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RxRxR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGgKKwc-jWg
LOS LOS LOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOGTtxq24k



>Free chat/Vspacer chat:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png
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Rrat Love
Thanks for za bread!
Judging from the tweets, it's going to be mukbang at Bae's place
Why are they suddenly getting fusion art?
if bae and ina are late i will post my cat
please be the animal and not a female
4 minutes. takos baelz has been spared from my cat
Wait if this is at Bae's shed this means Ina met Mamarat and Chibirat
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1140p will stay right?
Previous bread:
Previous stream:
Current stream:
bgm its not low, its just ina mumbling into the microphone
These two should have a fried rice cookoff
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Can we throw the beans in the trash and use the onions from the regular fried rice plate instead?
Hang on, this is just a stealth Khaos Kitchen
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eat your beans nigga
Oh fuck me I'm so damn slow in the head
This is that Ina fried rice taste test stream she promised
That meise en place is pretty
This was from the prank stream where Bae pretended to be Ina
There's no fucking way left doesn't taste better after cooking
based flying creature
what the fuck are you doing to your peas that they come out sweet?
I used to put them in my potroasts because a friend recommended it and it ruined the whole damn thing
Peas and green beans are pure cheap ass filler. Give me broccoli or asparagus instead.
Greens with body > Greens that turn into mush
i think you might just have shit in your mouth because peas dont come out sweet at all.

in fact they dont taste like much, they give some freshness and that's it
Well that’s why they’re popular, cheap and easy to get
I do prefer broccoli and asparagus but for stuff like fried rice they don’t really fit
Is this a genetic thing? peas are pretty widely known to taste sweet
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Bae should make kichikichi omurice
so, are they going to cap it under the hour or they are gonna react to the release?
They usually just end it at the hour right? Would be nice if they go on though
Would be nice if they watched the mv together with us and then kept eating and talking for a bit.
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apparently frozen ones are way too sweet, and i wont give you shit for using frozen slop because you are american and dont have access to real greens so i think this is the famed middle ground
I dont watch a lot of Ina.
Does she mumble like this all the time? i have a hard time making out what the hell she's saying
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Yes lmao
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Egg fried rice
Some of it is the mic positioning in this stream, but yeah she does mumble a lot
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Apparently they both have the same PT and are told to go to the same places to eat, so they share the same photos to each other
>Wouldn't it be funny if we sent a photo to our PT of us feeding each other? Haha.
>Maybe eating the same spaghetti? Haha.
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Girlfailure rice
Now I ain't much of a fried rice guy but the girlfailure one looks more appetizing
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oohhh niceee
[Strong surprise]
I could've sworn I fell for this myth and used fresh ones at a point and they tasted the same
first one isnt cooked on high heat. i used to make it like this because i didnt have a wok. second one is the more typical way of making it
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I didn't see that one coming
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The Chinese use this technique called hot pan, cold oil to cook and the wok wasn't hot enough for the first rice (granted Bae is on a time limit)
>Originally meant to be released in April
That doesn't surprise me when they were talking about singing it a bunch in Feb
This song is so fucking good and catchy for such a boring anime
didn't polka just released her cover too?
A few days ago yep
I'll be honest, I thought Ina and Bae "gave up" on this or put this cover on an indefinite hold due to how busy everything got the past several months.
they are family
So this was in the context of them going to Disneyland with Chibirat
And apparently they warmed up to Ina very fast (she met Mama rat too)
Bae is /becoming/ a hag
Ina is rubbing off on her in more ways than one
She's a hag orbiter
Ina, IRyS, Towa, etc...
They're finishing each others sentences...
I just noticed too, that's really fucking cute
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chibirat doxxi cant upload the gif
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It can't be...
She's not known as Hagneto for no reason
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no peas no fried rice, im now a bae anti

dont rate the stream, dont talk to me, dont touch my peas
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>The wok wins
Guess you didn't have a very peas-full watching experience
we are going to break your legs mioposter, your days of kissing girls will be over, don't fuck with the brat yakuza.

