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Is your oshi allowed on twitch?
No I'd never allow such a thing.
>wahhhh twitch is so oppressive how dare they do this what an awful platform
*keeps streaming on twitch*
can my oshi show her bare K-cup breasts if she says she's a man?
Lumi is in trouble cause of her trademark outfit. It will not be long before they target tomboy tummies so Jets (JeanFaymas) will be in trouble.
*Keeps streaming on the go-to platform for streaming*
Some have expanded to streaming on Youtube but unless a streamer is well-known or well-establish, he or she will have great difficulty getting a crowd on Kick, Odysee, and Bitchute. If you don't know about those last two having streaming capabilities, then that should be a sign of the problem.
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>female nipples

Incredibly sexist. It's Body Type 2 nipples.
why bother with bitpoopchute or whatever when youtube is right fucking there.
>b-but muh indie community isn't there so it's guaranteed mega atomic ultrafailure, NOBODY can make it on youtube unless you're in hololive
not true. pillow does better than most girls in general and yet is a youtube indie. the thing is people like pillow for being pillow - not because she's friends with someone else and has leeched enough time forcing herself into popular peoples' streams to be forcefully accepted, which is the twitch strategy. it's almost as if people with natural talent grow on their own merit, and it's the many talentless hacks trying to hold down their vital leeching targets from leaving them behind.
doesn’t filian flash her panties all the time? Is that not allowed anymore?
I enjoy Youtube streams as well as Youtube VODs and clip edits but Youtube can be quite restrictive too and TOS will always change. Since a content creator already got well-established on such a platform, changing platforms would be very difficult.
I encourage these people to expand onto Odysee, Bitchute, Kick, and even Rumble as backups at the least.
Technically Fillian is wearing a leotard under the skirt not panties. Not that it really matters
I look forward to Ironmouse, Henya, and the rest of VShojo/Hololive to be banned.
Yes, my oshi isn't a grifter preying on coombrained retards.
>applies to vtuber models but not vrchat models
Lmao, what? How much more blatant can they be? So if you stream a game with a 3D model in a swimsuit or fantasy outfit in the lower right of your stream, you get banned, but if you use the same exact model in vrchat, you're fine.
What a fucking joke.
Please learn English
not sure, Henya is not back yet
Unfortunately yes
Not the first time they have done this. They have had it before were they clarified things apply to only vtubers not real women
Sometimes you fuckers are funny
Kronii is currently doing her best to convince Hololive management to let her become a Twitch exclusive vtuber.
So she can get banned?
This wouldn't happen on Youtube or Kick. Get fucked indiekeks lmao
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It's open season on Twitch V-thots. Go out there and report them and make them lose their jobs!
Couple of years ago I told you guys YT is superior and you didn't believe me
You dug your own grave
>manager drama
>now hyper puritanical witch hunting
Not a good week for twitch indies.
if you stream on twitch you should kill yourself
They're leotarded enought o not give a fuck
The new Twitch rules on attire would require at least 5 Hololive talents to never use their default outfits or to have model redesigns.
This. Streaming on Twitch should be legally classified as self-harm
>These rules apply to Vtuber models but not video game characters
Then why enforce it at all? shit everyone might as well just have non monetized "video game character" as their models SEND IN THE CHUN LI AND MAI CLONES !
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Well I only watch holo and I’d assume everyone has a “safe” for twitch 2D model and 3d model at this point except Hajime for 3D and Justice since I bet GG and CC would get banned for being flatties and would be labeled as Lolis somehow
>but Youtube can be quite restrictive too
This is anon saying "my Twitch oshi can't do 3 hours of react content every single stream" by the way.

The singular excuse to not leave Twitch as soon as they scorn you with a ban is a loss in viewerbase, but most 3views have a fanbase that'll notice they're gone if they move to a new website and follow, and there is absolutely no argument that someone like Shondo doesn't have a fanbase where 99% of them wouldn't follow her, because they're all schizos like her.
I watch corpo who only steams on Youtube. I don't really give a shit about Twitchnigger indies.
>Well I only watch holo
>implying there isn't a loli holo on twitch at risk
>posting literally the first image on the booru with rating:questionable
Falseflagging used to be good.
Laplus's base outfit doesn't show anything and they only thing she does on twitch is play valo
>t. newfag who didn't watch any swimsuit streams
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>Laplus showing anything other than her stick legs
She would show from her torso up and there isn’t anything to see
No one gives a FUCK about laplus
i care

