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women in suits edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>86826166
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Sex with Moka.
coin/11, never forgetti
Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
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never forget what they took from you
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She has been spending her Nexas money on PC parts one at a time for as long as she has been getting them. It was going to come down to the start of October paycheck being enough to buy the last few parts, then bring everything to someone who would assemble it for her.
Currently, we don't know if the situation with her cat threw a wrench in those plans. She may have needed that money for vet bills, in which case it all gets stalled until the next time she gets paid, in November.
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What compels a man to spend so many coins?
The same answer for anyone spending money on superchats and gifted subs
the answer is obvious, anon, its cute anime girls
silas: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
I applied for the Jumpstart program
are you at least a cute girl?
Anime waifu expert not beating the groomer allegations
no but if the limited male models theory is true, I will be
Please stop taking models, at least pick the ugliest one if you are.
da wose 3: https://www.twitch.tv/magicalroseli
doing kanji practice now
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mizuki: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
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No schedule anchor yet, but the Mizu-schedule is live.
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What should I do to become a good chatter?

My NEXAS oshi is a 0view on slow days and I always struggle to interact with her as I'm socially crippled. Chatting in 1-on-1s makes me very anxious and sometimes I run out of things to say. It's clearly my fault, but her brain works in another way, so she always thinks she's being uninteresting and ends up apologizing...

I know I'll never be able to replace a room of 10 viewers, but what should I do to improve my conversation skills? I just want to make her feel the same joy that I feel talking to her, even if it's a little bit.
Ask her to RP as your girlfriend in exchange for gifts
Bombard her with 4chan memes and pure stream of consciousness. This is now a private chat between you
Who is it?
It's ultimately up to the streamer to keep up the conversation, but a simple way to help keep it going is to just ask for more detail on anything they say. Not specifically asking them to explain in greater detail, but picking out something they said and asking more about it. You can try relating with an experience of your own and ask if they've experienced something similar or how they'd feel if they did. If you're really out of ideas, you can just ask about something in their schedule or about something they posted on twitter. Good luck anon, you can save her.
Let’s say I had posted /here/ saying I was going to do a Barbie movie marathon — something pretty specific. I debut. I do the marathon. I don’t mention the thread, but it’s obvious I was posting here before debut. What would you think of me?
Most ppl are /here/ desu. As long as you don't directly mention 4chan or hint about it on stream who cares
Just please don't post drama we got enough of that as it is
Instantly dropped.

Have some fucking class. Also if you are a Jumptard instantly dropped anyway.

See? Don't appeal to the ppl who hates jumpstarts anyway if you are one cause there's no point. But yea mentioning 4chan is pretty taboo
everyone here already knows all the talents are /here/, confirming so via dogwhistle like that changes nothing
even knowing that you don't just read the threads but you post too changes little because that describes at least half of the anilivers
just note this puts a bigger target on your head for schizoposting if you even remotely sling shit on here or worse, you're simply perceived as a shitslinger

>>86942482 has the right idea. if you're talking to them about something they just mentioned on stream, you're showing that you're interested and paying attention.
don't go full autumn retardo mode, but maybe mention explicitly at the end of their streams every now and then that you really enjoyed the stream, or maybe find a funny meme that relates to something they said/did on stream and tweet it at them, or have a go clipping a funny moment of theirs - if they're not someone who gets restreamed, just shoot a message to one of the restreamers. as long as they're not in giga overlap hell we try sparing a slot
>6am pst
>pm in the other timezones
talents please just give your schedules a once-over after 5-10 minutes has passed.
I blame this on how goddamn illegible the text is though.
>entering this now
Asura has a collab with Hikari, playing phasmo this week
I'm guessing more guests will show up for the collab as the schedules come out
okay maybe its just a different hikari
Anyone have any ideas for jumpstart anchor idk what to put as the pic
Taking your jumpstart anchor and fucking off somewhere else
dottie fanart maybe?
aurora on the cusp of 300 followers?
So who you grooming?
Ask her if there are any shows or games she consumed recently and see if maybe there is something you can talk about
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This one
>jumpstart anchor
>we're running out of ideas edition
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The /JUMP!/ Anchor

Post streams, tweets, updates and discussions about AniLive Jumpstart Program chuubas. Anons can post other non-NEXAS AniLivers here, too.

