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Thread #422
Previous: >>86704202
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I want to produce an heir to the throne with Fubuki!
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Hag love
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She's a big hag.
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She's so pretty bros...
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Weird orgy.
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Cute Pol!

Have a nice week haggots
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You too.
Has AZKi always been this cute, or has she just grown cuter over the past year or so?
She's been showing an honest interest in things like transport in addition to maps recently and many people find that charming.
It's working on me. She's been increasingly endearing over the last few months.
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Stupid hags making me want to have children with 30 year old dorky women.
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You have to marry them first.
I would wife up someone like Fubuki in a microsecond with zero hesitation. I just need to find one first.
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No problem with that
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>marry fubuki
>her friends and coworkers mock you while playing her moaning lines from those porn games
>Your kid gets bullied for the same reason
this one just said she's going to start doing pilates
This but Polka and her jerk off asmrs.
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>her friends and coworkers
They could not give less of a fuck. Please use your vivid imaginations for something fun instead.
t.the kind of guy who would marry a porn"star"
What about Kurokami?
Kurokami is the patrician choice
Flare and Watame seem like the most wifeable hags.
someone has beaten you to it already
Based doxx chad.
She better start popping some kids out before it's too late, then.
Honestly I’d rather her be married with kids than just have a boyfriend
I hope they are. they were already living together for almost a decade but there's weird people that are basically living the married lifestyle but without kids or wedding and that's just sad...
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What an awful fucking thread. I never thought I would see the phrase "Based doxx chad" used unironically.
Doxx chad board. Nothing can stop it from becoming /incel/.
/hag/ wouldn't exist without that kind of information
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Luv me some Lui
Based walking atm.
Based Lui lover.
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thank fuck man
imagine the worst timeline where none of us wifed a hag and ended up just watching them waste away before retiring
bro you actually took that post seriously lmao?
It's me. Sorry guys.
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You just have to find the right woman anon and I’m sure you’re views will change
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I'm talking about picrel. If my kamioshi (female, and yes, hag) can't make it work, then what chance do I have?
You probably don't know a lot of happy married people, But you don't automaticalle waste millions of dollars in a big party on a party room, you can decide what your wedding is gonna be. For example last wedding I was invited was just a dinner table on a restaurant for closest friends and it was great. I personally would love it to just have it on a large grass field with my closest friends or in my local church's garden.
Sayu is menhera btw
>You probably don't know a lot of happy married people
>I personally would love it to just have it on a large grass field with my closest friends or in my local church's garden.
you're still aiming for the wedding, not for what comes after. not your and your partner's duties to each other and your possible future children
>Sayu is menhera btw
nice victim blaming you got there.
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>you’re views
NTA but I think your view of marriage is overly cynical. Obsessing over what might go wrong is not a healthy way to look at it. If both parties are actually committed and have reasonable expectations, divorce is unlikely.
anon, the divorce rate is way over 60% in my country, and it doesn't include permanent separations and such. I'd just rather chill with a cute 2D waifu than risk everything on 3D.
Not The Asshole? Are we fully embracing the reddit now?
Seen this outfit so many times. But I think this picture is pretty because of the nose. Nice pic.
Wow, really? I thought the ~42% divorce rate here in burgerland was bad.
It means "not that anon" here...
r/okbuddyhololive WW@?
checked and yes, the situation here in Europe is a lot worse.
divorces rates are inflated and fake. And dude just don't marry tashy woman. It's pretty easy to know how's a person is inside just never lower your standars
why would I wanna get married, when just staying in a relationship is also a good option? still inferior to hag chuubas, but I digress
Where the FUCK is my best friend, the Botan poster and his usual "good morning"???
This is NOT a /hag/ thread without him.
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I'm not sure. I can start posting Good Morning Botan's but it wouldn't be the same.
Fubuking has cursed this thread to be shittier than usual.
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it was my understanding he had left us long ago.....
if you dont want to spend the rest of your life with that woman then it's not a good relationship. let me guess no kids either and 4 cats?
Anon, it's been months...
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Yeah, me.
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imagine being blinded and touching THAT
I believe her hair is nice and silky.
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Which kind of hair are you referring to?
All of it but mainly that on her head since she probably uses shampoo and conditioner on it.
Would a Fuwa-nee.
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>Polka has a robot baby
It's over...
No death today
Hags should have some meat on their bones.
Healthy fat = Healthy baby
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Darling Daily Dose

Can confirm, I'm her husband
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slutty mio is the best
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Lamy notices what you are doing
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This video was really cute.
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This nun is tempting me to sin
Cute Pol!
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