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/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Thread Quality Reminder
Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

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>Current Thread Aggie


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>Other Threads of Interest

>Previous thread
the turtle in the OP is singing at least 1 or 2 more songs and then playing jackbox
someone save koopa and give her children
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speaking of koopa!
her setlist was this plus one other song i missed the last one
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Oh neat I almost thought we wouldnt be able to get a Koopa thread in time
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genki tomboy tiger's doing a binaural mic ASMR stream!
JUST in time...
Didn't she have a brain tumor? What happened with that?
Getting really fucking tired of you digging up old shit with questions that frame people in a bad light all the fucking time. It's extremely petty and you only do it to stir shit up.
you fuckin tell him nigga
Chill. I don't think I'm who you think I am. I meant no offense, I was just curious because I've been away from the threads for a long time and that was a big deal the last time I was around. I'm not trying to agitate people, I was just looking to be spoonfed on the situation desu
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Fine, but I've got my eye on you.
She took time off for treatment a while back. It's not been mentioned much since.
If you are telling the truth: She had a successful surgery about 2 years ago and is sorta back to her usual routine except that her short term memory is fucked
Was her jaw prob because of it
>Spend a lot of time in /wvt/ watching /wvt/ vtubers back when it was on /trash/
>Decide to stop watching vtubers to improve my life, and the thread quality was plummeting anyways
>Life improves for a while, but then starts to suck again
>Decide to start watching some vtubers again
>Lapin ends up being recommended to me on YouTube
There is no escape from this shithole.
Also what the fuck happened to this place? I remember when we could get multiple threads in a day. Now this place is just a link graveyard. It's nice to see a lot of the vtubers that I remember are still streaming, but it's sad to see the thread this inactive.
I'm guessing chuubas don't selfpost here any more. I'm guessing the community surrounding this thread has died.
It doesn't even seem like the thread schizos like Sh*nia or R*n are still around.
What went wrong
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What happened? What happened was doomposters and thread schizo drama drove away most people from actively posting. While most don't, a few vtubers like Dibiy and Caleb still selfpost. The schizos you mentioned, rin and shania, are still around. They either baitpost or encourage schizos like rebel and THAT lamy attention whore to shit up the thread further. However, the thread can be fun and is still decent enough to come back to.
Is it just me or was this posted last thread word by word?
I see, good to know that she's doing better though
Why did you repost my post? I feel somewhat violated
Its pasta now yes
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But oh well, whatever. I guess I'll appreciate the indirect (You)s
Its no biggie since its an anyapost
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gamer baeg's playing more kingdom death monster with his viewers
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lolibaba wetware fairy's streaming some palworld!
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computer science shark's chatting for now (she has yet to decide what to play on-stream)
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Should I stream ARK, Fallout, oblivion, or Minecraft this morning?
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Scheddy for the week
also currently getting my ass ate by my deep-seated fear or any body of water deeper than a puddle
I like a chuuba in particular, but I don't know how to tell her that her audio fucking sucks without being rude. I also find it weird nobody has told her this before
That's nice. I also watch vtubers.
Most femchuubas have terrible audio and if you offer suggestions to improve their streams in any way you're literally Hitler
Very vague post.
Unless you intend to take responsibility, and become her manager it's best to let whoever you're talking about run their show their own way.
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morning ping...
just do it, she will thank you
Is that the star league logo?
Caleb has to learn how to use the categories function to accurately display what's on stream, or use pre-recorded VODs of Subnautica to play on stream, so he's categorically correct while he's busy doodling on a chalk board.
>page 9 in 13 minutes
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don't worry I'll save it


what the fuck is going on out there it normally takes 40 minutes at this time od the day
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alker supermarioworld
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cute tutelary spirit's streaming pokemon mystery dungeon!
Oh wow those are some old viewers
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classical composer qilin's doin more factorio
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cute fae maid's looking at the halloween stuff in muse dash!
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sweet potato saleswoman's showing off a new outfit!
Khubie is playing World of Horror
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margo bed hair...
the movement on it looks nice, also the hairpins are a little different
i'm not sure if the night variant of the chatting room is new
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face is same ol' same ol', always cute
The only schizos and self posters left are RES and R*da. Every time I come here it's just them schizo posting yet again
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it's a schoolgirl outfit!
this outfit showed up in some of the flashback parts of her assassin debut as well as in other art margo has drawn of herself
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the big poofy jacket is nice and fits with her other outfits
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these slippers are themed after the pika, which is the same animal margo used for her kemono ear toggle
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the cardigan is toggleable, and the three pins all have separate toggles for them too
the glasses and ears toggles are present here as well
it's overall a pretty neat outfit even if it doesn't have as many features as the other outfits for this model
Reminds me of Clauvio
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full body shot for the cardigan/cardigan-less versions of the outfit
i should be talking more about the rigging on this but i have to get to uni, just know the hair and long skirt movement looks nice in terms of new stuff
Tanya mentioned she's more into movies than celebrity worship tabloid slop. Interesting since you'd expect a vtuber to be into western idol culture.
Something's off with her foot
I havent heard of Hylus in 2000 years...
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Put your tripcode back
didn't really notice it until you mention it
i guess the little ankle bump isn't on there? i don't want to have to draw that stuff anyways
As rob liefeld said, if you don't wanna draw it hide it
>Tanya likes Dido
I want to share a bunch of albums with Tanya in my cytube. I think I could help her rediscover some fun things to listen to.

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