Jumpkids Schedule Link

Jumpstart Chuubas

Cute Dottie artwork
You seemed stressed, need a massage?
Aurora: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
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Use that when sorine or Harmony debuts.
Mizuki's tits were iconic today, too.
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anilive followers
1. Mia 739 +9
2. Nox 728 +1
3. Esila 653 +1
4. Pyon 643 +8
5. Nell 619 +5
6. Yukiko 578 +1
7. Nekosoma* 575 +12
8. Reverie 558 +1
9. Roseli 555 +10
10. Odette 502 -1
Momoko 485 +1
Rixxy 484 +4
Poette 472 -1
Rov 457 +2
Soma 449 +5
Ochu^ 446 +2
Nano 432 -1
Moka 428 +5
Hikari 427 +1
Bakurah 416 +5

>plotting coins would be pointless when one or two guys spend more at a time than the entire rest of the app makes in a week
Massage my dick with your feet Aina!!!
hyena might actually be responsible for half the app's income at this point
mia: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
>mia's PC will be setup by the end of the week
>wants a week to get used to the PC before potentially debuting on a real platform
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Christ emiko you got a paypig huh
Hyena is speedrunning 1m coins spent on anilive
Jade is live for a short stream.

Mellina and Aurora are still live.
Can oil barons save AniLive?
the gacha game model of "99% of income comes from 1% of players" works for a reason.
Wawoi sched
nowi doko...
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Emiko's poem to her Lil Hoppers.
da wiwi: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
Nobody posting the latest graduation notice yet? Grim.
you motherfucker, you made me look
>one of nowi's friends went to her to complain about relationship problems
>nowi bounced them because she didn't feel like she could handle that, using her being in a game as an excuse
masterfully handled
What's the most efficient way to milk money from these losers without becoming a whore like Esila?
>how is nowi supposed to know Portuguese has something to do with Portugal?
t-this is a bit, right?
I don't watch esila but I thought she was pretty tame
Jade and Rio are live.
Guys its been over 24 hours since Faelie's last stream. Do you think she's ok?
I just asked her and she says she's fine
>nowi vagueposting about the person who suggested the fanname 'fenntroverts'
>she now feels really uncomfortable about using the fanname and wants to change it
>people asked her if said person ever did/said anything weird to her
...who came up with this fanname again? is she vagueposting about renji?
without putting any thought into it my first guess was "was it autumn" lmao
I see Aina's clique has been working overtime
Parts of her chat are cancer but Esila is more indulgent than encouraging. How exactly is she a whore?
I heard several talents vaguely mentioning stuff about JS drama like Mia, they certainly seem to spread their infight as much possible
Ups, meant for >>86952015
Surely not...
Does oil make you wet or oily?

She may be retarded and do marriage rp with a single guy for coins but you should still give her a chance when she's live.
why bother gambling on her when my current nexan oshis satisfy me as is?
you'll need to sell me on her a little better than that, anon
Essay incoming. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and pretend that this is a legitimate post from someone either streaming or trying to start streaming rather than a shitpost. As someone who spends a well above average amount of money in this hobby, these are my takeaways:

Nobody is interested in you. Unless you're the sort of genuinely charismatic person irl that people are seriously interested in, you're not interesting enough to just make money. I don't mean that you had lots of fun experiences, that you have lots of friends, etc. I'm talking the sort of person random people go out of their way to make time for because you're genuinely enjoyable. Those sort of people very very rarely do this because they have a lot of fulfilment in the rest of their lives, so scrap the idea that is you.

The other sort of people who can pull money easily without trying are large streamers. This is because the money is payment for their attention in an attention-deficit economy. You're not that person. Your attention will be in abundance on AniLive because of the lack of viewers. If you're a Jumpstart this is even rougher because without a contract getting any whales interested in you when you could just disappear tomorrow requires you to build up trust and commitment.

