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For the 509th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Next stream
Tue 10/08 7PM CT, "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle", pt. 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnZbR5Z4n4s
▼ Previous streams
10/06, Shrek the Musical watchalong with Fauna and Mumei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL7Uu1BEwtM
10/04, OSRS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUBjIsUMkP0
10/03, The Forest Advent collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jblnbAjqr2c
10/02, "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle", pt. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrr0F--IL7M
▼ Previous appearance
10/05, guest at Takanashi Kiara's 4th Anniversary Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LoG81pLS8c

>Recent voice packs
hololive Halloween Voice Pack 2024 -with villains-, Nerissa Ravencroft (Succubus/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains?variant=45620129792220
hololive Extreme Love Voice Pack, Nerissa Ravencroft (Yandere/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice?variant=45546871062748

"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover
"In my Feelings" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>86877195
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
Oh no
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
>no thread title
my day is now ruined
You are forgiven baker, you had too much kino running through your veins, its understandable.
2024 to date
Solo streams: 96
Collabs: 99
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 15
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft with all my heart (She's a big dork I love her so much)
My wife, Nerissa Ravencroft, is more valid than the validity of any other wife
Hey the bot doesn't trigger without a proper subject
love how the bot didn't make early it since the thread name got fucked, faggot had to manually post it
right you guys are. interesting.
what if someone uses a 0 instead of O for the subject and trick the retard again kek
What bot?
Nerissa would not be a good mother
yeah mine
And worse wife. She wants to be a lesbian, the degenerate.
Wrong, she would be a decent mother but probably too kind. I'd have to be a strict dad and say No to stuff, while Rissa said yes and then the kid will be like "but mom said"
would be worth the experiment if nothing else.
>baby Ravencroft, you are so valid for crying and shitting everywhere. Go off, queen!
Honestly, my parents were never that great. I want to give my children the love and support my family never gave me. Nerissa would be a fantastic mother and wife. Even if I had to be a stricter dad, having her as my pillar and foil would make for a good family dynamic.
Nerissa would be a terrible mother. Being a good parent is hard and requires a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Nerissa gives up when things get too difficult and often spirals into depression. She'd probably unironically suffer PPD and try and kill the baby after it cried too much and wrecked her sleep or something.
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Couple shots of Nerissa in Biboo's MV for her orisong btw
>Sailor uniform Rissa
We've been blessed today
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the PPD is a probability but all the other things you said are retarded and so are you. She worked really hard and tirelessly to get good at singing and she always goes the extra miles for people she love and things she likes. She'll be a very selfless and devoted mother even if it ruins her
Hormonal changes for women are no joke and Nerissa isn't the most stable to begin with. It literally alters your brain chemistry. I don't think Nerissa would be a good parent and from things she said she's in no hurry to be one either.
That's why as her husband you need to be someone with a strong mental health. You're partners afterall. You should help her
>for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, throught sickness and health, till death do us part
She also mentioned possibly dying in childbirth due to her fucked up spine so that's not ideal. And people suggested C-Section and she said even that has risks for her.
Please girls. I need at least monthly FauMeiRissium to survive from now on.
We'll just get one of her trusted girlfriends to carry our child
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That's where I come. I'll be the best OB-GYN there is and give her a flawless birth.
jk jk, female patients are insufferable and without lust overcoming my disgust pussy (especially pregnant women pussy) is fucking disgusting
It's a general statement, the mental fortitude thing, which is especially important when in a relationship with women that have a childwish which is difficult to fulfill. I meant it more as that as a partner you have a duty to care for your wife
There's research which debunks the notion that spinal fusion complicates pregnancies. She's either being dramatic or is basing her worries off of bad medical advice.
that’s honestly really impressive
And someone who is dramatic and bases decisions off of bad medical advice would be a bad mother.