i was masturbating to laplus when she was shaking her loli ass on cam
You really have the brain of a typical bongo. You lack a decent frontal lobe.
If people try to start on other platforms, they do not get noticed very well. If they switch platforms, they do not get new followers at the same rate.
You are a dishonorary bongo.
Ok what’s your point calling the other dude out when he literally said they all had a Safe costume or 3D already. Of course they would not do the swimsuit fucktard. If you wanna make a point that they are more restrictive than YouTube them your are right but no one is gonna argue there. But can they stream on twitch in one of their safe costumes? Yes they can
Lap hasn't streamed on Twitch for over a month now outside of two emergency situations where she had some kind of issue with starting a stream on Youtube.
She said she's announcing something important this month but hasn't done it yet. I think she's just going to make her switch back to Youtube clear.
> If they switch platforms, they do not get new followers at the same rate.
Lol not my problem. People have done it before and successfully. Not being able to do so is a skill issue
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Whelp Shondo's gone.
Literally this, people acting YouTube is a no name site.
Why is this so oddly specific?
Don't care. Keep crying indiekek
Because there are actual tells of "Sexual Favors" in play within Twitch?
I belive this was already there but doesnt make it any les stupid
kek, it can’t be real but it is
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yes, but she simulcasts anyway
Indiefags in shambles LMAO
It's kind of fucked for girls like Gura, Lap, Kobo, Biboo etc. who really are that small, not that any of them stream on twitch. If you're a small girl though you're just fucked I guess.
Indiecuck keep licking boots of DEI garbage like twitch jej
Go ahead and correct me if you aren't afraid of making a fool out of yourself, you subhuman ESL retard.
My assessment was completely accurate based on the wording of the rules that were posted. They even explicitly listed VRchat models as an exception to their attire policy. Now castrate yourself with nail clippers and tear your tongue and fingers off with with pliers so you never inconvenience any actual people here ever again.
Nigga are you fucking retarded?
Seethe indiecuck
I don't think she's coming back.
I exclusively watch Hololive. Did you comprehend anything I said?
These rules have always existed. Vtubers and /vt/ have never read the TOS before
No one cares lmao
Keep seething twitch bootlicking larper
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Don't forget Twitch ID
Unlike you, I was able to read to the end of your post. Now try and do it again with mine and try to explain to me Shondo's viewerbase wouldn't all follow her to a new platform.
vshojo is in trouble now lmaoooo
what kind of muslim shit is this lmao
Everytime I think the coomers at twitch cant be more transparent, they somehow manage to break expectations.
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I don't use Twitch mate
Cope seethe and dilate
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>changing platforms would be difficult
>but go to kick or some other platforms literally nobody has heard of before instead!
And at least half of the outfits would be insta-ban as well.
>female-presented nipples
Why is twitch so sexist?
Devil's advocate, but most vtubers don't design their vtuber with their actual height in mind because it doesn't actually matter. Only corpos have that as a general baseline and even that's more of a suggestion than anything else.
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if that anon wasn't a retard he wouldn't be shilling kick
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kek I used to play csgo with two twitch employees and one of them told me that girls would send nudes to get unbanned all the time
Not even nudes, Moriko sent a picture of her hand to prove she's white when she called someone a cracker and her ban actually got reduced
Not even removed, just reduced, which is funny.
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That website has zero use except restreaming concerts. Anyone who believes it to be an actual service for hosting a career on is a braindead drooling retard, a child, or a gambling addict.
Kronii's underboob... no....
any site that can't even bother to have a light theme goes in the trash by default. see guilded, roblox' "response" to discord for an example.
That's what I said, yes.
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That's on youtube, twitchbro.
This is the most retarded anti-Kick narrative I've ever heard.

"It's bad because it has no light mode, which only retards use"
I'm more upset by the usage of a garter belt for a dancer design.
It’s odd how they’re so pozzed but they still conform to whatever advertisers want. Marina caused 9/10ths of the vendetta against chuubas on Twitch, I’m sure of it.
NTA but any argument against Kick is objectively correct in every regard, because it's Kick.
Kick really is on borrowed time. So much illegal shit and copyright infringement happens there, I wouldn't be surprised if Train legitimately kills himself when shit finally hits the fan.
>not having THE most basic accessibility option
>m-muh retards
you're just as retarded as the kick shill. maybe you should apply to be one, too.
This, a good anti-Kick narrative is that a Kick streamer streamed an attempted murder. And the best part? That's not even rare!
>No anus prohibited
Finally, my chuuba will spread her asshole.
Gura would likely be fine but Shion, Ina, Kronii, Pekora, and Laplus have a real chance of getting banned if they streamed on Twitch. On a technical level even Gigi's default outfit would violate the new rules. This currently only affects Twitch but the YouTube employees live in the same general area with the same culture.
only attempted, huh? why couldn't they seal the deal?
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It's literally the topic of the thread. Twitch is ass-backwards and will now ban vtubers like Gura or Laplus for showing an uncovered hip but will protect pornographers and groomers targeting children. This is a direct result and byproduct of the complete moral decay within Twitch due to their corrupt leadership and poor hiring practices.
Take a minute and contemplate why whores promoting onlyfans to their 14 year old audience is acceptable, but picrel results in a week long ban.
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Twitch specifically singled out feet as lewd

