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idolEN Genesis:

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idolEN E-Sekai:

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idolEN Endless:

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[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RourinRoca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin

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【 ???? ???? 】
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Previous Thread: >>86963361
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Sex with Koa!
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All hail Lisa!
Cherish the cute girls!
>either the tiny loli, the angel loli or the hat loli will never exist
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I wanna rim every idol girls anus
And also clean their gigantic throbbing futacocks covered in smegma
idol truly is fucking cursed
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chubby loli for en3 please
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Yes, please!
basically she is ill but after pucking she is less fucky. She postponed %e stream an hour and the chat tells her to cancel. I said to respect her wishes because I have a large cock.
last thing she said is
>i miss you
>so I will stream, just dont leave me alone
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if i could replace my tinnitus with roca's high pitch squeals i would be soooo happy
How can you be so sure?
lisa had a concert?
Fuck... poor Lala baby...
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Red and Green
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circled confirmed in.. bros they skipped the yellow loli looks like we lost her..
I miss the yellow loli
red will be black, played by koinu using her real voice without a voice changer
Red is not the lion, trust me I know my shit.
That makes me so fucking angry. She would've been the cunniest.
skip theory will be proven if the next one is blue
don't worry the model didn't go to waste since [REDACTED] took it
Whatever. I still have Poko and Koa.
Based but would be great if you have some love for the pink bnny
never trust yellow lolis
Why not?
2 more weeks this time for real.
insider here
[redacted] will debut in 336 hours
The obly thing that is inside is your tongue in my ass
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I'm a retard that can't think of more ASMR ideas or even questions for that upcoming stream... halp
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the original offkai teaser explicitly showed yellow being connected with flowers just like the lion teaser, so unless they're full on trolling or retarded then it seems likely to be for the loli and NOT red. this means the guesses about yellow were wildly off base, including my own bee loli theory, and looking at her silhouette >>86979972
now you can kinda see how the poofy coat might represent a mane (even though that's a male lion thing) and you can even make out the rounded nubs of lion ears.

