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Slime Torture Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 10/5:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,972)
2: https://twitch.tv/LaynaLazar (3,340)
3: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (3,202)
4: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,028)
5: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (2,345)
6: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,297)
7: https://twitch.tv/nymphelia (2,223)
8: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,167)
9: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,090) *Tie
9: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (2,070) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/nacho_dayo (4,887) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,858) *Chinese
3: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (3,689) *Japanese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 10th - Chromuchromu
October 18th - Squchan
October 21st - Grape
October 24th - Batat & YUY_IX

>OC material for the OP

(embed) https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86942215
I love your wife.
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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I want to kiss feemsh on the mouth. I love feemsh, no feemsh now? I miss feemsh.
OMG hi feemshmisser!
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Invoking The Snovenant
is this the cuck general?
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nah thats hlgg
Is Anny talking in discord
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Waiting for wife
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Love my wolf wife
Imagine grabbing Nemu's lips with a pair of pliers and slicing them off with a pair of garden shears, she would have a such a silly smile
UUUUUUUUUUU being groomed by vesper
Vesper is grooming her chat
Then how does anyone know if she's alive
vesper will hate you for being a zoomer
what do you guys think of froggyhoppins?
(not to be mistaken with lilyhops, soya’s fren)
I'm happy she beat cancer
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Happy Monday lig I blub my oshi!
why is she streaming early today?
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Jacking off to kerry
What about LilyHopkins? Why do they pretty much all have the same name?
She watches bald homewreckers i dont care what she thinks
>Chromu begging on twitter for throne
Ask yo mans broke ass bitch
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nooticing what
Why does she wear a dog collar
because she's a bitch
my bitch
Do they grow pumpkins in South Africa imagine taking Kitanya to a pumpkin patch and picking out a nice plump pumpkin.
If you ever see a woman in a collar know that's just a dog whistle signaling that they are the dirtiest whores alive who will definitely let you fuck them
what season do you think it is in South Africa retard
it's the south so it must be warm
Vesper is a Vermintide 2 and Darktide player
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It took me a long time to understand but Lucy is the hottest vtuber
Vesper still streams, Cyphi still streams, Lovell graduated, but what in the world happened to Nihm?
Kyaa > Uuuuu. If your oshi uuuus then she's a horrible person
can someone qrd me on the bat hate?
I don’t know I’ve never been to South Africa that’s why I asked if they have pumpkins there.
Is grimmi an anal queen?
She's a bat and I hate that
women that kyaa are untrustworthy harlots
i agree
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my oshi just makes strange noises
Pumpkins are native to NA so no
I love kuu hag noises
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What the fuck is wrong with her why does she sound like that
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Don't do this kind of thing please /lig/.

t. vtuber
i would never ever do that. that's some cringe shit
Poor bastard (sorrowful)
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>she will remember that
I'm getting hard just from grimmi's voice
I'm gonna get a tattoo of (You) and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Looks pretty good. Line art is clean and the grayscale color scheme is subtle. Yeah, it’s on his hands, but with gloves you wouldn’t even notice. You guys are too judgmental sometimes
Now I can't unsee it. That's not just salt but acid in the wound.
Getting Tattoos is so retarded
that's a fine untrustworthy harlot if i've ever seen one
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what did she take?
A kingly piss ofc
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15 minutes
A massive log of shit that could clog a toilet
What is the Finnish alien doing this time?
Silent Hill 4 and hopefully singing me hard
someone needs to taste vesper's pee for diabetes
*raise hand*
How much yapping time does she normally have per stream?
Not a lot unless she's drunk, usually she gets to the game in 30 minutes or less
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What about the more general immersive narratives that forgo most horror elements and focus on telling a compelling story? Would you watch a vtuber that went into that?
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she wishes she was Rainhoe
Olivia Monroe said yesterday that ppl send her pictures of their peanits under misleading pretenses
Dont mind tattoos and planning on getting one someday, but I don't think thats the kind of stuff you'd want to put on your hand lmao
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must have been a small knot then
I think this is every woman's experience
Lucky sluts, imagine if random women just sent you pictures of their tits with no good reason
I need to watch Vesper on one screen and Kuu on the other oh no
so she pissed the bed
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vesper makes me very happy.
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Good morning (afternoon)
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there should be moore geegaposting in /lig/
i've watched the visage guy kill his family so many times only for the streamer to drop the game after an hour.
Stop right there, this slop isnt fat pregnant hairy futa, this does not belong here.

