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Promise stock in freefall

The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading card game with the concept of “competition,” in which we build and compete in this game with our fans.


>Online simulator (automated):

>Twitter hashtag

>JP Online store for price checks
Previous: >>86896791
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Promise meta is over
dead irrelevant game
is this game similar to magic or pokemon? I know for sure this aint yugioh
kinda seems similar to pokemon
Very similar to pokemon in gameplay
Mix of Pokemon/One Piece tcg
It's a new tcg
Debatable. It's getting a lot of traction in JP and once we get an english release then we can talk
Promise supremacy.
Official client when. It's weird when supposedly technological company doesn't make digital card games.
It's joever. The time of hags has come >>86942834
Here's an alternative simulator
Is it manual or automated?
reddit post says it's manual, but I haven't tried it myself
I have tried it, holodelta is 100% manual. If you want something more automated, I recommend https://daktagames.itch.io/holoduel
You can play holoduel on your web browser
If the meta is changing this much this soon, doesn't it mean that multiple decks are viable?
Heard AZKi is basically a counter to Promise decks. Probably having more tournaments over the weekend brought out the tryhards.
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Official Twitter Account

Upcoming events:
500 person tournament on Oct 13 and Nov 4
I bought a crate of this shit, it better become popular
What was your OUR?
no clue what OUR means
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The card's rarity
Should be one of these.
I just bought a crate, I ain't opening that shit. I want to resell it 10 years down the road.
Fuck Suisei players
We need a searcher ala ROTA. Nodoka should've been that but alas she's a glorified Pot of Greed.
Limited PCs are the ROTA. Play an ame spot and it's a once every other turn searcher.
testing custom room on holoduel
password: hlcg
left queue
koyori deck doko
What the fuck is promise
Is it a common thing in card games that the counter meta become the new meta?
Should we expect an anti-AZKi deck next?
>green, not blue
Literally why
>anti-AZKi deck
Oh cool, a Soratomo deck
It can become the new deck to beat or create a rock-paper-scissors meta or fade away if it is not strong against the non-meta decks
PolKiara will be the new tier 1.
PolKiara and PekoIroha are crazy
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Tested that deck earlier and it seems pretty easy to pilot
how deep does this go
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Which deck are you fags maining? Pick only one. Mine is pic related.
Kiara milling a zain and adding a buzz Polka made me so fucking hard, I can't play anything else anymore.
Hosting in room numbers if anyone wants to play
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Wait wtf, that was a wincon?!
Bro you lose if you can't have a center
Promise bricking on debuts might be the funniest shit ever lmao.
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GG Kanatabro. Squeeze squeeze fucking got me. Also couldn't draw my 1st cards during the early turns. Welp, I'm gonna go sleep now.
GG, cheers
New site link
I do wonder if theres longevity in this thread though? Games not out in english and people usually steer clear of the catalog
Probably not, but at worst it's a good compilation for anyone searching for this in the future
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There's also the Polka 1st searching for Kiara fan for additional draws and discard is real good as well. Kiara drives the engine real well (both Oshi and cards).
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I will build a MioBotan deck and make it work,
If it’s the last thing I do.
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I'm holding out for a NePoLaBo deck
are yellow/purple printed and just not implemented in the sim, or do they just not exist at all right now?
No cards out yet, going by the card list on the official site
Yellow is being added in Set 2 and Purple is expected to be added in Set 3
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Oops got that backward purple for Set 2 and expecting yellow for Set 3. There is technically 1 known yellow card.
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korosan my love

hopin' for Ame in the yellow gang too
huh. noticed just now, the BD oshi cards have the same skills that works on their colors.

so far, there's 2 for green and 1 for yellow.
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Yup. you're missing the recent white Fubuki one
Non-unique promo cards are good for avoiding balance issues, though I'm not sure how viable they are for actual play either
>birthday merch includes fullarts
fucking hell
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What if I tell you the limited release for an album has alt arts
fuck offfffffffff
I dont have money for cardboard anymore why would they do this to me
Promisebros... it's over.
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Set 2 info
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Has there been any news on if/when they'll restock?
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>okayu blue and not purple