How are you coping now feetbros? I think it's well and truly over
this pretty much fucks over loli vtubers and makes life even harder for hag models. Nobody wins
It’s almost as if twitch revealed their hand and that they just hate chuubas.
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What a bunch of faggots
>meanwhile Youtube
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>Hips must be covered for vtubers
>But not for VRchat/Games models and Fleshies
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>be banned
>implying Youtube has employees
Youtube is completely moderated by bots, which has its own problems but at least means there aren't any personal vendettas against certain people or groups
She has 100000 outfits doesn't she? Probably has some to bypass these filters.
One of the main reasons that holos used twitch was for the watchparty function. They shut that shit down.
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>meanwhile Youtube
Why not just use this one?
No, she lives in korea
>assuming bots cant have vendettas against certain people
Fillian is too big for getting hit
Shondo pissed off Dan so much
They specifically want to finally permaban Shondo, they will rewriting the rules until they can have agency to deplatform her
just another corpo kneeling to the puritanical demands of american payment processors and advertisers. nothing new.
>payment processors
I don’t think the tribe has any country they can truly call home, doc.
loli/shota = BAD
whores on the hot tubs category = GOOD
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Ironically despite her coomer levels, she is somehow face.

rip the swimsuit though
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I dunno
when is she going to let a guy motorboat her tits live on stream again
never since she's all ashamed of it now, shame since she might as well just embraced all coomer angles
Because it is blatantly obvious that female streamers, virtual or otherwise, will suck off and/or send nudes to twitch employees to get unbanned.
>whores on the hot tubs category = GOOD
Not if they're flat actually
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It is actually over
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Not even butts are allowed anymore?
isnt the founder of VSJ also a Twitch founder
my oshi is Amouranth
She has successfully flashed vag on Twitch and is still there
There are currently 706 viewers in that category at this moment. For all of Twitch’s retardation, I think they are somehow getting closer to being their eldest form, likely due to last December’s kerfuffle. Yeah, the crusade against drawings is fucking retarded, but it’s just a byproduct of letting twitter decide how you run your company.
Damn ... Ina's default would get banned in twitch
When did that happen?
It's because whores in hot tubs aren't as trendy anymore, they all just went back to the ASMR and Just Chatting sections.
More like Twitch implemented the 18+ tag filtration. It actively slashed viewership and they additionally targeted the 3DPD whores doing censor bar streams to the point that the section js now completely dead. I don’t mind that, but it also lead to further ramifications like this retarded new set of rules.
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No, she's unfortunately too sexy
wtf pharrell is based???
yes, if she identifies as a man it should be fine otherwise twitch is transphobic
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I don't even know wtf loli means to these people. Is Suisei a loli? I know many normalfags just consider any anime character with B cups or smaller as a loli by default.
I thought about it, but that Gura's video doesn't talk about fucking loli
>be a real woman
>claim to be a man
>boot up VRChat with your nipples out
Something tells me this won’t work but please let it so I can die laughing.
twitch would find a way to say that Watame's og outfit is too lewd.
Hip slit might be no bueno, but she's clear so long as she keeps it off-screen.
The bathing suit is fine so long as she's on a beach.
The Succubus Maid outfit might be actually donezo, though.
Twitch hates vtubers in general, so depending on how many reports normies send in anyone is fair game. If there aren't massive tits.
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>look it up
>it's real
The worst part is that it's literally been confirmed before that this shit happens and so saying you get banned for saying this is basicslly twitch staff saying you can't accuse them of wrongdoing.
I hope they get their throats slit.
Mochi gotta wear a VHijab?
There isn't a current scandal in the United states about a nigger who hold satanic children orgies with half of Hollywood? Is that more important than muh vtubers?
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holy crackers
Pirate Software is a nepobaby fraud faggot astroturfed nigger.

