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Blood Moon Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules


>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi: >>>/vt//choc/

Previous Thread >>86912631
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>It's Stronny's birthday on the 10th!
Let's make a card together! Submit a tile (An image) and together it will make 1 big card from all of us. Example of a completed card: https://files.catbox.moe/s193sl.png
>Some editing assets

All tiles must be have dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400). Spoiling your submissions are recommended.
>Deadline is in 2 days.
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i was in a dota game and forgot the bred sorry :^)
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Icey hugs.
Icey kisses.
Icey seggs.
Icey love. <3
Rimmy is the best rat in the world, and she's the only doe I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Rimmy is the best rat in the world, and she's the only doe I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
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Is this any good? I have no images of Stronny saved and im phoneposting so it was made with the 'markup' feature im also not a Reefling so idk if the tape on the mouth is something she would like or not
>Blood Moon Edition
Bro, the other day when the Pinpalbaker told us to bake I was gonna use this image and edition...we are!
for me, it's my drowned darling
Nah it's good anon. Thanks for adding to the card. It's a little big but I can resize it.
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good thing you didn't because i had no other images in mind lol~
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Yay! do it
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This but Immy
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i want azura to be my passenger princess.
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I love my retarded sister that lets me cum in her hands and doesnt spill a drop and is getting better at telling people no and being assertive and im so proud of her for being a good girl!
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jeeeeezas she's fuming today.
she must have gotten some total mongs in her maros. i really hope this doesnt keep up, i like sending messages to my whores (affectionate)
She should rape us on fansly to let off some steam
As far as I know she was born in 1999/2000. She started making stuff in 2018 and said she was 18 at the time, so she'd be 23-25, probably 24.
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why did my twitter elect to put this on my front page
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Immy rage rape!
>stronny is somehow a year younger than me while immy is likely older than me
what the fuck
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

i feel pretty nice knowing that stronny is older than me
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>while immy is likely older than me
How old do you think Immy is?
i'd assume between 25-27 tbch
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she's no hag
she's a delicate young flower ripe for the picking
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hags are 30+ jokerposter, kill yourself
>year younger
it's all fun and games until you have a girl younger than you wanting you to call her mommy, then it's weird
source: I'm a year older than Stronny, I was turning 19 when she started
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25+ is a hag
30+ is a grandma at that point sorry to break it to you
you cant just make up your own definitions for established terms
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Its up
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you also like literal shit so your opinion is worth less than sewer water
stronny does not know how to end stream
She can call me daddeh
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Brat collab!
I know, its glorious I love her
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>members stream while i'm working
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of course i can
you should too fuck the established terms who cares
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Holy collabs.
geez she really hates you
taking a vacation to quebec as we speak to seek out brat correction
Kino and if she vomits? even more kino
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kinda hoping this drunk mario kart stream turns into drunk karaoke again lads.
its fucking amazing i love her
Me too tbdesu, especially if the plan is to play with members
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>play with members
oh god i hadn't even thought about that.
>4 collab streams
Gonna be a fucking rough week
Yeah but surely l4d2 will be kino
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>multiple streamers planning fanfic readings
writefags, we're so back
what the FUCK is a pico park
Vtuber collab game.
Your feed will show you things people you follow like but not who specifically
a hero stands against evil, at long last
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I can't get the fact Immy just did what I asked with barely any hesitation out of my head...
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oh shit
What is with there whores (affectionate) and being dizzy
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Do it. Please Immy, i'll spank my ass 100 times for you if I have to please!
They're women
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>the collabs are all when im working
>membership streams, all when im working
fucking kill me nigga if i didnt care about the bag this much id quit my job
>>86940727 (me)

