.
>he joined in on the dogpiling
No, he told her she'd probably get cancelled for that. And he was right. That's not dogpiling.
>he had his own little racist slip
Saying Korea is good at plastic surgery is not racist. It is a fact
My rule is if Mint and Doki ignore you, you suck. If they interact with you, you're ok.
this logic is ok until it's not
I like mint and doki but I will also always hate quinn, whether they talk to him or not
Sister, I know you're trying to rewrite history again, but kindly fuck off.
Saw rough summary flying around on Twitter. Don’t worry I’m sure someone will clip it
>Doesn't deny being a sayucuck
Every time
>bitch can't keep her mouth shut
>haha who would doxx her lmao
>them haters really are pressed.
>her forehead is fookin big. Das rite.
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Jesus, now he's trying to grift as if he was the victim in all of that.
Fucking amazing.
you think it was an accident she joined niji? nijifags are homocollabers through and through
>whether they talk to him or not
Well, I don't see why would anyone worry about Doki interacting with Quinn. He attacked her as well, after all.
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image somehow bugged.
God, what a joke.
There's a reason Kyo didn't have a vod of his golf collab with Doppio and Zaion
>He talked about how he felt at the time
Yeah I know you were getting harassed and doxxed by my fans, but did you consider my feelings before liking that "fuck Kyo" comment?
Stop samefagging, piprup.
Btw, the Fuck Kyo part was only seen when you clicked on the "read more" link of the comment, so there's a good chance Sayu didn't even see that part lmao
>there are people itt unironically defending Quinn
i refuse to believe anyone on this board legitimately likes him
a lot of people are in denial about that fact
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must be one of his 6 fans kek
>he is still seething about it and letting her live in his head rent free
reminder that quinn is best friends with 39daph who VICIOUSLY attacked doki back in february and march
I forgot about 39iq lol, seriously though who else could it be that would have fed her info about Niji
I mean, the intent to attack Doki was there, but she was extremely ineffective. Just a toothless twat.
I like how retards act like the Daph shit wasn't his doing. She forced herself into it and wasn't anywhere near niji until she collabed with him
eh, I think chihuahuas are vicious even if they're useless at everything
more about the temperament than the result
but maybe I'm using the word wrong
It's not just the collab, they were friends longer than that. He's the prime suspect for her acting that way
Chihuahuas are only vicioua because Stacies treat them as purse accesories instead of, you know, actual living beings
yeah and asians like daph are only vicious because of their abusive parents lmao
The sayufags are the saddest bunch of motherfuckers of this board.
Saying she's lying isn't a vicious attack, you snowflake
Nigga there are like at most 5 of those at any time, they can't even keep a general up. Just face it, Quinn isn't liked here
They just can't help but use dokibird even in a catalog bait thread.
>Quinn isn't liked here
No one cares about Kyo and it's fun to make fun of him, but the sayufags are the only ones pretending he's this evil, mustache twirling villain who was shunned by the whole community when they learned about the crimes he committed against Sayu
>He has the gall to do that after the shit he pulled during the kenji crap?
Please, tell us what he did.
Nothing except say it's fucked up he got doxxed
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this take was so retarded it inspired me to try to make a relationship chart of Nijis and ex Nijis who have positively interacted or publicly mentioned each other in the past few months. Would you look at that, they all connect in some way! I guess the Niji family must have been real after all, because there is no depth to human relationships whatsoever!
Oh no, how did he dare...
Basically, the instant he had a chance to attack Sayu when Kenji was off his rocker against her, Quinn and Cy Yu started spamming support at Kenji on twitter, including mocking Sayu's recent cover.