I can only imagine which instance you're referring to. Every one that comes to mind is a massive nothing burger blown up by twitch shills. And also who gives a fuck you massive pussy. As if they endorse this.

Didn't know /vt/ was full of anti-Kick shills but shouldn't be surprising it's also full of trannies and cuckolds and simps. It is the most popular board on 4chan, bound to have a bunch of spineless tourists.
so do I the tiny 1view vtuber switch to youtube? fucking hell
>female-presented nipples
How long until some big tittied chick identifies as a man and swings her knockers around on twitch?
>bound to have a bunch of spineless tourists
Including you?
>Pirate Software is a nepobaby fraud faggot astroturfed nigger.
He's corny but he knows enough to be a good resource for people who actually build shit. What do you do btw?
Going to laugh so hard if we find out that Twitch's double standards and insanity regarding sexualisation of vtubers vs real women, and now the specific targeting of loli vtubers ends up having nothing to do with Twitch mod personal preferences and politics.
Instead, it'll come out that it's just visa and mastercard being dirty fucking niggers yet again. These payment processors are on some sort of crusade against anime coomers and have been pressuring anyone using their services to stop dealing in unchristian coombait.
Now lets see where "Talent Freedom" corpo does with these rules. Now they're having a taste od reality..
Remind me who owns the majority stake in those processors again?
my peak fantasy
Dunno but they're being pressured hard by a far right Christian group which rebranded itself as a "progressive" group and has been getting solid work pushing their prudish agenda that would make the Saudis proud
>Not christian
>Owns you
>far right
It's the chinks! They have fingers in everything! Far easy is far right!
Yeah, okay.
She was my first thought. Underboob queen.
rip my only reason for watching filian
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Fucking Twitch management wants to kill the platform
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>Please ignore how anti-porn shit has been a feminist talking point forever.
>Please ignore how many Evangelicals are shitlib retards.
>Please ignore that all the precedent for choking finances like this are things like Operation Chokepoint and other things that specifically target Right Wing Interests.
I'd call you retarded, but then I remember this is completely a twitch staff issue.
They’ll survive like usual and nothing will ever get better
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>visible hair strands
That's a permaban, you fucking SLUT. Holy shit, why can't you learn to not be lewd on Twitch, our most wholesome platform?
Did you get banned by him personally ?
>female presented nipples
fucks sake
You missed the joke
This, thats the reason basically every single vtuber seems to be in an arms race with their tits. They dont want to be accused of being a loli so they slap they biggest tits and have the most comical hip to wait proportions.
I hate advertisers
I hate payment processors
I hate feminists
I hate evangelicals
>in the same way it applies to other streamers
I’m pretty sure the primary offender in this instance is the payment processors. IIRC, anons said that back in December when the incident happened that they threatened to cut Twitch off as a result of the negative publicity.
At any rate, Twitch seems to be getting closer to their original form, somehow.
>Didn't know /vt/ was full of anti-Kick shills
The only thing on that website is gambling, schizo's who couldn't find a voice anywhere else, and apparently wannabe killers?
>Nobody mentioning that Laplus just got fucked too because her Kusogaki jokes are a No-No now.
Yes but just like breastfeeding nobody has done the troonboob thing yet
YouTube suddenly celebrating behind-closed-doors that by doing next to nothing Twitch is giving them back the chuuba market, for free even lmao.
Shondo really ought to learn to shut her fucking mouth.
KEK, someone pull out the Flare laughing soundpost. I only got the .mp4 version.
based shondo should keep crashing the plane
The same payment processors deal with youtube and youtube allows all of this shit.
The problem is Twitch and their feminist, politically-motivated staff, and nothing else.
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Has any vtuber taken a jab at these rules by streaming with a burqa yet? She'll win my sub.
lmao so specific
>going to bat this hard for a website nobody else cares about
>calling others shills
Shockingly, it's not about that, because Twitch staff has always pretty openly shown their hand in that they take favors from hot chicks who show their tits in unban requests. They're just coomers, like have you seen the CEO's hands?
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And that's a good thing
Lmao stop pretending you can't tell the difference between a child model and something like Suisei, pedo-kun, you're not fooling anyone.
>site dominated by whores and run by simps
>surprised that the simps keep trying to cull the competition for their whores
truly a cuck site
So we got a repeat of Projekt Melody on Chaturbate where the 3DPDs seething and got their simps/staff to fight their battles for em
Eventually all of these increasing regulations will fuck with the already diminished money flow and the people who manage Bezos's finances are going to break through the front door of Twitch and start laying off idiots not because of their political views, but because they can't seem to understand that if it doesn't make money, they are doing their job wrong.

