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Built for breeding Edition

>Divegrass team

â–¼Former Tsunderia Members
>Inukai Purin - Mesugaki dog
>Hoshino Char - Gunpla extraordinaire
>Kamiko Kana - Stinky NEET fox? Stinky succubus? Stinky ghost wolf?
>Ember Amane (formerly Yazaki Kallin) - Beloved tomboyish firestarter with an appetite
>Matsuro Meru - Sweetest person alive, recovering menhera
>Kirihime Ria - Accursed king of the rrats
>Nini Yuuna - The embodiment of chaos, breadcrumb-sized braincell
>Miori Celesta - Freaky deaky beertuber and your new girlfriend
>Orla Gan Ceann - Half-toxic, half-wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Amemachi Hanabi - The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town
>Shimada Tiger - The fighting tiger of the Shimada dojo
>Tetsuya Kazune - Insomniac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa - The giggling and screaming little sheep sister experience, music nerd
>Uzuki Tomoya - Punished bnuuy; a brotuber denied his bants, now focusing on music and looking for a new roommate
>Tsurugi Nen - Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha - Itsy bitsy spider mom and certified retro hag
>Dizzy Dokuro (formerly Umiushi Urara) - Bane of Tsunderia, invader of Phase Connect, and savior of /tsunX/
>Yomi Cham - World's cutest singing wolpertinger
>Haewon the Heartstring - Frenemy of the thread and wannabe cumdumpster
>Maria Paradisia - Spicy Latina priestess on a mission to cleanse the world of sin
>Juri Shima - Tall, handsome, and rich chad king of Shima Kingdom

>/tsunX/ Friends
Muu Muyu, Saya Sairroxs, & Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Chisaka Airi, Phase ALiAS, & Phase Invaders >>>/vt//pcgia/
Alias Anono & V4Mirai >>>/vt//v4m/
Shabel Tonya & Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Arisu Oshiro & PixelLink >>>/vt//pxl/
Production Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
Other small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
V&U + Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Hakos Baelz >>>/vt//rrat/
Onolumi, Super Meche & Retro Vtubers >>>/vt//vrt/
Sheeptubers >>>/vt//wool/
Rosemi Lovelock - https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock
Seiryu Komatsu & Duskward - https://twitter.com/seiryukomatsu
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii - https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii
Mogi - https://twitter.com/monomogi
Synthion - https://twitter.com/synthionmusic
Yukinoshita Peo - https://twitter.com/yukinoshitapeo
Arakita Seigi - https://twitter.com/ArakitaSeigi
Crystal - https://twitter.com/crystalmilktea_
Sleepy Project - https://twitter.com/Sleepy_Proj
Shinominya - https://twitter.com/shinominya
Dreamy - https://twitter.com/DreamyEtude
PillowDear - https://twitter.com/pillowdearASMR
KK Cyber - https://twitter.com/KKCYBERai

Previous Thread: >>86905046
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This one goes out to Saya's ear health
Mio, where's the schedule....
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Attention all Vtubers! This is your new manager speaking!
Throw away all pride. Throw away all pride and just pander. Pander to the lowest common denominator. Eat bugs if you have to. That is my advice. Eat slime, yeah, just eat slime. Just throw away your pride and eat the slime.
Thank you for your attention.
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Waking up to warm and fuzzy thoughts about my beautiful spidermom; tangled up in soft silk sheets, plump spinneret pressed into me transferring heat, fluffy hair in my face so I can breath in her Amismeel...beautiful...
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She's too busy doxxing her members
did something happen while I was asleep?
I received no email and she hasn't said anything yet so i call bullshit on you
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Don't worry, another 3 months of daily ear licking and things will be right as rain. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
I can see everyone's email in the cc. I see a few actual names as emails
Post this mail or didn't happen, because i compiled the form and got nothing
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>post dox in this thread
fuck off

It's real, it's also from days ago. No one cares except this whiny faggot scraping the bottom of the barrel for something to complain about. Honestly a good sign that they're running out of material.
If real i have to message her and ask why i didn't receive the barrel then and stress her out/make her lose time
Censor that mail
No faggot
With the schizo retard who focuses too much on individual chat members doxing them is kind of serious. She really needs to stop it to me it's very serious. That's a side point to people being fags here about it.
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He's so fucking lucky bros...
I am writing her a message to know if it's true and somehow she missed my form then
She said she was still working on it.
So she didn't send anything yet i assume
Good morning, I hope you rested well and have a wonderful day today. I love my beautiful, hardworking spidercatmama and waking up to a bombardment of belly bashes and deep bites from her fists and fangs. I'm Ami's punching bag
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Please just stop replying
Stop doxxing your members first
I am literally just asking a simple question because i did signed up the form and some of you now are saying she sent the barrel for this month.
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Same here, no mail received at all
All of this because she can't just ignore the leak from the shitter, so she is making something extremely convoluted for nothing.
Shocking News
The leaker 100% compiled the form and will leak it again just to make her cry.
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Good. I hope he fucks up like this and lets me keep narrowing the list until I find him.
Then she was sending in batches probably saw what she did then changed how she did it
>narrowing down from a massive pool without any indicator to do so
You will just assume the leaker is an M or N while in reality it's a Z you have no idea it even exist
>massive pool
The list is actually quite short from all the crossover info.
It's one of like 50 people it's not that hard
Beerpal's pants are filled with pee
Or you're just saying nonsense. Particularly when you have idiots saying that "it's from days ago".

Who to trust, a bunch of retards constantly trying to find new ways to make her miserable, or >>86959012 , particularly since absolutely no one has been warned. Tough choice.
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At least one batch was sent days ago. She's STILL working on the rest. Why did you think those statements were mutually exclusive?
Because everything said in the last few days was about how it wasn't done yet, retard. Try again.
Alternatively, no T3 member said anything about having received this mail, even in spaces where they obviously would have talked about this. Problem solved. Tearpals just keep reaching now lows every single day.
You can Stalin all over the mail by censoring every sensible information too, just leave only something to proof the mail is about this month barrel.
No one asked you to doxx people
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I want to share a hot shower with my spidermom and press and massage her aching tummy so bad...
Go to bed seanig before I hit reply all and attach a picture of my ball sack
How many of us can fit in the shower?
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Only one way to find out
The honeybuckos would like that
As long as I'm close to her, I guess.
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Mio Love!
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Mio Love! Pumped into her ass!
Mio's anus is the most private and intimate part of her and, short of Mio's own curiosity or medical purposes, there's never reason for anyone or anything to be near there
Which makes it the perfect place to ram my dick into
It's quite romantic, really
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but... that where poo
Imagine the kimchi blasts you'd have to endure.
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We clean it before using. Mio didn't want it at first but now she takes the enema before getting dicked without complaining.
Eber commit to full gfe please, save me I'll unsub from everyone else I'll stay devoted to you. I'm sorry I left the first time.
She sounded like she's pretty firmly not interested in being gfe
Yeah it sucks
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Ebert, my platonic big sister. I'm pretty happy she's not doing it, I've dropped other vtubers when they went full GFE because it just isn't my thing.
The first like year she felt gfe without ever really implying it? I made an active effort to always be there.
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Consider this chubby crab
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My consideration
Please anon I'm already struggling to draw thin girls as it is I can't be considering cute soft chubby girls right now
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Someone get the butter
Mods don't look

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