miss fire unless youre the same anon
>Pinpals c'mon. If she's asking this the answer is yes. Twitter people I swear...
Based ex-dada
Immy if you don’t I will genuinely think less of you
more katta!
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I've just got a new job, and it has already made me miss a few mummeh streams. I unironically might quit it. I'm hating it anyways.
if you hate it anyways look for better, if you cant find better make yourself impossible to fire somehow. watch mummeh streams and be happy.
I still think about that ass pic, like once or twice a week.
I need to know if she's going live so I know if I should (you) the Pinpals that went to sleep
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WTF why are you posting screenshots of me having sex with Stronny?
We barely have any alone time this week...
stronny is literally playing with barbies except it's raping reeflings
I love her so much.
This is kino
what the fuck is happening, i am too loopy to understand.
I am laughing so fkn hard
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man FUCK. got work in 3 hours but i can't possibly miss this if it ever happens. guess i'll go make some coffee. SHIT FUCK PISS REEEEE.
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And then she's gonna be moving...and then she'll be gone for a week...and she'll be with her mom so barely any, or maybe no tweets/interactions with us...
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
Take a nap, i'll (you) you if she says shes actually gonna do it, or if she goes live
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aite bet. cheers.
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fapfic enjoyers, would you prefer a suggestive immyfic as a dom or a azurafic as a dom
i NEED another project to occupy my weekend
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aw man...
Smalldom is based.
i meant azurafic as a sub, im tipsy, fuck off
Im a Pinpal so I would say Immy, and I think someone is already doing an azura fic anyway
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I need immy to dominate me
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I love my ghost wife Mercy Modiste. That is all.
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I needed that full day of Stronny
Really like how much
Whats /vag/ listening to tonight?
I am currently not listening to anything while I wait to see if my wife will vomit for me
Pinpal so I'm naturally biased towards Immy, but I would probably pick her even if I wasn't. Lolidom is far more rare and interesting than big woman.
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I am trying so hard not to fall in love. Its not working. I love mummeh so much.
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Just give in. Join us. Fall in love with a vtuber.
it is indeed night
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Why fight it brother. You love her and she loves you. It's natural. Join us.
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Pretty much. Multiple long breaks until the end of the year. I'm dreading it.
I felt a disturbance in the force and woke up. My wife Immy is feeling sick and might vomit. I can't sleep now
I'm of course hoping to listen to her vomit too if she decides to stream it or make a recording of it, I'd much rather listen to that, in fact.
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You can't resist. If you understand mummeh it's over.
She asked us 40 minutes ago, and hasnt said or done anything since then....
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I already did, a long time ago, but its just that tiny part of my brain that wants to guard my final barrier.
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I'm actually sad now. I wasn't wanting to think about it...
Im sitting here, dick in hand, waiting for 40 minutes just to hear a zoomer girl pretending to be an anime girl pretending to be my little sister vomit.
Thinking about Stronny's marinated panties.
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don't think it's happenin anymore bro
Surely she would say something right? she wouldn't tease me just to tease me right? i still remember waking up early and Immy saying she was gonna do a guerilla but then 30 minutes of silence later saying she was just teasing....
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I love everything about her. Every day I just feel lucky that she entered my life. Even just having her pop up in my head while I'm at work sets my heart aflutter and makes me smile. Whenever she tweets about being sick or hurt I just feel genuine concern for her. Even if I'm just one voice in the crowd to her, I want to at least help just a bit to make her happy however I can.
Nta but this is really sweet, remember to tell her you love her!
At some point I want Stronny to watch the music video for this song.
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i mean she totally could but the need to puke is not really something you can control so it either happened alread- nvm
Lamentable, but I still have hope to someday her my cute little sister projectile vomiting, because I will always believe in my little sister. At least I can daydream of it for the time being...
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I like you mercybro, you're really sweet, and I know for a fact that mercy loves (you)
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I fucking knew it! she did it again....
i said it last time when she did it with the guerilla stream, i unironically hate this kind of teasing. if she wait a few minutes then it wouldnbe different but I waited almost an hour for a fucking small joke. please stop doing this Immy
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I do! Especially on days like today where she's in pain.
That would be wild. Music video watchalong marathon sounds like a fun idea too.
Thanks bro, I hope you've been taking care of your little sister too
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it is what it is bro don't get too hung up over it
Im not, im gonna go jerkoff to her handcupping again
(You) me if she changes her mind again or at least archive it.