It's a joke on the fact that people in such positions end up using CHUD as a derogatory against anyone who calls them out for anything because they assume it's a political attack, not someone genuinely being concerned about their overall performance at whatever they got called out on
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>female presented
Never used it Twitch.
Never watched any streams on Twitch
Never followed any Twitch-only chuuba
I won long ago.
Basically, yeah.
Maybe other streamers might say that, especially the ones projecting like we're all familiar with, but the staff has always been coomers before anything else.
True, they are down bad way worse than the degenerates that live in the horni thread /here/, some of them put /h/ and /d/ regulars to shame, it's a legit DEMONIC level of coomerism, I thank God I never reached such DEGENERATE state, much less with fleshies considering they are all in the same car with staff, that's just asking to get cancelled or thrown in prison if one of them "crashes the car"
I know you're probably a bit retarded but try typing loli and hoshimachi suisei into a site like gelbooru. That's a site that is run by degenerates and she still gets tagged as a loli there.
The whole problem is how arbitrary "child model" is, especially to normalfags.
NTA, but there are literal twitterni**ers that are the same filth that run in these twitch admin circles that believe if a woman is under a certain height, then any man attracted to her is a pedo.
You need to fucking kill yourself.
>Noooo corporation-kun please be niiiice
Lol. Consumer cucks. Fuck you gonna do about it kid?
Every twitch vtuber should have a burka toggle. unironically. use it as a form of protest.
Twitch hasn't made money since... like ever? Amazon has lost money on twitch since they acquired it. Turns out running a video streaming platform is really expensive, who would have thought
>N-no really! People get confused!
No. Your lies are as transparent as your pedophilia. This fake-ass concern trolling is laughable.
OK retard.
>T-they haven't made money!
>I'm literally retarded and believe incredibly obvious, basic corpo tax scam claims!
You're not the sharpest tool are you?
Continue to ignore them and shit on Twitch and any zoomer retard that likes it?
I haven't watched anything on twitch since like 2018. The entire platform could disappear and everyone who's popular on it and runs it could burn to death and I wouldn't even notice or care.
Well clearly they should care a great deal about your opinion then anon :^) Enjoy your screeching I suppose.
>I know you're probably a bit retarded but try typing loli and hoshimachi suisei into a site like gelbooru.
I just did and got a single page of results, a dozen of posts are reposts so counting it myself it's roughly 30 images. Of those about 5 seem to be her as a loli specifically.

Maybe take your own advice before you make a fool of yourself next time.
bezos isn't gonna fuck you bro just give it up
Pretty sure I got fucked by Bezos just by existing in western society but that's a heartening if delusional thing to believe I guess, thanks anon.
The hijab part of this new TOS is why I really don't buy that payment processors are behind this.
""""""""""""They""""""""""""" would love to give their enemies the middle finger by encouraging the opposite. This is 100% Twitch staff doing a retarded move.

Yeah, but if the money loss accelerates for preventable reasons, at some point Papa Bezos is gonna get mad.