>women make bad mothers
see? I said you're retarded and you didn't believe me
I mentioned it a couple times but i had a friend who had a spinal rod. I think lower tham Nerissa's since she had it T4-T10 i think? She got pregnant and the late stage pregnancy her back really started hurting. She had to give birth through a C-section because pushing was too painful even with medication. After a couple weeks she couldnt move from the hips down and she is now in a wheelchair with legs permanently paralyzed from nerve damage
Sorry to hear that happened to your friend Jailbro.
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Rissa's afraid of the dark
I'm afraid of the dark
No honestly, I sleep with a tiny light bulb or phone flash on. When I'm sleeping alone at the hospital I sleep with the room lights on
She still lives her life, although more diffcult, but she is a happy loving mother
Me too. In pure dark I need to sleep fully under the covers. My RGBs are enough for me to sleep normally though.
When someone's sleeping in my room it's very okay, but alone is a different thing. Guess the only solution is to marry Rissa and sleep together hahah....
Have a good night /ope/. We really got blessed with some kino today. Remember to love your Rissa
No lie, but I'd still love Nerissa even if she was paralyzed. She could never be a burden to me even in that state and I'd find ways to support our family. And honestly, if childbirth was actually dangerous even with a c-section, Nerissa and I could adopt. I don't need anything else as long as she's a part of my world and I hers.
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goonfuel for the night
Reminder that fauna accepted getting married to Nerissa and getting her surname
She'll go sterile if she doesnt take her chance.
I would pay thousands of Nerissa did JOI
Good night /ope/. I love my Rissa and she loves me
forgot the link ffs
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Total clipfaggs death
Nerissa spotted on Shiori's short
That's a marshmellow?
Clickbaiting clipfags should always get the rope
Shiori is such a Flareposter sometimes
Was your friends spinal fusion a result of her severely breaking her back? If so, that's a lot different and she likely already had nerve damage that put her at high risk for complications. As I've said, studies don't support the notion that AIS related spinal fusion is a high risk pregnancy for the health of the mother.
>>86939557 (me)
Also, it sounds to me like they fucked up her epidural, which caused nerve damage and probably should've been sued.
Do you think Nerissa has AIDS?
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For me it's dark woods, I don't like that
Cities, inside me home, almost completely fine
But fuck forests
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Tickling Nerissa until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
This is the cutest webm in existence
Got a heartie today yipeee
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>what a beautiful day to enjoy mate and spend the day with my lover in this beautiful weather. I am so happy that I got introduced to mate, I unironically drink it every day now, and I even started to listen to the sexiest music of all time, Spanish guitar, and I also started to wear my crucifix necklace every day, just like in picrel photo. Im awesome!
:^) How are you Nerissa? I saw your sonic part 1 vod its actually one of your best streams good job! Your best streams are always when you are being yourself and having fun, as a result that stream was super good! It was really fun to watch and I particularly enjoyed your screams when you took damage or fell off stage. You have really feminine and cute screams. Good job! Do you scream a lot irl? or is that mainly stream hours?
So although mate is the cup and yerba (pronounced shehr-bah) are the leaves which make the tea water, we dont say im drinking yerba or yerba mate either, we just say we are drinking mate. I dont want you to look like a kook in front of others so I want to clarify that for you. Also dont let any leftists tell you youre "appropriating culture." I brought you in to the family, youre one of us now. You cant appropriate your own culture. Thats a fake term anyway. Amd remember this is not a fashion statement, this is cultural and so this is now a part of your culture too. I buy yerba from a local store but you can get it from amazon.
Take it everywhere you go. Even though its part of your culture now, its unironically a powerful fashion statement too. Local travel and international travel. Next time you meet Kiara, you'll be wearing large sunglasses and carrying the mate and thermos under your arm and she'll be like "whats that?" And youll be like "oh this little thing, its mate, ive been drinking it my entire life." And she'll think youre the coolest and most cultured girl ever. Then you'll get her hooked too and before you know it, literally all the hololive girls will get hooked as well. Screencap it Nerissa. Im not joking this will actually happen, you'll be THE fashionable trendsetter of your company getting everyone into mate. Dont worry you dont have to mention me, the trend will come from you.