Nooooo I wanted a longer collab.
dammit Takochi
a cute dork and a dope/10
Rice looked very good and the stories were adorable
*Teleports behind u*
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Thanks for the food
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The animation is great
This is a good MV
>ina gets animated as a dope
>bae gets animated as kakkoi
trillion of fembrats eggs, evaporated
That was fire and the MV was adorable
rate the cover wah
Bae is really really good at raping
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Bae has nice rat udders here.
Agreed but that doesn't mean I want her to be the token rapper in the next promise song again
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rrat spotted
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TakoBaelz love/10
Surprisingly solid
Counterpoint: if she's rapping then its not Our promise which is a vast improvement
Bae cute and buff/10
Ina cute and dope/10
Our Promise is great though.
does Bae rap in other stuff? I want to hear it
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Oh sure! and Myth or Treat is the best Myth song and Above Below, Sirens and Rebellion suck!
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>Myth or Treat is the best Myth song
I mean it kinda was until Show Goes On.
Myth or Treat can hardly be considered a song, you're right about Rebellion though. Above Below is catchy.
>Myth or Treat is the best Myth song
it unironically is
she gets saddled as the "rapper" of her gen because Kronii cant rap, Mumei and Irys dont fit that rapidfire style and Fauna can barely hit notes but i think she can put out a decent song
Anyway back to your question, she raps all the segments in group songs so you can check the riot games thingy where she rapped the KDA parts
can you spoonfeed me some links?
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>no dude you dont get it, this shitty improvised fuckass song is better than this shitty not improvised fuckass song because it has SOVL
i fucking hate nostalgia so much its unreal
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sorry, but myth or treat is still the best myth song.
I want this but with bae
I genuinely dont get what's supposed to be bad about nonfiction. i remember some chumbuds being super anal about it but i still dont get why
Myth or Treat was obviously rushed, but it had a real catchy melody and gave us some of the best alt costumes. Ina's is still my favorite.
I think I hated how the MV looked and the song didn't grab me.
Will she stream tomorrow?
They have the anniversary stream yeah
Not sure if she'll have a POV though
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The cover is really cute. They clearly are (sisters), and I am really happy my Ina found someone she is so close to.
I’m very happy Bae has someone close to her as well, they have a very cute friendship
I always laugh at this image cuz Bae looks like a retarded child while Ina has an erection.
Myth songs are usually shitposted because it tries to unify 5 people with VERY different singing styles and those 5 fanbases want very different things
>Mori raps and does growl stuff. Deadbeats want that (they mellowed out)
>Ina does ballads. Takos Want ballads or goofy songs
>Kiara does pop/songs to dance. KFPS dont usually mesh with other songs
>Ame sings like utter dogshit. Teamates are deaf and just want her to be prominent
>Gura does cutesy songs and ballads. Chumbuds dont like when she steps out of that
so any myth song gets one fanbase happy and 4 other ones mad.
Nonfiction is a whatever "cool" song so it only "fits" Mori and no song has ever fit Ame since they just put her on the back to minimize damage
Nice, thanks.
There's something about Bae rapping that makes me happy.
mori wrote the lyrics and it was 2022 so the "hate mori" club was still on full force. Aside from that its boring and tells you nothing about myth, unlike the show must go on.
Its still the best of that batch of "bad" songs
There's something about Bae that makes me happy.
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So cool...
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hey brats, if bae's voice was represented by an instrument, what do you think would be the most fitting?
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Ina please let Bae sleep. It's been like 8 months.
So this is why Bae's sleep is so fucked up...
An harmonica
Can Bae beat the Dark Souls poopwalk challenge?
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I heard rumours that it was a quiz, nice
Yes and it's not because of the song
"Alright, first question, IRyS. WHAT...is the capital of Assyria?"
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My wife
do you guys think bae will win tomorrow's collab?
we know, Ina
Imma be 100% with you, Bae's memory is spotty at the best of times
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Maybe with some distortion