...and leave that other retard alone, despite everything, he's got a point, the #1 chuuba is literally UOH. And I can bet you, the next one will be just as fucking small because god fucking damn it all, there's a DEMAND for that, fucking hell, why???.
Listen, we all let their kind slide as long as he never goes for 3DPD or is a creep. That's a well known unspoken rule, If he's going down into the darkness, he's going alone and only alone. If he fails at keeping it fictious, we all fuck him up, that's the unspoken rule. And you and I know it is a thing.
Lmao, then call the cops, you dysgenic pig-fucking faggot chimp.
No one in their right mind thinks a cartoon is a child. You're a danger to society because you can't tell fiction from reality. You get mad over shit that isn't even real.
Is it because you were raped as a kid or are you one of those that crusades against anime because you want real children instead? There seems to be a ton of those now.
Either way, it doesn't matter. You literally need to be put up against the wall.
Shondo should do a hijab stream that would be funny.
They see Asian girls as a threat, or they are over compensating for their own pedophilia like a closeted anti-gay politician. Either way, everyone seems to be a racist or a pedophile, I miss when people were normal.
>the #1 chuuba is literally UOH.
Cookie's got tits though.
>N-no we'll quietly endorse pedos as long as they keep it 3d
>R-really we'll do something about it when they switch! We won't keep the same blind eye with another petty excuse!
Anon. IDGAF about what kind of shit pedos get up to in regards to fictional characters or drawings or what not, but you're laughably insincere if you claim you have some sort of anti-child abuse community back there.
>dozens of images tagged on a site that caters to lolicon
OK so I'm right? Thanks for admitting it at least. I imagine many normalfags would see a drawing of a naked flat-chested Suisei and call it loli as well. Same with Ina, Matsuri, or any character like that.
anime hips are not tolerated but IRL girl's barely legal cameltoe is allowed
>No one in their right mind thinks a cartoon is a child.
Why even make claims like this when there are literal laws and criminal convictions on public record that prove you wrong? Why bother to lie about the colour of the sky when anyone can see at a mere glance that you're full of shite?
>You need to be murdered!
Beacon of sensibility over here alright.
NTA, now type "Gawr_Gura -loli" and see how many results you get. It's not consistent.
This thread is literally a discord raid.
You can tell it is by the coordinated narrative being pushed, there's even fake bait like >>87012108 trying to catch anons off-guard.
File deleted.
Or if Twitch thinks that wearing those goes against some bizarre cultural policy, you can also use the chance that this is Halloween month to go with the good old sheet ghost.
I think you scared him off the thread lmao. Well done.
>Why even make claims like this when there are literal laws and criminal convictions on public record that prove you wrong?
Only in shithole dystopias that are ruled by nonces that make knee-jerk legislation against things they find "icky". Loli is legal in the US. But we're not even talking about porn. No one was streeming Kiss x Sis or whatever other loli hentai exists. Shondo was banned for showing her model's fucking feet. Are you fucking kidding me?
And yes, you literally deserve death. Your country is being taken over by extremist invaders and your women are raped in the streets and your children are stabbed by them and you're here arguing about the "dangers of cartoons".
Fucking kill yourself. You're nothing but a clown.
>Loli is legal in the US
Lol. Anon again, why claim the sky is pink and full of elephants when literally anyone can see at a glance that you're full of shit?
>K-kill yourself!
Yea buddy because you're delusional and trying to find any excuse for your pedophilia nonsense I should die because the truth is inconvenient for you eh?
>OK so I'm right?
No, you proved yourself wrong. You will find a page of roughly 30 images of which are mistagged as loli, in a character tag that has almost 10k posts. That's what's called a margin of error.
My oshi is barely a 2view so i’m hoping she doesn’t get noticed by retarded twitch mods
>vtubing on twitch is le over for the 4000th time because they once again rewrote the same rules they've always had but in different words this time!
>female-presented nipples
who comes up with this retarded SJWspeak
about time someone got the whores to cover up
>mistagged as loli
You are literally proving my point. The taggers thought they qualified as loli. YOU think they don't qualify as loli. Even though many of the images are model-accurate Suisei. What is a normalfag janny at Twitch going to think? It's the same with basically any girl with a small chest. Every normalfag considers Hu Tao from Genshin Impact a loli and she only has one more page than Suisei tagged as a loli on Gelbooru even though she has more art.
A homosexual or a white woman that wants to watch homosexuals.
I'm proving your point that a margin of error exists, and that said margins aren't the standard? Are you arguing in favor of Twitch or something?
"Margin of error" is the whole point. Suisei is in the margin of error, which is why she has only slightly less loli tags than a character universally considered a loli by the people who will be judging what is or isn't a loli in the ToS. The whole point is the arbitrary nature of this discussion. Are you backtracking on that or just admitting this is a huge grey area?
Progressive leftists have become some of the most strict believers in puritanism
what went wrong?
What do you mean "slightly less"? Gura has 39 pages of tagged loli. Suisei has 1 page of tagged loli. Have you not checked?
You're using margin of error in the statistical sense, which doesn't make sense because I just showed you an example of a character that is a "loli" (Hu Tao) yet has only marginally less tags than Suisei. Suisei has two pages. Hu Tao has three.

