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A thread for Mori Calliope, the Death Empress of Bonekind
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I'm bonekind
Thought for the day: Lives are the Reaper's currency, spend them well.
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remember to love your Mori
I spent my life today very poorly and I greatly regret it
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it's funny how people are freaking out (in a good way) that Mori is playing 40k
Mori should use my face as a chair while she streams
Get your goon on before nnn. I’m really going for it this year.
Need to experiment
I wrote this
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Pretty good
I'm beginning to believe I can be chill about mori becoming a 40k autist
Don't forget to use your Mori approved mouthwash
I don't personally mind this, but is this technically being a doxxbeat?
I know it's the rapping style she normally uses for non-mori stuff, but this was done as Mori. There was a credit that pops up that is easy to miss.
Oh, cool. I missed that
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I didn't fully grasp the particulars of the collab
Ye. I missed the credit too and assumed the same for a bit, then I remembered Mori talked about doing some song for a product commercial a few months ago, then I noticed the credit when I watched again.
>not even
>remember to love your God Emperor
I hope the chaos gods smite you
>ReFantazio is apparently a GotY contender
Wonder if ATLUS West might throw another sponsored stream her way
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If Mori does get more into 40k lore I hope she actually listens to the audiobooks and doesn't just watch those lore slop videos that clog up my YouTube feed.
Fuck it, here's some stand-alone 40k novel/audiobook recommendations:
The Infinite and the Divine-toxic old man yaoi about 2 robot skeletons that bicker for centuries. There are also dinosaurs.
15 Hours-a refresh recruit to the imperial guard tries desperately to survive his first deployment
The Watcher in the Rain-a moody and atmospheric story about an accountant being stalked by a demon
Day of Ascension-the story of a citizens revolt gone wrong, it's like the October Revolution, but everyone involved gets killed by the new government they installed... wait.
Warboss- Iz about Orkz. Iz about Dakka. Iz about what it means to be proper orky and itz damn good a' it too. (Don't read this one, just listen to the audio book, you get bad brainrot reading 340 pages of Ork dialog.)
Backseating and nitpicking how someone is supposed to engage with the background of the setting is why people don't like you guys
I don't know if she's said more about it but the way Kiara was talking about a sponsorship the other day she might have gotten one.
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I will consume it how I feel like
wait when the fuck did this happen? did she say anything?
I think it was that big brand that she was hinting at if not it's one of the many things she recorded over the past few months we didn't learn about until now
Yeah, the way people volunteer recommendations and try to curate new fan's experiences is well intentioned, but I find it off putting.
Warboss sounds like a great afternoon read.
You wouldn't say someone is a fan of One Piece if they only experience the series through power scaling and lore theory videos would you? And you especially wouldn't recommend someone to get into the One Piece through such derivative works would you?
Same goes for 40k.
I've known Silent Hill fans who have never played the games and only watched let's plays who gives a shit?
I read every single star wars legends novel and most of the comics and I never felt like telling people what they had to do to be real star wars fans
I think it was this
What if Mori was a short stack?
I'm not trying to get even more horny for my reaper wife right now
>Mori is cutely kakkoi
>Calliope is coolly kawaii
Which way Orkbeats?
if I paint her will she get faster?
We would lose the "5'6 giantess" bit, and that would be kinda sad, but obviously a morp is a morp no matter what height
I fucking love short stack, bros.
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I'd drizzle some syrup on her and top her with a pad of butter.
oh, I get it, you interpreted "short stack" to mean something unexpected as a joke. That's funny
this is the best answer
Please don't eat the meep
what if mori was british
That would be really funny
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the answer is obvious
with all the sneeding from others I see it
If mori was from England, would she be a northern monkey or a southern fairy?
It's for completely different reasons.
People aggressively backseating her leading to an ingrained fear of doing something "wrong" is how she came to hate Minecraft for years
Mori surely knows about the Necrons right?
Suggesting to read/listen to official source material over fan made lore compilations doesn't seem aggressive to me. Seems pretty standard actually.