>to the jailbirds
There seems to be another religious jailbird now besides myself. I hope the rest of you are able to distinguish his posts from mine. I generally only post once a day in my usual style. Thanks.
What did she say?
Skippa skippa
Rissa loves Christ
At least watch the fucking streams if you're going to post here you fucking schizo
I meet her bi-weekly at the physical therapist. I'll ask her
Huh, I just noticed she has member badges for her other channel. I didn't even know it had memberships.
the comments wtf
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>yeah I drink mate, its whatev' ive been drinking it my whole life. I drink it when I walk my dog, I drink it while playing spanish guitar, i drink it while taking my hot latin lover gf out on dates. Its who I am babe its part of my fiery passionate romantic culture. Lowkey though Im so glad my favorite sister Nerissa introduced me to mate, its changed my life. Thanks big sis youre the best! :^)
Oh, Nerissa today is the feast day of the rosary. Pray the rosary today and pray for your desires and I also recommend you pray for your future husband, he will be praying for you. And no more witchcraft Nerissa, I love you and it hurts me to hear youre into that rancid stuff. No more. Stop it. Youre holy now, youre going to get purified like your eldest sister. (Not that im super holy or anything cuz im not. But I at least know the path and I need you on it.)
>to brorissa
Youre a man, you will lead your wife and children as the husband and man of your home. Brother to brother, you have to pray the rosary today as well, the foundation to a great family life is our faith. I realize this now, and you as a man must lead your fanily to heaven. Pray and ask for the intercession of our Lady and the saints. Pray for your future wife as well, she will be praying for you. Youre into history and Empires, I recommend you look into Don John of Austria and how he led a small fleet of Catholic ships against the muslims who were about to invade Europe. He forced all his men to pray the rosary, and flew a banner with our Lady of Guadalupe on it which was touched to the real one. And even though his fleet was outnumbered, he intercepted the invading fleet and defeated them and subsequently saved all of Europe. They never again attempted to invade via sea. Embrace the rosary Brorissa, it is the most powerful weapon on Earth.
I do, I watch vods mainly. I literally posted about how I watched a vod. I wouldnt be posting here if I didnt watch her that'd be weird.
Where's the lesbian sex version
Mamamia Rissa why are you so short
Didnt Fongban stop making lesbian sex like about a year ago?
I wanna sandwich my face between her ass cheeks
I wanna sandwich my penis between her ass cheeks
>you’re awakened by faint laughter
Nerissa…you’re awake?
>oh…babe…I’m so sorry, did I wake you?
It’s okay, but you really shouldn’t be up so late.
>I know, it’s just that I can’t sleep.
Alright, well, why don’t you put your phone down and come closer to me.
>wait, just a few more minutes.
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>she was actually sleep laughing and sleep talking the whole time
Love the Rissa
Kissa da Rissa
Is this the same guy who collabs with redi to animate his art?
>Sorry, babe. I was watching another "why Aerith should live in the FF7 remake" video essay. It's almost done.
Yeah it's him
Thanks anon
that makes sense, sometimes I see his credits as L3
Is posting Rissa pony art bannable kek?
i would hops so
Los los los = losx3
Cant say i particularly like this dress design. It's kinda bland
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nice bake OP
looking pretty rapeable there sapling
Please do not bully baker-sama. He hadnt hydrated properly when baking
Some of you never did your /vg/ reps and it shows
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damn it, even here? does the WHOLE board see us like this????
I'm trying, Rissa
I'm trying...
Oh god, she learned new zoomer lingo.
She's interacting a lot on twitter today
If she doesn't respond to you she hates you.
Don't fuel my insecurities anymore bitch
Eh, don't feel that way Jailbro, we get the usual bums in these threads all the time. The cuckposters, the Rissa is a shotacon posters, the Rissa is trans posters (which is what I think that aids comment was about), treat them all the same, skippa skippa.