On to making money. Most paying viewers aren't interested in you. They don't care too much about your random daily life, watching you play games, etc. You can get some memberships and some viewer numbers doing this, but you're not going to make big money. To get money at the level where you're not large you need to build attachment/parasocialism. How you do this is up to you.

Judging by your reaction to Esila you probably still feel shame/embarrassment at the concept of GFE or GFE-adjacent content, so you should try to fill another niche. You can be an older-sibling style, younger-sibling style, aunt/uncle style, parental style, close friend/confidant style. Ideally with key characteristics (cute, ditzy, dumb, smart, knowledgeable, fit, shy, energetic, controlling, yandere, etc) It's up to you. You're trying to find a part of the viewers life that is missing or deficient and supplement it online. You can do that while doing all your other things (karaoke, playing games, etc) but you need to aim for something like this and keep it consistent. Keyfabe is key.

You may not actually be the person you portray, but your goal is to take your 1-4hrs/day and turn that into a window where you show a version of yourself morphed into that shape. Try to make it as natural as possible. Don't tell stories that break that image. Exaggerate stories that support that image. Do things or try things that type of person might try, talk about them on stream. Every streamer that's successful is playing a character. That character might be an interpretation of themselves, but it is not just "joe or jane got online and started streaming". Plan a couple of talking points, 5-10 to lead the conversation back to that reinforce or create that image so you have fall backs.

There are plenty of people who make nice income off non-romantic parasocialism but almost all large incomes are from parasocialism until you get massive, and the chances of that happening here are low. Wish you the best of luck
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holy fuck
I mean, they're right, but holy fuck

I don't know exactly what OP meant when they mentioned being a "whore" like esila so I'm just gonna say it: the biggest hook for whales in the anilive ecosystem is to be somewhat pitiful and trigger your viewers' saviour complex three different chuubas on here have already got me with that technique
She acts like she's stupid because she sees it works on others. I hate her fake behavior and how she sucks up to Autumn.
>I don't know exactly what OP meant when they mentioned being a "whore" like esila
it was bait for me
I’ll just say that the type of people that hang around in your chat also plays a big role in determining if I decide to stick around your stream, let alone give you expensive gifs. If you coddle a bunch of tiktok zoomers and jackasses like Autumnfox in your chat then there is zero chance I give you money
Chat and your chat interaction is part of your keyfabe but unfortunately in AniLive sometimes the streamers don't have much of a choice with this
Reminder that vtubers are a simulacra within a simulation.
Ignore that anon. Just be genuine. Remember Hachiman's words.
Actual anti post
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How long does it take to stop feeling bad after you stop becoming someone’s regular?
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>Just be genuine
>You end up like Kiko
You'll get used to it.
Don't worry, you'll eventually learn how to stop yourself from engaging before you're ready to commit fully
Zero days. Never forgive, never forget.
vtuber here, why should I collab with your oshi?
This is what made me watch Mia less. I can't enjoy her streams when she lets retards like aruiko do whatever he wants in chat.
If you genuinely want to and like them (non-romantically), otherwise fuck off
To make incels seethe
the content will be good
it won't be
Ame short.
aru hasn't been around lately, though there's ivan
should get better whenever she gets to yt
I started watching her again recently and I haven't seen him at all
is he gone for good or has he moved on to some one else after mia ignored him?
How did Nox get so popular? Her mic quality is shit and she isn't even a cute ESL.
pitiable, streams often, kino
I'm pretty sure she had an uncontested slot for a while
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I committed and I walked away. She's never left my mind ever since, but I'm too ashamed to come back as if nothing happened...
Just remember if you show up in chat she'll probably excitedly greet you, be happy you're back and ask you what you were up to
she did stream in SEA hours uncontested for a good while early on, but also drifted around some now and then
if she debuted now, it might have been more grim for her, but who knows, she's very nise and there's not many streamers you can sit outside in the hood hanging laundry with at some ungodly hour and then she falls asleep for the 29482th time
Enaria schedule + streaming in less than an hour