Goodnight Immy I still love you
Goodnight brothers love y'all
Goodnight bro I love you too
Immy dreams
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what i tell myself is that there is close to 8 billion people on earth and the chance to meet her in real life is 0% that helps keep my sanity at bay it also helps if she doesn't live on the same continent
Though i love mummeh so fucking much regardless so idk if that actually works
Goodnight again? Brother, Love you too
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Best $5 I ever spent I tell you what
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Okay, im gonna go shower now.
Goodnight everyone
Goodnight Brother
Please be careful when sending goon cave photos. I was able to identify where one Reefling works with the photo they sent in. If the photo was any higher quality I could probably figure out who it was specifically. Please be more careful.
I'm leaving my SSN in the EXIF just for you baby boy
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Im gonna head to bed now too, goodnight everyone. today was great, and tonight was alright, Immy lied about vomiting for us and I had some brainworms resurface while I was showering, but I hope you all have a good day tomorrow!
Make sure your oshi feels your love!
Holy shit I just rewatched Shibis Hunie pop stream and I forgot how lovey dovey she gets at the end I think I held off on rewatching it because i didn’t want to tarnish the memory of it but fuck me I saw stars when she said she loves me. I love Shibi so much it’s crazy I love her I love her I lover her!
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>I lover her
That was a magical evening. I was on cloud 9 for like a week afterwards.
meant for
I need to go to sleep.
uuuu mummeh rape... I need it.
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I really hope she takes time after the collab ends to talk to us a bit...
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this is my wife, say something nice about her
She's a big girl
I like her milk.
I want to tongue bath her belly button piercing
her breasts are anatomically incorrect and are too high up
are you gay? why are you acting so gay
for me_
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Had to rewatch Stronnys donothon traily, had a heart attack and thought it was on the 10th.
Whew thought i was gonna puke there for a secon.....wait she's not here....*pukes*
*slaps you*
Get out while you still can
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cant wait to streamsnipe one of my whores (affectionate) in sparking zero.
Are any of them confirmed playing it? I am so fucking hyped for that game
no one yet, but i'll bet any one of them with even a shred of latin ancestry will be playing
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>People my age are running their own full time businesses and careers now, meanwhile I'm a mentally ill NEET watching vtubers all day
Funny how it all works out
>People in my age group are exploiting the system that is designed to sap every bit of usefulness in them until their health span runs out and become a burden on those around themselves while ive almost embraced that lifestyle out of an inability to change the system in a meaningful way
Dont be so hard on yourself. You fix that mental issue while still holding that position, youll be living the easy life
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me btw
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Hello /vag/!
Just about 2 more days before Stronny's kudoboard closes for submission:

Hoping to catch anyone we've missed. Come drop her a greeting for her birthday!
i need more watchalongs.
I want to get members for my goat wife but it looks like she never even does members streams, convince me fellow bleaters
wakey wakey nerds look alive
none of that really matters. i know guys that worked as factory workers for 40+ years before retiring. but you know what matters? love. family. friends. they have fulfilled lives because they have those things, even if they hit a career dead end at age 20
I have listened to Mercy murder us Snippets 5 times now. I have a problem.
save it for the fansly streams imo
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i really like the concept the bone snapping sfx really spooked me
She's going to murder someone
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please be me
please be me
god please be me
cat fight cat fight cat fight
>Blood red moon
>Six women
The implications are that they've synchronized their periods
makes me wonder when we'll get an off-collab
women confuse me
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Immy's going to jail and we'll never see her again...
since women fight on the social plane instead of the physical plane they get into a lot more fights since there is no real physical repercussions
just make it look legal doofus
If she's moving soon she could probably leverage that she's been a good tenant and ask them to look the other way for however long she's got left
Is she talking about the rats? Or did I just miss that Rimmy was a stoner.
Immy has several illegal firearms in her home, and they are all missing serial numbers
Rat's aren't illegal but if I remember right her apartment doesn't allow pets. I dunno
I've never been more proud of my little sis
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/VAG/ Home invasion addition.
i love her so much
she's not white
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she's half white
just imagined shibi taking a knot
i have 6 girlfriends but none of them know i'm dating the other 5
She put beast pretty low on her tier list iirc.
God I want her to tie me up and make me watch her cuck me with a dog and then felch all of its cum out of her pussy into my mouth in order to be untied
that dog? me
Immy frames up
The witchcraft title and description are really cute
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Shibi's schedule for this week
Of course she has to say this for mas market appeal but why else would she talk about how much she loves doggy dick to all her human fans if she werent at least a little bit into the idea of holding hands with me, her human boyfriend, while getting knotted and tongue kissing a dog while I feebly remind her we agreed to no kissing as my cock betrays me and leaks precum out of my little cage.
I mean its just common sense
As are Azura's, and Icey's
she's been tweeting weird stuff today
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amen to that
This one is the least weird
Good afternoon everyone. I fell asleep to her breathing again! I love her so much!
I hope you all have a good day today
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It has context to it (the short she recently uploaded), so it's less weird than the professional tweet where we received the context 30 minutes later.
You're gross
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>cuck me with a dog
women will say they dont like NTR and then straight up cheat on their boyfriends, like thats literally the meaning of NTR = cheating
what are you talking about bro
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shibi won't cheat on me tho
Post paws
Did you hit your head?
Stop giving him (you)s
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Humans literally cant compete
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shibi can i get a one time use nword pass? it would be so funny please
vallure went for the 4chan audience so naturally theres going to be a lot of casual racism. but i dont think anyone here wants to seriously hurt people, like nobody here is going to burn down a refugee shelter
its just jokes
there are literally two black women in vallure. do you think it's fun for them?
I made that post because no one was 'slinging slurs' at black people
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Where do these people even come from? You'd think they'd get filtered before saying something this stupid.
immy whispered the n word into my ears last night when we were cuddling
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Sometimes it feels like we're being raided, and sometimes it feels like we're not. I just know I'm looking forward to the Left 4 dead collab. there has to be mods to change the survivors into the girls, that would be so fucking kino
where even is the racial slur in any of those 2 tweets?
Heaven forbid the incest brocon literal child rp chuuba say anything that could allude to a racial slur wether she intended it or not
honestly we're not even that racist. I feel like if one of the holos came out as black it would be a huge deal
nah but if one of them came out as dating a black guy, that would be a huge deal
Didn’t shibi even ask people to tone down those types of jokes and even did it just because she asked
I agree with you. You can feel when the thread is different sometimes
who is immy fighting with
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Immy will be playing for the first time, it will be kino
she said werewolf, which is technically a human most of the time
Im gonna go jerkoff to Immy's braps
I'm going to be the brave one and ask. Sauce?
i love objectifying my little sister
every single part of immy's body is pure sex.
Oh, she hasn't played it on stream before? It'd be funny if the others carried her throughout the campaigns. I've not watched Immy or any of the other girls since I stick to Azura, but how good is she in games?
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i just googled wolf paw lol
When in doubt, find a timezone map and check where in the world is it currently prime time. Just so happens there's a place frequently associated with spreading cuckshit (and other sorts of) propaganda currently experiencing prime time.
Pico Park will be kino, I just know it. But will it be Pico Park 1 or 2?
She hasnt played it at all, ever.
>how good is she in games
She is retarded (cute)
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Hello Pumpkittens
I stopped with the racist jokes after Shibi made ot clear she didnt like them.
Yes. Me please
>Can BLEEP people kill themselves
>Noooooo dont say bad words
Is she retarded
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i want immy to tonguepunch my tonsils
>like nobody here is going to burn down a refugee shelter
Because of the consequences, not compassion
Someone said 'kittens' was Immy's pl fanbase name, if true, I would kill myself if she started calling us "pumpkittens"
>how good is she in games?
She's a very casual gamer, but she does her best and we love her
Imagine immy straddling your lap and holding your face with both hands. Ravenously kissing you. Her tongue beating yours into submission while grinding into your crotch.
not like anybody ever attacked shibi or azure here for being black, only sheltered stick in the mud faggots get offended by the stupid my shibba meme that we don't even post anymore

