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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.

We’re currently hosting the /wg/ Fall/Halloween 2024 Contest, a sp00ky contest for a sp00ky season! The info page can be found here:


You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>86755974 (where we talked about Suitwins, Lapcest, and how Fauna will one day topple the Meat Industrial Complex)
(Where highly illuminated topics like coitus with machines, girls trapping you in death games, the nature of love surpassing physical attraction and how you should really stick it in your sister sometimes were discussed)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Have a story to submit to the contest? Reply to this post. Details of the contest can be found at: rentry.org/wgoctober
Please tag your entries with "Fall2024" and the appropriate category (Short/SFW, Long/NSFW, ect).
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Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story recap!
There were no stories posted last thread.
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im not witty enough to come up with a joke about making a green woman's insides white
I want to fuck Fauna so hard she ends up dripping latex that I use to make rubber and corner the tire industry...?
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suisei overhears you saying she isnt sexy and despite she fact she doesnt like being seen like that, her womanly pride is hurt.

time to make you admit she's sexy
>Is she hoping that the punishment will help with her addiction or is she just being a horny vixen?
A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B. She hopes you, say, tie her up and stick a printout of her purchase history for the month in front of her face, then paddle her for every roll as she reads it out loud, and either she gets cured of her addiction or get some unforgettable anal afterwards is A-OK.
Instead you keep arranging interventions and scheduling her for therapy and stuff.
Oh yeah there's also this thing observed with some compulsive gamblers where they enjoy losing as well because it also gives them a rush of adrenaline.
So when she's going through your bag while you're not looking, she's not deliberately trying to get caught but she'd be fine with it.
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Green woman thread, right? Right.
Not a grün woman thread
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nta but she's still green!
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Imagine if you will, Cecilia getting addicted to pleasure and awakening to a bimbofication fetish.
She would carry on like always on the office, but once you are home she breaks out the big tits and ass chasis, she puts the semen catcher 5000 and exposes all her mechanisms as she begs you to completely mess up her pendulum and gears

I am Todd Mcfarlane, and i pinched my dick in the doll joints
Anons... I think the Justice is an anti-kemono racist organization idea has some legs. https://youtu.be/D8bqhg4HbJo?si=2-tW9G3UwHvGIDTq
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Good question. It's an artist that I really liked and yet I can't seem to find them and it's getting rather upsetting. I've checked everywhere
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live damn you, I'm almost finished
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>Don't ask Raora how she's technically "half"-Italian
>Don't ask Raora how her father is the literal Pink Panther
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Tea is in my opinion a phantasticum, coffee an energeticum—tea therefore possesses a disproportionately higher artistic rank. I notice that coffee disrupts the delicate lattice of light and shadows, the fruitful doubts that emerge during the writing of a sentence. One exceeds his inhibitions. With tea, on the other hand, the thoughts climb genuinely upward.
Posting green women in green women thread
great tits on that thot
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>Notices tits before the fluffy ears

Do you want to make her cry?
The best part of a woman is her axe.
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or her sword but only if it's inferior to yours
>Hey Billy Bob, is it just me or is this Fauner over here lookin' a bit... different?
sorry senpai, but if that makes her cry, then she's got bigger issues going on upstairs

also i don't know her and don't really care if she cries. i'm just saying - she's got fantastic honkadonkabadonkers
Serving green women cum tea
>baka desu senpai
>bigger issues going on upstairs

