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File deleted.
ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: TBA

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>You tell me

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia debuted a new Tenshi outfit! New outfit merch out NOW!!!
>Lia and Phase have Summer Camp merch for sale
>Lia had a wonderful 3D concert with Mint, Pippa, Uruka and Tenma! Buy the replay on SPWN if you want!
>Please listen to Lia and Hime duet of Drop Pop Candy!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>86956432
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Thinking about Lia's brown butthole.
gem OP image, this thread is gonna be epic
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
Seppuku time?
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Hime is better than Lia and you are all just a bunch of antis having a tantrum because your oshi hates you
LOL, based OP
posted the same bait again award
You can call me crazy but I know this is gumi retaliation
You have be to delusional to think Rie hates her audience any less than Lia
Lia... easy on the dog food
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Lia makes me happy!
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cytube time
replace DOT with .
I'm putting on Exorcist 1 VHS rip if you have something you want after let me know
I want you to spit on me and call me names.
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I miss Lia
Hi, I'm visiting this thread because the OP has an image of a fat vtuber.
Could you please post more chubby images of her? Thanks.
There aren't many, sorry bro
I will post the only other one I have when i get home
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>you are a doo doo head
I came buckets.
the webm is the sound as well you silly billy
I want to stomp on Lia’s toes
why do you anti
Because fuck you
Lia weighs 100 pounds soaking wet
not for long
I want to fuck Rinmouto.
Not after 6 months of force feeding correction
I want to smell her butt
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Anons, I think I'm a dumb retard.
I'm not the pippa poster this is the only image that can really convey how I'm feeling
It probably stinks. Fat girls always stink down there.
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what happened
You the Liker who sucked off a semi-flaccid old dude?
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I think I'm catching the scent of someone else on him
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This pictures makes me indescribably happy I fear that I may be too far gone for reintigration into regular society.
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I fucked up last thread and couldn't stop arguing
Eww no, I like mentally ill girls
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it's okay, just don't let it happen again especially when its timelooping the same exact thing with the same exact person for the millionth fucking time
Dawg last thread was nothing compared to some of the shit we've been through. Don't beat yourself up over it.
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>anything I don't like is the same person
Yes precisely
How does it feel having schizophrenia?
you tell me
nta but bad :(
>anyone who notices patterns is schizophrenic
American commercial breaks are so strange.
Apart from the fact those patterns are never real
there was blatant samefagging last thread. sentence structure and responding to his own bait it was like AI level responses.
is schizophrenia BPD for men?
Men can get BPD as well
no men can get BPD too
Identify the posts from the same people if it's so clear
Stop replying to the bait please.
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yeah, which is stupid
bullshit BPD is literally a woman only mental illness, and even then it's just an explanation for women choosing to be extra bitchy
I want to be a demon and possess Lia
bet Lia's coochie is super hairy rn
Lia is getting married to shroud in 2 months btw
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I thought she was marrying caseoh
I hope Lia feels better tomorrow
I hope I feel better tomorrow or die in my sleep
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I know I know, but I know I can do better but didn't. I think next time I'll just focus on liking lia instead of fighting a non-believer.
I know some of you are Christians and I know there's a saying about not fighting in the pig pen or something along those lines. I want to be above all that.
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At the end of the day it's just a 4chan thread and Lia's not streaming. It really doesn't matter
Yeah but i like Lia a lot she is fun
I often wonder how differently my and all our lives would be if we never got addicted to this place. ive been here since I was 15, I turn 21 next month
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Been here since 14, I'm 22 now. I know there are originalfags here who have been using 4chan since we were shitting in diapers. I doubt things would be different, at least for me. It never began
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haha yeah no one over the age of 30 would still be using 4chan
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true, it would likely be the same minus some of my acquired fetishes. 4chan doesn't fuck you up, you like 4chan because you are fucked up
i think this place SUCKS
you tell me
The first time I came here it was because one of my school buddies told me about "dick girls". I checked it out, and I was horrified. So yeah, porn, hentai, I didn't use the boards, I just wanted to watch sexy anime women. Then 10 years passed and now I'm here again. I honestly can't believe that it became a reality; all that degeneracy is now real and threatening to destroy our society, just because of mentally insane people with too much money and delusions of grandeur.
based zoomer
what even is sparkling water?
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Carbonated water.
lia or airi's tinkle
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need me a girl with little cheeks like Lia
literal perfection right here
yet she still braps stinky farts and even dookies too
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based fascists
lia should make phase coffee with holy water
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sometimes I feel like I should graduate as a vtuber fan
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If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen
do they even still make tampons?
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Women do in fact still exist.
youd think they would have found a medicine to solve that problem by now
If you can't take the beat, get out of the disco
>file deleted
if the fire goes out, it will NOT count against the streak
Based janny killing ugly threads with ugly lias
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next movie Silence of the Lambs starting in 5 mins
God what a faggot, it's not even NSFW
says who
Says me. There are 3 exceptions to the fire going out where it does not count
>1. janny deletes thread
>2. there is no thread subject; because anons might not find the thread
>3. the op image gets deleted; because anons might not find the thread
Nobody counts the thread that died in like August 2023, which was dead for like 10 minutes before a new baked appeared.
find the thread in the archive
he can't because it never happened
I hope the name Barney gets another run. You don't hear it much any more.
I want to flick my cummies at Lia
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would ya
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looks about a size 14
I miss gayasslialiker2
nobody misses me
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looks kino. wendsday and satruday especially
But how many of these will be cancelled
Lia already KWAB’d you once today jabronie.
hell yeah!!!
Lia is planning to marathon FF9 on Thursday
genuine inquiry
looks good cute art!
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god i want her to throw up on me while her head spins around
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What the heck is ail!?!