>she doesn't stream enough
>why does she talk like that, it's so fake
>she doesn't collab with her genmates/senpai enough
>she talks to men
>she doesn't care about hololive
iunno, seems pretty similar to me
Maybe now after watching the lore videos, but she didn't know there was a tabletop game.
How does one even start with 40k, I have no clue
I think it's like DC/Marvel comics. its been going on so long and there has been so many retcons that you just pick something and just look in deeper at what catches your eye from there.
Mori's been having a lot of fun with the slop lore videos, and I'm partial to looking stuff up on wikis. Maybe look up stuff about the characters, or the ultramarines or something?
meanwhile Mori
>I don't really know too much but the skulls on everything are cool
>the Emperor sounds like a cool guy
>Brother Flacidus was too soft for duty, Brother Erectus will need to stand ground
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Buy Combat Patrol box of army that you think looks coolest, build and paint models, find local gaming store/firends to play game, read rules for models, play game. (You can skip to the last 2 if your just playing on Tabletop Simulator)
Alternatively, find book that looks cool, read book.
And finally, find video game that looks cool, play video game.
The franchise is very open ended.
get out of catalog bait threads that you probally meant to post this out of place post in.
You don't think the guy was just amused at all the funny shit mori said?
NTA but I've seen that exact post in multiple threads today
Get bullied a lot in middle school and choose it over D&D as your comfort obsession
Fair enough, you may be correct
Play Dawn of War.
watching Mori Space Marine this really feels like a 360 game in the best way
It reminds me of gears of war
same when Gears was good
Gigi is in a brothel asking about the merchandise
Mio played it.
Even if I'm pretty turned off by Warhammer and don't think the game is especially fun to watch, there is something nostalgic about seeing a full-size miniature running around in a really mid action game. It reminds me of my childhood daydreams
my pledge is to Mori Calliope as a dead beat
that's why Mechwarrior has been great
>she talks to men
>she doesn't care about hololive
current day mori fixed these two things about herself so I can finally enjoy watching her
Now Gigi wants to protect the prostitutes from wage theft lmao
I want to glaze Mori
I still can't believe she just random said that lmao
Seeing her game lag so hard and her character constantly flicker in and out of existence makes me really wish it was easier to get perms for mods
Me too, but apparently she said she finds the glitches to be part of the charm, so in her case I guess it's not so bad
I want to glaze Mori and Kronii's tits and make them lick each other
I wrote this
Catching up on the VoD, this Chaplain guy seems pretty cool. Though maybe I’ve just become favorable towards skeleton dudes these past 4 years…..
When will there be a Genestealer Cult game…
I looked him up, he's a pretty cool guy
do you think Mori would like Soul Sacrifice? do you think she would cry at Sortiara sacrifice?
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I want Mori to steal my genes
With Mori liking skulls everywhere (no surprise) and slaughtering her foes in bloody ways, and delving into the 40K lore...where she will likely realize that Emps wasn't really a great guy all of time...I could see her liking the World Eaters.
I hope GG collabs with KFC gaming channel
I mean she could, but her hips are probably bigger so it wouldn't make much sense.
Would she like AVGN?
I liked him when I was 17. Mori might've when she was young, might like him out of nostalgia if she did, but I don't think he's her guy nowadays
Me on the left
White gown is her best outfit!
>Install Plague Inc
>Search for one of the many Warhammer 40K mods
I know for sure there's one for the Tyranids ever since they added the zombie mode. There's probably one for Genstealers if that's the case.
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>Mori keeps saying she needs to use other weapons
>keeps just chainsawing everything to death
Old reapin habits die hard huh…..
Do you think Mori has seen the Space Marine Ants meme?
I want to help Mori's ass kek
>got recommended a Mori Ina Minecraft collab
I miss Mori playing Minecraft, could she convince someone to start a project with?
>brothers defend my booty pipe for the emperor
Maybe do a server tour with Justice?
Raora said she wanted to visit it but she's waiting for a tour guide
One day Mori will watch this old DoW meme video and make references to being "bald and foolish"
Go get your ass beat by Azrael again
Please Tell me my deadbeats have better pickup lines then that....
