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Doki Tunes Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Go talk about Corpo Vtubers in their appropriate threads.


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>86894895
Good night /BIG/ and always remember to kiss yo homies before you eepy
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Good night
/BIG/ iron on her hip
Good night senzawaposter
good night *kisses you*
Streams, doko?
thats our grandpappy
Goodnight Gura
lily is live
nite nite senzy
Was Bao actually beaten by a Ex?
yes it was senzawa
People claim it was a male vtuber named Senz.
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yes, it was me and it was her ass I was smacking
I'm me btw
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
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Supporting a large indie is like supporting a small business. You can rest assured that your money is going someone actually working to earn it, not some rich asshole on a yacht.
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good morblin
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hello chatblin
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Good morning Chatblin!
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women are so original
you need to create a mutt category just for filian desu
That's 3 bugs too many. Praying for their downfalls.
The middle one is a spider and spiders are technically not bugs. Spiders are actually based.
art of vei and lucy together would be bomb
Blushing sayu should be changed she makes me too horny this way
who is the middle bug?
Mina Aoyama. No one ever talked about her in /lig/ except maybe the one guy who wanted her on the list. She's a gacha addict. Nice model. Her voice is unique, like a cross between Dokibird and Uruka.
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Our Queen.
>gacha addict
lol lmao not even once
honestly I only know of her as numi's close friend
It's terminal. Reverse: 1999 has cool aesthetics at least.
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Why do the most entertaining vtubers have to also be the most mentally ill.
its a correlating factor
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heavy is the head that wears the crown
If drinking is what it takes to get back pre VShojo Vei then I'm sure some oiler would donate their liver for the betterment of mankind.
Goes hand in hand. Women are only funny when they are fucked up
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With great vtubing comes great menhera.
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so true
I want to fuck lucy so bad god dammit
hope you're fine with anal,
she's not that bad
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Grimmi: https://www.twitch.tv/grimmivt
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>vei bitch
schizos do love grimmi
Doesn't she usually start a few hours earlier?
Put that on a wall
do your reps
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Hey neighbors what are you talking abo-
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Love my wolf wife
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I love Lucy.
> Horny Filian Stream
Maybe one day.
>he didn't watch the chaturbate collab with mel
Part two when dammit?
filian was mostly uncomfortable during that stream
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Forcing lime to grow a futacock and milking her semen and milk for commercial sale daily on my industrial cowgirl farm!
bro she was basically asking mel to jerk off infront of her by the end
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is this woman okay?
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wake up
Wish I was a bad man...
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manifesting wide bitch
probably never. They haven't had a single collab since over a year ago
Quit horsen' around you guys!
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it's 6am time for sleeb
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hello how are my fellow 4view ccv biggers?
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sweet dreams.
seek jesus.
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Sleep tight.
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grimmi is growing on me
i'm growing inside grimmi
sup cancer
shut up you're 8 months early
she some nice tits
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Why is this thread needed?
What a coincidence, I also love Lucy
*rapes you*
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joe mama
Any more vocaroos where she talks about masturbating other than that one
cry about it holoshart
We wanna talk about 4view Indies, it's that simple
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Goose my beloved
Because /lig/ is spammed to the point of being unusable.
So edgy, yet so true
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okay boomer
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shut up xoomer
I hope mr advertiser won't see this...
smackin my shit
madman isnt deleting them based
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I... uh.
Isn't she indiefying as like a rat or something?
/BIG/ is based
are yuy big
shitass res nigga
OK batfag.
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The... advertisers...
is anon have stroke
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thanx breh
Yeah, stroking his cock
it's a janny posting so he has porn immunity
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nise bread
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Polish legal immigrant doko?
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oh nvm he dead o7
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nacho mama love
You’re the best poster in /big/ so far
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Nuclear proliferation is essential to the sovereignty and prosperity of all fillians
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Cute cat, what's she like?
>sudden porn dump
>6 gorrillion posts
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Sent to horny jail.
i mostly lurk in the morning but those ame lewds woke me up
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grim mi cu te
grim mi lo ve
what's wrong with her?
hole in brain
rest in power o7
/vsj+/ is dead half the time and people aren't complaining
A large cyst inside her skull, pressing on her brain.
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She has Grimmiosis
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Play popular stream jp games with the karubi crew
Why doesn't she just press the "go live" button?
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this bitch has been streaming for how long again?
I highly doubt that
unironic DSA twitter-leftist
>/big/ dooby
That's hot
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damn that's crazy
Laimu does NOT have a penis.
my laimuslop folder.
wolf booba sex
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What did she see?
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Nice boobies
Lewd posts about her on /flip/ and /BIG/
>grimmi planning on going for another 10 hours
is this game worth 15 hour per day?
