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Post pickme vtubers
Post tits.
sorry nerd, warhammer is mainstream now.
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Why does /#/ hate Nina so much?
All of phase (some of them are literally cringe Pippa clones) except for Clara, Panko, Airi, Erina, Lia, Rie, Eimi, Runie, Dizzy, Ember and the JPs
bot post
Only women would call other women a pickme
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>all of phase
>half of them aren’t though
Well what is it?
>cringe Pippa clones
Modern Pippa just does react slop, none of the other phase members do that
Are Space Marine 2 perms incoming or something?
bruh mori just played it today
What does it mean? I don't know Warhammer much.
She was in the bath for a long time and got all pruney. The warhammer part is irrelevant.
it means exactly what she wrote
I've started to hate her after she lolified herself. Gimme back my hag.
She's saying she was so engrossed in watching Warhammer videos that she stayed in the bath so long she turned into a prune due to her skin wrinkling. Which is apparently a natural response the body being in water because wrinkly skin acts like the tread on tires to give a path for water to move out of the way when you try to grip things.
Thanks. I thought it's maybe a reference to some character.
god i will never forgive this cunt for deleting her original model to jump on the cunny grift
completely destroyed all respect i had for her
for the record its not about the cunny, its shit the lack of respect for your own model and the blatant grifting
Why are more and more vtubers pretending to like Warhammer now?
>new Warhammer game comes out
>streamers play it
>woah what the fuck why is everyone into Warhammer now?
because you failed to gatekeep, obviously
Because no woman actually cares about warhammer, so going into the field or at least pretending to guarantees attention from desperate nerds.
Marketing pushes by the company that makes it to homogenise and spread it around. Same reason it's generally been getting shitted up as a hobby for the last ten years.
Also the insular nature of the chuba scene, where one person introduces something and it starts spreading through them all.
It has been in a mainstream-ification trend for a while now. 5 years ago you didn't see turbonomies on Twitter writing 10-page essays about who is their favorite Primarch.
>boys like Waha
>we have perms
>time to milk
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warhammer used to be SO obscure. no one heard about it. please ignore all the triple A games. please ignore them. do not look at them. please do not look at them. i said do not LOOK
Smugalana. The most pickme-ish out there.
I pick Sakana :)
I didn't say it was obscure, I said the company has been making a more deliberate attempt to broaden its market appeal in recent years.
Why the fuck are they trying to make more money? Are they stupid?
I'm very sure the last half is offensively retarded but I'm too lazy right now to ackchualy
You're inferring some weird things here friendo. The question was 'why are vtubers getting into Warhammer', the answer is 'because the company is spreading into demographics that don't usually engage with the product'.
What are you even getting mad about?
Just wait until they discover all the Sanguinus/Fulgrim yaoi fanfics
You're weird, so I am making fun of your weird claims.
I don't know how true it is, but I do have something to cite on the subject! It is however one of those things where people did some tests, and then came up with some reason that may or may not have anything to do with it.
What part of my claims confused you?
That's ironic because Mori is the type of woman who doesn't pick (you)
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she is fucking autistic. She watched that shit even while I proneboned her
I think everyone that had any contact with Warhammer 40k universe spend at least couple hours watching some Majorkill making tl;dr of lore, because it is fucking awesome. This is mainstream now and it deserved to be one for a while
>be Warhammer universe
>make half-naked sexy, golden, tall, muscular men best warriors of human race
>make women wear full-plate armors
gays are feeling threatened every time women takes interest, because all potential cocks are pointed at her now and not at his fag ass
You should try taking a shower sometime.
Uh, they have a bit more to worry about than seeing some normal human tiddies
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you think that's pickme?
you don't know pickme
>pretend to be into warhammer
>pretend to be reading the books
>someone asks the most basic question about the books
>not as a test or anything, genuinely asking for her opinion on a basic thing everyone knows about
>fumble, call the guy a redditor, make fun of him for being less of a fan than you
>next time anyone brings up warhammer say you are unhappy with the recent changes and avoid the topic entirely
Just add Pippa and you have the only vtubers actually fitting de definition of that buzzword.
Women would like 40k a lot more if it had the skaven.
>why are more vtubers pretending to like warhammer now