Gura is a loli, but she is universally understood to be one. You understand that, right? There's other characters that are considered "lolis" by normalfags which are really just flat or small chested girls. That's the whole point of this conversation.
Women, unironically. Specifically, fat ugly women with shit personalities and no wife/life skills who have never been forced to act responsible in their lives, along with pathetic, weak men who bow to their every whim for a chance at pussy.
No normal person, hell not even a remotely functional person with a shred of self-esteem even if they're an autist or a weirdo or an incel, acts like this.
marginally more tags*
The point is it will obviously be a huge grey area to the people judging these things. You acted like it was some ridiculous notion earlier. I think I've shown you that it clearly isn't ridiculous that just because a girl isn't 4 feet and looks like Gura that they will be considered a loli anyway. Anyway, that's all.
I don't really think I've seen anyone refer to Hu Tao as a loli to begin with, but even if that is true you're making an argument on normalfag perception by using Gelbooru tags. The only way your point could get more confusing is if you were using ATF instead. Normalfags aren't the one tagging these images, and more importantly we're talking about the perception by normalfags which in this case would mean explicitly how much is shown, rather than the actual bust size of the character, and Suisei doesn't show much skin to begin with. On top of that she has sharper eyes, more mature fashion, but that's a different conversation entirely; the chances of the cumbrains at Twitch confusing Suisei for a loli are exponentially lower than someone like Rushia, which would have been your best example had to not been a retard.
It's saying you can have topless guys but topless girls are BANNED
>Every normalfag considers Hu Tao from Genshin Impact a loli
>in the same game with Klee and Qiqi
You ever seen a normalfag stream that game? A lot of em consider Furina a loli too. You go to the general on /vg/ and people even argue about it there.

>you're making an argument on normalfag perception by using Gelbooru tags
The original post was directed at someone claiming "nobody could ever get confused about what a loli is." I just used gelbooru tags because it was an easy example. The point is that if degenerates on gelbooru are tagging occasionally Suisei as a loli, why would you suggest there isn't a possibility normalfag twitch staff might do it?

Rushia IS a loli though. That's exactly why I didn't use that example.

>perception by normalfags which in this case would mean explicitly how much is shown, rather than the actual bust size of the character, and Suisei doesn't show much skin to begin with
Bust size is the second thing normies look at when determining what constitutes a loli after height.
>sharper eyes, more mature fashion
these things are irrelevant compared to bust size or height. i think you are a bit out of touch with normies to be honest anon.
trapfags are eating GOOD
Suisei is in the top half height-wise in Hololive, and the tallest person isn't even the average height for an American woman so that'd make even Ao a loli. And the height comparison only works if... well, the height has a comparison. On a stage nobody will think she's a loli when she's generally always going to be one of the tallest people there. Though I will admit the Rushia example wasn't the best it's also 4am, so shoot me.
Generally speaking, what normalfags consider to be loli depends entirely on height, bust, and clothing sense. Height is already something I covered, bust only matters when it can be seen (unless you wanna talk oppai lolis) and clothing sense/design is probably the biggest factor here, since the more childlike a character looks the more likely one is to call it a loli.
Also I really do feel like it needs to be stressed about how Hu Tao isn't by any fucking means a loli according to basically anyone.
Ah, the Filian Exception, I see.
No, K-cups are not female presenting no matter what you identify as. If you identify as a man, please remove your K-cups. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

A visual novel like fate:stay/night or Tsukihime is would be impossible to develop today, because all it takes is a single anonymous western bureaucrat anywhere along the winding morass of the blob to demonetize your for having sexy women doing sexy things with a man, eroge or otherwise.
The whole doujin game scene in general has been running on fumes for the past ~15 years, because there is practically no way to make money beyond a shoestring level. Leaving only amateur freeware and puritanized patreon scams.
OK. Thanks for the discussion anon. I'm just wary and don't want vtubers to have to deal with any more bullshit than they already have to.
I agree with you that Hu Tao isn't a loli btw I've just seen a lot of people throw the word around with her and those of her body type.
>>87013683 (me)
*are female presenting
Look, it's late.
Just ditch Twitch. Shit platform with trashy communities
NTA and to be honest, I've seen fags on twitter catching strays and being called pedos for being attracted to fucking MARINE.
I think the most accurate description would be that normalfags classify lolis based on vibes and the context of the image, there's no rigid criteria. Cool and threatening looking Gura with no sexual subtext whatsoever isn't a loli, but Suisei giving a naizuri is.
It's only going to get worse. Religious extremism is on the rise everywhere. People worry about the muslims, but the christian extremists are the ones who actually have power. Putting pressure on payment processors and streaming platforms may prove to be the thin edge of the wedge. Hopefully the next few years won't be as bad as feared...
If loli was illegal in the US, then every site that hosted it would get taken down, including this one, you stupid fat cunt. I don't know why you think it's illegal when it clearly isn't. The Supreme Court literally sruck down laws criminalizing drawings of fictional characters. You'll bring up obsenity or some other antiquated bullshit, but fail to produce any modern cases that didn't involve real children or tricking someone into accepting a guilty plea.
So go ahead and prove it's illegal in the US, you fat lardbeast bitch.
Oh hey, what's this? >>>/b/925607893
Get the fuck off this website. It hosts illegal material where you live.
Filian is based unlike SHITndo.
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>I miss when people were normal.
damn, you must have been the 1st human. Since people have been fucked up since they had intelligence.
The amount of Kick slander in this thread is insane. It has the best split available by far and would never ban a vtuber for being risque. It has some bad apples but is increasingly cutting them down and banning people that truly deserve a ban. It's a streaming service still in its infancy literally still in beta only approaching 2 years old. If a smallish streamer can get on KCIP (literally being paid 15+ an hour simply for streaming, with it rising massively for engagement up to levels of $100 an hour) it is literally life changing. Fuck off Pokimane tier faggots bitching about it being funded by gambling or other fags suggesting it's going under because it has a Watch session section. Also it being backended by the same stream service that twitch has means nothing, it's an entirely different subsidiary of Amazon.
>someone pull out the Flare laughing soundpost
best I can do is a Miko kek.
>Eventually all of these increasing regulations will fuck with the already diminished money
Aren't chuubas making them more money than cam-whores at this point? And they are still trying to do everything in their power to push em out.
>Filian Exception
Your average Filian stream.
Because IronMouse faking her sickness and grifting her viewers with pity that other popular streamers have fallen in on. I await the inevitible fallout media backlash that Twitch fostered a false Idol who told lies upon lies to over millions of people worldwide.