The instant Kenji made up with Sayu in private and started going after the people who actually doxxed him, both of them never spoke with or about Kenji again.
doki and vivi in a tournament and having zero interactions counts as a relationship?
Kuro, michi and matara follow sunny. Matara was even gifting subs in her chat. So this is wrong. Nothex is only followed by michi and sunny.
>including mocking Sayu's recent cover.
Literally never happened. This is why you don't listen to sayuschizos
wait what does cy yu have against her
is he mad about the name
>Basically, the instant he had a chance to attack Sayu when Kenji was off his rocker against her, Quinn and Cy Yu started spamming support at Kenji on twitter,
What? The couple of tweets giving him their support because he was doxxed?
>including mocking Sayu's recent cover.
Anon, that didn't happen.
Doki publicly acknowledged and "pardoned" her. They still all connect if you remove Vivi though, and the point isn't the lines but the fact that this whole thing is stupid
They didn't support him against sayu, that's a lie you made up. Cyyu only said "wtf".
As for quinn not interacting with kenji after that is another lie you made up that can be disproved by one twitter search. Man, you schizos really are something else
Cy Yu was one of Sayu's frequent collab partners and close friends before Niji. After the termination, he ghosted her completely.
The instant Selen got terminated, though? He leapt to suckle from her teat with his own little sob story about how Niji tried to fuck him over, and used that to try to get close to her.
>Cy Yu was one of Sayu's frequent collab partners and close friends before Niji
first I'm hearing of this
I don't care enough about any of these people to know if its 100% accurate, but the point of the chart is to show that the idea of "X interacted with Y so Y is good" is really stupid. Humans interact with other humans and form opinions about them that may differ from the opinions of other people they know. This board is apparently too antisocial to understand that
>frequent collab partners
O really
I'm not gonna comment on the breastfeeding allegory, clearly you are very angry at him but that still doesn't answer the anon's question.
They collabed a few times.
Well, you know what they say in France. You can take the liver out of the nijisanji, but you can't take the liver out of the liver or they can't break down toxins and get jaundice
I mean, most of this board is not invested enough in these people to give a shit. Catalogfags are a different levels of demented. Add to that we have a sayuschizo here who only brings up doki as a crutch to "convince" people how they should absolutely hate X or Y person.
doki and matara too
multiple collabs under their belt now
You can check her old, pre-niji subathon vods. He showed up quite a lot.
Hell, he showed up so much. that he's even listed in her damn youtuber wiki page from 2021.
>talk about him all the time
>still 3 views
yeah something is not adding up here
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3view is a strong word. He's lucky if he breaks 300 without a raid, and he's been bleeding subs and viewers for weeks. No wonder he busted out the sayu drama.
You know, this whole Sayu situation is pretty sad because, even though she was done dirty and has plenty of reasons to want to bitch slap a lot of people, her fans are absolutely deranged and at this point are literally distorting reality because they want to believe the whole world is against her. You guys are the ones destroying any shred of reputation she could have.
Sayu does that herself her fans are just following her lead
Nah, it's been pretty consistent at this point since she started getting her own mental health more together. It's pretty much just the sisters, Hex, Kyo, Kotoka, and a few specific indie snakes who abandoned her after the termination and continue to lampshade her because it'd be inconvenient.
I mean she is friends with dramafags so they along with their audience will help her with that. Plus I don't think anybody cares about sayufags distorting reality to attack the likes of quinn.