they're paid to like whatever they're handed
this is ok because its warhammer, warhammer faggots deserve to be mocked
meanwhile Mori
>I don't really know too much but the skulls on everything are cool
>the Emperor sounds like a cool guy
>Brother Flacidus was too soft for duty, Brother Erectus will need to stand ground
>t. whoever the fuck that anon was talking about
Mori has been weirdly decent lately for some reason.
What's wrong with taking a bath
>be an outsider to internet and gaming culture
>become a content creator
>blindly follow algorithm
>algorithm tells you new warhammer game is popular, play it
>rabbit hole
It's basically just this. A lot of streamers feel like outsiders to the culture of their fans so when they stumble onto something that lets them feel like they're "in" on the jokes, it grips them. The feeling of being 'one of the guys' is addicting, especially for streamers used to being treated like a princess (read: outsider) by the culture they market towards.
based Mori corrupting this gay larper franchise
I too become uncontrollably enraged when my streamer starts taking an interest in the things I enjoy.
And Ollie
I'm a vtuber manager just got my dick wet ama
"Pickme" is just woman for "Tomboy that I'm jealous of"
Did you just step out the bath or shower?
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>things I enjoy
these are women crying 'pickme' because another woman showed interest in a thing they don't relate to.
to any art fags who might draw biboo in powerarmor, please make the shoulder pads pebbles
fuck off
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You lost, leftoid
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Do you really believe it's "women" crying pickme?
You just reminded me of that time when I was 13 in a pool and drowned and got rescued by the most pretty life guard and suddenly woke up in my bed...
>they only start licking it after it's been troonified and esg sponsored
Go back to /v/ you fucking retard.
gb2 /tg/ you pansy faggot
>the thing I'm interested in is recognized by the vtuber I follow so now it's a bad thing
what is this mental illness?
Space Marine 2 doesn't have these problems, no need to sperg here.
Contrarianism. 4chan has a terminal case of it.
>""""pickme""""" (insult literally only women use)
>sisters seething and gossiping
this is the worst thread on the board right now
threads like this should be insta-deleted
Most of the people on this board hate women and only stick around because they have a vague grooming scheme looming in the back of their head and because they love gossiping.
You just described a 12 year old boy getting into warhammer for the first time, and act like it's a bad thing.
Who isn't a pickme?
Why does this have an anime picture?
This is how she's always been when she's in her element
Streamers I like
I have never seen the term "pickme" outside of femcel circles.
This is just the authentic "little boy learns about Warhammer 40K" experience
Who the hell is half naked in 40K? Orks, Deldar, Nids I suppose. Are those your sex symbols? SoB are practically in bikini armor compared to even a regular guardsman let alone a space marine.
I admit, she was pretty fucking based.
I'm sorry but you seem to be out of the loop, SM2 is woke according to the experts on /vpol/
The 30k and the heresy books were a mistake and I don't fault anyone, even a w*man, for not giving a fuck about them.
Are you lost, Ngubu?
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Makes you wonder who is behind this thread.
Why is so moefied now though? Who asked for this pretty princess Mori?
women that are married
(they're something worse)
HH is a series of books about women moments, the characters just happen to not be women.
Why didn't you buy Concord, sister?
Vtubers pretending to like Warhammer is one of the cringest things I've seen in vtubing, and I've seen a lot of cringe
I don't even know what that is, Abdul.
Not sure he's saying that's a bad thing, Anon.
Sounds like the opposite actually.
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The game your people likes
>/v/edditor tourist thinking he belongs here
Summer's over bwo
It feels like warhammer was the last hobby/fanbase without any w*men into it, all other pure male nerdshit already fell years ago
honestly surprising.
i gave up gw shit years ago and last i saw it was going the same route as everything else that's been targeted
Mori is basically a male
Pick me should be seen as a compliment in today's age.
It appeals to the basement-dwelling ĂĽbernerd. Literally all there is to it
Hopefully they push out the faggots trying to push for leh diversity
The female Custodes was a total shitshow
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Warsims are immune to women, and the actual 40k wargame has like 1% women.
because men like it and they want to relate to their audience.
This picture is always funny since Marine has a history of having woman moments on stream.
A lot of times what we hate the most in others are our own flaws.
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She's perfectly aware of it
Sounds based not gonna lie
Liking Warhammer is not cool anymore.
>Female honeypot
Honestly, same.
I had to drop Airi Chisaka when she went through her 40k grift phase.
i still can't fathom how one could go through life like this
Coni Confetti kinda rage quit the new game because she didn't like the multiplayer-like focus and wanted it be like the previous game.
Animals survive on instinct and impulse just fine
>made with 5G technology
i don't like the thought of 50% of the people that live anywhere near me being no better than trained animals
Holy fuck if you're a male adult and you watch this, kill yourself
She's genuinely one of the worst for a myriad of reasons. Though, that's kind of a requirement to join Phase anyway.
/Vt/ anons literally believe that Gatekeeping is the correct way to live.
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pickme is roastie and low t lingo
People with low t are the only ones who bring up low t for everything they don't like.
Holy shit a woman taking an interest in her viewers hobbies and passions?
Fuck man this is a code red. Lock her up in jail for 40 years.
In case you want an actual answer: in most cases women are receptive to logic and solutions, but only after their emotions have been felt and acknowledged. A common issue a lot of guys run into when trying to comfort a woman going through some issue is jumping straight into "here's how you can solve this issue", when in most cases she's still feeling emotional in the moment and thus won't be receptive right now. The best solution is generally to give a "You're right, that does suck." or "I'm here for you.", you know, show some sympathy, and only once she's worked through her emotions do you move to possible solutions. Trying to confront her with facts or solutions in the immediate wake of the emotions, particularly ones that "invalidate" her feelings, is what causes issues.
i don't talk to women in any unprofessional setting but i hope your advice will improve someone's relationship even if the chances are rather slim here
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Thread is full of retards. Women already invaded your gay hobbies years ago, you may sink or swim.
>Not using Pick Me Connect for the OP
Kys schizo
>unapologetic fujo that talks about BL on stream
>pick me
Who gives a fuck about remembrancers.
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>As "Fauna" and "saplings", we cannot be friends, or, we should not be friends