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did /vsj/ make any good geegs
post the clap
fuck off
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Love that one
Why are bitches so obsessed with putting so much effort to grow their Twitter following?
marimari_en love!
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you have bad taste, vei is the hottest
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i don't get it
that#s what her friends voted her as on that one jackbox game
who is the gayest /ligger/?
who is the least gay /ligger/?
Are you stiff yet?
update: blue is singing
Tried for a few minutes. Didn't get it. I hope you enjoy your chuuba though Ligga.
how do i delete this guy's post
so he's both the gayest and least gay?
how does that work?
It'd be the reverse bucko.
that's fine. can't like all the liggers
>how does that work?
he's black.
I see...
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The new week schedule for dyarikku
she looks like she's straining out a huge turd here
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who was the osama bin laden of lig

You guys remember that one vtuber that copied snuffy's design about 80% of the way you can buy it now $2500 please
just a little joke
Vesper is extremely "save meeee" coded
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some days
Coqui on da kuu stream
sometimes it really feels like all these girls are slowly networking together
you don't know why
what is a woishake
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doesn't even matter how hard you try
sometimes you wanna justify
ripping someone's head off
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no weekday bat streams have got me like that that
Woi is a chromu thing so I'd say it's piss
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keep the faith brother
Haha yay!
Guys, I've made a breakthrough:
When janitors pay even a minimal amount of attention to this place, it becomes bearable again
Holy shit!
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dumb retard
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why don't more liggers do this? apparently twitch jannies are as gullible as 5 year olds
the larger you get, the higher the odds an anti is hatewatching
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Because the second you get caught that's a clear strike on your channel
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Deme has done it several times
Based pirate.
Who else is sexually torturing their slime at home?
redpill me on orange filian
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This one's pretty good even a clown showed up
Watching zombieland with her was honestly pretty nice
I saw wubby watching galaxy quest earlier. What's going on with this? Are streamers just going "Fuck it" or what?
Lucypyre should inhale my ball musk
Wasn't Meat all over Kuu a while back?
was she? i dont remember that
some people have been streaming various cartoons for like 2 weeks 24/7
Got butthurt over a post from /here/ saying that they don't watch her because she has a bf, then tweeted about it
Got butthurt over filian fans saying she looks like filian, then tweeted about it
her eggs finally activated?
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Oh neon finished it?
Chromu is an unironic grifter and I will now start schizoposting whenever she is mentioned
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Decaf Vei personality, 90% of her content is watching YT shorts, has fleshie friends, apparently burnt bridges with every artist she's interacted with
Diet would fix it
>every artist she's interacted with
Thought that was just Neon which in his case is fully earned tbf
I still don't understand what woi is
Please elaborate on her grifting activities
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No... Say it ain't so
>blatantly ape a bigger vtuber
>go on a twitter fit when people notice instead of playing dumb and ignoring it until you build your own brand
what is this mental illness called?
>"Chat.. I'm scared of the dark."
>No Kitanya stream because she hurt herself eating candy
I am physically dying
Pride, combined with lack of sense.
making vesper scared by covering her eyes with my nuts
Kitanya is retarded and has a midget pussy
Her original 3D artist as well. Iirc, she said wouldn't reply to her DMs while still working with larger creators, namely Zentreya. For a while in her twitch bio instead of crediting Mari for making her 3D model, it said: "redacted."
more like the vshojo application released her from the seiso shackle
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Do we know when the new group is debuting I remember seeing the silhouettes
bepper at 800 viewers...
i don't follow vshojo stuff so i wouldn't know.
Why don’t you be useful and post about lucy pyre instead of entertaining the pathetic fans of 2 view WHOs
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be nise
Aside from both of them being obnoxious, I don't really get the filian comparisons
i just think you should be nice to the cartoon whores because they entertain me for free
yes, i give them money, but that's only because i want them to have the resources to pursue being a whore full time
I'm glad others are finally starting to notice the immense raw sexual energy that vesper exudes.
she's just so fucking helpless
>I remember seeing the silhouettes