Mia pushing her upcoming stream 1 hour forward
if your oshi doesn't welcome you back or outright mutes you, then you weren't missed, otherwise just pick it back up
Izuya is back this week with a birthday endurance
O gods he went about 9 hours last endurance

Oz is back later to schedule plan
What kind of psychopath would mute you after being gone a long time? Even Reiki didn’t do that, and she was a straight-up yandere
Rov schedule with an announcement on Sunday
Fae selling her old clothes...
I don't know what went down between them
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she is even selling her clothes to get money to be the best streamer she can...
i feel both blessed by her commitment but also a failure not able to provide her a stable income...
Enaria : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
inb4 used socks and panties
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.

Checked all, thank you! You pasted the schedules into description too, I really appreciate that.
o7 thanks again for the teamup management.
really helps out
Ochu : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
we could be so blessed
Wednesday AniLive (Prep) stream may be followed by another Twitch test stream
you could always ask lmao
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What Nexan is the:
Most annoying
In my experience, they never cared that much in the first place.
Why would they? You're not their friend.
ok fauna
All I know is Momoko is the Momocutest
Nothing else matters
Your oshi
N/A for annoying, the contenders graduated already
N/A now but would’ve said Kaito/Vera before
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What do we think of this? Also is this cheeky bint not counting the hyena donos for this?
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/brg/ agrees on one thing and one thing only
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>Here's what we're doing on Anilive! Watchalong will resume TOMORROW and we're having our first Would You Rather game this week!! Please join me for some treats and spooks
Um.... I got no-one.
>azura follows mia along with one other vallure chuuba
>mia gets all flustered
good whores
she's actually followed by a fair spread of corpo girlies
bondlive, vdreams, tomomi and zeli of v&u, etc
izuya : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
For the wanderers in the thread
not Esi
not Esi
feel free to REEE
I think this guy hates Esila
>not Esi
> > > >Esi
>not Esi
This poster does not watch Esila
wuwuwuwu where wuwi
I patiently wait for my wifes (Nano) return…
>This poster does not watch Esila
over 130IQ
that's the name of his tulpa
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(Late) Wuwi wonday! Wuwuwuwuwu
wuwuwuwuwu: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
Don't call my fennec wife dumb, only I can do that.
Is it actually okay to use English for your request?
skeb automatically runs non-japanese requests through deepl
still relying on machine translation to communicate exactly what you want but that's part of the skeb experience
Yes, just run it back and forth through DeepL a couple of times. If DeepL takes your English, translates it to Japanese, and translates that Japanese back to English and it's still accurate you're probably good. Using short, concise, clear, basic sentences with words that don't have lots of synonyms helps too.
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da wose https://x.com/MagicalRoseli/status/1843390287177232655
>entering now
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Stella posted Yandere GF ASMR on her YT.
Osian : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
It was a compliment
I honestly forgot hiroshi was technically still around
Mizuki (Runner up: Yukiko)
Nano (Runner up:Wendy)
Rixxy (Runner up: Momo)
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I miss Wuwi already...
'til next time, CGG
Between Momo and Mia
Between Rixxy and Mia (affectionately)
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A very Wuwiwonder
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>STREAM SCHEDULE IS UP! This is the stream schedule for this week! I am still unsure on a couple of things but as usual I will keep everyone updated on here!

>hope to see everyone there
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so sweaty...
Silas and Nell added. Roseli checked, thank you
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>Apologies for the delayed schedule, but here's what we've got for the week! Got a nice variety of games coming up, including a collab on Saturday!
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>peak girlfailure
who will save this one?
MelodyW, Tiki, and Maeve are live.