>I'm sure you've heard the saying don't meet your heroes, I don't think that necessarily applies to everybody, but I think its good if you can just watch streamers and enjoy their streams for what they are

>Fauna is mean in real life?
>I don't think so, and I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know

>But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway, I hope that is okay, I know, I know, don't be sad, cherish your friends because they are just as cool as streamers I promise.
>I promise they are

>There's nothing particularly special about streamers, I mean like sure maybe there's a streamer and they're great at singing but does that make them a better friend, no, it doesn't
>someone can be a great friend even if they aren't great at singing

>My friends are cooler than you? I hope so, I hope so
>quite a few of my friends are streamers, what do I do? I mean that's an exception.

>I mean obviously streamers have friends.
>And I'm sure sometimes people have made friends with streamers and it workout out, but you know

>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun

>yeah exactly, the great part of streaming is interaction.
>There's a back and forth which makes it great, the banter.
>you just try to make me laugh? You do, you guys type funny stuff all the time.

>I think I would've had a harder time being a lets player without having a chat to bounce off of mmm hmm
>But, you should always...I know I shouldn't lecture you guys...
>It's important for you guys to not neglect your real lives too

>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.
who gives a fuck about lying for simpbucks
I hate asmr and gfe to a pathological and unhealthy degree so I've never watched a second of fauna since I've heard that's her niche

but I don't see anything wrong with what she's saying here, even if I don't have friends myself which I cope by watching e-thots using anime avatars on the internet and regular streamers too
Mori becoming a pick-me would literally be the best thing to ever happen to her.
They're not confusing, he said you're weird, faggot
the way she says chat is so fucking hot
What was up with that major kill vs weshammer drama. Did they kiss and make up
Real chads watch Luetin09 and Scholar's lore
>"You lost, leftoid"
>*Post a picture of communist agitprop*
fpbp op btfo
Woman, vanish.
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Shiori is the typical "not like other girls" basic Hot Topic slut
Mori is literally male coded as fuck. Even before male collabs the JPs called her the female holostar because of her abundance of male dominated interests.
Mori is quite literally mentally a 12 year old boy this is a good thing
It is
Pickmes are good actually. Anyone who disagrees, go watch Enna Alouette or something and go away.
which in retrospect is kinda funny because people complained her voice didn't fit her model when she debuted
i thought she was a pickme even before knowing this
what the fuck
Pickmes are real and bad, actually. Any person who feigns liking something just to fit in a circle is not genuine, therefore not worth the attention.
You left out Shiina.
but he didn't
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Mori is simply a big fan of Watamelon.
Mori is fine when she's solo and not rapping.
why not?
faggots in video games are a penny a dozen and no one has the guts to beat their brain dead faces in
good point.
Mine are saggy and have stretch marks... I'm unironically too ugly to be a woman.
Everyone is into Warhammer now. You didn't gatekeep hard enough.
I will post some Warhammer lore

I don't worry much about gatekeeping Warhammer because this shit has been ruined for such a long time.
40k is beyond stagnant and there is no harm that can be inflicted upon fantasy that can beat the public rape that were the end times.
you are missing the point, why would she lie about it when most people don't give a fuck about the books anyways
okay go back to /asp/ denpa
That's the point. She knows which strings to pull to get what she wants.

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