Also quinn did not say anything explosive or negative about her per se. If this resulted in a drama then my belief in humanity will go down further.
Didn't he make the rounds on Twitter with his ball meme pic? Surprised he got zero boost in viewership from that
Anon, I'm going to say this as directly as possible. I don't want you to think I'm exaggerating or just trying to insult you. I'm being completely honest here: I think you should see a professional who can help with your mental health. You should also stop watching vtubers, visiting this board, and reading twitter.
The funniest thing is that his oshi, hex, kotoka, quinn and cyyu are probably in a much better place mentally than him. It's kind of sad.
took forever for the sayu antis to get here
Anon, there's countless homoseethe, ERBseethe, Faunaseethe, etc. throughout the board daily.
Hell, the anti-stars threads alone are far more deranged.
Why on earth is this the point where you attempt to draw the line at mental health?
>Why on earth is this the point where you attempt to draw the line at mental health?
Because I was part of Sayu's community some time ago, and I saw firsthand a lot of people who are just extremely lonely guys who literally hate everyone outside their closest circle of online friends because they think the whole world has wronged them unfairly. It was just too fucking sad to see, and I'm sure some of them are the ones who spend day and night looking for reasons to believe that someone hates Sayu.
Anon, you're honestly thinking too deeply about it.
Sayu fucked up and knows that the world doesn't hate her now. The fans understand that, too.
However, Quinn is different as he's shown actual hostility, and the only purpose of bringing up the zaion debacle right now would be to incite his fans to attack her again or to stir drama.
Though thinking about it now, the best thing then would be for him to continue to languish in obscurity, and just keep this little incident in the back pocket in case the sisters try to call him "harmless" against her in the future.
>Sayu fucked up and knows that the world doesn't hate her now. The fans understand that, too.
>However, Quinn is different as he's shown actual hostility
Anon, again, you need help.
>literally said he reached out to her to clear up misunderstandings
>ends by saying that they are not friends but are in their own separate lane.
How is that inciting harassment you dumbfck.
Well he has already created a catalog thread now and is samefagging it. Some people are beyond help, I guess.
Okay, anon. I'll play along.
What would the purpose be for bringing up this incident now, over a year later?
He clearly knows about the fallout, as well as both her feelings and her fans' feelings on the situation.
Why would he downplay his actions and the fallout of drawing more ire towards zaion, and then continue to defame her, at the same time pretending as if he had received the same level of harassment or worse? He flat out ignored the context in which any of that happened.
Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean that people aren't actually out to get you.
Because Sayu's DMs are always open, and she has many, many avenues of contact and has been very clear that she's willing to hear out anybody.
Hell, she made up with Kenji, who made an entire smear video on her and was a major source in the sisters trying to paint her as a pedophile.
IS THAT A ....MALE?!?!??!?!

fucking clowns
>Okay, anon. I'll play along.
No, I'm the one playing along and entertaining your delusions. If you want to "play along", go back to your previous post >>86945495 and address the points that everyone has issues with, which you are conveniently ignoring.
ok sister
Thanks anon, I'll take that non answer as an admission that you made it all up.
Anon, it was fun LARPing with you, but next time at least try to make it less obvious you're funposting.
>I-I was just larping
>I wasn't caught making shit up trying to defend Sayu's honor
My fucking sides. Sure. See you in the next thread.
They remind me of Rushia fans.
Cheers, mate.
NTA but:
>What would the purpose be for bringing up this incident now, over a year later?
Sayu did this all the time, including the time a few months ago when she watched a video about her own termination.
Maybe Quinn was tired of being harassed by Sayufans? Maybe he couldn't defend himself in Niji and now that he's indie and his viewership is stable he can now talk about the drama to get some closure?
>Because Sayu's DMs are always open
Have you heard Sayu say she hasn't talked to Quinn and still hates him? Because Quinn seems to have said that they talked and now they're just neutral towards each other, which is exactly how i would describe her and Kenji's relationship.
This you??
>Maybe Quinn was tired of being harassed by Sayufans? Maybe he couldn't defend himself in Niji and now that he's indie and his viewership is stable he can now talk about the drama to get some closure?
Actually, curious.
Have they even said anything to him directly? I find it hard to believe people hatewatch him, let alone harass him. With Sayu there's tons of records of the sisters going after her on twitter, on youtube, on twitch, hell, even calling her house, Aloe-style. Anything like that for Quinn?
Well, you shouldn't forget its not just sayufans when it comes to this stuff. Plenty of dramafags who don't even watch her are willing to act as footsoldiers when it comes to spreading misinformation and giving harassment to those who they deem are the "deserving". Whenever she makes a statement about this, its also sends a message to them.
>nijinigger is a bad person and doesn't suddenly become good just because they left
imagine my shock!
Why do you guys care so much about that Sunny vtuber? I keep seeing threads about her being made every single day.
Just the latest NijiEN refugee.
I absolutely hate that Quinn is being a parasitic leech grifting on the vtuber community. If you are streaming as yourself for most of the time you sure as hell are not a vtuber.
You have to hand in your notice of leaving and wait for an informed date otherwise you're in breach of contract.
Kunai actually did it best for wanting to leave, turned in her resignation then just refused to stream (even a goodbye stream) until she was able to exit the contract.