Well yeah she hasn't streamed since mid July and has the Tisms

okay fair enough but fortunately her presence on the spectrum has done nothing to impede the magnificence her artist bestowed upon her chest area and by that i mean she has great tits
I don't think this green kemono will survive the coffee plantation.
This woman's ability to flip between an air of innocence and acting like the most depraved whore in the world on a dime will be the death of me. The kind of girl you could get into a relationship with over casual chats at a cafe as a virgin with vanilla tastes only to two weeks later end up pumping an anal vibe in and out of her while your other hand presses her smug mouth over your length as it slides through her pasty-decorated tits.
I love manko
Iroha should be flat so you can fight both and constantly call them flatties
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Fortunately Iroha is hiding a nice pair of mounds underneath her sarashi
A corruption story where Kson corrupts Mori and becomes her pimp
>fighting iroha and sui
>slash at Iroha's sarashi
>massive irohers come out
>the 2 on 1 battle suddenly becomes a three way battle
Wouldn't it piss her off anyway? She would deny it and you could dare her to let her samurais spill out.
breast envy my beloved
not really ,she would be embarassed and mutter that's not the case and maybe in the afterfight she pulls those puppies out to breath
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>slowly sets the cat into the washer before shutting the door and turning it on
Iroha and you have been going out for a few weeks after knowing each other for years. She finally wants to take it to the next level. All this time she's worn loose and baggy clothing, and at most you've slapped her ass in jest, but you had yet to fondle her
She asks if you like flat chested girls, and you tell her you love her no matter what. Iroha takes off her shirt, and out come the honka donka ironhas. Turns out, Iroha's perception of tits is distorted by extreme kyonyuu manga
This makes me think of an indestructible cat that won't leave you alone no matter what you do
>You take out a glock and shoot it, but the buller ricochets and hits a random passerbu instead, audience laughs
>Jail time
>The cat sneaks into your cell, you throw it out the window
>Lands on a mattress truck, bounces right back up as the audience laughs.
>Time goes on, and the cat's still there, sometimes meowing, sometimes quiet, but pawing at your leg
>You don't have a cellmate and the guards can't seem to get rid of it either, always finds its way back to you
>Fuck it, scratch the kitty's bum, its head, feed it a part of your jail slop
>Who's a good girl?
>Yes you! Yes you are!
>Meow meow!
>MEOW YES! The wet cat turns into wet Nerissa, finally finding true love, the wet cat curse is over!
Roboco installs 3 virtual idols (Sora, AZKi, Suisei) into her brain as AI assistants but they all turn out to be yanderes that fight for her attention and demand for the others to be deleted.
Holo members reminiscing about Aqua and fond memories of her only to be revealed in the end she's still in the office signing merch and probably will still be there for a few months
It'd be funny if she walks in on them during the reminiscence and they just continue talking about her as if she had already left
>"Oh, hi guys!"
>For a minute, everyone stares dead-eyed at Aqua, as if they were looking at some kind of strange creature. They go back to reliving the good ol' days when Aqua was still around.
>"So anyway," Suisei says to the others, "remember that Gartic Phone about Aqua-tan and I sharing a channel on YouTube, but the other girls thought it was us getting married...?"
>"Sui-chan, I'm right here."
>"That was so funny! Sometimes, it's as if I can still... feel her presence, you know?"
>"L-Like a ghost?!" Chloe asks.
>"Yeah, kinda like that, yeah," Suisei said, nodding.
>"Sui-chan, I'm right here; I'm signing merch."
>"That's really scary," Chloe says, before gulping. "I hope Aqua-senpai doesn't haunt the office..."
Going on autumn stroll with Bae (She has no idea why Mumei went ahead of you two)
Then at the end Mori comes to Aqua home and they're sent off Miko actually doing her Shrine Maiden Job.
That's right Aqua was doing a sixth sense and thought she was signing merch when she was already dead. (She was, but that's just because death isn't an excuse).
fics for this feel?
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Fics for this feel?
we dont have a lot of Kronii fics and i dont hate you so i wont reccomend the schizo trove of /inf/.

Your time is gonna come is well regarded here, so you can try that
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laplus doesnt work as a loli
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Explain yourself at least
she feels too old to be a gaki, and her way of speaking and general tastes (plus her lust over women) make her feel more like a middleschooler on the brink of passing to highschool so in the 14-15 year old age gap.
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I think Laplus being a mature but sometimes whiny women who's just short and petite makes an interesting story
Write the loli fic you damn cowards. These mental gymnastics are sad.
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Age is irrelevant, a loli can be a thousand-year-old. In fact, lolibabas are the best lolis. Mature mind in an immature body is a great contrast and combines the best of both worlds.
mommy lappy.....
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This Laplus talk gave me an idea about her finally regaining her true form after so long but seeing that it's been so long, she'd forgotten her true form is only being a few inches taller.
All that hard work and toil, adventuring with her for years, looking for any slight clue to unlock her power, and finally you find it..... You're waiting for the tall, busty dommy la+ of your dreams, she's dreaming of power beyond imagination. The shackles fall, she starts to glow, this is it! The blinding light of her transformation fades, and she's basically the same, but a little bit taller with a modest bust. You're about the jump off a cliff
Or it's just her horns that grow.
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What about Miko being a loli in an incredibly sexy body? She has her onee san moments but her adorable voice and personality combined with her sexy adult body gets me going
Hear me out: her true form is a 7-foot amazon with H-cups, but she's gotten so accustomed to being a cutting board-chest womanlet that when she regains it she can barely stand up straight and has constant back problems
>Hitting her head on doorways constantly
>Knocking things (and people) over
>No clothes that fit her besides what she was wearing during the transformation
>Not realizing her own strength, breaking doorknobs and chairs she grabs
>People getting intimidated or scared of her antics now that it's a 7 foot tall woman yelling at them and not a short loli

Make it a fic where she's having trouble getting used to her new form, is somewhat terrified of the change, but is too proud to admit it so you have to help her in roundabout ways until she acclimates.
I'm not sure if her being a clumsy dork in that form is the worst thing or the best thing.
Are there any bits of dialogue from stories you've read that have stuck with you?
>but a little bit taller with a modest bust.
i get so hard i pass out
>My estrus only starts... around you.
Or something like that from Petting your Fox. I know it's the most make believe shit, but the fact that a girl could love you so deeply you cause her to go into heat makes my fluff-addicted brain feel like it's smoking crack

>You need to stop gathering evidence for a trial that won't take place
From Sakura Summer. I don't think I've read a line that most beautifully describes acceptance than this one.

>If you could input numbers like you fuck we could be working for Google
Loved Ruffling Some Feather, and I loved the aftercare.

>Today was going to be the best day of your life
Uppy up!
It's the worst thing for her, but the best thing for me

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