And I will say.

I told you so but you never listened. You never do.
kek, you are a fucking retard.
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Aren't entertainers supposed to tell truths or are they supposed to tell little white lies that are false truths?
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Religious extremism is already here, and has been solidly in power over Europe and America and Asia for the last ~70 years, after it achieved total victory against all possible rivals in the second war of internationalist aggression.
Harvard University was founded as a seminary for producing clerics of a new state church by heretics who were kicked out of the English state church by King Charles II, and it has never stopped being a state seminary. It was the vatican of Massachusetts; then after the American civil war is was the vatican of America; then after the world wars it became the vatican of the world.

You can read anything by the socinians, the brownists, the diggers and the levelers, and you will see echos of all the same arguments, preoccupations, and intentions that you can find in the worst blue tribe baizuo today. The Eternal Whig.

History will remember king chuck's greatest mistake as letting that seed of evil escape across the ocean, where it could fester and flower into a form of evil on a scale unprecedented by anything the world has seen since atlantis, instead of culling it in the bug when he had the chance.
You don't even know who whigs are. Your retarded half-witted moldbugian stuff is just a court Jew's way to pose as a reactionary. Back to the drawing board.
I dont understand all this confusion over what a loli is. To me it should be pretty simple, look at the head to torso ratio, and look at leg shape. It should be easy to tell what is an actual loli. Like another anon said for anyone still confused about this tell them to look at Genshin, now put Hu Tao next to Klee and ask them to point out the loli. Flat girls are in no way loli but fucking normalniggers and moralfags will pretend to be retarded.
That's why it just needs to be written in the rules what specific criteria Twitch uses to define a "child-like appearance", so that there's no ambiguity that normalfags can use to claim "oh she's short, that makes her loli".
By the current description, anybody short or petite is conceivably a loli/shota. Which makes tyler1 a shota per Twitch's rules.
>Verification not required.
>if if if
Anon. You know laws are written down and are public record right? You know you can check convictions as well, right? You can cope all you like but the simple fact is that loli is illegal under US law, yes, that specifically includes sexualised Japanese-style drawings of little girls.
>B-bu-b-b-b-but I never heard of s-such law
Congratulations, you're retarded. Do your homework retard-kun.
I got your drawing board right here
*unzips dick*
>It's ambiguous!
No. It really isn't.
>They might confuse short people with loli!
No, they really won't. This pathetic excuse is useless, pedo.
They'll probably hit it with some other bullshit about it being Loli or Shota or random reason why they'd be bannable.
Filian likes Shondo, cope
Why does the pink haired girl anger you so much. How do you know she's faking? You have 0 proof other than your schizo ramblings that she doesn't have some fucked up auto immune disease. I'm not really a mousey fan myself but I think its fucking based she beat out all the literal whores simping their onlyfans and retards like Kai.
nah, just vtubers
Hey retard, did you forget the Vaush drama where literally everyone called him a pedophile for a Matsuri picture? She had bigger tits than her canon model too. I know you're just a trolling shitposter though so you'll just ignore it because you don't actually care. You just heckin hate loli or something.
Shouldn't it be VTwitcher? Why are they referring to people on a rival platform?
Anon is betting and I know he's winning this one.
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ofc here's the new Ironmouse outfit according to new twitch tos
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sunk cost
nuh uh kronii has tried for YEARS to get a breast reduction

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