unconfirmed are now red, blue, and purple.
insider here
[redacted] will debut in 20160 minutes
I don't want Fuyo to leave ;_;
The yellow loli is saved!
Same. It sucks.
Did you forget the Brave announcement already, when they said that Fuyo, Rin, Katta and Meica would leave they also said that one of the Wildfyre girls left too.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll give the abandoned model to a manager... or Momo
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actually you might be right, the hippie peace theme looks like it could fit the yellow loli.
also these look like lion ears if you look closely
I could have sworn the yellow one had flowers in the background representing her in the trailer which would fit the first teaser image.
Whatever the fuck is going on in Coni's waiting room.
told ya, red is out.
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Koa's schedule
not looking but im assuming its ad children / retards, she had ads running for her bday
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cunny bros we're so back, it was actually the RED one they skipped..
these are now confirmed
I would've loved if the red one was the one that left but oh well, my second pick would be purple since it's giving me Rin replacement vibes that will openly push for male related events.. but with my luck one of the good ones left instead
>phasmo with taiga
Why they didn't invite some ENG girls?
The day is saved.
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these could also pass for lion ears though
its for the best, things have changed and this change of environment is what she needs to not get burnt out and quit permanently
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Insider here. EN3 will not have any lolis.
oh nice, really like the pirate's comically thin waist
No sir no sir...
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don't worry, she's going to a better place
I blame mozzu
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>Koa karaoke on Friday
>Roca karaoke on Saturday
corsets were common 18th century attire for women
>the hippie peace theme looks like it
You're right. She seems the most hippie.
Idol will lose a chunk of its soul with her departure but what can you do
Don't get your hopes up, red didn't leave
>She seems the most hippie.
simply cause of the pigtails, imo those look very country hippie
It won't be the same...
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yeah the hippie thing too doesn't really connect with red's claw marks and general silhouette vibes.
those aren't exactly pointy but they're not really rounded either, and lion ears are round
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The possibility of a lolion completely escaped me, thinking a bit about it red looks more like a bear too. Maybe there's hope after all.
And if she is a lion, I'd say there's a good chance that she's Koinu because she said something about roaring when she graduated.
You know her taste recommend her something like lap pillow mimikaki with some ear kisses
let's hope so, red doesn't look very hippie from the silhouette so you might be right
I can see it
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Trust status?
>yellow loli
>possibly momo
there's too much pussy in idol corp
Who's brattier? Poko or Roca?
>Silent hill 2
Is any good the remake?
What's the likelyhood that [REDACTED] is using the model of the abandoned Wildfyre girl for her redebut?
yellow felines sex
Why Momo would want the red model?
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Hi Poko
idk I'm just spit balling here, what if she's the yellow one?
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It's momover,, she gave up on being cute and will stream exclusively on her hag voice from now on. The emergency surgery was to fix her vocal cords so she can sustain it for longer
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I remember that drawfag, also this other dude have so good ideas, shame is traditional art.
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Today i ate
1 Plate of Rice & beans with fried sausage
1 Plate of rice leftovers with fried sausage and fried ham (Related pic)
Half of water bottle
Strawberry oreos
how were the strawberry oreos? I've always been curious. fat fuck.
Fat fuck (Ungraduated)
you should really stop eating the bottles
fat fuck
REDACTED will return and exclusively use the deep Momo voice
okay the amount of water bottles thing makes more sense because that's a fucking huge bottle
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Poko: Black Myth Wukong
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finally some good fucking cunny
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Trust the plan
life is gud
Really good for a knockoff brand
That's not my bottle, that's decorative bleach
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Can someone put REDACTED down already
>Brave running 3 different ads for Coni's birthday
>[REDACTED] comes back
>stream intro ends and cuts to her model just staring at you through the screen
>she says the gamer word
>video unavailable
Are they good?
What do you think?
How is Lala stream any news?
Oh, I didn't know about this page. The third one if fine.
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Sweaty sex with Poko
heh, told ya.
>he knows
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>goatse reference
how did i only just now notice
if wildfyre is a bust idol will be doomed
Canon Naked Koa soon
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This but me and Koa
Little girls heal the soul
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Koa: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I wish reality was this good
need a cunny gf so badly
zero if this nigger's last thing he did before graduating was scout koinu
Lolitubers should be banned from wearing shoes and socks.
yeah, where's all the cock at?
Roca, it's almost impossible to out-brat her.
Poco isn't really bratty that often
feetfags should learn their place
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thats very high quality.
I like his koa-clunny
if she did this I would forgive her for everything
based, if she does prolapse ASMR i'll kneel
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sir this is Footcorp
That style is very vintage
Ew stinky Coni's feet
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>ano, onii-chan?
did anyone post her¿?
I'm worried
Koa deserves big fat tips.
Agreed. I need to become rich so I can afford it.
But they won't fit. She's too small.
koa was built for tummy bulging sex
Koa's voice is cute.
Koa was built for milking dumb ojisans to death
Lucky bastards, those ojisans
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Coni: Birthday
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small pussy
wtf this is 3000000% a tranny
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Insider here