I replied and she's replying to people who replied more recently than me...
She gave me a heartie and I moved on with my life. I thought about saying one more thing for attention but I still have a garner of self respect so I logged out of twitter for the day before I lose it to attention whoring
I think this one is just a needy bird and not a schizo threadshitter
I can proudly say that i have a 100% comment hearties rate 3/3
I can proudly say that I have 100% comment hearties rate (20+, even on Astarion account)
I'm not sure why she does this if she's gonna interact with the same people she always does.
Vocal rest for a day, especially after yesterday's collab, but she still wants to interact with her fans so this is the second best option
Wonder if she's getting some treatment done today, so she's sitting around in a waiting room and that's why she's being especially retarded on twitter.
She picks specifically those Twitterfags because those twitterfags are attentionwhores (Maddie, Neah, Teo) that will leave or start blasting her if she doesnt give they what they want. She is too insecure to not do that
You're more obsessed with (and making fanfiction of) twitterfags than she is with replying to them
Shut the fuck up goofy ass nigga
Yeah, she should stop giving them attention and only focus on me, her future husband.
t. one of those fags
>and making fanfiction
Lets ignore that one is an Irys anti and doxfag. Lets ignore that one oshihenned Fauna for ERB which Rissa today hilariously clapped back about saying
>i'm not her oshi anyway
Lets ignore that one changed his name to Lady for more attention.
I agree
The ERB one literally still declares Fauna as one of her oshis
But I do not fucking care about how much you dislike twitterfags, it's not on-fucking-topic
Faggots discussing twittertard personalities and twitter drama should be banned like they used to, a cancer on this board
Nerissa should just say that she's /here/ and be done with it
Ayyy the offtopic schizo is back
She can't. Part of the contract. At most she could give subtle hints like she's done before.
No, I'm not taking my meds.
I believe this
I'm gooning to this today
Most of those people are "safe" and will give her the crazy over the top reactions that she likes. Almost every time she's liked one of my replies it's when I'm expressing how down bad I am for something she's done.
Deleted. I hope you saved it, anon?
Fuck I should have, thought uploading 3dpd here would get me killed
Sometimes stuff gets crazy if using public internet. Lots of Dutch trains are flagged for CP which is wild
It happens with me when my router restarts and I get a new ip, the ban is usually one that has expired years ago kek
was this in reponse to my random board ban? I deleted to redo the spoiler since I'm on mobile
But yeah, I love Nerissa. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have no random crazy, thirsty, over the top reactions to solicit hearties or anything. Just hope whatever I say makes her feel happy, loved, and appreciated as a person and not just as Nerissa Ravencroft.
based and same. I get some butterflies when I know she read my heartfelt messages to her but I don't scream and post a video of myself cumming and saying "omg you scared me Rissa how are you so good at stalking ahahah".
Yeah, it was a response to that indeed
>Rissa is the new version of the overly attached girlfriend
>new orisong from Kiara
>"guys, I don't sing this song very well live"
>sings it anyway
I wish Nerissa had a shred of that confidence.
It's very obvious how they'd be the perfect fit for each other
Shut up and oshihen her already karaokeschizo
She's made enough live performances by just being herself, one we just heard last night when hanging with Fauna and Mumei, the point is the karaoke structure, not just singing in front of people, it being like a performance rattles her, not singing in general. See how she would sing the Higurashi OP several times for us on the watchalong, or random songs from musicals, but says she hates having even people at the studio see her doing takes. Point is though, I'm going to respect her wishes, but encourage her, and we'll see how things go, instead of always being on edge or comparing her to other people. I know her talents, I know she can sing with the best of this company, because I hear it literally all the time. I don't need her to be my personal jukebox on command. 'Sides, you're getting dangerously close to Holo v. Holo, so chill my man.