>Mori wants to play Space Marines with Biboo when she beats the main campaign
Is there a separate co-op campaign or is it just the multiplayer mode?
It's just the "Operations "co-op missions, but she could mean joining Bijou when she plays the campaign, that can be co-op too
please tell me dead beats have real art
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We most certainly do!
caught up on the recent VOD it's cute that she's very clearly hooked by the 40k lore and that she didn't want to leave us to go work
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plenty to go around!
Mhmm, Imagine Mori's Footjob, talking to you in her Cutesy voice, stroking your cock with her soles ..fuuuuck~
When she eventually buys plastic do you think the reaper aspect win out and she'll get an Imperium or Chaos model or will the woman aspect compel her to get some Tyranids?
I think I'm gay for Mori's feet
No, brother! Degeneracy!

Do t lie and say you wouldn't want her cooing at you while she strokes your throbbing cock between her feet, teasing you about how Pervy you are while you sit back and watch her tits bounce around the whole time...
I'm think I'm going to miss part of the stream
I could see her giving in to her inner 13 year old boy and getting some orkz kuz theyz funny loike
Everytime I see art of moris feet, I pray to god that mori bring back the feet asset.
Look, I'm so touch-starved I won't deny that, but I'm not choosing feet over tits.
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I'll never get over the fact that she commissioned them herself, that alone makes the allegations unbeatable to me
Mori can coo at me all she wants, I don't want her touching my cock with her feet.
allegations that she loves teasing us with feet?
Fine by me deadbeat, least ya boi can do after all your support~
>>86988091 me
False alarm
not a foot fag but I'd die happily with that
>will be 10AM in Japan when the stream starts
I wonder if she plans on marathoning it, it’s not the longest game, if she’s got enough time should could beat it this stream.
it's like 8 or 9 hours isn't it?
That she's into footplay
8 more minuets bros
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canon size
She said that she wanted to do a long stream of it
Google says ten hours is on the upper end on a normal playthrough, she’s done a little over 2 already and I don’t believe she’s playing on hard mode at all. If she’s got the time I think she can do it this stream.
Are those nuggets or boneless wings?
Weeeeeell, to give her the benefit of the doubt; Pomp did say she commissioned him for various different shoe/leg assets to match her different outfits and that barefoot asset was merely a base model that he used to design the rest of the assets, and that he just included it with the rest of the batch never thinking Mori would actually use it
I want more Mori ASMR with ear rubbing and oil I love it and I don't mind her doing it over and over again in streams
After seeing a certain clip I'm inclined to believe you
You know Mori was excited for that Secret Level series for the Armored Core episode, but it’s gonna have a 40K episode too. Another reason to get hyped for it. Jesas there’s a Concord episode too
>Her favourite massage is a shoulder massage
I will carry her burdens.
Really? That's when I gotta turn it off.
The concord episode ended up being great publicity for the show after the game flopped
Is the youtube machine spirit shitting the bed?
Yeah it's buffering a lot for me too
It's fucking hilarious how they gave Concord it's own episode while all the other Sony franchises they're doing are sharing one.
Why are video games and movies bombing so much recently
It was shitting the bed for me last night too, still is now
She's making an apology to the feet people.
Buttery smooth for me.
Lol is she apologizing for telling the Cadians to go home? Awwwwwkwaaaaaard.
It's probably a regional thing
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prepare for Space Marines collab with Biboo tomorrow
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ive been waiting for this!
Because they're trying to make them for an audience that is either far too crowded or just doesn't exist.
publishers and other big copanys are putting more money into things thinking spending will go up from covid numbers not realizing nothing will ever make that much again
Tell Biboo that apparently there is some single player before co-op
Think she watched Lutin? God, what if she watched an Arch video
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all roads lead back to causality
What drunk motherfuckers are saying 40k and fantasy aren't related like the early 2000s was almost entirely GW making 40K into it's won thing
ok good.
What do they do to keep the Emperor alive?
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There are a lot of idiots in chat
more at 11
They for all intents and purposes are not related anymore.

Feed him pysker souls and the Throne is also a life support/soul engine thingy
Eh she will look into it herself at some point and figure it out.