Juju is still streaming.
She (her parents) has a mountain of small kitchen appliances, including a rice cooker with old rotten rice in it.
will never get this meme and im forgetful as fuck
silas honk rail: https://twitch.tv/silasain
osian playin some kind of dbz: https://twitch.tv/osianwhitlock
Choco and Lottie are live.
Sapphire, Dottie, and Micte are live.
>both entered
checked, thank you
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I miss my frogwife...
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Stella is live.
I'd respond with a Nexan headpat emote... if I had one.
She's growing more powerful I fear
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Koharu Gremmy Debut Announcement (once a chatter called smolgremlin)

Koharu's Intro video. He's a girl
cute, might have legs, some ballpark as nowi with more stereotypical anime voice
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charmorg: https://www.twitch.tv/charmingcharliemorgan
cheryl: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
Aurelian is live.
teaser just dropped
autumn may be a shitter, but at least he's a shitter with cash
nsfw versions in the tweet
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>zero activity anywhere for three days now
why can't I protect her smile???
>zero activity
She retweeted this >>86994697 so there's signs of life, albeit faint

wixxy https://x.com/rixxybrightful/status/1843474779845824900
What the fuck I played roblox with that motherfucker
Kit is live.
>He's a girl
The world is healing
You see those girls interacting in Anilive chats? All of them are soon-to-be Jumpstarters.
I now believe those are all real girls rather than just men pretending.
>cheryl talking about streaming quotas
>yume is still subject to the max 2 hours per day counted, while gen 4 will not be (just like the jumpstarts no longer have a 2h/day cap)
>gen 4 will be able to stream "right away", hard to tell exactly what "right away" means
>gen 4 will be able to stream "right away", hard to tell exactly what "right away" means
Anilive is so fucking cooked it's not even funny if this means what it probably does.
She's like Roseli and Nowi's lost daughter
Turning on battery saving mode stops my phone from heating up while using anilive. Kinda shocked
Harmony Bell intro video and debut date revealed.
>complaining about having to stream constantly and not having times to prepare good/worthwhile content
>"don't you only have to do 10hr/week? 5 x 2h streams per week?"
>"no, it's much more than that"
>"I promise its more complicated than that"
what in the
she's being incredibly vague about it when pushed, but I can't help but feel its more likely she doesn't get something rather than their anilive jail terms changing

>its a girl
Rube Goldberg machine to calculate the streaming quota, love this new battle royale gimmick
Super cute design
Here's a merch idea! Pre-Addressed postage paid envelopes so that you can send your oshi fanmail. Get on it Harry!
>handwrite a cute fan letter for my oshi
>pay an exorbitant fee to ship it half way across the globe
>they can't read my pathetic handwriting
>"t-thanks for the letter anon! it was... really good! and meaningful..."
its peak cinema, I'm down for it
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[Mizuki News]
She defeated the Impossible Quiz
Wendy: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
Aina and Asura are live.
Jade is live.
Mizuki's tits were incredible today, too.
fennpals, we exist now!!
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>miss are you okay?
>miss, are you good?
She's going super saiyan
Meanwhile, the mind of Momoko
>the one random child who joined the chat to cry about being banned on roblox
this stream is peak
please tell me she plans on shitposting up until her debut
>Every single person in the airport seems custom-designed to fuck with her, piss her off, or stress her out.
>Finally gets to her seat on the plane
>Guy next to her busts out a hard-cover copy of The Aeneid and does not look away from it or acknowledge anything else for the duration of the flight.
Wendy has Jerma Aura where things just happen in her presence.
That man? Me
you're alright, aeneidnon
but you missed the opportunity to push her over the edge and lose your life at wendy's hands
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how many people are from /asp/?
I don’t know why, but I have a good feeling about this one
zero, they had the good sense not to join Harry's tribute list
I meant viewers/readers/posters ITT.
gotta be at least a handful
>thread obsessed about whether their waifus eat a digital burger
is this the fucking architecture general? what is the feeder shit?
>they don't understand the satisfaction of the anime girl going "om nom nom nom nom"
Shut up and eat the burger
Big girls are cute too
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Momoko: https://x.com/MomokoNuihara/status/1843529542130188766

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