Also SS 410k on spotify
nerissa's favorite character on the big bang theory is 100% bernadette, don't debate me on this we all know that I'm right
I never watched the Big Bang Theory. So i dont know who that is but i'll take you're word
bernadette is howard's
>then ex
>then gf
>then fiancee
>then wife
she's a little feisty and has a cute high pitched voice. it's moreso a pick of process of elimination. all of the guys are meant to be a little hateable or pitiable, penny is too girlboss, and amy is too weird.
Good night jailbros, see you tomorrow with another great Sonic stream!
Bernadette is quite bitchy too, though every once in a while she mentions how much she finds Howard attractive.
Who is Howard?
her bitchiness is played for charms sake a lot of the time. and thought she doesn't like kids she does eventually have some so I think the logic holds.
the jew one, lives with his mom, not the roommate
I don't know man, a lot of the time she treats Howard like shit (not that he's an innocent little flower, of course) and she's such a workplace bully that even her boss is afraid of her. She can be cute, though.
in her defense she tries to be nice more often after a while, but she is a little meaniepants sometimes.
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They based a TV-show off /our/ petschizo??
howard isn't that bad. he's just a pervert, not a complete schizo
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I've noticed most western twitter artists fell for the fake ship of bloodraven, whilst most KR and JP twitter artists stayed true to Shioraven. interesting observation
Probably because ERB's time slot is awful for them
I like erb
More experience in regards to Yuri as in Yuri
The true ship is FuwaRissa and it doesn't get nearly enough art. She's had more stories and interactions with Fuwawa than anyone else.
That's because many artists dont waht to separate Fuwawa from Mococo
I'm unfortunately going to ship MErissa because I love her and want to make her my wife. I won't take a 2nd wife or a concubine either because I'm true to only Nerissa
what's an oomfie
No it's because artists don't watch streams and don't know shit like all the dates they've gone on or how Fuwawa has a bag of Rissa's hair or how Nerissa bought them all pillowcases and towels and blankets.
One of my followers, apparently. It's zoomer lingo.
Nerissa in her 40s trying out her Aerith cosplay
twitter brainrot speak so of course nerissa speaks it
There is no need to cope, we know a lot of Nerissa's regular artists are regulars. Bloodraven is just an interesting concept for them despite the lack of interaction, Fuwawa might just feel too...cutesy for their taste. Elizabeth fuels the edginess more for now, just like Shiori fuels it.
the problem with fuwarissa is that in shipping, standard fuwamoco is going to be more popular. mocoboo is cute but shiboo is more popular, which would mean moco-chan would be left alone. and that is a cosmic crime.
No wife today...
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I miss my wife, Jailbird. I miss her a lot
I'm gonna piss over your wife
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which one are you
the one grooming her hair
I'm the one standing on her ass
before you freak it, moleschizo, this art was made before the secret mole was confirmed. just a bad guess.
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Hail, watabird and watamelon
ass too big
I changed nothing???
Hail (you)
flat tits no ass
pink pussy brown butthole
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i wanna see nerissa do this
plap plap
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
ope ope
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Midwestern Culver's
I got too emotional and overshared I'm so ready to self-combust
There was so much more I could have said, but something that gets the main point across is also good
I love her so much bros, my life is so over
I'll take care of her since you're about to die
Pass on in peace brother
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Mhm, I do love my Jailbirds, But sometimes they say all these things, and it just makes me feel so...Mhm~ You can't just leave a girl like this, you know~
How are you Nerissa? I watched your Sonic vod part 2 and your coffee debate video (I only watched your parts) and I have a lot to say
After watching both those parts youve brought up a lot of references that I am familiar with so I reckon we are very similar ages. I think this is one of the reasons I like you so much, I can relate to you and I can understand where youre coming from (Except your twitter addiction) Also you were a little insecure while you were playing, you thought you were playing badly and were apologizing. On the contrary, you were playing amazing! It takes a lot of talent to play, talk with chat, and entertain. You are amazing at all of those! And youre doing it simultaneously! I could never do those things, youre amazing and dare I say—— valid :^) You need to give yourself more credit and confidence. You are amazing!