40k is basically if gymbros won, gains= authority
Why don't they just elect a new Emperor instead of keeping this one alive?
1000 souls a day
but it's not just to keep him alive
he's the only one keeping ships safe in FTL travel
if he dies then every human colony is alone with no way to get to others
I mean, 40000 years is a damn long time for a society.
You know how the Aztecs sacrificed people to their gods? Imagine it the Aztec empire was a million inhabited systems
That's kinda like the catholic church trying to elect a new Jesus
the emperor is not someone you can replace, he has a few disputed origin stories but he is essentially the most powerful human to ever exist and was cultivated over thousands of years
they don't replace him because it's impossible
I think the most popular origin story is that he was a shaman in native american tribes who merged souls with other shamans to fight the warp or something
He isn't the Emperor by democracy, he is the Emperor because he is the most powerful psychic human shaped being in the Universe. Basically the Emperor being plugged into the Golden Throne lets humanity use FTL travel without demons eating their assholes.
The Emperor is a singularly powerful human psyker. What is left of his consciousness also lights the astronomican, which guides all their ships. He is also holding back a warp gate underneath the palace. If he dies Terra/Earth is instantly infested with hordes of demons and also probably gets swallowed in an immense warp storm.

Please no trolling, but if you aren't. I'll reiterate Fantasy and 40k are completely different settings, they are not related.
I thought it wasn't native americans, they were from Anatolia like 10 thousand years ago from our time
The position of emperor is way too ad hoc for that. He's Sui generis, irreplaceable
I'm pulling from small rotten blips of memory so you're probably right
In addition to what everyone else said you can't really elect a new power grid for your country, yeah?
Correct, born in like 4000BC(?) our time. I don't quite remember the status of his origin story, I thought GW had tried to play down the mass shaman ritual suicide theory.
California is trying
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I can't follow any of your nerd talk
If the emperor is so powerful and is the only thing keeping humans alive, maybe humans don't deserve to survive.
the general consensus is just "no one in-universe knows his origin so there will never be a concrete answer"
I think the first solid bit of lore with him is the thunder warriors
>Those proportions
When the gellar field fails lamow
honestly the only ones who deserve life in 40k are the tyranids
saying nids are bad is like saying a cat is bad for eating meat it hunted
everyone else sucks
Was this post made by an Eldar?
Isn't dawn of war an rts?
My dad is very smart
why are her tits so warped?
I've heard that life in the imperium isn't so bad, but I've also heard that that's bullshit. If it's the latter, then yeah
It's nothing more than a baby sucking on the tit. At some point you have to stop relying on that sweet sweet breast milk.
Does it have a baby mode?
Hey, the Orks are just living their best lives.
didi dudu dada
First solid bit from the Emperor is him collapsing the Tower of Babel, because it was actually a cult studying Enuncia (bullshit magic language that control reality).

Completely depends on where you live and what life you were born into.
quality of life in the imperium depends greatly on what planet you're stuck on
It's wild how I learned pretty much everything i needed to know about the franchise from stellaris
It is absolutely horrible for the vast majority.
I don't like Nozick because his name is the same as Robert Nozick, who sucks
I love that one eldar guy that's like "when you think about it the orks are the only self-actualized people in the galaxy. They don't worry about shit."
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They are fun guys
I remember a human who said: "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied"
Sounds like a real git
well then do I have good news for you
Stuck him in an ancient hypertech life support system and feed him 1000 souls per day
Smudge-tool beats...
Commisar, this one.
Because he’s also God and functionally can’t really do much other than act as a glorified space lighthouse and be in constant unending agony
E's no Orkimedes.
this dumb girl gets lost again I love her so much
Newfriends are so funny.
To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable.
The good scenario for the average person is medieval serfdom except your lord has a gundam
Someone should fix the tvtropes article then
It's not really a gundam, only xenos have those.
Why do the little humans not simply go back to cadia?
Ok now you're baiting
Bro... not cool
Imagine having no representation, home, food and having to slave your entire life away in some dead end shitty factory job.
Absolutely horrible. I don't know how they keep going.
Didn't horus get straight up obliterated?