it's Lia backwards
holy grap... are you psychig...
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where this
wonder if this Runie collab is multiple girls or is it a proper 1on1.
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Missed some white parts of skin at the bangs.
Home town
reminder that dog Precious is dead irl now
I love Lia in abnormal places poster (liapp for short)
It's a big collab
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how big and who?
kino art
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Oh no dont tell me youre watching this piece of absolute dogshit """"film"""
you look like you live in a comfy town that is ideal for spooky month
I think I'll watch it tomorrow, I personally like watching dog shit movies. Makes me appreciate good movies.
Love my town, comfy, low crime rate, and everything's conveniently close
>I personally like watching dog shit movies. Makes me appreciate good movies.
I agree, I will give any movie a watch, though I'll also be critical of the ones I dislike
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very beautiful dresses, I love this picture
Me in between the two on the right
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is that a real web?
,...where the spider tho
Who do you think took the picture
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i want to kick that dog down a flight of stairs
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Would you fuck me?
I'd fuck me.
I'd fuck me so hard.
That's my last one. I'm going home, I feel my fingers going numb from the cold and I hear some homeless people arguing so I don't want to stick around for that.
thanks for showing us your town anon it looks comfy
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You ugly
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uuuuuuuuuuuuu why u so mean??
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The truth hurts
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But my mommy says I'm handsome...
Are you the creep that comes out at night?
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good god
What in the fuck is wrong with Br*toids?
i miss lia
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Fire goes out
nuh uh
I hope Lia has sweet dreams
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Gays out!
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I've seen Rie's and Shiina's schedules and it's also there. I haven't seen Remi's... I think she was going on holidays for 2 weeks, so I'm not sure.
At the moment Clara is having a handcam and she has pretty hands, like Lia's.
Chat even asked
>is Sakana the Tarantino of hands?
Basically, he focuses in da hands when hiring.
It was a mistake to check the archived OP.
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[Fren news]
About a year ago the first pcgia thread was created. Interestingly, at the same time Phase published an ad to hire a new manager. I think a few weeks later Cece would make her appearance.
I think she was probably already working closely with Phase, and the ad was basically just a formality, kinda like the Invaders applications.
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Hi Lia I forgot to mention that I really like the crosses in your description. I think thats a great touch. Great job Lia. I saw your recent stream and you mentioned you still wanted to use a ouji board. Dont do it stop it. Listen to your mother. Its bad news you dont want to ever use one, they work so never use one. You argued that hasbro makes them but I say look into what religion were the founders of hasbro. Every time bros. Stay away from those demobic boards lia. I dont want to unleash correction on you but I will do it if I have to.
You also mentioned you are prohibited from visiting graves? I believe I heard that? Graves and cemetaries are fine to Catholics (as long as they are Catholic graves and cemetaries) We are macabre people because we do not fear death. Our Lord Jesus Christ Triumphed over death through His Resurrection, so we do not fear death. We are encouraged to visit Catholic cemetaries and pray for the souls of the dearly departed. I also heard you say something about your mother imprinting on graves or something? Or used to? It doesnt sound good and Ive never heard of something like that so stop it. None of that.
>final thoughts
Good job on your streams lia, I cant wait to see your next one. I hope everything is well with you and you are being the happy girl I know you deserve to be!
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>ouji board works
It does and thats why I dont want Lia to use it.
>wake up
>fat OP deleted
for once the janny made a good decision
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I am profoundly mentally ill.
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Im fairly certain I willed Clara's handcam stream into existence tonight. I am having a lot of conflicting opinions on the whole "do you do it or does it do you" side of things. Why does thermodynamics have to be such a boogeyman?
>I willed
hahaha did you will anything else dude? you might have some strong meme energy
>begging for another girls hands
what did you guy do with the thread image
Lia was hungry and the jany didnt like it
a weird funny smelling anon asked to bake and then used disgusting fat people art
yeah a black kat when i was a child
I was doing research for my "Lia is the Protagonist of Phase Connect" theory.
this? >>86993704
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wheres everyone
It is 6 am
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>About a year ago the first pcgia thread was created
exactly a year ago /pcai/ was created while the first /pcgia/ was created a day later
I still remember no male policy
it is so over
my brain is barely functional and I can't think of anything to post
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I should redraw this
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the likers are sleeping and dreaming about lia
I have not seen you for 5 threads
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why were you counting?
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dont cry silly
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this is me actually
honestly these images make me uncomfortable because they look like a blind person' eyes
Lia gets infected with a nebutori yokai, what do you do to cure her?
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wait what's going to happen?
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I meant the edit!!!!
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this is even scarier
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The creeps come out at night.
some of y'all (michibro) need to go to sleep already
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it's not night though
and you're not cute, but we never call attention to that
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never claimed i was
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what are you saying about jerrybro
We’re not going to let you molest him cause nibbleposter already has dibs
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you would be correct
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Ya too fast.
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Ya got me fiending again.
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did you also stay up all night?
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reminded me of you guys
>Lia vs Lia if she was perfect
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miss Lia's beefy coochie
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its time?
What, did your water break?
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oh we are not page 10 yet
may i stick my penis in you?
you gonna get syphilis
Hello anos, sorry for the wait got busy but took screenshots of the lia pictures you recommended to me for my custom case and a few of them might not make the cut.
I like this one
The transparent sample text is just too distracting tho
perfection right there on the left
Would be perfect without the text
maybe on planet retard

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