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Previous Thread: >>86963361
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Sex with Koa!
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All hail Lisa!
Cherish the cute girls!
>either the tiny loli, the angel loli or the hat loli will never exist
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I wanna rim every idol girls anus
And also clean their gigantic throbbing futacocks covered in smegma
idol truly is fucking cursed
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chubby loli for en3 please
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Yes, please!
basically she is ill but after pucking she is less fucky. She postponed %e stream an hour and the chat tells her to cancel. I said to respect her wishes because I have a large cock.
last thing she said is
>i miss you
>so I will stream, just dont leave me alone
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if i could replace my tinnitus with roca's high pitch squeals i would be soooo happy
How can you be so sure?
lisa had a concert?
Fuck... poor Lala baby...
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Red and Green
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circled confirmed in.. bros they skipped the yellow loli looks like we lost her..
I miss the yellow loli
red will be black, played by koinu using her real voice without a voice changer
Red is not the lion, trust me I know my shit.
That makes me so fucking angry. She would've been the cunniest.
skip theory will be proven if the next one is blue
don't worry the model didn't go to waste since [REDACTED] took it
Whatever. I still have Poko and Koa.
Based but would be great if you have some love for the pink bnny
never trust yellow lolis
Why not?
2 more weeks this time for real.
insider here
[redacted] will debut in 336 hours
The obly thing that is inside is your tongue in my ass
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I'm a retard that can't think of more ASMR ideas or even questions for that upcoming stream... halp
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the original offkai teaser explicitly showed yellow being connected with flowers just like the lion teaser, so unless they're full on trolling or retarded then it seems likely to be for the loli and NOT red. this means the guesses about yellow were wildly off base, including my own bee loli theory, and looking at her silhouette >>86979972
now you can kinda see how the poofy coat might represent a mane (even though that's a male lion thing) and you can even make out the rounded nubs of lion ears.

unconfirmed are now red, blue, and purple.
insider here
[redacted] will debut in 20160 minutes
I don't want Fuyo to leave ;_;
The yellow loli is saved!
Same. It sucks.
Did you forget the Brave announcement already, when they said that Fuyo, Rin, Katta and Meica would leave they also said that one of the Wildfyre girls left too.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll give the abandoned model to a manager... or Momo
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actually you might be right, the hippie peace theme looks like it could fit the yellow loli.
also these look like lion ears if you look closely
I could have sworn the yellow one had flowers in the background representing her in the trailer which would fit the first teaser image.
Whatever the fuck is going on in Coni's waiting room.
told ya, red is out.
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Koa's schedule
not looking but im assuming its ad children / retards, she had ads running for her bday
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cunny bros we're so back, it was actually the RED one they skipped..
these are now confirmed
I would've loved if the red one was the one that left but oh well, my second pick would be purple since it's giving me Rin replacement vibes that will openly push for male related events.. but with my luck one of the good ones left instead
>phasmo with taiga
Why they didn't invite some ENG girls?
The day is saved.
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these could also pass for lion ears though
its for the best, things have changed and this change of environment is what she needs to not get burnt out and quit permanently
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Insider here. EN3 will not have any lolis.
oh nice, really like the pirate's comically thin waist
No sir no sir...
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don't worry, she's going to a better place
I blame mozzu
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>Koa karaoke on Friday
>Roca karaoke on Saturday
corsets were common 18th century attire for women
>the hippie peace theme looks like it
You're right. She seems the most hippie.
Idol will lose a chunk of its soul with her departure but what can you do
Don't get your hopes up, red didn't leave
>She seems the most hippie.
simply cause of the pigtails, imo those look very country hippie
It won't be the same...
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yeah the hippie thing too doesn't really connect with red's claw marks and general silhouette vibes.
those aren't exactly pointy but they're not really rounded either, and lion ears are round
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The possibility of a lolion completely escaped me, thinking a bit about it red looks more like a bear too. Maybe there's hope after all.
And if she is a lion, I'd say there's a good chance that she's Koinu because she said something about roaring when she graduated.
You know her taste recommend her something like lap pillow mimikaki with some ear kisses
let's hope so, red doesn't look very hippie from the silhouette so you might be right
I can see it
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Trust status?
>yellow loli
>possibly momo
there's too much pussy in idol corp
Who's brattier? Poko or Roca?
>Silent hill 2
Is any good the remake?
What's the likelyhood that [REDACTED] is using the model of the abandoned Wildfyre girl for her redebut?
yellow felines sex
Why Momo would want the red model?
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Hi Poko
idk I'm just spit balling here, what if she's the yellow one?
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It's momover,, she gave up on being cute and will stream exclusively on her hag voice from now on. The emergency surgery was to fix her vocal cords so she can sustain it for longer
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I remember that drawfag, also this other dude have so good ideas, shame is traditional art.
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Today i ate
1 Plate of Rice & beans with fried sausage
1 Plate of rice leftovers with fried sausage and fried ham (Related pic)
Half of water bottle
Strawberry oreos
how were the strawberry oreos? I've always been curious. fat fuck.
Fat fuck (Ungraduated)
you should really stop eating the bottles
fat fuck
REDACTED will return and exclusively use the deep Momo voice
okay the amount of water bottles thing makes more sense because that's a fucking huge bottle
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Poko: Black Myth Wukong
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finally some good fucking cunny
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Trust the plan
life is gud
Really good for a knockoff brand
That's not my bottle, that's decorative bleach
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Can someone put REDACTED down already
>Brave running 3 different ads for Coni's birthday
>[REDACTED] comes back
>stream intro ends and cuts to her model just staring at you through the screen
>she says the gamer word
>video unavailable
Are they good?
What do you think?
How is Lala stream any news?
Oh, I didn't know about this page. The third one if fine.
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Sweaty sex with Poko
heh, told ya.
>he knows
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>goatse reference
how did i only just now notice
if wildfyre is a bust idol will be doomed
Canon Naked Koa soon
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This but me and Koa
Little girls heal the soul
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Koa: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I wish reality was this good
need a cunny gf so badly
zero if this nigger's last thing he did before graduating was scout koinu
Lolitubers should be banned from wearing shoes and socks.
yeah, where's all the cock at?
Roca, it's almost impossible to out-brat her.
Poco isn't really bratty that often
feetfags should learn their place
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thats very high quality.
I like his koa-clunny
if she did this I would forgive her for everything
based, if she does prolapse ASMR i'll kneel
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sir this is Footcorp
That style is very vintage
Ew stinky Coni's feet
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>ano, onii-chan?
did anyone post her¿?
I'm worried
Koa deserves big fat tips.
Agreed. I need to become rich so I can afford it.
But they won't fit. She's too small.
koa was built for tummy bulging sex
Koa's voice is cute.
Koa was built for milking dumb ojisans to death

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