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>Official Links
https://pomu.pages.dev/vsmp (MC server)

【Raki Kazuki】 Clumsy girl next door, zatsu, karaoke, rhythm games, ASMR.
【Lottie Shinju】 Silly girly girl, retro and water-based games, zatsu, drawing.
【Chiaki Katsumi】 Chuuni seiso girl, longform playthroughs with pre-game zatsu, variety streams.
【Miuna Usako】 Delulu deredere, soulslikes, zatsu, karaoke.

【Kanna Yanagi】 Motivated planner, soulslikes, action and fighting games, variety handcams, ASMR.
【Chio Chompi】 Gremlin imouto, horror games, co-op horror, RPGs.
【Daiya Fortuna】 Dorky weird girl, collabs, retro games, roguelikes, ASMR.
【Arisu Oshiro】 Chuuni tsundere, card games, karaoke, drawing.

>Original Songs and Covers
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
VReverie: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/

Previous thread: >>86940908
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Chiaki's laugh gives me life
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I'm in love with a raccoon.
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Squishing my ducktective
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GFE won
NFT won
I won
He won
Cheating on Lottie with Leslie!
I didn't win...
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wisu doodle
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Let's try to guess the girls' underwear
My wife doesn't wear any
Pogo... pixel girls don't wear underwear.
Chiaki wants to get a camel
she should ask Kanna
we are like 3 weeks away from being able to call daiya wife
yeah, Neptune weeks
Isn't a day in neptune shorter than here
Made some soundposts from the recent SOMA stream
chiaki-should-sit-on-my-lap anon cursed chiaki's chair...
what even scares her in this clip?
Is she a chihuahua
A very subtle thump
A footstep or some machinery made a slight sound
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I love my dinowife
oh now I hear it, I thought it might have been the dead body on that other wall
Clearly those are duck noises
Kanna has 27,000 surely she can lend one
pillow said she wanted to buy ads for the ASMR parade but it's expensive
Some more noises
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Lottie is definitely a beef jumper
>Kanna during her first time
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Yeah, with me
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Is that on her fucking bed
Arisu has...okay taste in Fate stuff I guess. Nothing special.
imagine the braps
skyline chili
With 3/4 of pixelstart going to be in college, do we know if Chiaki ever went to college?
I'm so fascinated by how americans use cream (sour I assume)
I don't think she's eating it in bed. Was probably just the nearest place without non-reflective surfaces for snapping the pic.
solid choices if a bit normal
Full bowl of chili in bed is an outrageous move
I shouldn't have as many questions as I do about a picture of "chili."
sour cream yes, not normal cream. and it's very common to put it in chili or on baked potatoes (or mashed potatoes). and it tastes absolutely delicious that way.
She made a texmex chili. Skyline chili is quite different.
still, i will say. that is a huge bowl of chili and a big helping of sour cream. chio...i hope tomorrow is workout day.
that's sour cream, yeah
sour cream, yogurt, and mayo are all actually very versatile and great to combine in different ratios for creamy dressing or sauce bases and they balance acids or spice well
I like sour cream in a bowl of chili by itself but not on chili and spaghetti
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>huge bowl of chili
I think that's just a trick of perspective unless she has a massive pillow. Keep in mind the only other thing she's eaten today was bread and pickles.
Same, when there's pasta in there I usually add some cheese instead
lmao i just noticed the noodles. wtf is that?
She made spaghetti with beans
Spicy spaghetti.
I saw noodles and assumed
Imagine the braps
>she's eaten today was bread and pickles.
3/4s of PixelLink eat like medieval peasants
Last one
Kill yourself already
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don't address the brap poster ever
o sorry. i don't usually post about braps...but that big bowl of chili and all those beans...my mind went there.
He should only be allowed to post when we are being raided because nothing could possibly be a greater deterrent than that one chio paragraph
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She doesn't know
Maybe Kanna could play Sparking Zero (aka Tenkaichi 4)
Chili and spaghetti is a midwest staple
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weird. but im not from the midwest. i like bolognese with pasta, i guess that's a form of chili.
put enough cayenne in it and I'll allow it
blessed be chef john, hallowed be thy name something something
Well yes!
Raki should watch chef john
Don't traditional fighting game players hate anime arena fighters?
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Mori you bitch...you debut is any day now haha, sure right? haha...
maybe get her started with some future canoe ramen hacks or something
They do, but also that's because anime arena fighters are usually fucking abysmal. If there was a good one they probably would like it too
I like to think this is just ayu
Tenkaichi 3 has a competitive scene so there's potential. Won't be as big as fighters Z obviously, but still.
Who knows. All she has mentioned is making a videogame for a final project or something. Wouldn’t be surprised if Chiaki studied game design
Daiya wants to cosplay poison ivy
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Looks like she likes this version a lot
Ayu karaoke
>ayu sings skyfall
>someone asks if it's an mgs song
I'm gonna
Tomomi expressing her love for Scarlett
I sometimes forget how young some of these dudes are
we should kill all mgs fans
good thing the biggest one is a ghost already
someone during the relay said god knows sounded like a sonic song
I'll go full ghostbusters (joel ver) on her ass
I'm gonna kill myself
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no one today remembers aya hirano or her scandals
Besides the bassist
As someone who used to listen to both Crush 40 and anime music pretty regularly. It really doesn't.
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it's just this phenomenon
Man I love Kanna
ayu cute
just imagine it bros
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Daiya likes my idea
That homo dramafag raided Chiaki again
which one
Salvi the Blue Squirrel
Genuinely who, and why did you even bother to mention it
im impressed you know who that is. fag.
Literally who
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Raki schedule
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>have to work, will miss tomorrow
>won't see raki live until at least thursday
Ayu is singing that sexo song
>Indigo Park
Horror game with raccoon mascot? I’m curious
mmm total death but I think he has been a fan since the early days
I watched Mivi play part of it. It's one of those mascot horror games
It's not bad, one of the better mascot horror games
Anon asked
I check the channel of indie raiders
Lottie update
lottie, while you were gone all day I got to have fun with a lot of other girls...that was pretty relaxing too.
Did Lottie ever say what she was studying at school?
it's pretty obvious it will be art/graphic design related
I hope that the next gen of pixellink has more retro gamers. The combination of cute girl and retro game is too good.
You are not a Lad.
Also less college aged girls
high schoolers would be a little young for my taste
Achtually she's been studying marine biology
Chiaki raided Pam, and Pam put Chiaki's latest cover on screen
ayu live again but she's peeing
pam is based
so Lottie is a user of Star PlatiLad The World?
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Daiya still owes me the Pixel stands stream
Star Pladinum The World*
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kinda bold but I respect it I'd like to fuck sadako if I could so I understand
feel free to remember her through maros, preferably near the end of the week so it's fresh on her mind for the schedule
It's very much fresh in her mind because of jojo tangent we had and the relay setlist. I'll remind her after october since she wants to focus on her halloween plans
I think Raki is very cute.
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this is true
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It’s true!
She deserves it
She's now too scared and is looking for someone to play with her
Everyone's busy
wait remind me again, was ayu colombian?
sí, also half turkish
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>half latina half turkish
wtf ayu is violet myers?
nah, same body type though
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Good night /pxl/
Good night Raki
I just googled who that is why is tour first thought a pornstar...

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