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/VReX/ Schedule: https://pomu.pages.dev/vrex


Nova Aokami [Gen 1]

Arial Yuriko [Gen 3]

Estella Starfall [Gen 3]

Furi Ferntail [Gen 3]

Kamiko Rinona [Gen 3]

Scarlett Flameheart [Gen 3]



Amaya Whisper

Bri At Cookiebox

Mom At Cookiebox

Kanna Yanagi

Lida Oriana

Nyanami Ruru & Rumi

Relia Lace

Umi Kyoku



Graduated members links:

Song playlist:


Ruru karaoke: https://nch.pl/s/7xEwTJgib4J5WPy


Previous thread: >>86813517
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when you see it...
I love you Kanna
I love you Kanna
I love you Kanna
I love you Kanna
I love you Kanna
I'm selfishly performing ancient rituals to teleport Ruru and Rumi home so I will get a stream
Daiya being a real one
>Phasmophobia at 12pm PST
>Phasmophobia at 4am PST
Thanks Obama
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Ruru HATES Koreans
Duck Wukong live
I don't see it, guess I'm stupid Unless you mean the uranium thing which is normal for Daiya at this point
Saturday on Daiya
>Chio, Daiya, Stella
>Chio, Mochi, Scarlett
Oh, well, just a typo, right?
I do hope she actually just shows up as Mochi.
Daiya talked about this recently. Left collumn is always PST and right is always JST. She just forgot to change it
Both, she'll change mid-game
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Suimaru is in love with me specifically
Were all looking at the Mochi thing, but no one mentioned the "special guest" on Scarlett's Thursday stream.
this would be kino
its furi
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I am once again proposing the idea of a friends section in the OP, we're in a lot of generals yet we have none in ours :(
They just cause junk to show up in catalog searches. Not a huge fan of them.
friends sections beget constant fighting about what goes in the friends section
>where is that 2view that had a collab with one of our girls once
>where is /nijien/
>/pxl/ sucks take them out
>you can't have /pkg/ there if /vdere/ is also there
this is a non-issue because bakers forget the subject half the time anyway, so searching for threads with the thread name is pointless. just type part of someone's name, i use "cookie" for this thread
What if we just reciprocated the generals that have us in theirs, there'd be no issues there and if anyone does have an issue, there's a clear explanation as to why. I know the literal entire point of /here/ is anonymity but at the same time some sense of /unity/ is nice imo...
holy crap Daiya, bags of sag
Where do we begin and end for a friends section, exactly? There’s 12 vrex girls
Other generals they collab with the most + Saffron
should I post the PL now?
Mochi mentioned a stream during the week with a friend even though she knew it was a school day.
Now I'm curious what criteria you used that made you stop at 12
I had forgot she said that. Seems all the girls are out of fucks at this point.
11, sorry
The others are male.
I love my bestie
Daiya is a real one, hope she doesn't stop there
can you guys please get over yourselves and just post Scarlett's PL? thanks.
been at this for weeks huh lol
i'm legitimately impressed
your bait is so fucking insufferable that i actually want you to kill yourself
you've passed your "being annoying" goal with flying colors
>your bait
yet you're giving him what he wants...
Yeah... She meant to say 'UR ANUS' for Wednesday... Oh boy, and during the handcam? [SPOILER]I am actually eager for it[SPOILER]
i have to appreciate when someone is that skilled with their craft, even if i don't respect the craft
At least 2 males there.
...i just want her PL. you post all the other girls', but for some reason act like bitches when it comes to her. why?
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Is eidorianseeker retarded?
Ari live with Yumi
Only after you post a selfie in a skirt
that's all it takes? why didn't you say sooner, i do that as is
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>He doesn't know Scarlett, Tomoe and DK are the same person
You're letting your insecurities show again, bknight
Yes, that all it takes, now get to it~
Scarlett graduating, Tomoe's corpo dying...man, they are professionals at keeping it together.
Take your retarded lover's spat to discord you massive faggots
Don't believe his lies
How about you post links to streams instead of namefagging and jerking each other off

Scarlett's Roblox collab with Tomoe

Tomoe POV
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Ok but can you actually fuck off and die in a ditch?
Why didn't Umi join the rockin' karaoke relay the other day? It seems like it would've been up her alley but I've been away for a bit so I didn't know if she said anything or explained. Sorry if this is redundant I was excited for her to be in, since Bri was even in and she never does any singing besides her stupid (cute) mouth noises.
Because Kanna and Mari HATE her
You think my Mochi merch will have ants in the packaging?
she doesnt like you enough to give you some
The ants are bringing pusauce to you.
Theyre very very cute together
I wish Scarlett and Ari weren't overlapping. I'll have to catch the Ari VOD.
Yumi is cool but her streaming times usually don't work for me so I'm glad Ari got this collab with her.
Is there more to Yumi than spine breaking TITS and VSinger?
Well you had me at TITS tbf
She's a monsterfucker
The model would still be indistinguishable as a witch's hit and tits larger than her torso.

