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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>86835675

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
finally... i felt so lonely
I'm gonna miss their hips, bros
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Hips are erotic
>twitch forcing every loli vtuber to be "UwU wholesome" streamers
As it should be, the more childlike the better :)
You need variety in life, anon. What good would seiso girls be if we didn't have mesugaki and kusogaki to contrast against them
i like the childlike ones as much as the next guy but i would also like some variety
I've explained the thesis of mesugaki several times by now. It's anti-woke at its core when executed in the proper manner. Kusogaki is ironic-core through and through.
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Taffy's hips ToT
>It's anti-woke at its core when executed in the proper manner
Why are you trying to make cunny political?
You seem confused by the nature of the statement. That's okay.
Care to explain it?
Or do you just spout unhinged unintelligible drivel and pretend that you're smarter than everyone else when no one knows wtf you're talking about?
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Berry just posted a Live2D wip. Look at her loli hips and tummy.
The nature of the mesugaki is in the active flirtation, in which they provoke the male into his naturally dominating role, and in doing so they can fall into their subtle, natural, female submissiveness.
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kill yourself
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you too, no one fucking cares retard
So what does your cope about how getting dominated by a little girl actually makes you very manly have to do with "woke"?
it triggers libcucks like nothing else. Also getting a little girl pregnant is the most anti-woke, lgbtqbbq+ obliterating act possible
Sir this is the vtuber cunny thread
You can pretend to have severe brain damage over there
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you will never be a true lolicon
If being a true lolicon means being a /pol/tard I'd rather be a fake lolicon that jerks off to lolis instead of jerking off thinking about alphabet people
what happened to /vt/? the board slowed down alot even during the day and it's infested with politic fags regurgitating buzz words. did something change or was ame graduating that so big of a deal it killed 80% of people's interest and made tge other 20% revert to politics?
File deleted.
It's a month to the accursed day now. The GPT bots are ramping up across the entire Internet, bringing pol-shit everywhere. Buckle up
adoptable model https://x.com/NatsukiSaika/status/1843031759845564439
someone already adopted it 17 hours ago, surprisingly
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she makes me so horny
Diggy diggy hole
No we have enough girls that act like retarded toddlers
just anti her yourself anon, don't be lazy
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Latest ASMR (video)

Last Stream

Upcoming Stream
Twisted Tuesday/Marshmallow reading !! (waiting room not up yet)
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not letting the thread die on a hag post
Twisty stop this
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I fucking hate Tenma but god her model is absolute sexo.
Her model is our model now since she accidentally posted the whole psd and live2d rigging files
at least try to blend in jesus fuck
Nobody cares
whenever i see posts like that i like to imagine a SEA getting paid 1 usd per post
>1 usd per post
You're insane if you think they're getting paid that much
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no need. can just buy a pass and bot that shit.
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it's been a few months since i went a single day without cumming. i'm in a permanent state if post nut clarity. i'm going to stop cumming and hopefully get the motivation to chat in streams again. i'm starting to miss talking to the cute girls here.
I'm going to be watching chats like a hawk to see if any regulars get active again. I won't say anything, but I'll know, Anon.
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Mond is so sleepy
last time i was actively chatting i didn't cum for a month and a half you'll forget about this post by time i recover
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cute plant child
What caused Mond's change in personality? I'm not complaining.
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Good day /Uoh/
God I fucking love Irina
She's cute
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Laffy Taffy
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only mond can save cunny vtubing
why is this brat staring at me like that..
the lack of degeneracy where she is at made her realize she enjoys it.
she is so cute it reveals a hidden emotion within you
>hidden emotion
the desire to rape her ?
I don't think marriage is degenerate
She's just being the cute schizo she is
the desire to rape her mind blank
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God I love fucking Irina
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Inis is live!
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She's on Youtube today, and for future streams!
Be sure to follow her there!
She is dead and never coming back. Move on nigger.
was she your sister
I miss her too
Stream is kill, but her return is nigh
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KH Days | Oh brother, this guy STINKS!
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My faith is strong, I will not falter
The seeds of her passing, an offering to the altar
I sow them with good deeds and tears from our struggle
From the ashes she'll rise, new fruit from the rubble
tenshi should do asmr
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One day, she will return to us
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Why does she remind me of my high school literature teacher
Neppie is playing Little Goody Two Shoes!
I remain impressed by how many youtubefags just use their full legal names to chat with anime children
Irina Dead Space
truly an enigma
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me on the left
why every time she's posted there's a dog
Hold on, getting an AI to look for those ground tile patterns in every google streetview image, real estate ad and facebook pic from Portugal
she's White.
Her hands look like claws. Tenma handjob!
Is the PC version of dead space just broken?
I'm hoping there's fanmade patches or something to make it less buggy
Irina's pee stream uoooohhhh
into my mouth ToT
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hag hands
It's so salty... just how I like it

2008 DS?
You might need the unofficial mouse fix, also vsync fixes a lot of engine bugs
she's using a controller, but I'm not sure if vsync is on. For deadspace, doesn't that lock the game to 30fps?

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