Heard people saying that JP LGS are expecting one sometime in October, no idea if hololive shop will also restock then.
It's still in stock on geekjack if you want to buy from there.
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Another day, another FUCK SUISEI PLAYERS
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Back at it again
It's the kanata shitheads for me.
I play polkiara so 2 Oshi skills vs buzz = 4 lives, then just 1 more for the kill.
I'm getting weird flashbacks to when Idol showdown came out
Is there a good non-browser app yet?
Nope. Hoping for Cover and Bushiroad to do the smart thing and release a Master Duel-like version of the OCG. For now we have to make do with Holoduel. Just make sure you have "Use hardware acceleration when available" checked if you're using Chrome. Also works on mobile last time I checked.
I played Yiugioh back when vanilla beatdown was a thing and I would love to get into this thing right on the ground floor. Holy shit with Hololive they have such a fun pool of things to pull from and its all stuff we love.
There's Holodelta but it's manual
I dislike every deck I lose to. Especially promise. Irys blows everyone up and Mumei makes the package too consistent.
Rules update
is there a scan of all the cards?
should have most of it. think it's missing some previewed PR cards
Describe each deck as a yugioh archetype for me
Or translated ones if you want
>Daily chart
I'll believe it if it's the weekly chart
>Suisei - Burn
>Kanata - Blue Eyes
>Promise - HEROs
Not sure about the other decks because they scoop too fast
Come on baby gimmie something like classic Madolche!
>PolKiara - Lightsworn
If you meant a grindy deck then mono Azki (Peko Oshi) might be it, the deck is very sticky, but doesn't have the recursion so pick your poison ig
Combo pile that instantly wins you the game if the gameplan get executed. Unfortunately this combo pile is inconsistent and slow as hell
Mathmech (forma de sigma otk). Or numeron.
What playstyle a Koyo deck would have?
should be the snake eyes of holotcg!
non linear combo deck!
definitely joshu tokens or joshu poplar (card that summons itself on draw and draws other things!)
Is there any viable ID deck?
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This one won a shop tournament
"we made changes to the rules, go search for them if you wanna know lmao"
They do highlight changes in red and added a changelog at the end
2024/10/6 Ver 1.1.0
Added the extra "This Holo member cannot Bloom."
Defined the special notation "Re-roll."
Defined the process for when there is no Holo member in the center position at the end step.
Has anyone here pulled a signed card?
>Support (Mascot)
>You can only attach this mascot to your opponent's center oshi.The holomem with this Mascot attached loses half of its HP, also it cannot perform an attack or recieve cheers as long as this mascot is attached to that holomem.
>89 players
make it trashable by archiving a cheer and remove the "cannot receive cheers" and it sounds balanced kinda
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Yeah I did
Sorry you can't really see the foiling through the sleeves with my shitty camera
I have no idea how this game works but I keep using the mumei deck and things happen.
Try the polkaKiara one. It's more braindead
Wow, wasn't expecting a response so quickly. Nice pull anon, it looks great. My friends and I opened 6 boxes. The best we got between us was probably Suichan's UR.
Ah right. This was the estimated rates
10 R per box
6 RR per box
1 UR per box
1 OSR per box
1 OUR per 40 boxes(4 cases/1 master case)
SEC rate not known
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I've just been copying decks off the Holotcg_guild twitter and I think my favorite so far is this Aki deck. The one thing that killing me the most is sitting on a 1st stage for multiple turns without drawing the debut and this deck solves it by just being Oops! All Aki. On top of that I like the healing and energy acceleration. My wishlist for supports is just a Rare Candy equivalent and a means to pull things out of the Archive without needing Kiara.

I'm psyched for Reine since it means Iofi can have an ID member that shares a color with her, gets a 2nd Stage instead of a Buzz card, and is not Kobo.

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