It's over, 2 girls are okay at best and the other 2 are unbearable
Moments like these are when I envy the ojisans
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kek I haven't been keeping up with katta's twitter lately, some gold on here
All those ojisans, me.
Koa loves old bastard cock
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So coni is officially a fleshstreaming cam whore huh?
I have to say I never saw this coming when she debuted last year
>fleshtubing again
Coni should graduate she's not cut out for vtubing
my anime is real
Brave why did you greenlight this birthday stream
That's Poko and also I'm that old bastard
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wtf she looks skinnier
Coni hiding her big tatas...
holy shit Coni Confetti real
she's hiding the boobs well
they will all 5 be there, [REDACTED] is swapping skins to the EN3 girl who left
Why is she wearing a baggy outfit today after showing off her huge tits not even 24 hours ago
Cute feet.
holy kek it plaps
>this is where your membership money goes
Abi from V4Mirai used to do this all tthe time, she overlayed her model over her face instead of a kigurumi mask but still
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honk honk
tourist.. this is the third time she's done it as coni
holy fuck she's so fun sized
>imouto poko birthday merch
i can't wait bros TuT
she's cosplaying coni right now not the tit maid
Coni is hot wtf....
Maid outfit you couldn't see shit
Rabbit outfit doesn't even count
The saw mask was a joke
This is different
last vod was 4 days ago, where did she show them? twitch?
also the christmas stream
i want to have sex with coni confetti
Don't worry about it.
private discord call with me
Wow Coni is fucking fat jesus....
I need to throw her down on that bed and plap her for 10 seconds straight before cumming in her womb and getting her to grab me a beer
Coni being an actual short stack makes my cock twitch
oh anon you have so much lurking to do
ahhh no wonder her tits are gone
>She's binding her tits
Coni is trans...
SEAs seethe when a stacked girl plays a flat character. Meanwhile, patricians want to manhandle Coni AND her huge tits
Bros why couldn't she clean her room
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No matter what she wears it's impossible to hide those water balloons.
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I want to fuck Coni...
I think I'd get arrested here if I bought her daki...
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I want a cute based shortstack gf man
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finally my Coni balloon keychain
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no way..
I got nothing yet though
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where my dino fuyo keychain
My Riro merch!
>try to update my shipping information
>"only logged in users can update information"
>no where on the site to make an account to then log in to then update my shipping information
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Brave Group adbux at work
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hee hee made you look
>using a binder to hide her obese woman tits
>still looks like a slampig
impressive honestly
Koa is for dic pics on her dm
shame that 98% of them are mouthbreathing children that won't actually watch more than 2 streams
post your tits then and we can compare
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they made extras you'll be able to get some older items as well
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Try again, they seemingly fixed it already. Or its some sort of intermittent issue, my change just went through on the third try.
that's not a shame, fuck having them around in streams
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Am I missing a joke or did you guys really wait for more than a year for merch?
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ha ha ha
The only joke here was Aviel's manufacturer choices
she looks pretty tiny to me. it's okay to like men, anon
Lmao Bot corp does it again
black man detected
Yeah why not? I'm not some poorfag that needed to refund instantly. Now I just need Fishman to ship my stackable plushes and I'll have everything I ordered last year.
yeah we all gave Aviel an interest free loan
They have any Endless stuff?
nice, im all good now.
i was joking about not having conis debut stuff but here its coming...
Hamas blew it up once... and then again.
Legs, arms, and fingers check out. She is pretty hot.
They didn't make extras, it's just what they got stuck with when people cancelled their orders.
wtf is happening
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That's right honky. I fuck your oshi too
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I see...
once they finish shipping stuff out orders they'll add them in
as it clearly said in the post you initially replied to, extra stock will be added to the store after everything has shipped that was already purchased.
Jesus I think we're killing this poor website.
>Poko fucking hates parties and drunk people
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I canceled my order for this but I kinda regret it
Does Vee Sensei have merch?
he's the only one on backorder, says you can add to cart but it errors out
he even has his own page - https://weebe.net/characters/wanau/
Weebe? probably, LMAO
I might buy one for pyromaniac purposes.
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>Fat tits
>Not fat (besides tits)
>Cute voice
>Wants a relationship instead of whoring out
So whats the issue? why isn't she pregnant right now? girls with this many good qualities are usually married by the time they hit 20
that wanau plush looks a little smaller than promised...
at least it wont take up much space in my trash can
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WTF aviel I thought I canceled the yuko launch merch.. maybe I only canceled her bday shit, oh well
I'm so glad I never cancelled. The Coni balloon acrylic, the wanau plush, everything's coming up Millhouse!
She's married to me.
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>Merch delayed after Israel is attacked
>Merch shipped after Israel is attacked again.
she's a femcel and is scared of irl men
she's fucking mozzu
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she's such a slut
okay fine, ill buy coni's bday set since my order actually got shipped
I somehow found this more terrifying than if she had worn a mask.
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what was the BIG REVEAL?
coni is a 3dpd roastie
there were 2 of them, how did you miss it?
why did you crop her cunny?
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my merch order was January 1 2024 so I really hope after they get done with 2023 orders they'll also fulfill 2024 ones.
he's a fag and a threadshitter
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the unionized fans of idol corp demand the following!

