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What makes white girl collabs so good?
Why is Shiori here
Because you have a complex in your head telling you something retarded
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I’m not convinced. The only evidence for this rrat is that her mom made her a pinoy dish in a story once. My mom made me mexican and chinese food all the time and I’m neither of those.
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Asian Americans/Canadians are weird. I think it's because their parents don't come to the West out of individual cultural affinity but out of necessity and seeking a better life. They are usually successful, but inside the household they are still culturally Asian and pretty insular which ends up pulling the offspring in two different directions.
2nd and later generations grow up immersed in two cultures and end up as neither nor people (not disparaging).
From the standpoint of someone monocultural it comes off as a certain kind of a deep seated neurosis. I'm sure Asian parents' penchant for being overbearing also plays a role.
I'll turn Shiori into a real Oreo.

They laugh and my brain stops hurting.
>invent something to get mad at
>pretend to like it anyway
What causes this behavior?
There are some white girl collabs that are good and some are bad.
You like white girls so they have a halo effect on you.
She has referred to her parents as "asian parents" several times and talked about how her family has tried to get her into playing Mahjong at gatherings.
>nerissa will openly talk about guys she's slept with before
She has never done such a thing, not as Nerissa at least, and I don't think that as her RM either
>no Kronii
thats the secret why its always good
Nice try. You ain't convincing anyone Jing Juan
Define White
Anglo Saxon, so CC is disqualified
>he doesn't know what saxons are
I qualified it with anglo for a reason
Being the Amerimutt definition od white doesn't seem that great considering Anglos are the stupidest, most disgusting blobfish-looking people in the entire planet
CC is the only one who fits the bill
aw schweet another /pol/ thread
Angles also came from Germany retard
fliping heck
you have never even seen her RM
Shiori is white
shiori is whitecoded
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"Anglo-Saxon" in the context of heritage usually means people of English old colonial heritage. Sometimes German, Scottish or Dutch ancestry is included.
This has its roots in the colonial (mostly 19th century) racial sensibilities. Notably, the situation becomes complicated with for example the Irish.
They were "white" in the sense of they weren't black, but the majority white Protestant population still viewed them as a lesser people (the Irish were Catholics, couldn't speak English very well and came from a background of abject poverty and oppression).

CC wouldn't qualify as she's not an inhabitant of the British Isles of non-Scandinavian Germanic origin in the 5th to the 11th centuries. Neither is she an American national. Were she acquire the US citizenship, she'd be able to claim German ancestry, but I'm not sure if 1st generation immigrants get to be called Anglo-Saxon.
No, she's actually white irl
That's Engels


It's missing the cuckolds from PC
Ben Franklin was famously quoted saying this
>That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.
they are all basically the same so they get along better and that makes the stream more fun
How about the fact that Shiori's ching chong mouth can't pronounce "th" to save her life? And she doesn't replace it with an F like a Euro would, it's a hard D.
>whites who can tan aren't white, even when blonde.
Honestly I'm getting a kinda Austronesian vibe from her accent but still it's hard to pinpoint. She doesn't do the Mandarin/Canto-colored sing song shit, she doesn't stick unnecessary vowels at the end of her (phonetic) phrases like Koreans and Japanese do. Her lenis stops are actually lenis not this weird mushy almost breathy-voiced shit Koreans do.
Collab = no watch
Shiori is as white as curry on rice
nothing, you're literally just blinded by your white fever
Pretty much yeah, also he was kinda racist and didn't want Germans in Pennsylvania
>best culture of all time produces good things
where is the confusion?
God damn I love being white
eh I find the JP collabs to be a lot funnier than the EN ones. also GG hard carried enreco and she's asian
non white/americans grow inclusive to their non white counterpart because americans are fucking racists towards them. The necesssiity to move in america is because the american spouse wants to keep their jobs there. Always been the case even before the internet. But it got worse during the the rise of neo fascism in 2016 and then covid.
Nowadays it's the americans who are exxpected to move in with their spouse outside of the ocuntry because it's much much cheaper there and not to mention, safer.
only SEA monkeys are this obsessed with being white that they ignore all the other god awful collabs
>mahjong at gatherings
it's interesting how certain experiences are so specific to certain races.
i still remember how people immediately concluded gg must be a hongkonger or at least chinese once she mentioned pineapple bun, which i'm sure 99% of white people don't give a fuck about and have never heard of.
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>t. buttblasted east asian
She sang along to the American national anthem so she passes, same as IRyS. Both honorary white girls
What kinda european pronounces th as F? Frenchfags?
She's jewish tho
>How about the fact that Shiori's ching chong mouth can't pronounce "th" to save her life? And she doesn't replace it with an F like a Euro would, it's a hard D.
Dat's what Americans call an East Coast accent. Watch Bugs Bunny cartoons.
>What kinda european pronounces th as F? Frenchfags?
imagine not watching only kiara everyday
hashtag not a cult
They're neither white nor Asian
Missed the other fake.
>But it got worse during the the rise of neo fascism in 2016 and then covid.
Election tourists were a mistake. Imagine typing this conspiracy gibberish with a straight face.
The real question is why are white girl cliques so much less toxic than asian girl cliques
>The real question is why are white girl cliques so much less toxic than asian girl cliques
Anon, holoJP being extremely xenophobic to the point they still give IRyS pointed slights about how her japanese is good "for a foreigner" is a japanese thing, not an asian thing.
Anon discovers culture. Wait until you find out different parts of the US calls coca cola.
But white people like pineapples
Why don't they make pineapple buns? Seems like a logical conclusion
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>conspiracy gibberish
it's not anon's fault he's trapped behind the Great Firewall
>grow inclusive to
>their non white counterpart
>to move in america
I thought germanfags pronounce it as "z".
I’d watch Holo if you guys added more brown women, I haven’t watched since Sana graduated
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That's not toxicity, that's ribbing
Toxicity would be if IRyS was never allowed to be friends with Flare in the first place.
Not really. It’s pronounced differently or the h is silent but there is no z or s sound in th.But “S“ can sound like „Z“.
he doesnt know
Flare only likes irys because she is also a hafu who faced prejudice throughout her life and can relate with each other.
For example Cover refused to let anyone other than a pure blooded japanese use a light skin model, forcing them to wear their shame even as anime girls.
because white girls are cute
Isn't mumei chinese like her friend doki, and gura one of the goblin-folk?
bae is the one who is chinese in council
mooms is the whitest horse girl to ever white
and gura is greek (based on some homemade dishes that her mom made, forgot what)
I'm 14 and this is deep (brown)
the only thing I hear with the chicken is gr instead of r
Bae is australian which is a race of criminals and she makes my dick go down under.
Australian isn't a race, it's a nationality
>Migrate en masse to white countries
>Never get a chance to see white people in their own world because they all (yes all) have non white orbiters they have to be mindful of
>Get a chance to see whites just enjoying themselves among themselves
>An actual rare treat
Well of course it's popular silly. To the non white its an exotic experience and cool as hell. It's not something they can ever experience in person for obvious reasons either.
I think China has little European city replicas built over there because they're enamored with this concept.
kick out nerissa and shiori and this is a good group
>That's not toxicity, that's ribbing
Anon, the Japanese don't directly attack you, they do it with more subtle but still plainly obvious exclusion techniques. And ribbing is what you do with somewhat close friends, where the intent is good natured, you don't imply someone isn't as Japanese as you are in a condecending manner if you barely know them beyond doing a few work projects together at most.
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to be fair, pekora does it to everyone:

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