It's a shame really, because he'd actually be really good as a video editor for someone else's content. His streams were always shit but some of that shit had pretty good production value.
Alpha zoomers who are easily entertained probably are his main fans honestly.
Sad when that happens.
Honestly I feel the same way about Rin. She's great and she has a wonderful sense of humor, but her streams just have too much dead air that can be fixed in post with editing, and she seems to be damn good at editing. I watch her shorts and videos, but her streams are just too boring...
>Muh breach of contract
Nah. That kind of breach of contract only applies to actual damages a company incurs, like having to cancel venues or something. A contract being able to force you to keep working for a company for a set period of time only happens in exceptional circumstances, like when a hospital needs time to replace a doctor or other vital worker, it effectively never applies in entertainment. Stop peddling this ridiculous horseshit excuse.
i'll give her the benefit of the doubt. she probably doesn't know what a cunt that fag is.
There's a reason why Quinn's edited videos seem to be performing well, and it's not because he's a fleshtuber.
I have the same opinion, i want to like Rin's content but other than collabs her solo streams just filter me if i stay for too long.
I think she made the same realization which is why she talked about focusing on edited content in her graduation announcement
>Quinn's edited videos seem to be performing well
Not really
looks like he's trying to dmgcontrol cause he got ghosted by all the other leeching attemptsan attempt lmao
>He got ghosted
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Went and tagged her in 3 Vods.
No idea how you've lumped Maria and Fulgur in with the clique. Maria mostly hangs out with the Chinese group from Niji or keeps to herself playing farming games and Fulgur has been actively pushing against Niji for months and in his PL he's only been close with U-san and Sunny while also being positive about Mint and Doki despite everyone else pretending they don't exist.
So who the fuck is legit friends with Sayu? Jesus Christ man.
Phase girls. Both their fanbases are cucks so they get along very well.
Oh and also doxxagi and other dramafags. They love her.
Who's this?
>her forehead is fookin big. Das rite.
I mean, that isn't wrong
"networking" with a random faggot I guess
I don't really consider this circles as proper Vtubers it's just some random whores with avatars
why would anyone want to watch a fag that broke his balls on stream though? It's like when DSP went viral over nutting live incident people just want to laugh at the retard making a fool of himself not oshi him it's not a mystery.
>SEAnegros can't fathom the concept of friendship
Protip: because of all our your harassment even those who woulda never been friends end up bonding over their contempt for you.

Because of you they're maintaining contact and friendships behind the public spotlight.

Because of you they're playing you for the autistic incels that you are.
Enna is a retard I remember when she made a big deal about inviting him to her house knowing full well people will shit on her for it no idea what was even the point.
Couldn't have said it better desu leave it to holoniggers and phasetrannies to try to police people's connections like SJWs would
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>The smartest /vt/ poster when he realizes just because he hates someone, it doesn't mean that every other vtuber he likes also hates them
>the entire board during selen drama
So many vtubers were friends long before they even became vtubers and so many peple just randomly expect them to no longer like each other because [infantile reason here]

No, why should [Bae and Elira]/[Flay and Doppio]/[Mumei and Selen] (for example) suddenly not like each other when they've known each other since before Holo and Niji even existed?