I forgor. You had me at monsterfucker.
Am I stupid
I realize now I am stupid. It was 13, 14 if you count Rumi
this is some peak stuff scarlett and tomoe are playing
there's literally an OP anon..........
Yeah but I’m too lazy to scroll up and confident enough to think I was right
>no scarlett
>no mom
rexie... you caught the goldfish virus
Post it. It's time.
I really am stupid
That monster? You've guessed it, it's me
rexie numbmers...
Anon... you could literally count the girls in the OP...
only DK huh
im going to wait for mochi to sell some kind of clothing as merch and then im going to order some and ask her to pee on it
I posted this
I swear to fucking God if you cucked me out of a skirt pic...
I found it
Your penis?
That would be a shame
This would also be a shame
You are never a shame
glad you found it. welcome to the club. be a peach and refrain from posting it though.
Oh I found it now. You weren't kidding it'd be obvious.
Yeah I'm not, I would've if I was going to don't worry
yeah im pretty sure its very intentionally obvious for post-grad.
Is it really a secret anymore?
the bio on one of them made me smilecry
ok but please someone post it after graduation. i'm too lazy to fish it on twitter
The funniest part is how obvious you guys are following already. Making a list of twitter user from /here/.
its on my private list though, i didn't follow :), but i did see one anon that did.
someone has followed in the past like 20 mins, surely is one way to our themselves as /here/ kek
The one who starts with an A, yeah. I see you, you're on my list.
yeah, hi guy that starts with a and ends in e, glad to know you're one of us
I can confirm that whatever "obvious" thing you do to find it is completely unknowable to people who don't watch her (me). I tried the few ideas I could think of and I got nothing. That's a good thing since it'll keep the dramafags out.
good, if you don't watch her you don't deserve to know before anyway
this place is so gloomie
Sorry Ari. But nice stream today
Today is the happiest I've seen it on a while. Lots of good little things.
You must have been away for a long time
lmao are most of her followers one of those pussy in bio bots or what? I sometimes get followed by those but nowhere near as many
I have like 80 of those lmao, sometimes I purge them but they're like cockroaches
Yeah lol, i had like 200 at one point but i purged it down to about 20. I think when you create an account and start following people you get pushed in algo or something and there's a spike but it eventually dies down, i get like 1-2 a week now just
Some of you have no shame
Y'all are creepy as fuck I hope you know, hope you weirdos get blocked
You the one who locked his account?
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Amaya...I can't live without your poison. I want it. I need it. I'm hopelessly hooked...

(I can't bring myself to hate you... I just fall even more in love with you...)
I'm the one who hasn't even looked because I respect her and will wait for whenever she is ready to come back
>checking random Twitter accs
You're just getting creepier and creepier
she aint gonna fuck you for it lil bro
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>Implying I would follow at this point and not just wait for graduation