1. all forms of lolis listed here >>75547710
(bonus >>74158067 )
>2. our merch
3. nude toggles
4. pomf streams
5. official idol onaholes, dragon dildos, and ass mousepads with authentic ass scent from each girl
6. poko/koko shimaidon ASMR
7. a cure for enya and momo's super AIDS
8. post IDs on /vt/
9. a formal declaration of all out war against phase connect
10. ban blue brawler from all chats and discord for all time
11. make youtube fix their shit and then ban twitch activity forever
12. intrauterine regression ASMR
13. goku in idol ES
14. juna must do GFE as junny for at least 1 whole week and isn't allowed to be mean until it's over
15. coni must change her name to cunny permanently and change the emote back to :coniUoh:
16. mandatory lovense sponsorship streams for all the girls
18. fund an academic study to find out if "roca rourin" actually means "rock and rolling"
19. an idol moms generation
20. rehire zoey into an official tribute liaison position and make her do a naked dogeza for blocking my eye tracker submission
21. all male managers must be chemically castrated
22. conversion therapy for carnies
23. have a mossakuza hit squad on standby for any neighbors that are noisy or complain about noise
24. communications / through all official channels / must be haiku form
25. allocate project funds to buy off divegrass refs
26. a 2 hour long Idol Corp movie animated by hard-degen with official voice acting
27. a daily med regiment for each girl including antidepressants and vitamin D
28. instant rangebans for anyone using randomized filenames
29. oyakodon asmr
30. binky toggles for all idol talents with a mandatory minimum of 1 binky stream a week
31. twitcast spaghetti stirring ASMR
32. rinako stays with idol (rin can go)
33. no more 5 way overlap followed by 18 dead hours
34. a party hat toggle for coni with a rule that she must clownmaxx at least once a week with it, the nose, lipstick, and puffs
35. a 4 way no holds barred cage match fight to the death between koaschizo, mozzu, kattaschizo, and myself
36. an idol strip poker tournament
AK. ban all numbers past this point
AL. a month long course for educating jannies about what trolling is
AM. send enya on a kamikaze banzai into the offkai convention center
AN. stage a coup in argentina and restore its economy
AO. exploit tonya's nikke connections for an idol dumpy collab event
AP. commission a roca x ornstein and smough mindbreak doujin
AQ. send some string and a couple cans to kai so she can upgrade her internet
AR. readjust official heights so they both make sense and lower the average to at least 135cm
AS. send lisa to wales
AT. hire a spanish sign language live translator for koa's streams so she can go full time english
AU. get ruby a ku100
AV. allow momo to redebut as meimei
AW. hire a therapist for donothon group therapy sessions
AX. hire indiana jones to find the lost gifts of offkai
AY. make enya acknowledge us as pyrophiles
AZ. futa toggles for juna and kai
BA. force the girls to wear bubble boy suits when going outside (make roca's extra padded)
BB. sponsor a medical study to see if fandits can replace their bodily fluids with ketchup
BC. we can't say what this demand is yet because of NDAs, so please find my PL for a vague hint
BD. a dairy queen sponsorship for juna
BE. urself
BF. yeah, me
BG. rehab for kai and tonya until they start playing real games
BH. get coni a parrot trained to exclusively make car noises and fire alarm chirps
BI. minoxidil for koa's baldspot
BJ. [redacted]
BK. declare globie, sanrio, and whoever at youtube hates ASMR to be rodef
BL. make gordofield go on a diet
maybe next year bro
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Slowly but surely
what was roca's bday merch again?
>BJ. [redacted]
I mean I've been waiting nearly nine months for my hololive merch....
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feet reveal
Shit that's cute.
I got my first anniversary Mumei merch a month before her second anniversary
damn, brave 3d is on another level
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yeah it's crazy
Poko is even smaller and squishier than Coni.
second to none for sure
What third world country do you live in? I always get mine at the six month mark.
I hope Abi's doing well at whatever she's doing right now.
hopefully this guy draws Coni again after this stream
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She's a lot skinnier than I remember
Holy mother of sex
Made to be manhandled by big fat old men.
I can't believe Coni is so fuckable
>hiding her fridge body with a baggy sweater
>Riro does a bodycam
>gets terminated shortly after
>Yuko does a bodycam
>commits carreer suicide and graduates shortly after
At least Coni will be safe given how she wants her 3D and she's already doing the side content she wants on her PL right
>coni is white
I want to marry her
i hope it all works out, for the sake of the carnies
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dumb Carnie doesn't understand that correlation does not equal causation
My dreams about Cherokee-Italian queen... Ruined...i'm antiing this bitch forever
unibrow dumdum will haunt me in nightmares
Karma for what that one carnie did.
She's northern Italian and anybody with knowledge of native American dissent claims knew that if she had any Indian blood it would be .01% or some shit
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all those skrunklys
>i will actually get my poko standee and keychain
>i will get refunded for my riro merch
fucking finally
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Thank God
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I think her massive tits make her look fatter than she actually is, so with them binded down it gives the cunny appearance.
TBHDESU she should just have breast reduction surgery.
coni's done it already in idol a year ago, and she survived the rocky section we were dealing with a few months back.
I think we're all good
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she should give them to me then
she's trailer trash, as white as it gets
hell no, her tits are perfect
all those tranny balls.. thank god rin is gone
Chest reduction fund raising donathon when?
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i'm going to eat those skrunklies
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you're just mad that rin is way sexier than your stupid oshi
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>Poko Raki
>TBHDESU she should just have breast reduction surgery.
That's a crime against humanity
coni titjob
coni thighjob
coni footjob
>carnies are a bunch of titfags
wtf, why do you guys hate mozzu then?
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Juna sex
She should let me try to make them smaller by sucking all the milk out.
it's not about the tits, it's about the girl they're attached to
if my oshi revealed herself to be an actual woman, i'd drop and anti her forever
can I take the right one at least? no way you can handle all that milk yourself
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flat supremacy get these tit niggers out of here
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I want Coni's milk
Exactly. I love big tits, but my favorite belongs to the girl I love
That carnie looks so fat, soft and cute...
Is Coni Ame-coded? She is surprisingly creatividad sometimes
Lore accurate Taiga >>86992935

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