Regardless even if they weren't the concept is retarded still. Too many fags are self entitled and think the world revolves around them
this zoomer is too dumb to be a villain, villains tend to have personality and actually believe in something this fag is just opportunistic scum with no opinions or morals.
Dumb whore
You type like a negro
Anon, when will you realize they are all menhera bitches?
>both divorced japanese menhera hags
Checks out
She just burned a bridge collab with Sayu
da wose
The interesting thing is that notHex does not follow this wigger. In fact the only exnijis he follows are Usan, michi and sunny. Certainly interesting.
Cope. Sayu still follows her.
yeah they were definitely testing the waters with daph to see if other ecelebs would join their side. luckily she was a fucking retard.
I just don't see why other streamers put up with him.
>He thinks Sayu's desperate ass has the ability to cut people off
She wishes that Quinn was her friend. She has nothing but menhera meltdowns nowadays
is she going to stream now
If she is, it'll be league spam
Surely you have a clip of her breaking down in the past week yeah?
She hasn't even streamed for the last week. Sayucucks don't even watch her confirmed
We had sex shortly after that, so couldn't record anything. Sorry wayu weem.
>Last stream oct 1
Damn, sayuschizo can't stop lying
All they've got is misinformation because she hasn't slipped up in a while, they're just desperate to find any chance to punch their favorite punching bag
calm your tits nijisis
You've gotten confused, sisters love quinn
>Past broadcast: 1 week ago
Damn, Sayuschizo can't do math
I don't think they do, he would be a lot more popular than he otherwise is.
He's more popular and successful than Sayu, at least.
Lmao can I have whatever the fuck you're on
Holy leech
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Shit like this is exactly why you sisters aren't taken seriously ever
>Quinn is basically a secret Vshoujo member and is well liked by all the members
>Sayu ruined her chances after shitting on Vshoujo directly after a collab with Zen for being a "clique"
>Quinn has gone viral multiple times
>Sayu is only talked about when she's involving herself in drama
>Quinn is famous on Billibilli for being good looking
>Sayu is known for being ugly as shit
>Quinn is rich
>Sayu is so poor, she had to open an only fans and say she'll have sex for money

Genuinely don't know how you can say Quinn has it worse than Sayu
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I would be so embarrassed if I got caught typing that lmao
>Being a prostitute means you're successful, actually
There you go again spreading lies, you should really get some help
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>Sayuschizo meltdown
Didn't know it was so easy. Just call her out for being a prostitute and they're done
You shouldn't spread lies about quinn then.

stupid whore. Shouldn't spread lies about Quinn if you don't watch truths spilled about Sayu
Just because you have 4view friends doesn't mean you're watchable. The dude is lucky to have his ~300 average viewership, actually it's a miracle it's that high. some people just don't have "it" no matter how many useful connections or advantages they have.
Soooo seven days ago? as in a week?
This kills the Sayucucks
>I would have considered selling my body if vtubing didn't work out
Yes, selling your body for money does make you an actual whore. Any more questions?
Your illiteracy is showing, pagpagsis
I didn't read a single word of this entire thread but Quinn is still a cum farting faggot.
You should go find Sayu and give her a hundred. That'd be a better way to get her to fuck you than seething in her resident bait thread
Explain to me why Quinn Bennett bad without mentioning Sayu. If you have to mention Sayu, you're a dramafaggot and your opinion is therefore worthless.
>cum farting faggot
Never heard this one before.
>Not funny
>Blaccent despite being white
>Claimed to have a crippling illness but somehow is able to travel across the globe frequently
>Hypocrite (lectured Enna on her fried chicken joke but doubled down when he pissed off Korea)
>Not a vtuber
>Not entertaining
>Calls himself the "king of banter" but can't take any
Why would they want to bother with an ugly asian? They're white. Sayufags are getting really desperate now
Ok come on now, stick to real facts at least
Piprup for fucks sake stop chomping on every piece of bait that gets thrown out by the slum dwelling troglodytes on /vt/. They know damn well about everything that happened to Sayu, as well as who was involved, they're just fishing for (You)s.
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>slum dwelling troglodytes on /vt/
there are no "good ones" in niji
>Bae and Elira