I had a hearty chuckle when I saw that. Lads are irredeemable
Good to know you dont give a flying fuck about her, she'll feel great reading this
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my favorite magical girl (boy)
Huh, so she's the kind of autist that reads all of those
She's an autist for reading all of her maros? Wdym
The barking part, I usually read the first 2 words max and then skip to when they start using words again
nta but it kind of stands out, it's really not that hard to notice
Not if you skip all of it
Oh, I mean it's not that long to skim through
More Scarlett
morrowind is the best elder scrolls and it's not close. i'd 100% shell out $80 for a remake instead of the shit we've gotten from Bethesda lately.
I miss Kanna...
thanks anon, i couldnt connect
This might be dumb of me, but only in the last week did I realize she was saying "knight duties." In my mind I always heard "night duties," which makes it sound like she's a woman of the night, a prostitute. Guess my mind is too coomer-brained.
Scarlett is coming back right?
No, if you die in Vreverie you die in real life.
>he doesn't know
camel gummy...
Erm the first R is capitalized
heard it that way too the first couple of times
just figured she meant like a moonlighting job
cant tell if im autistic for never hearing it like that or you guys are for it
neither, just a culture thing and/or kayfabe thing
I don't pay attention to lore at all, just watch stream and enjoy stay
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Bri schedule. Why did she specify "Eien" for Amora, I don't know any other Amoras
yeah, in addition to the prostitute thing, that was also some the logic i followed for hearing it that way.
some people just always put the corpo on their schedules, wouldnt think too much of it
you can't hear the difference, both are pronounced nʌJt
context clues anon... sweet and spicy/unstoppable flameKNIGHT
as >>86980858 said, not everyone cares about or pays attention to the lore/kayfabe. in fact, you might be the autistic one for getting hung up on this.
she says it every single stream... it's literally impossible to miss... your brain then subconsciously makes the connection...
if she's a knight, where's her fucking armor then?!?!!?!
checkmate, knightist
i think most people will just hear it the first time, and go with whatever interpretation catches their fancy and never think about it again, except by chance.
on my bedroom floor... sorry, i should give her it back
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pixel gen 3!
it was fun while it lasted
im going to fucking kill myself
If I was right about the Niji rrat I'm going to fucking kill myself.
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vdere gen 2, as foretold.
What could it even be
I am going to kill myself I was just joking about her joining Niji
i mean, didn't we find some things that made it sound possible? idk where else would seem like a big leap for her besides Vshojo, Holo, or perhaps Phase. Pixel wouldn't be that big of a boost.
No? Pretty sure Twitsty isn't all that happy there anyway so it wouldn't even make sense
Being a Salminion is suffering. She graduates more than she debuts.
Wish I was a chocolate chip...
Technically speaking she debuted twice. You forgot she re-debuted when she was adopted
Good for her if she got into a good corpo but man what a waste of a god-tier model.
Bri debut 2.0 live
thrown on the cold floor?
Very silly
Twisty is Niji's invisible hand in the small corpo world. Soon Relia, Hiyori, Arial will join Niji too. Maybe another kawaii girl, too?
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probably not niji if i read this right
Wonder who’s she going to collab with again before she leaves
Worth it after getting in her bra
actually, another reading between the lines and given how quickly she replied, it could also mean shes DEFINITELY joining niji.
You’re autistic aren’t you cutie, that is absolutely sarcasm and her saying she’s joining Niji
>total EN collapse
>stock is only kept alive with buybacks
>talent is queued trying to bail out
I find that very unlikely.
Lmao, why would they do that to themselves
nah, i just kind of sped through it. are you always like this?
He is, yeah
because they aren't election tourists
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Bri rigging corpses yet again
I don't know any of this shit, but uh, maybe this'll help
>i wake up to the WORST news of my LIFE.. [crying emoji] its EXTREMELY sad that i DEFINITELY will NOT being seeing you ANYWHERE NEAR ME SOON, but i hope you find happiness WHEREVER YOU GO even if its TOTALLY not with me [soon btw]
probably smart to have a backup plan if she really is joining Nijisanji
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guys don't worry relia will save kawaii
by now new niji gens are just a tier above /corpo/, notvthe big 2 that it was before. and many of them keep to themselves, for the most part separate from the members who the viewer community have hostility towards. if it doesnt end up qorking as she exoected, she can still leave relatively fast (as some new livers have done) and reactivate it without a waiting period
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I can't believe Lasakat would do this...
Yes, it's slowly getting annoying
What a shit month
So now we're niji adjacent. Ngl I kinda wanna go back to when they were suffering under VRe, we strayed on the wrong timeline at some point
We've been Niji adjacent ever since Twisty groomed Ari
Let's not jump the gun. Nothing is confirmed yet
twisty is cute though, i dont mind being adjacent to her. idc about the black corpo stuff though i dont watch niji, but at least the new gen shouldn't be tarred by the sins of the earlier ones.
>Next week Ari announces her graduation
>Tenten says she is going inactive again
>A few months pass
>NijiEN announces their 734th wave
>Niji Reverie

What would you do in this situation?
id watch niji i guess, but the second they male collab i drop them
Ari has already male collab’d
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There's a 70% chance that Twisty is indeed just trolling
I have a lot of bad news for you...
Chug bleach
grats on figuring out i'd drop them
Be comfortably in the embrace of my rrat back in holo, what else?
clearly ari will save niji
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speaking of
is she ever going back to vsmp?
The blue axolotl is all she wanted from Minecraft and she got it
true, did she ever give anyone else a blue lotl?
Not sure, I know she almost got 2 in a row after she finally got the first one
Just finished my daily read. The hottie schizo is hilarious.
She got a bunch of them or at least 3. Once you get first one breeding more gets considerably easier
So this is why she was joking around with the league gang about being dead

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