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Gambare Baetyan
I assume she actually means goose and she's being the bottom of a goose stack again
Clear mismanagement by Hololive, if you need a HoloJP to play as a duck send Subaru
This just made me remember, that offcollab with Subaru never happened yet did it?
The offcollab interview series? No, it hasn't...
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I remembered that Polka had a Bling Bang Born cover come out a couple days ago and guess who cameos in it
Any interesting holoctober arts?
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There now exists a Bae pondering her orb image
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I haven't watched the anime but from her unchanging expression, Bae is supposed to be Mashle's counterpart, who is Ina supposed to be?
Probably either Lemon or Finn though I don't think she maps particularly well to either
>do you guys think bae will win tomorrow's collab?
I don't even know what material Mumei can even pull from for a Promise quiz since almost anything from the CouncilRyS era is likely off-limits to the quiz except maybe stuff like the GOI competition and the off collab cooking competition which are close enough to Promise collabs since every unit member is there with 2.0 IRyS. Otherwise, is she going to ask stuff like,
>What happened in that rare Promise collab where I, Mumei, wasn't even present?
Then you have individual factoids about each person that requires watching their streams frequently, so Mumei questions would be pretty easy for Bae to answer for example.
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Holy shit the baenana is huge
notice how she's floating? she's helicoptering it around to provide lift
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this guy sure loves putting bae into imminent violent rape situations
does anybody have the full set to this btw?
nothing on Kemono and i bet my left nut there's jackshit on exhentai so you are out of luck m8
So this will need confirming after the stream but apparently Bae and Subaru are doing the collab in two days
i really wish she didnt drop schedules.
Like i dont need the exact game day or anything, just go
>game stream
I do miss having at least a way of knowing which days are off
At least Bae and Mori are consistent enough to give head ups to when and where they will show up+they are always streaming.
Lets just say i gave up on catching mumei live
I’m lucky to be in a time zone that can catch them but I imagine her random guerilla karaokes are hell
i dropped mumei altogether in the prerecorded karaoke era
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Bae and Mumei dropped schedules because they are a couple of cute girl failure silly billys
T-they are?
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do you think its ok to draw fanart with alternative breast sizes and the like?
bae herself said she likes them too, but im curious what brats think
i draw fanart of her, pic not related, but the size is about the same, hehe
I came from Touhou so I’m all for breasts of all kinds of sizes
Bae happens to suit both bigger and smaller so it works for me
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Bae likes a bit of stuffing in her bra anyway so its alright with me
show your art PUSSY
i like her bigger.
Im annoyed by fanarts that reduce her breasts and strawberry bae being drawn like a loli annoys me a lot more
The only ones who truly throw a tantrum over it are people who are fans of flat girls. Drawing them as having anything but inverse breasts gets them flailing on the ground in tears even if the girl actually has tiny budding breasts.
I saw someone reposted fan art in her tag about this so I assume it's something Subaru has said on stream.
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Bang Bang Born sounds like plin plin plon
The bed creaking noises makes the song sound sexual.
Now I'm hungry
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Bae will lose...
Bae will win.
Bae won't win but IRyS will be in last place
what's your personal favorite stream?
for me I think this one made me fall completely for bae
the entire Va11hall-a plaything marks for me the transition period of "squeaky cutesy nishishi" bae to current Bae and i love it so much.
She started cursing a bit, relaxed a lot from her "12 year old" persona and definitely let her voice go lower while also slaying the stupid "OMG LE ZOOMER" rats.
While it's probably not the stream I enjoyed the most at this point this one is the stream that really sold me on Bae and I always feel a good bit of nostalgia for it (runner up would probably be that unhinged unarchived Christmas karaoke from a few years back)

For me it was her exposed stream with the heart rate monitor, in fact i liked the first febaerary, lots of creative streams and lots of VC calls

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