>5 foot
She wishes.
>is this game worth 15 hour per day?
not really, but it gives me something to watch at least
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i hate mondays
brother it's 6am
it's 2pm
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God, me too. Cheers.
>i hate mondays
ogey garfield
>tits BIG dooby
pls have massive tits
>Murdering your wife is pretty rough
You don't say Grimmi
is dooby the hololive girl?
no, she's former niji
is she pregnant or just weird fat?
It's her wolf futa cock
no, she's a former mythic
The original Silent Hill 2 is better than the remake
many such cases
I'm not a fan of the voice acting either, the original game's voice acting gave it a surreal and dream-like atmosphere
I had a dream where I had shower sex with laimu yesterday. I don’t even watch her
Did you sex her up?
remakes never measure up to the nostalgia
It was very sensual for some reason
Give us some details
Yep, I don't get the appeal of most remakes
That's nise, anything else happened?
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she's /big/, i think
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Grimmi got the good ending
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>20 hours
Why is it so bloated?
She has a sweet ass
>longer play time = good game
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I like Numi she’s funny and she loves to drink
i'll hate fuck her
she doesn't deserve the hate she gets here
this deme chick looks like filian
i said i'll hate fuck her, not that i hate her
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youre damn right she does
More music pls sexy lady
>numi apologists
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but why?
either she used to use rindo and modded it out or it just looks like rindo i cant remember
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she has some nice tits
>the only thing setting them apart
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messed up the page white take this version
i've tried to find the webm of her showing her ass but i couldn't find it :(
>only deme is live
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Good morning I love Lucy.
Good morning I also love Lucy
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Oli live playing Shadow the hedgehog https://www.twitch.tv/oliviamonroe
Shoto, Buff & Oli too
lucy should show feet and pits
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oli handholding sex
Oh, thank goodness I need something to watch
oli and buff it is for me then
I'm dangerously parasocially in love with Oli but for some reason she doesn't get me horny. Idk why, I can even goon to Filian.
Oli is such a Stacy
Yeah but that's hot
are europeans even real?
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If she was meaner she'd be the perfect woman
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don't worry about it
Yeah, that's what I was implying, makes me want to breed her
No, it's all a psyop
That sounds hot as fuck, luck you.
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ze france israel
She’ll probably start crying
She deserves all the love in the world
that's hot
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non, france is france and isreal is different
Her new model absolutely rocks
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She's so edgy and hot
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nice layout
erm what the sex
She'd like it.
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Giri and U-san collab on Shoto's stream. Shoto and U-San are teaching Giri what nakadashi means via euphemisms.
I might just watch it
Oil's talking about toots
I don't even want to explain the context to that because it's funny
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who has the chaos emeralds?
I don't understand why some people like salad on pizza
Why would you put random leafs on top of a pizza?
I like to throw spinach leafs on a lot of things, but fucking pizza?
basil or fuck off
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ew wormies
It's funny to see the contrast between Giri's chat (top-left) and Shoto's chat.
Who's a better kisser? Shadow or Sonic?
fuck off
It's actually fish cummies.
who pit the disco rice on there?
A tree and English bacon on a tortilla.
Brain matter and blood on a tortilla.
U-san just added whatever they like onto it
I do love me some maggot pizza
Buy why?
Are those brains?
shadow because he's edgy
the brain looking thing is shirako (fish sperm)
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>shirako (fish sperm)
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Humans really do eat anything don't they
It's Giri's go to ingredient when she wants to make her guests eat weird shit or to torture Onibro.
excuse me, it's what?
Asia was a mistake MacArthur was right.
I wish Bao ate my sperm
Milt and roe are eaten everywhere, guys.
this is strangely hot
You know I think I'm good, I don't want to have sexual relations with these women any more.
Millions of people eat cow shit and drink cow piss too but I don't see you rushing off to try those.
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You VILL eat ze fish cum.
The duality of man
Who are these cow shit eaters?
Indians, everything a cow produces is magical and sacred to them.
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Devour Collab on Thursday with Minto, Dokibird Laimu, and Snuffy
Shoto is getting his ass beat
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i vill not eat ze fish cum
>Shoto raiding Deme
It all returns to Deme
Shoto raided Deme after he, Giri and U-san slapped each other with tortillas.
>It all returns to Deme
It all comes tumbling down
Tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to Deme
I just keep letting me down
Letting me down, letting me down
Oli is Amy Rose coded
sex with all these women
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nyan won
what did she win?
hell in the cell
this tit filian isn't bad
she's alright, has a weird laugh tho
I want to eat /BIG/ chuubas out

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