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Just got here; Mori mentioned the primarchs. Did she catch up on the lore off stream?
>I'd actually really like to have figure
So it begins
I think the same thing when I see humans that were miners. Imagine how shit it was to climb back up the mine shaft after mining rocks all day.
Lictor? I hardly know her!
Yes. He got snapped out of reality.
Damn, armor recharges so quickly on normal
She learnt a bit about the Horus Heresy as well a Space Marine chapters
So these are the tyranid equivalent of the Roman magistrate's bonk squad?
You'd think from the name but no, they are infiltrators and assassins and advanced scouts.
There's the underhive one
They're infiltration organisms designed to kill leadership and high value targets. So, yeah kind of a bonk squad.
No way this artist fucked up this badly
I can see her commission someone else to do the painting
It's a seperate campaign.
did she say a data fag?
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They didn't. Someone distorted the original for some reason.
I did this a year ago. Figured I'd like to have two large figures for display. Settled for a Wraithlord and a Dreadnought. I have previous experience painting. Somehow I ended up spending $500+
Stop killing rats.
Not fucking cool.
spanking mori butt.
Cali wants to fuck the emperor...
They arn't rats, more like hungry fleas the size of a cat.
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She's missing all her shooting
>They arn't rats, more like hungry fleas the size of a cat.
Heh, or as I like to say, an average day in New York!
Hey 6666 views
They've worked at making both unique for a long time now.
they are, their job is to consume all the biomass on a planet and bring it to tyranid bio pools for processing
Some of the tyranid guns are bugs that shoot by giving birth to smaller bugs and ejaculating them at you.
I'm glad mori is enjoying the stuff I find dumb as hell about this franchise. It makes me tolerate it more readily
Yeah when they said the rippers got inside Decimus' armor, it's a fucking rotten way to die. Dude got ate like like an oyster.
>Mori got 666 souls in DS3 at one point last stream
Can't be a coincidence
Based anon, FYI for any curious in this thread Lexicanum is the better wiki out there for 40k.
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Half the fun of 40k is reveling in how silly everything is in it
Also, a space marine addicted to stims sounds like a good TTRPG character
So she even knows about the Age of Iron
She did some basic timeline video or wiki
I don't think she knows that the admech uses humans as operating systems yet though.
If you look up the history of man, it's one of the first things that happens
>Thank you Chairon
Glad I'm not the only one hearing that lmao.
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I don't think the Cadians are going home bros...
Sometimes I wonder if mori is trying to be wrong
Dare I say...Kakkoi???
Damn that's hard as fuck
>pound some xeno booty
I want to pound Mori's booty
Just like the Primarch
*puts on the most heroic voice she can*
"No one's ass is safe"
god i love this bitch
uhh akshully women can't be space marines :)
I want to shoot my goo at Mori
You're going to get the emperor demon-itized
Good thing she is your boy.
I don't know how, but I have a gut feeling Mori is going to accidently glitch the game using this jetpack thing
Mori is my boy, so its lore friendly
>Respectfully, lord, we are Cadians. We can take care of ourselves.
A t-shirt, a flashlight, and standard issue balls of tungsten.
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While this is technically correct let me tell you one easy trick around rules like that...
I want to pin Mori down
I want Mori to pin me
I wrote both of these
I fucking lose it anytime she says one of the DoW quotes. Those games are still top notch in play and VA work.
>Chaos posting is now allowed, don't ask which chaos because the answer is yes
Who else will join Mori’s squad by the end of this campaign?
Honourable Battle Brother Testa-cleez
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Some people think this is what going to mass is actually like
diarrheas he's best friends with Shidden
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Brother Retardus, exalted of his chapter
if it was I'd go more often
Yeah the emperor was a serial fedora tipper.
Biggus dickus
I might actually attended if it were
if it was only that cool
Be the change you want to be
Wear your power suits to mass next Sunday
she must be really horny today for me
It kind of is.
a bit, sure
I want to poke and prod Mori
I want to poke and prod Mori's feet
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Mori dot dot dot in game!
is it just me or does Mori ship Titus x Chaplin?