I think that was a shop
mmm click click pincers woo so hot chitin i'm gonna buhhhh bug so sexy
I'm watching her VOD right now.
Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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you can save her anon
Kitanya should eat more apples, and carots in Minecraft.
shut up bitch
*mogs u*
Sorry I've been watching vesper so there's none left
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Man... my poor victorian child oshi with glass bones and paper skin
Kitanya should go live with a dental cam to show us just the cuts in her mouth
New Business Idea
>Group therapy for parents of vtubers. $10k per session per person.
You just made me remember that time when inis showed us her uvula
im going to tattoo my whole body black so i can truly become (you) and bang shondo
I had a dream about coqui. She was pregnant and sent everyone in her community a text shortly before midnight that the baby was alive and healthy. That was it.
Mindbreaking sex with mentally unwell women and then ghosting them.
>Sponsored by betterhelp
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i like it when the streamer lets her character voice slip and you get an immediate idea of what kind of a person they are from their natural voice
her eggs are dried up and dead
So, lina is BPD, yes?
Grimmi's feet in my mouth
I wanted to hear why chromu is a grifter
>big poopy dick
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why bother with all these old whores when there is the nerdy virgin numi
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Gentlemen, all the cartoon women I watch have increased viewership over last month
my gods are treating me well
>hot mic moment because one streamer didn't know the other had her audio ob
>freaks out everyone heard her normal voice
>it sounds exactly like her streaming voice
Goofy cartoon women
I’m really impressed that she’s stayed pure given modern society
she's too good for me, i'm afraid
What if your oshi was at your door knocking non stop then when you opened it she pranced to your bed and jumped on saying "pomf" and then took off her pants raised her ass while spreading her pussy saying "dozo" but her pussy was censored like in the japanese porn
just fuck off mate your banter is shit
Because I want the old whores to molest Numi.
>has bf
>streams nosedive in frequency and quality
What if your Oshi.... could consent?
Any of you niggas watching streams right now?
Lina and kuu
Luckily my oshi isn't eternally 12 years old
I've grown tired of gfe and girl yap over mid game
Im at working lurkin da lig
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womp womp
I am multi-stream drifting between vesper, kuu, and chromu and i think the three of them should all kiss
uuuuuuuuuuuuuu i miss grimmi
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do you ever sing the mail song from blues clues when you get an email
why is there no squirrel ligger
More and more tv shows are entertaining me more than chuubas but it's fun to shitpost here
Shit well that puts me off watching her
There's sif
thats basically the vtuber starter pack
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Squirrels have very masculine energy compared to other rodents
*kicks open door*
Gaspar is the Grimmi feet poster
I really really really like Kitanya
I like how she looks down every time she lists one of her mental disorders. It’s super kawaii
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the absolute state
I want her to ruin my life
Filian is a good chuuba and deserves happiness.
Then why is there no male squirrel vtuber? His sexpest tactic would be making constant nut jokes, it's so obvious
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Because male vtubers aren't allowed to be sexual unless it's as a petite yaoi boy
no she doesn't
2 weeks til doobsday
Olivia Monroe is going to bimbofy Kuu
it says it right there in the image anon, at the bottom
why is your twitch green
Kitanya takes on massive tasks in Minecraft.
Irrumatio with Lucy until her makeup runs!
Kitanya go live today please
Olivia Monroe is going to Krimbofy Kuu
I want to KILL Rosedoodle
we don't care
I don’t know who dat is
I'm unironically obsessed with her, and I had to stop watching, because I don't want to end up a schizo, but she is still on my mind all day.
Her voice is like a siren's song to me
>STILL gets bf
I care
big lips kuu...
I'm starting to believe the easy mode narrative
She is hot as fuck, that's all what matters
When you're young, only the appearance matters.
only you do holoshart
Its true. She could easily get me to do anything for her with that voice
I don't think vtuber parents care as long as said vtuber bring in enough cash
her obesity will do it for you
Amano Serafeet
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BPDemons are highly attractive in the idealization phase. It's what comes after that sucks the soul out of you.
Easily the fattest ligger
Kitanya is my oshi now I love Kitanya I’m a Max now I really like Kitanya the fates have decided
Oh she’s unironically a real bpdemon? I thought you guys were kidding when you just slung that title at every vtuber
And yet, she still got to cuck her husband
thread theme:
Crazy what some men are willing to fuck
Why do you guys think Rosedoodle is obese
I hope when Meat gets her internet back she streams Resident Evil again
Someone posted a video of her here a while ago and she is unironically my 300lbs life tier