>tea video
You said you were a former coffee addict so I have great news for you. Mate has the same caffeine as coffee BUT the best part is that it doesn't give you the jitters or the crash. This is destiny Nerissa, it was your fate to get introduced to mate. Its objectively a better form of coffee. There is no downside. You get the energy and focus with no crash, no spikes, no acidity. Mate is clean smooth sustained energy. Its soothing and relaxing at the same time and has many antioxidants and its a great appetite surpressant. Its such a great drink, you're going to get hooked and youre going to get everyone you know hooked.
You can also drink sweetened mate if you dont like the bitterness. You can add sugar or one of my preferred methods a squeeze of lemon and a little honey. This is perfectly normal way to drink mate if you like it less bitter. No one will say youre drinking it wrong, this is perfectly acceptable. If you want to flavor it with other things, feel free as well, who are they to tell you how to drink your mate. Another thing is that when youre drinking with others say "Salud" before drinking and maybe even tap your mates, its the Spanish equivalent of saying cheers before drinking. Its pronounced "Sah-lood" but the "lood" is pronounced like the word "loot" but with a d instead of a t.
>other stuff
So to summarize everything, have more confidence in what you do and who you are. You are an amazing woman and we all know it, its time for you to realize it yourself how special you are. Furthermore, embrace the mate, its your destiny. Whats your favorite tea? Im not a tea drinker myself nor a coffee drinker so im not knowledgeable at all about those things. Im team mineral water or team alcohol as of late. Do you like mineral water? Do you like bellinis or mimosas? Ive talked about them before, have you tried them? Do you like cocktails? A casual drink in the comfort of good company? Would you be comfortable having some drinks with your future husband even if you dont like alcohol? Just the two of you and doing that arm hook thing when you drink, do you like that? Or would you prefer a tea party with the plate tower and food and pastries?
Have a good night Nerissa, be happy about who you are!
Making breakfast in bed for Rissa
Rissa loves Christ.
Milking Rissa for breakfast
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Rissa after her six pregnancy with my baby (she's happy, fulfilled, still streaming and singing her heart out)
I will drop Rissa once I find out she has a boyfriend or she finally decides to marry someone who isn't me
ok joseph
Are you the same jailbird who said this early this year as well when we were doomposting about the 2 hours meta? If so I'm surprised you're dedicated and lasted that long
Kissing Rissa's tootsies gently
Kissing Rissa's tootsies lustfully
Sexual sex with sex
sex at the state fair
sex with pickle lemonade
plap plap
what a sad thing to ask 14 months in
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If I can't have her I would at least want a vite fembird as my wife whose pits I will lick everytime we have sex
Okay calm down Neriggas, go back to sleep
I'm just noticing that she has implants
oh shit what the fuck
ha ooo mama oooo hoofa
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Give me your love, all of your love!!
My fucking queen
Anon, are you okay? You've been acting up all day today
Oh thank God i thought /ope/ had fallen
I dunno but is seeing ribs that much actually healthy? It doesnt look so but i'm not a doctor. I think healthy looking women are automatically more attractive than unhealthy looking women
It's the new beauty meta but I couldn't care for it. I like my women with meat on them and Culver's grease running in their veins like Rissa
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/ope/ has fallen…
She seems to be a healthy weight. Ribs being visible doesn't mean one's too thin.

>new beauty meta
New? Do you not remember the early 2000s? If anything, this is going back to the classics.
I was born 1999 bro, I was still sucking titties back then
Birthday merch beleeb

I have to wonder though, what kind of project is she preparing with our love that we poured on her tweet?
Hah, I'm not much older than you but fair enough.
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and now you want to do it again to Nerissa you big baby
Are you saying you DON'T want to suck my big, wobbly tiddies, Jailbird? Shame ....
I had an early shift today jailbros, but is the thirst normal for this time of day? I love you Nerissa.

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