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Honestly it'd kinda make sense if Leandros is gay for Titus and in denial about it
seriously though is Mori horny today? kek
Leandros pov
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Mori has now progressed farther than I have, but I will continue watching her despite the spoilers
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What if we start a religion around Mori
She will destroy our holy city in front of us as punishment for worshipping her.
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Mexico already has one, Anon.
They just added Dwarves back into 40k
Why is chat saying to look up and something about a power sword?
And they're different by far.
Because she was talking through the cutscene missing the plot and instructions.
>Why don't they just elect a new Emperor instead of keeping this one alive?
He's basically in a coma and his body is a desiccated husk on life support. He does not govern in any capacity anymore. That falls to the High Lords of Terra. Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines, is nominally the Emperor's Regent now though. When he woke up from his 10k year nap he did some...restructuring.
This pistol sucks for her
Well the power sword is probably why they're talking about the power sword
Yeah they’re just stout bearded men with high craftsmanship who love mining, live in clans and guilds, are at constant war with green skins and have ancestor worship
I thought squats got eaten by nids?
I was talking about the spelling dwarfs vs dwarves
Leagues of Votann are space dwarves, they're more advanced technologically than the Imperium because they still have some shit left over from the Dark Age of Technology and their beliefs aren't as regressive. They mostly resort to cloning to reproduce now which is HERESY for some reason, even though Krieg and the Mechanicus grow people in vats all the time.
They did but now they didn't and are very different from before.
>dwarfs vs dwarves
Dwarfs are a group of little people in real life.
Dwarves is for a group of the fantasy race of people.
>even though Krieg and the Mechanicus grow people in vats all the time.
we don't talk about that
Kind of.. it was never explicitly stated in any novel or lore, it was an idea a writer came up with at a con panel when he was asked what happened to them decades ago that got reprinted in a magazine.
I mean Mechanicus vat grown people are basically instantly turned into servitors. Krieg... well people look the other way due to their effectiveness, also those that look into sometimes do not survive.
In fairness, Votann robots would be considered Abominable Intelligence by the Mechanicus too. A Techpriest probably took one look at them and went "TECH-HERESY!" just so he could kill them and steal their shit.
Retarded lorelet dwarves is the Tolkien spelling of dwarfs so GW calls their short people dwarfs to avoid any possible chance of a copyright issue.
>Brother Relapsus
Another one has been added…..
lol, lmao even
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I want to go around Italy and tour old cathedrals with Mori before going to eat pizza and pasta while talking in hilariously bad italian accents to each other
You're gonna talk shit about the people that make all your fancy gear and provide gorillions of guardsmen regiments?
Ya the obvious and real AI is a much bigger issue lmao.

Brother Replasus has fallen of the Rhino.... again.
I enjoy Mori asking questions about the set-pieces
Who DID light those candles, and how are they still lit after the space bugs invaded?
That does sound fun...
And I see that Ope has raided the WB props department. Please give it back to the cute huntress when done.
Munitorum looks the other way. They overlook worse. Sometimes Mars bitches about Krieg but nobody else really cares.
Another miracle of the Emperor. Wherever Titus goes the candles are always lit.
>Ya the obvious and real AI is a much bigger issue lmao.
I think it's funny how the Mechanicus looks at a society where AI has essentially equal social standing as heresy, but they get on their knees and pray to algorithms.
Promethium can burn for a long ass time.
>big steppy
It's been a long time since I've heard that...
Stamper bros there’s hope…..
This mission is painful solo on harder difficulties. This one set piece took me nearly an hour on Veteran.
Do you think Mori will ever realize the charged shots eat 10 ammo
she hasn't realized the green munitions boxes can be broken open for supplies either, has she?
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There’s 100% a guy who goes around lighting them 20 hours a day and everyone is jealous he has the easy job
The squat were just a group of Votann’s going by another name same as the Demiurg who joined the Tau
>Who DID light those candles, and how are they still lit after the space bugs invaded?
Tech-Adepts that march around the facility in shifts lighting all the candles while chanting and carrying a thurible burning incense. Not joking.
yeah and they can have ammo, grenades, or medicae in them
I feel like a servo skill with a lighter taped to the bottom would be faster.
