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A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Mecha Doki! Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>86841103

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>Our Divegrass team page

>Don't be a Dumb Goon and reply to (or even just give attention to) every single bit of bait, shitstirring, tribalism, and/or dramafaggotry out there. Be a Smart Goon, Ignore it and Move on! (Report if you have to though!)
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Mechadoki LOVE!
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Bread has been baked eepy now....
Probably no schedule till Tuesday
She should play Metal Wolf Chaos.
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Divegrass goon here. 17 responses in the now-closed poll, and they're all overwhelmingly positive. Damn.
It's Monday morning and I'm very sick so I'll try not to get too sappy about it, but I'll be honest: I really wasn't sure what to expect when I first thought about signing us up. I'm a newer goon: I wasn't around during the Selen days as prior to Doki's return I didn't even watch vtubers, so for the longest time I considered delaying our first appearance until VTL8, or just bowing out and letting someone who's been around longer take the reins. I'm glad you all pushed me to do it anyway, and the love and support you've shown the team has not gone unnoticed. Hopefully the upcoming art commission will act as a bigger 'thank you' than any words I could come up with right now.
Most likely the next bit of ball-kicking action is several months away, but if you ever have any suggestions for the team, feel free to let me know. The team is and always will be by the goons and for the goons after all, and I want it to look and feel like a real symbol of love, both for our oshi and for the cozy home that we've made for ourselves here on /vt/.
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I hate Mondays...
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You got me.
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Thanks for all your work! And I hope you're feeling better soon; it seems like everyone is becoming ill...
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>Anything that I do I just know
>Nothing can stop me at all
>Give me one time and one chance
>Just to prove to you that I'm different
One year anniversary!

It's been a year already? Time flies
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Thanks Divegrassgoon, it was really fun watching the matches with all the other threads!
Get well soon, just like Doki!
1 year, goddammit, it feels like it was yestarday still...
won't be long before doki's 1 year indie anniversary
I just noticed that the artist Skiiyo has gone missing since quite a while, it seems they just sold the Selen merch and not much since. I hope nothing bad happened to them but their pfp is just black now.
I used to see them in chat too, they were a bit active, but that stopped too.
Fuck, that's right, just four months away... God damn, with everything that's gone down this year just in general (including non-vtuber related stuff), 2024 feels like it's been going on forever.
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CUTE Dokimint!
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Love these two!
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Blessed post, thanks for making the team.
I hope the doke is feeling better
I miss Doki, UUUUUUUU...
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I saw your post in /mint/ anon, if you want us to give you headpats and attention just say so, no need to be tsun tsun
I merely brought everyone's ideas and vision to life. I should be thanking you instead, so I am. All I care about is the team being a source of fun and joy for us, really.
Fairy ghost!
Whichever version wins this poll, the resulting art is bound to be Pure Sex!!
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Dumb face for dumb bird.
Are there any horror pics that play into the bird thing?
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No, not yet
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Devour on Thursday with Laimu, Minto and Snuffy
One final thing pertaining to the divegrass stuff:
The form for all the relevant awards (best match, best goal etc) is now open. Go write down all your favorite moments there. No clue when the poll's scheduled to end, but the sooner you chime in, the better.
That is an awesome collab lineup. Can't wait.
All of my favorite chuubas in one stream, Thursday will be a good day
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>that group
Double date
With orgy ending
I voted Succubus Doki because it makes EXTRA hard
Oh the style for this one is really nice
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I voted Angel Doki and Succubus Mint because role reversal is hot.
If I see someone rigging this poll too I'm going to lose my fucking mind
Yep, love their art style
Very cute

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