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Last Thread - >>86843712

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL7Uu1BEwtM
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCAAY-7cEiQ

Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
I love white women
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I love when they're together, always a great time
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I want to give Fauna this flower. Do you think she will like it?
Same, I just can't enjoy it when there's intruders ruining the mood though
I'm curious to see how Fauna and Kronii will interact, if at all at the promise collab
I had to leave a bit early, will catch up the rest of zatsu part, but did Fauna mention anything about Monday? She mentioned new helpers for the tree. Would mean 3 days (minimum) of collabs with Minecraft - Promise - Devour/7days (then depends if she followed with 7days or took a break)
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Tickling Fauna until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
She didn't, but she never announces solo streams at the end of collabs
Nah. She only mentioned in a previous stream that Minecraft would have to happen on a later date
>I want you to be honest, but I want you to say what I want you to say honestly
Is the Shrek watchalong good background noise as a VOD?
As long as you put the movie on too, more silent moments than usual because they don't talk too much over songs.
yeah it was pretty fun, unless you mean the watchalong by itself

Surprisingly good. The 1hr zatsu was very good too.
Nerissa got Mumei to say I love you and MILF to Fauna, plus this wouldn't have happened without her
Important timestamp:
Need a soundpost
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I like it. Maybe pick some more and turn it into a bouquet. I have a pollen allergy though, so don't pick too many or I'll start squeebin
Damn. I really don't want to put on the movie because I hate musicals and I don't feel like torrenting it
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Unhand me, vile woman!
You will never make me sprout!
its on youtube you gigadingus
This dingus thanks you
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Making apple grapes with Fauna
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it me
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It's done. It's a zip file.
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fauna sexo version
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mumei and fauna should be the dragon and donkey
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For this coming Halloween dressup, maybe Fauna can go as my wife.
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>I would change my name to Fauna Ravencroft
It's a cool name
> 10 GB
please explain what's this before I download it, don't want to see dolphin porn again
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Minecraft Monday today please.
Or 900k karaoke endurance please.
Lurk 1000 years more tourist
Me when fauna
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I think we should keep expectations low for today.
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Tuesday fauna requires sacrifice sapoling
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you're gonna get banned NOOOO!!!
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i warned him...
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Slower pace for this theme, weekend end + everyone drawing like mad for cheerleader and wizard I suppose. Kinda makes me wanna commission something with wedding dress later.
no stream today?
The day is far from over. Most of Fauna's holoctober stuff is posted in EU or NA evenings.
At this point yesterday there'd been like 10 wizard drawings.
If ever you feel the need to ask this question in the thread, the answer is we don't know.
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Me when fauna
Yes. Source: I'm Fauna's footstool.
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Those are always pretty.
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fauna my beloved wife
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Excuse me, that's my wife
We won't have a solo stream until earliest next week and that's if she doesn't decide to take a break after 7DTD
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maybe this will increase the possibilities
Finally, hope they give more tools to deal with the alien(s) maybe even ways to kill them with super ultra rare pulse rifle ammo
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Beautifully canon
Fauna is absolutely the most intelligent Vtuber and it’s to the point where it’s intimidating. She’s my oshi and I’m a die hard gachikoi but I know I’d never be good enough for her. Not because I’m not rich or attractive enough but genuinely because I’m not intelligent and witty enough to keep her lightning fast beautiful mind interested.

Anyone else feel this way or am I just both unintelligent and equipped with terrible self esteem?
If she was the most intelligent she wouldn't waste her time with whores like nerissa
You know what? This makes me feel better. Because for as badly as I think of myself I know she’d like me more than shitters like you
I find it amusing how she has one ongoing "scheduled" stream, Minecraft Monday, but she cannot even consistently do it. Her and Mumei make a good pair. Looks like she is close to 900k. Anyone want to take bets on how phoned in the achievement stream will be?
Fauna and Mumei will have sex on stream and it'll be phoned in from Fauna's bed
You write like a retard.
not even a short today
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>Anyone else feel this way or am I just both unintelligent and equipped with terrible self esteem?
The latter. Seek therapy.
Nah she reminds me of myself. take that as you will i feel like we'd be a great match together since a lot of her opinions match mine like the self-aware contrarianism. Only thing i cant match is the veganism but she takes care of snail and isnt preachy or anything. Lovely girl.
i hope she stays for a long time
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illegal content do not watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-hJpJ5VwR0
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It's down between Fauna's Garden from her 3D debut or Fauna's Dungeon for the stadium. Thank you for the suggestions of what to add to the stadium so far, please keep them coming. Use the link below to vote on the poll.

I miss Fauna.
Isn't there supposed to be a Promise collab tomorrow? Has anyone said on who's channel and what time?
Mumei's channel
Thanks. I wish they just give us the time already since they've already said they will be a collab.
Goth Fauna is so sex than even in chibi form I'm aroused.
You guys think you have a chance with Fauna? haha
I'm not Mumei so I have zero chance
Idk do you?
im talking about guys like >>86981357 or the other ones that think that they know. I mean i watch her because she is funny but i dont see her like gf or something, but it weird to see guys thinking they have a chance or that they know her better than anyone
i know that it may be offensive but some of you need a reality check, about streamers and fans
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I think it's weird to see people fantasize or imagine themselves having a chance with my wife but alright
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I dont remember posting this
I'm already her boyfriend.
sure thing budy
I'm already tracer...
/who/ is next door Moom
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I think I have dementia.
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i had to go throw away a mouse trapped in a glue trap im very shaken right now
Glue traps are evil
Goth Fauna with short hair, the perfection
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was it a jerboa?
If they want to stop being glued then they should stop outsmarting the more humane traps
Did you at least kill it before throwing it away?
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My soul is weighted down by the earths gravity.
that's tea, son.
promise collab frame is up
Promise anniversary stream up on Mumei's channel. FST 5+
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I should be excited, but then I remember Kronii is there.
Why does she look so retarded?
she wink
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Collab will now be taking place at FST+4, one hour earlier than originally stated, according to Mumei
thanks for the update mumei, tell fauna i love her for me
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She's too busy looking at her Owl wife
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The 6th member of advent...
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This Fauna does things to do me
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You have no idea what I can to you, Anon, Mwahahaha-

>*begins to jerk you with her semi-gloved hand while laughing Manically*
She was made to be the villain
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Could've been worse
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Got my Fauna bday merchandise today, got taxed 50€ at my doorstep for it because of the EU tax they added during covid taxing any package that come outside of the EU.
Still pre-ordered stuff for 2025.
fauna spotted while touring streamer mansions:
This might be the least expected thing to see in a video like that. Big custom canvas, but also just of the default model? Just standing there, menacingly. So weird. But hey, mindshare.
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Fauna's ASS

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