You feel a lot of things don't you, tech-heretic.
It's not about pragmatism, it's about ritual. Maintenance is a religious ritual to the Martian Priesthood. That 5 step process to repair a common issue in your TV? To a Techpriest it's a 37 verse litany and two thirds of it is stuff like flicking sacred oils on the screen and beseeching its machine spirit to prevent dead pixels. They memorize that shit over decades, even lifetimes.
I think she just realized that she's not exactly playing as the good guys.
Are there any "good guys"?
Commander Farsight until he get's corrupted by Khorne
The silent king
tyranids, from their POV
I'd argue the 'nids 'cause they're just trying to eat, but at the same time you can't blame anyone for not wanting to be eaten either
Same could be said of the Orks considering they reproduce though fighting
Depends on your perspective. The Tau are pretty chill most of the time but they're naive and they pay for it. Imperium does what it needs to do because Chaos has completely ruined human civilization, just as it did to the Eldar.
Was this game made by real Warhammer fans
Cali is about to make Chernobyl look like a fucking joke.
Genestealer Cults are hard to blame for their actions. They're downtrodden mutants trying to build a life for themselves and their family. Problem is they're an existential threat that unknowingly ring the dinner bell for 'Nids.
>Chaos has completely ruined human civilization
I'm not sure that's correct, but I read somewhere that a big reason Chaos is fucking with humanity as much as it is is because of humanity fucking around with the Warp in the first place.
Except the Tau are pretty much brainwashed by their Ethereal caste except for Commander Farsight who like >>86999002 has mentioned has gotten Khorne's attention so he might not be righteous for long.
This game sticks to the lore pretty close if you ignore the presumption that 3 marines would survive this.
>Chaos is fucking with humanity as much as it is is because of humanity fucking around with the Warp in the first place
That is not inaccurate. The Horus Heresy was catalyzed by the fact that the Emperor made a deal with the gods to create the Primarchs and then fucked them over.
You know what's funny about the Tau? On one hand they might consider wiping out humanity because we're just chaos magnets. On the other hand they found out human belief manifests in the warp, and once literally manifested into a psionic avatar of the Greater Good to save some dipshit Tau scientists that entered the Warp without a gellar field.
Chaos fucks with humanity because humanity overtime is becoming more psychic and draws the dark gods attention because of that. They particularly hate the Emperor because at some point it seems he stole something from them, whatever it was helped him create the Primarchs.

Even had he not done that they would still fuck with humanity because of their nature.
She keeps doing it
I honestly don't blame Gadriel for being suspicious of Titus, guy acts like a secretive schizo half the time
I like the Tau because a lot of the writing about them is them hearing something ridiculous about the Imperium or greater galaxy and going "what? No. That's idiotic, nobody could possibl- oh my god they fucking did"
>That is not inaccurate. The Horus Heresy was catalyzed by the fact that the Emperor made a deal with the gods to create the Primarchs and then fucked them over.
I mean... That sounds like it's accurate then, insofar as the Emperor is a part of humanity kek.
Titus realizes that later in the plot.
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Uhhh. What do we make of this, brothers?
Isn’t there a theory that the Emps got some minor warp gods(with the help of the chaos gods) and used them as the base for the Primarchs’ souls?
The Co-op missions are supposed to be happening at the same time as the main campaign and some of the supplemental material also explains that many squads are down on the planets.

You also find a lot of dead Smurfs in the campaign, implying that everyone has been doing something.
It was a very jarring experience for them to crack open a Dreadnought and realizing the half-dead Space Marine inside is older than their civilization.
I have not heard that one, but he clearly stole a great amount of power. As it seems every primarch is some sort of psychic being at their core.
Mori likes me see you later virgins
Maa, that weird fuckin' Zerker is the yard again!
Yep, Corvus Corax is some kind of warp monster now despite the fact he never became a daemon prince. He's something else, something even more abstract and menacing.
We're in a cliff hanger
There's no world in which they would let this game kill off a cash cow like Titus
how long did Mori say she going to stream for?
