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Catastrophe in 5 minutes
This home 3D model feels very the sims like
It has been almost a month and the updated model is nowhere to be seen since it's reveal.
fuck what did I miss I just got here
PekoMari kino
It's stream about how the stream will go on until someone shows up to destroy PekoMari.
I think they already have Ao on the line to show up at the one hour mark.
I didn't know that Azki was this tall
it's less that azki is tall, it's more that marine is really small
Even though it was a rehash of that mocopi collab from last year, it was still pretty good.
you could see it as, we get to keep both models.
that was hella jigoku
it's kind of incredible they keep putting themselves into these situations
cool idea.
Lol Thanks Noel chan
Aside from the lukewarm reception it got, it obviously needs some tweaking, I hope they are working on it and not trying to force us to like it the way it is now
Seems to me like the update will only be used for the sololive but even that is going to be half-assed when she's definitely going to use a bunch of other models with the original face.

What exactly needs tweaking?
Some body proportions look odd, mainly the limbs and the textures of the clothing look very flat
The new proportions are the best part (it's what makes her old model to look janky compared to others, also the rigging), it's shading the thing that needs tweaking.
>Some body proportions look odd
Such as? At worst her arms are a bit too skinny but that about it.
>the textures of the clothing look very flat
The textures are fine. The colors are just a bit off.

more sanki this month
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This is what true friendship looks like.
I wonder how exactly this technology works, is it like a multiplayer game where the holos control their own avatars from their PCs or is it like the sims where the stream host controls everything?
i assume its like VRchat where everyone moves on their own, its just buggy as fuck
I hope they do something more interesting than playing MC again or another multiplayer game, that Karaoke stream was pretty good I would like something similar again
Honestly the leeching is still annoying, but if it keeps Marine happy I don't care.
I think this mode was never intended to be more than a simple tech demo, this is why it lacks polish.
She's going to be the the most unhappy she has ever been when it comes to an end.
I feel like this word has completely lost its meaning on this board
Ao has literally said that she intentionally treats Marine better than anyone else and has been intending on doing it ever since she got accepted into hololive.
did it ever have a meaning on this board
>t. Ao
The arms look very skinny and the legs look as if they have been stretched instead of adjusted according to the height of the model.
The face looks good for the most part.
It is a bit annoying that they are not respecting the original Akasa Ai design.
>it's more that marine is really small
Specially made for 1.90m ojisans.
What the hell are you talking about? The proportion of the legs is literally the same as before
You're just making shit up and don't actually know what the differences are.
I said they look like, not that they actually were, maybe the skinny arms and the smaller head give that illusion, but it's just me.
And looking at the comparison between the two, the textures do look very bad.
It's more of a shading issue, the usual stages they use aren't that dynamic and the model itself needs more tweaking.
How do the legs look stretched? They look almost exactly as they were before and she's skinnier everywhere else now so they're more appropriately sized than ever.
I find very stupid how Cover is trying to introduce dynamic lighting into models that are based on anime-style drawings
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Maybe it's how the skirt is positioned now, a bit higher showing a bit more thighs.
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i like it when this thread is up.
thanks for being here.
Thanks hoshiyomibro
Dynamic lighting for cel shading exists since the PS3/4 generation. It's not as stupid as you think, the execution is what matters here, also modern hardware is obviously more powerful.
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some good moments this stream
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One more week until the release of the album and there's still 3 more songs to reveal.
Will she do a release countdown and an MV release like Miko? Will the rest just not have music videos?
Love PekoMari art so much
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they're not going to be ready in time
it's kind of a waste for the MVs to not come out in time with the music, but that's what's going to happen
I wonder what kind of effect that's going to have. Historically all hololive songs that released without an MV and got one later have done badly, but Ui's Lolikami is a song that had been out for about a year before the music video.
Senchou is already big enough that this won't be a problem or so I hope.
We will see.
I just realized that two of the songs on the album are not even on her channel so there could be more like that.
I wonder what the arrangement for getting the babacorn songs onto her album was considering they're not on Fubuki's whose album is all solo songs.
yeah no, I imagine the effect will be pretty bad
a lot of the initial views are people getting their first listens in and repeat-listening while it's fresh
without the novelty of it being a new song the MVs are going to struggle
struggle relative to how they would have done if they had come out in time, I mean. Obviously with someone as big as Marine they're still going to be huge I imagine
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Senchou getting thicker

hologoe tonight
I'm 2 months behind...
a lot of people didn't listen to skdw either
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I've never watched a single episode of this show (mainly because it's geo-blocked and I don't want to install a VPN) - more or less what is each episode about?
overseas ichimi have an archive somewhere if you wanna watch
Hologoe specifically works for me for some reason, usually have to use Soft Ether for Abema. Each episode consists of 2-3 企画, absolutely random shit mostly heavily reliant on imrov.
When will Marine play this?
Nah, not even Flare plays it lmao.
I feel bad for the creator, its one of the better indie games
festival sex
It's not geoblocked for me in Europe. The pre-season special was but they opened it up after that.

Abema allows access on a per program basis so most things are Japan only because of licensing.
Just a heads up about Hologoe, I just noticed that first 7 episodes of each pair got locked behind Premium (first 6 were archived on Harbour but nothing after that so far). Be advised that the rest can go poof at any moment as well.
I think the problem is that the game is very hard for your average Holo. Probably on par with the Miko bullet hell one
Hence the lack of traction on streams.
I think a bunch of people will try it when it gets released on steam
Probably not Marine though, even though she's playable seemingly.
I finished it, it is definitely easier than most Megaman games which many of them have played before. I could see Korone playing it, but definitely not Marine considering she's busy preping for her live.

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