like the guy in that tweet above, people with chips on their shoulder who get offended at even non-existent things just perceived slights that aren't actually happening, because they think the world owes them something and they need to be mad at something and someone at all times
oh. is that true
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you got a knack for this imagineposter, you should write fanfics or some shit
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im imagining...
You fucks got the "white girls fuck dogs" song stuck in my head and I'm pretty sure a coworker just heard me mumble it under my breath.
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its shit i know…
Pico park is going to be an absolute disaster
I had a dream about Ghost Mercy torturing me and I woke up hard. This is how people get guro fetishes. I can never listen to Mercy kill someone again.
erm... my mummeh is always cheerful
You really think so?
I still think it's fun in a shitposting way but I don't want to do it at all if it becomes hurtful
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Mari, where was this level of rizz when you you were talking to Azura? You would have been so in.
Twitch just banned any use of loli models and also swimsuits on vtubers. Remember this whenever another twitchfag complains about the girls streaming on YouTube.
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aye. you paint a good picture imo
I dunno she looks pretty sad in that pic
I know they pretty much banned swimsuits since thighs can't be uncovered but i didn't see anything about loli models.
Same, I made the Shiba img with the sideways gun.
>Twitch just banned any use of loli models
no, they banned the sexualization of them.
summer's over pedos
Which means all use of them since loli's are always pure sex.
They didn't outright ban lolis. They banned whatever they consider "sexual framing" of them.
Hips need to covered now as well.

Now how does twitch define that though? They're even worse then YouTube when it comes to bans
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that's actually a normal human cuttlefish
Is there only one imagineposter?
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more to come inshallah
He gets his updates from dramatubers, don't be mean.
/Vag/ might be one of the least racist threads. Nothing here has offended me and I'm black.
Thats good to know Shibi
>shibi, apparently, somehow
Do burgers really?
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>illegal paraphernalia
what does immy consume
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i mean there might be more than one obviously but i feel like the one recognize the most is the same person.
this was hot until the last part
Did you make this post too? >>86924630
thank god they didn't choose to stream on twitch
Immy I will die before then end of the year if you don't put your asshole directly on my nose and brap. please Immy, you don't want me to die right? you'll save me won't you?
That one was not me. >>86926154 was me.
I see someone else do it occasionally but I’ve done most of them.
>All the twitch cucks trying to say that YouTube was the more puritanical site.
Eating your words now twitch fags?
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Its in the contract silly
Read it
Rent free
yooo haha just had sex with your oshi
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I think as long as she's paying rent for the two months that should be fine right? What exactly does the rental agent want her to do?
Bro, just tell them you will be staying there for 60 more days. Easy. She is paying for it anyway
basically it depends if your landlord is petty enough that they will try to go after you for breaking the terms of your lease. if immy is paying the full term of her rent I can't imagine they will do anything. legal fees are expensive as fuck so usually it's not worth it
Is she breaking the lease early?
According to her tweet she needs to give them a 60 day notice. And threatening her is so fucking dumb since you get 2 months of double dipping on the same apartment with the way Immy does it.
she is leaving the unit unoccupied which constitutes abandoning it, so yes. but usually legal action for abandoned property is when the landlord sued for unpaid rent. Immy is paying her rent and taking her property so there isn't much financial upside in going after her.
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also i know im behind on tweets but im low energy today so don't expect much
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I can screencap Immy tweets if you want.
I don't know how that shadowban thing works, could that be the problem?
People have been doing it already but if they don't you can
[Shibi update] her shibhole is about to take a pounding
Yeah, from Harem
bakin and not burnin
A bun in Immy's oven
please do not create mutant babies with your little sister (or?)
mari is my gf
is acai good? just looks like blueberries
It's good but it's very much a woman thing like pumpkin spice
stop making this post
average twitch fag right here, glad stronny decided not to pander to you subhumans
thanks nigling
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huh? i might be a little retarded, but i'm not disabled..

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