first time I hear about this one (or flygon but nobody cares about homos either way)
You can safely ignore any speculation about elira having friends left in the vtubing world. The other nijis may have some left ( including vox and ike) but nah nobody's touching elira after this. There are some small ones like maia and hyunicat who like her tho.
I mean yes but Bae showed no interest in Elira or other nijis even at a time when they were on the rise. Everyone knows Miori from her previous corpo is still a friend though.
Bae and Elira have literally confirmed this you nonstream watching gigatards.
Why are you on this board if you don't even know anything about vtubers, not even vtubers you claim to care about.
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Trashy divorcee with victim complex, addicted to gacha slops, and you average chinese asian american women in her 30s, nothing about her is fun.
Boring clout chasing american wigga, that act like he is famous when he is barely a 3view, somehow have good connections to ecelebs on twitch, so he leeches clout from them
Boring white american woman in her 30s, that used to be a nerd and keep telling everyone she has an illness, just like Quinn for some clout. You average low 3view vtuber from twitch.
American filipino sexpest that wants to have a harem of groomed minors, wanna be Corpse from twitch, that is also a wanna be ghostemane, so he ends up a distilled twitch stereotype

What to do the all share, beside them using to be part of NijiEN?, That they are all Americans.
confirmed what pagpagsister?
Why would I even keep up with this two(Elira the niji-clique whore in particular)?
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>but Bae showed no interest in Elira or other nijis even at a time when they were on the rise
Reminder that Bae and Elira spent a whole week in Japan together and neither said anything about it until an entire year later.

My point is, people talk to each other off of stream. Everything doesn't only happen on streams.
Nta but how dare you insult our national food you motherfucker?
He is one of the least sexpesty guy when it comes to other vtubers. His fans though, that's a can of worms I do not want to open.

>chinese asian
She's japanese.
morale is over at NijiEN, everybody just looking to grab a paycheck and leave.
Unless they hung out after black stream it doesn't mean anything. Plenty of people who adored her completely despise her now.
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>Twitter screencap thread
>implying there's somehow something wrong with ex-nijis interacting with each other
>Unless my headcanon is true then reality isn't true!
You can't assume anything about anyone because you don't know anything that goes on behind the scenes anon. I hope you aren't stupid enough to grasp that concept
see >>86940189
>least sexpesty guy when it comes to other vtubers
that's just because most vtubers are over 18 years old
Course you can assume when you don't know what goes on behind the scenes. That is what an assumption is you dumbfck. And I assume most vtubers have a fairly low opinion of elira, including Bae. Comparing this to people interacting with quinn is absolute nonsense.
He wasn't the one who talked about liking little boys/girls, unlike a certain someone.
But enough about Enna
Elira? Enna?
Or did you mean Vox when he groomed that child?
Hahaha holy samefag.
>disliking this guy is deflected as being a sayufag, as if he wasn’t always an annoying prick well before he left niji
One more reason to hate that menhera cunt and her mindless simps.
>And I assume most vtubers have a fairly low opinion of elira
That's just called wishful thinking
Has 39daph ever successfully cancelled anyone or got a hate mob on her side? She's so bad at it.
I reem to remember she tried to subtly attack Hololive and the Hololive fanbase after her magni collab wasn't well received and it was completely ineffective and she walked it all back in a bit of a panic.
I didn't know who she was until the doki drama, but I found out very quickly that no one takes her seriously. even people who don't watch vtubers think she's a fucking idiot, apparently she's been doing stupid shit for a long, long time and burnt a lot of bridges
Still sounds sus as hell but I'll leave it at that
Not a single white person in this thread, amazing
im pasty white though
>elirafags still coping and saying she still has friends after the black stream that ruined her

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