What's the difference between fantasy and 40k
Titus is a nobody. A made up OC for these two games.
Nah she didn't give a set time, just that today would be a longer one
40k is in space
I don't want it starting trouble with Tautau
Seems like you've heard about the 4th sphere of expansion 4th hand.
They weren't just scientists they were an entire fleet that was flung into the warp accidently when using (non-warp based) FTL in mass for the first time, they observed the daemons tended to manifest around the auxiliaries but the real reason the tau involved became so hostile towards humans and other aliens was the manifestation of the god of the greater good being perceived as a corruption of the ideology.
Dude there's tons. What's the difference between Lord of the Rings and Dune?
40k has spes muhreens and fantasy doesn't
one has spice the other has filthy fucking knife ears
would you rather sex elves or cute brown women
None expect they’re in space
>Imperium of man = all human factions
>eldar = high elves
>dark eldar = dark elves
>Orks = Orcs
>Chaos = chaos
>Necrons = Tomb kings
>’nids = beastmen but without chaos
the empress protects
brown women
Everything. The chaos gods have the same names, but they are still slightly different.
There's also the exodite eldar who are basically wood elves, inasmuch as they're murderous hillbillies.
>wood elves
Amazing how GW managed to screw over two factions with the end times reveal
Weirdly Tau were meant to be Lizard Men until GW wanted to cash in on the rising popularity of anime at the time and things got derailed a bit.
Fantasy is magic world, has rats with spaceships instead of bugs and has hope and goodness
Fantasy's backstory is 100% fantastical. 40k considers our world canonical history. Warhammer Fantasy isn't Earth, 40k's Terra is.
not that I'm complaining but do you just fight the Tyranids in this game?
Wait about another hour or two.
You may not have noticed, but the markings on the Thunderhawk were Tzeentchian
Aw, that's a shame. Wood elves are my favorite guys in Total Warhams. I like building tall in my forests and coming out occasionally to put some fucks in the ground with a withering hail of arrows.
The second enemy will come

All this talk about hating "Nerds" and Chaos is very appropriate
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>This game sticks to the lore pretty close if you ignore the presumption that 3 marines would survive this.
Yeah, a squad is supposed to be 10 right? I like how for gameplay purposes all the story reasons they stick to three like splitting up the men for defense or shit like that.
Yeah they took a lot of liberties with the Primaris doctrine which, to be fair, is kind of unavoidable. A lot of people hate Primaris Marines so nobody really cares.
>captain's orders, shut the f up
kek, someone please soundpost that
It’s more funny than sad. they hard confirmed that the lady the brettonians worship is an eleven goddess that protects their forests and then had that same goddess abandon the wood elves to live in a pocket dimension with her knights. Somehow answering the question about the origin of the Lady in a way that’s dissatisfying to both faction’s fans
Mori please stop standing directly below the Neurothrope, you're making me sick.
>the real reason the tau involved became so hostile towards humans and other aliens was the manifestation of the god of the greater good being perceived as a corruption of the ideology
as usual, poor little blueskinned fucks can't handle reality lol
her getting so excited over an execution is cute
this girl really is a 12 year old boy
i still love her...
She likes the melta.
She'd love Ciaphas Cain.
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Fantastical but with many analogues. It a not-earth setting with "Egyptians, but they're undead. Aztecs, but they're lizards. Germans, but they speak old English. And the French, but they're very honorable".
She still hasn't seemed to realize teh melta's effective range isn't much more than melee.
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I sent that bitch a multimelta
bitches love multimeltas
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>Fantastical but with many analogues
hehehe, hehehe
If this map follows the Mercator map projection the size of Nehekara must be absolutely insane.
>Thousand Sons appear
>Mori laughs
I can't believe she's killing Blood Ravens...
my experience with warhammer fantasy is the fun mount and blade total conversion
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They're exactly what you think they are.
I was thinking "Where's Australia?" and then I saw the shape of the Southern Wastes.
The north and south poles of the world are basically warp rifts too.
I remember when that mod considered Trolls a form of normal bandit so villages would be raided by like 80 fucking trolls.

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