Even without this clip it is an easy tell, seeing how she gets emotional over random bullshit
Erm, the show is actually called My 600 lb Life
Her crying about ancient architecture was the sweetest thing
she's going to start the vtuber weather channel with Nyana
The only reason most streamers aren't fat yet is because they haven't hit 30
>Vesper used to have a Betty Spaghetty
Christ I haven't seen one since the late 90s
Yeah whatever. All I'm saying is, that she could be on that show
Oli is hitting on random Vesper viewers right now
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>callie if she hit the gym
Hi all, looking for some guidance as a 3view clipper.
My oshi told this really funny story, however, they slipped up and accidentally revealed a first name of someone close to them.The vod has been up for a while (so it's not a deal-breaking slip) and the clip can be easily edited to omit the slip. The only problem is if people search for the clip's source material and stumble upon the personal info. I just want to support my oshi as best I can. Thoughts?
29837429384 clips in the sea retard
just skip it
You should ask her, if that would be a problem for her. Maybe she isn't even aware of the slip-up
Is this a man
Just dm her about uploading it/removing the vod
ask her, if it's a common first name it probably won't be an issue anyway
Vesper banned the guy Oli was hitting on...
shes not a mute and has a very pretty voice from what i investigated
Vesper's body is starting to crave children, can't have competition
That clip was from a long time ago. She could have lost all that weight by now. She managed to seduce her mod somehow.
Based. Manwhores and cheaters get the rope
Chuuba chats are full of fucked up architects
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You are offered $500 to be hit in the face for each one how many times do you take it
I also saw that post about that waiter
If a weakass like Lucy's punching me I'd do it until she ran out of stamina so like 5 punches
man i need to get off coffee again, i can't sit still and i'm always weary. maybe i should try some tea again but every time i try to make them they get very diluted, almost always see through.
The kind of "men" who become mods are naturally drawn to landwhales
You need to steep the tea, silly
Tea needs to brew for at least 5 minutes, preferably 7
Green tea only needs 1-2. Depends on taste though
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Oli is live playing Shadow the hedgehog https://www.twitch.tv/oliviamonroe
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Are you happy that Bean is considered the best of her gen?
pretty ironic image for talking about coffee
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Sorry my source of lust is still streaming
hag face
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Oh boy do I got a #ad for you!
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i've never understood this buy an ad stuff until i literally see this lol
what if your oshi called you a faggot
The more depressing part of starting my 8 to 4 job is only getting off work when oli starts
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I get more pussy than she does so look who's laughing
You can't say that in the year of our lord 2024
blessed Vesper screams
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Do we have an agenda for today?
bepper screem
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Literally every fucking hololive member is playing tcg shop sim what in the god damn
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Its not your fault
i thought about my oshi and started crying, again.
What schizo do we get today?
permissions suck
that's japanese perm autism for you. also: tabs
selkie anon...
i miss meat
yikes, and dropped, not wife material, but fuck and dump
I get warm feelings when I think about my favorite ligger. Liggers for this feel?
Corpo streams are actually soulless
We love hags here
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No one's live I've started looking at Holo (I out on one of the IDs but she was and I just kind of want english convo right now I just noticed all the fucking JPs are streaming it too)

I will not put on Oli she is not for me and Vesper puts on like 3 minute ad breaks
The fax machines can only approve of 1 game per week please understand
Olivia Monroe changed my life. Olivia Monroe got me sober. Olivia Monroe got me hitting PR’s in the gym. Olivia Monroe helped me get a date this weekend. Olivia Monroe cured my astigmatism.
Ads don't even exist retard
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Imagine the gap moe of major depressive episode lina
why do they bother recruiting passionate skillful streamers if they just intend to crush them into a gray cube
I think green is doing her best to retain her creatividad and whimsy.
kuu, lina and pink thing are also live
It will wear her away with time too
>michael jackson was a pokemon fan
chat is this real?
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They're all playing mid horror games
Redundant. All horror games are mid at best.
probably he liked children's memorabilia
better than that simulator slop. if you don't want that just masturbate instead
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SOMA's pretty good

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